I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.

Hey... If I am going to support a Marxist-Socialist, I can vote for Hill or Bern, I don't need the Republican party. At least they are honest about who they are. I'm not supporting Trump if he keeps on abandoning Conservatism... I just can't do it... Sorry if that bothers you or you think it's "butthurt" but it's principles and I have them. I have to live with myself.

You're certainly free to do what you please but it's absolutely stunning to me how this man has you regurgitating liberal class warfare rhetoric like an Occutard. Us Conservatives have been battling this "rich don't pay their fair share" nonsense for years and years... and here you are. buying totally into it like a liberal kook. We have to part ways over this because it's not what I believe.

Well if you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for Hillary.

Right now, the most important issue is the Supreme Court justices. They will not only affect our lives during the next two presidential terms, but for generations to come.

It's more likely that we get a much less liberal set of judges from Trump. If Hillary wins, it's guaranteed we will get a very left-wing set of judges.

We've been through this before; Republicans taking their ball and going home. That's what brought us two terms of DumBama. But this is much more critical. We all stand the chance at losing many of our freedoms in this country including our right to firearms.

If another gun issue is pressed to the Supreme Court, the new liberal judges may very well determine that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right unless you are in a militia. That would mean cities and states across the country could make any kind of gun laws they desire--including a total ban of them.

You say you have to live with yourself, so you are going to conduct yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. But I have to live with myself too, so I'm not voting for what makes me feel good, I'm voting what's best for the country, and the best for the country is keeping the Clintons out of the White House and the ability to change the Supreme Court for our lifetime.
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.

Hey... If I am going to support a Marxist-Socialist, I can vote for Hill or Bern, I don't need the Republican party. At least they are honest about who they are. I'm not supporting Trump if he keeps on abandoning Conservatism... I just can't do it... Sorry if that bothers you or you think it's "butthurt" but it's principles and I have them. I have to live with myself.

You're certainly free to do what you please but it's absolutely stunning to me how this man has you regurgitating liberal class warfare rhetoric like an Occutard. Us Conservatives have been battling this "rich don't pay their fair share" nonsense for years and years... and here you are. buying totally into it like a liberal kook. We have to part ways over this because it's not what I believe.

Well if you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for Hillary.

Right now, the most important issue is the Supreme Court justices. They will not only affect our lives during the next two presidential terms, but for generations to come.

It's more likely that we get a much less liberal set of judges from Trump. If Hillary wins, it's guaranteed we will get a very left-wing set of judges.

We've been through this before; Republicans taking their ball and going home. That's what brought us two terms of DumBama. But this is much more critical. We all stand the chance at losing many of our freedoms in this country including our right to firearms.

If another gun issue is pressed to the Supreme Court, the new liberal judges may very well determine that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right unless you are in a militia. That would mean cities and states across the country could make any kind of gun laws they desire--including a total ban of them.

You say you have to live with yourself, so you are going to conduct yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. But I have to live with myself too, so I'm not voting for what makes me feel good, I'm voting what's best for the country, and the best for the country is keeping the Clintons out of the White House and the ability to change the Supreme Court for our lifetime.

How can you know what kind of president Trump will be or what policies will he implement?
As far as I am concerned he is a flip - floper.
One might as well flip a coin.
That is what bothers me most about Trump: I picture him as an unreliable person.
He will most likely say what he finds convenient. Once he gets the power who knows what he will do.
How can you know what kind of president Trump will be or what policies will he implement?
As far as I am concerned he is a flip - floper.
One might as well flip a coin.
That is what bothers me most about Trump: I picture him as an unreliable person.
He will most likely say what he finds convenient. Once he gets the power who knows what he will do.

You are absolutely correct, we don't know what he might do, but we do know what Hillary will do. That's the point I'm making.
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.

Hey... If I am going to support a Marxist-Socialist, I can vote for Hill or Bern, I don't need the Republican party. At least they are honest about who they are. I'm not supporting Trump if he keeps on abandoning Conservatism... I just can't do it... Sorry if that bothers you or you think it's "butthurt" but it's principles and I have them. I have to live with myself.

You're certainly free to do what you please but it's absolutely stunning to me how this man has you regurgitating liberal class warfare rhetoric like an Occutard. Us Conservatives have been battling this "rich don't pay their fair share" nonsense for years and years... and here you are. buying totally into it like a liberal kook. We have to part ways over this because it's not what I believe.

Well if you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for Hillary.

Right now, the most important issue is the Supreme Court justices. They will not only affect our lives during the next two presidential terms, but for generations to come.

It's more likely that we get a much less liberal set of judges from Trump. If Hillary wins, it's guaranteed we will get a very left-wing set of judges.

We've been through this before; Republicans taking their ball and going home. That's what brought us two terms of DumBama. But this is much more critical. We all stand the chance at losing many of our freedoms in this country including our right to firearms.

If another gun issue is pressed to the Supreme Court, the new liberal judges may very well determine that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right unless you are in a militia. That would mean cities and states across the country could make any kind of gun laws they desire--including a total ban of them.

You say you have to live with yourself, so you are going to conduct yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. But I have to live with myself too, so I'm not voting for what makes me feel good, I'm voting what's best for the country, and the best for the country is keeping the Clintons out of the White House and the ability to change the Supreme Court for our lifetime.
He doesn't care. All he knows is that Trump beat Cruz and now he hates Trump.
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.

Hey... If I am going to support a Marxist-Socialist, I can vote for Hill or Bern, I don't need the Republican party. At least they are honest about who they are. I'm not supporting Trump if he keeps on abandoning Conservatism... I just can't do it... Sorry if that bothers you or you think it's "butthurt" but it's principles and I have them. I have to live with myself.

You're certainly free to do what you please but it's absolutely stunning to me how this man has you regurgitating liberal class warfare rhetoric like an Occutard. Us Conservatives have been battling this "rich don't pay their fair share" nonsense for years and years... and here you are. buying totally into it like a liberal kook. We have to part ways over this because it's not what I believe.

Well if you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for Hillary.

Right now, the most important issue is the Supreme Court justices. They will not only affect our lives during the next two presidential terms, but for generations to come.

It's more likely that we get a much less liberal set of judges from Trump. If Hillary wins, it's guaranteed we will get a very left-wing set of judges.

We've been through this before; Republicans taking their ball and going home. That's what brought us two terms of DumBama. But this is much more critical. We all stand the chance at losing many of our freedoms in this country including our right to firearms.

If another gun issue is pressed to the Supreme Court, the new liberal judges may very well determine that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right unless you are in a militia. That would mean cities and states across the country could make any kind of gun laws they desire--including a total ban of them.

You say you have to live with yourself, so you are going to conduct yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. But I have to live with myself too, so I'm not voting for what makes me feel good, I'm voting what's best for the country, and the best for the country is keeping the Clintons out of the White House and the ability to change the Supreme Court for our lifetime.

You're never going to strong-arm me into voting for Trump because he's not Hillary Clinton. I'm not a Republican. I am a registered Independent. I generally do vote for the GOP candidate because I don't have another viable choice but I have my limits on what I will accept in terms of my principles. I am not going to abandon what I believe just so Republicans can win an election.

I'm sorry about SCOTUS, I guess you need to lobby Trump to start appealing to Conservative voters. But this is really no different than 2008 and 2012, when the GOP nominated candidates the Conservatives couldn't support with enthusiasm. That's not MY fault. The candidate who would have been best for the country is out of the race... now, SJ thinks I am butthurt over that and this is why I "hate Trump" now... but I don't hate Trump. I actually like a lot of things about Trump and I may end up voting for him if he can win me over. So far, he doesn't seem to be interested and neither does SJ. They want to keep kicking me in the nuts and telling me what an idiot I am, and sorry... that's not going to win my vote in November.... it's just not.
Many voters will want him to prove how he is going to do it, and so far, his tax policy has been shot down by the experts. Trump can promise you pie in the sky, but only the gullible will swallow it without proof.
You mean like you liberals swallowed Obama's bullshit about Bush adding $4 trillion to the debt

That wasn't bullshit.......he did add $4 trillion to the debt. I'm sure you think Bush gave us a surplus.....:badgrin:

Bush Administration Adds $4 Trillion To National Debt

being "unpatriotic", just before he added $10 trillion?
That's the first I've ever heard that one (Bush being unpatriotic).....he was dumb, but I've never heard anyone say he was unpatriotic. Wasn't it over reacting conservatives that claimed Obama was unpatriotic because he wasn't wearing a flag pin one time....bwahahaha, so silly. And, who added $10 trillion? Bush? I don't remember anyone saying that either.

Or "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it", just before he relied on the stupidity of the American people (liberals) to get it passed?
That was provided that the healthcare plan was adequate. Dumb fucks had worthless plans that wouldn't pay for diddley, but were angry cause they couldn't keep them. You can't teach them anything.

Or maybe you liked how he traded 5 terrorists for 1 deserter and still think he's gonna defeat ISIS? That kind of gullibility?
No, I like how Bush lied about Iraq having WMDs, started a worthless war that ended up creating ISIS, had thousands of our young men and women killed, sat on his ass while terrorists attacked us on 9/11 and killed over 3000 Americans and then Bush allowed Osama Bin Ladin's family to fly out of the country to avoid being hurt and Republicans are still trying to defend him....and now Republican know nothings want to elect a super doofus that knows even less than Bush to be President.....now that's real gullibility.
Hillary and Obama created, funded, and armed ISIS. This fact has been well know for over a year. Stop repeating pathetic lies.

Everyone knows, and it is a fact that Bush's wars opened the door for ISIS....if he had never attacked Iraq, we wouldn't have the problem. But, like a loyal conservative, you will continue to deny it and blame Obama. We've heard it before....and thanks to Bush, Osama Bin Ladin was killed......bwahahaha....that's why your party was so loyal to Jeb Bush....because George Bush was right and you all love him and everything about him, no? Hypocrites.

How the Bush Presidencies Opened the Door for ISIS
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
no, not at all, just different time periods....Fiscal years vs Annual years... Fiscal Years, are the years each president is fiscally responsible for, during their terms....they represent the years each President turns over Budgets to Congress, by Law.

NO incoming president is fiscally responsible for a Budget they didn't turn in to Congress, nor ever on the first day they step foot in the white house....how could they be?, as NO CEO is responsible for the sales or debt a company accrues the day they took the job....all are given 6 months to a year, to see their results of budgets and goals and policies etc, to take foot.

And you don't think FactCheck people knew that before they did the calculations and posted this on their site?

Perhaps you missed this statement, from your link:

And it’s also untrue — as claimed in a graphic widely circulated by email and in social media postings — that the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined. In fact, as of Jan. 31, 2012, the rise under Obama had yet to surpass the rise under his predecessor, George W. Bush.
He has spunk? he he he.

At lest you admit it…he entertains your simple mind and you will vote for him because of it.

There are about 460 races that involve federal posts this year including the Presidency. The incumbent, TTBOMK, when she or he has run for re-election has lost zero times. Nobody is sick of professional politicians

Oh yes, many are sick of professional politicians--at least on the right. That's why Jeb didn't get anywhere close.

No, I'm not voting for Trump because of his entertainment value, I'm voting for Trump to try and make sure we don't have another 8 years of DumBama. I also don't want to see a Socialist Supreme Court for the rest of my natural life either. It could mean millions more dead babies and hundreds of millions losing their gun rights. If that happens, criminals coast to coast will have a reason to celebrate.

Yeah, because so many lost their guns during the 8 years Obama has been in.....you're delusional.

Instead, you want another right-winger that will bring racism back into the country, do away with civil rights, bring back the tax breaks for the 1% because they create so many jobs (why we had the biggest soar in unemployment under Reagan and Bush) and create more laws to force women out of the workforce and back into the kitchen where they belong (according to right-wingers).

So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?
Republicans have been trying for years to make decisions for women and the Republican women don't fight back. They are pretty damn comfortable with women making less then men for the same jobs, and Republican women are okay with it....so it would be just a matter of time since they also want to do away with contraceptives that women would be getting pregnant every time they turned around and couldn't possibly hold a job.....they would have to go back to the kitchen where Republican men want them.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.
Because the Democrats in Congress wouldn't let them.

The Democrats in Congress didn't have any power to stop them at the time. Don't you even know who had leadership of our houses in the past???

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

You're delusional. Name a single proposal from Obama or Democrats in Congress to take away your guns. You listen to Faux News for your source of information and you're totally uninformed.

MILLER: Feinstein's list of 157 banned guns - Washington Times

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

Now you are talking like a country bumpkin....making up silly names for Hillary like a junior high school dumbass.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Maybe you need a refresher in current events....you seem to be one of those right-wingers cowering in fear yelling "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" because of the silly notions those extreme right-wing nuts have put into your head. If you're punching a hole in some card for the election you must be in some pretty podunk town....most of us have electronic voting machines....maybe why you are so retarded in your way of thinking.

You think Cleveland, Ohio is a "podunk" town and call my thinking retarded?

If you're still punching holes in cards to vote.........you might very well be podunk.
One of my friends at the shooting range said this morning:

"I don't like that asshole Trump, but I fucking hate that bitch Hillary".
One of my friends at the shooting range said this morning:

"I don't like that asshole Trump, but I fucking hate that bitch Hillary".

Was that before or after he shot himself in the foot? :badgrin:
Perhaps you missed this statement, from your link:

And it’s also untrue — as claimed in a graphic widely circulated by email and in social media postings — that the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined. In fact, as of Jan. 31, 2012, the rise under Obama had yet to surpass the rise under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Well, I was under the assumption that people knew this was the year 2016 and DumBama long surpassed that goal. On the other hand, I forgot I was talking to a liberal.
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.

Hey... If I am going to support a Marxist-Socialist, I can vote for Hill or Bern, I don't need the Republican party. At least they are honest about who they are. I'm not supporting Trump if he keeps on abandoning Conservatism... I just can't do it... Sorry if that bothers you or you think it's "butthurt" but it's principles and I have them. I have to live with myself.

You're certainly free to do what you please but it's absolutely stunning to me how this man has you regurgitating liberal class warfare rhetoric like an Occutard. Us Conservatives have been battling this "rich don't pay their fair share" nonsense for years and years... and here you are. buying totally into it like a liberal kook. We have to part ways over this because it's not what I believe.

Well if you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for Hillary.

Right now, the most important issue is the Supreme Court justices. They will not only affect our lives during the next two presidential terms, but for generations to come.

It's more likely that we get a much less liberal set of judges from Trump. If Hillary wins, it's guaranteed we will get a very left-wing set of judges.

We've been through this before; Republicans taking their ball and going home. That's what brought us two terms of DumBama. But this is much more critical. We all stand the chance at losing many of our freedoms in this country including our right to firearms.

If another gun issue is pressed to the Supreme Court, the new liberal judges may very well determine that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right unless you are in a militia. That would mean cities and states across the country could make any kind of gun laws they desire--including a total ban of them.

You say you have to live with yourself, so you are going to conduct yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. But I have to live with myself too, so I'm not voting for what makes me feel good, I'm voting what's best for the country, and the best for the country is keeping the Clintons out of the White House and the ability to change the Supreme Court for our lifetime.

You're never going to strong-arm me into voting for Trump because he's not Hillary Clinton. I'm not a Republican. I am a registered Independent. I generally do vote for the GOP candidate because I don't have another viable choice but I have my limits on what I will accept in terms of my principles. I am not going to abandon what I believe just so Republicans can win an election.

I'm sorry about SCOTUS, I guess you need to lobby Trump to start appealing to Conservative voters. But this is really no different than 2008 and 2012, when the GOP nominated candidates the Conservatives couldn't support with enthusiasm. That's not MY fault. The candidate who would have been best for the country is out of the race... now, SJ thinks I am butthurt over that and this is why I "hate Trump" now... but I don't hate Trump. I actually like a lot of things about Trump and I may end up voting for him if he can win me over. So far, he doesn't seem to be interested and neither does SJ. They want to keep kicking me in the nuts and telling me what an idiot I am, and sorry... that's not going to win my vote in November.... it's just not.

I'm not trying to strong-arm anybody into anything. Just pointing out that if your concern is living with yourself, then I don't know how you can do that knowing you did nothing to stop Hillary from getting into the White House if that is indeed what happens.

However since the last time I posted, I learned that Trump has picked almost a dozen very conservative people he would consider for the nomination of Supreme Court. In fact, the Heritage Foundation helped in this endeavor. Maybe that sweetens the pot for you, I don't know.
Trump Delegate Indicted On Child Pornography, Explosives, Machine Gun Charges Source: Huffington Post

A Donald Trump delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention has been indicted in Maryland on federal charges that include using a minor to make child pornography, illegal possession of a machine gun and illegal transport of explosives.

Caleb Andrew Bailey, 30, from Waldorf, Maryland, was indicted late Wednesday, according to a release from the Department of Justice.

Bailey is listed by the Maryland Secretary of State as a delegate who will vote for Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Trump won the Maryland Republican primary in late April with 54 percent of the vote statewide. Bailey was selected at the same time.

Authorities were first alerted about Bailey in February, when he allegedly tried to send ammunition and weapons to someone in Wisconsin through the postal service, according to the Justice Department.

Read more: Trump Delegate Indicted On Child Pornography, Explosives, Machine Gun Charges

Was that before or after he shot himself in the foot? :badgrin:

He actually is a highly decorated Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran. He can hit 4 inch clay targets at 1,000 yds, which I suspect is a lot better than you could do.

If anybody is going to shoot themselves in the foot it will be the Democrats for nominating a dishonest corrupt incompetent lying bitch like Crooked Hillary.
I'm not trying to strong-arm anybody into anything. Just pointing out that if your concern is living with yourself, then I don't know how you can do that knowing you did nothing to stop Hillary from getting into the White House if that is indeed what happens.

However since the last time I posted, I learned that Trump has picked almost a dozen very conservative people he would consider for the nomination of Supreme Court. In fact, the Heritage Foundation helped in this endeavor. Maybe that sweetens the pot for you, I don't know.

Well... it's an improvement over last week when he was sounding like a little Chucky Schumer! But I'm afraid it's going to take a little more than issuing a list of names he says are "the types of justices he would appoint" and in the next breath, explains how everything is a suggestion and negotiation will have to happen.

Is he going to actually fight for his eventual nominee in confirmation hearing when the liberals attempt to Bork him? Or is he going to cave and flip-flop like he normally does with the liberals? I have no faith in this guy whatsoever... I can see him totally abandoning his list and saying... hey, had to fill the seat with someone the democrats liked... sorry, had to go away from the list! Too bad if you don't like it, I guess you can vote against me in 4 years?

Was that before or after he shot himself in the foot? :badgrin:

He actually is a highly decorated Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran. He can hit 4 inch clay targets at 1,000 yds, which I suspect is a lot better than you could do.
Yeah, sure, and you're Donald Trump's cousin.

If anybody is going to shoot themselves in the foot it will be the Democrats for nominating a dishonest corrupt incompetent lying bitch like Crooked Hillary.

Bwahahaha....even members of your own party are demeaning Trump.....that should tell you something. Guess you're not smart enough to figure it out.....:badgrin:
I'm not trying to strong-arm anybody into anything. Just pointing out that if your concern is living with yourself, then I don't know how you can do that knowing you did nothing to stop Hillary from getting into the White House if that is indeed what happens.

However since the last time I posted, I learned that Trump has picked almost a dozen very conservative people he would consider for the nomination of Supreme Court. In fact, the Heritage Foundation helped in this endeavor. Maybe that sweetens the pot for you, I don't know.

Well... it's an improvement over last week when he was sounding like a little Chucky Schumer! But I'm afraid it's going to take a little more than issuing a list of names he says are "the types of justices he would appoint" and in the next breath, explains how everything is a suggestion and negotiation will have to happen.

Is he going to actually fight for his eventual nominee in confirmation hearing when the liberals attempt to Bork him? Or is he going to cave and flip-flop like he normally does with the liberals? I have no faith in this guy whatsoever... I can see him totally abandoning his list and saying... hey, had to fill the seat with someone the democrats liked... sorry, had to go away from the list! Too bad if you don't like it, I guess you can vote against me in 4 years?

Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.
I'm not trying to strong-arm anybody into anything. Just pointing out that if your concern is living with yourself, then I don't know how you can do that knowing you did nothing to stop Hillary from getting into the White House if that is indeed what happens.

However since the last time I posted, I learned that Trump has picked almost a dozen very conservative people he would consider for the nomination of Supreme Court. In fact, the Heritage Foundation helped in this endeavor. Maybe that sweetens the pot for you, I don't know.

Well... it's an improvement over last week when he was sounding like a little Chucky Schumer! But I'm afraid it's going to take a little more than issuing a list of names he says are "the types of justices he would appoint" and in the next breath, explains how everything is a suggestion and negotiation will have to happen.

Is he going to actually fight for his eventual nominee in confirmation hearing when the liberals attempt to Bork him? Or is he going to cave and flip-flop like he normally does with the liberals? I have no faith in this guy whatsoever... I can see him totally abandoning his list and saying... hey, had to fill the seat with someone the democrats liked... sorry, had to go away from the list! Too bad if you don't like it, I guess you can vote against me in 4 years?

Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.
You're wasting your time, Ray. Nothing Trump says or does is going to meet with his approval.
I'm not trying to strong-arm anybody into anything. Just pointing out that if your concern is living with yourself, then I don't know how you can do that knowing you did nothing to stop Hillary from getting into the White House if that is indeed what happens.

However since the last time I posted, I learned that Trump has picked almost a dozen very conservative people he would consider for the nomination of Supreme Court. In fact, the Heritage Foundation helped in this endeavor. Maybe that sweetens the pot for you, I don't know.

Well... it's an improvement over last week when he was sounding like a little Chucky Schumer! But I'm afraid it's going to take a little more than issuing a list of names he says are "the types of justices he would appoint" and in the next breath, explains how everything is a suggestion and negotiation will have to happen.

Is he going to actually fight for his eventual nominee in confirmation hearing when the liberals attempt to Bork him? Or is he going to cave and flip-flop like he normally does with the liberals? I have no faith in this guy whatsoever... I can see him totally abandoning his list and saying... hey, had to fill the seat with someone the democrats liked... sorry, had to go away from the list! Too bad if you don't like it, I guess you can vote against me in 4 years?

Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.
You're wasting your time, Ray. Nothing Trump says or does is going to meet with his approval.

I don't think so. A lot can happen between May and November.

The thing is, if we Republicans would stick tougher and coalesce no matter who our candidate is, it would block Democrat leadership from ruining our country. Trump made a brilliant move by posting his SC nominee picks. In spite of the conservatives being in an uproar over Cruz's withdrawal, I think this will bring some of them back.

Trump is a very slick guy. I think he can win over a lot of people between now and election night.

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