I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
And NO... he didn't come up with the right answer on the transgender restrooms. He should have said, it's a state issue but I am personally opposed to men in women's restrooms. Not that he doesn't have an opinion... that's a cop out.

That doesn't matter. DumBama forcing his will against the American people once again played right into Trump's hands on this issue; especially now that the Republicans could really use the female vote here.
Ah maybe, but then it only takes 90 seconds of this video to become suspicious.
Once again, I am under the impression that he is a consumate showman. I understand people can switch viewpoints over a lifetime. But switching viewpoint in every single aspect? That is hard to believe.
Each day I am more convinced that Trump is only loyal to himself. He will say whatever he needs to say to cause raucous and attract media attention and voters.

Yesterday, he was asked about his infamous "ban on Muslims" and he articulated that everything he says as a candidate is "just a suggestion." So all you idiots who supported him... take note... everything he has said while campaigning for president has been nothing more than a SUGGESTION.

Right, and Hilary is going to give us free college and a huge increase in the minimum wage with a Republican Congress and Senate.

Only those who were never exposed to our political system thinks that any presidential candidate can do the things they say they'd like to do; Trump no different.
I certainly would never vote for Trump......even if he was running as a Democrat. He has no idea of government.....many conservatives are claiming they are tired of politicians for one thing or another, but that's no reason for electing someone that knows nothing about the job.

He is a blowhard that will say whatever he thinks his supporters would like to hear, and it is usually not in line with the values we hold dear for America. Obviously his supporters are okay with the kind of hatred that he spews....and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.

Insert the name Obama for Trump and it fits perfectly.

The problem with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is she knows all too well what the establishment wants. She is all too ingrained into Washington politics.

What we need as a president is a leader, not a law-maker. Someone that represents America first. A president that builds up the country not tears it down. You know, like Reagan. Trump is no Reagan but Hillary is the polar opposite.

This is a revolution against the establishment. A violence free revolution, except for what the opposition brings.

Except you have Crusty the Clown as your Presidential candidate. You laughed when Toronto elected Rob Ford as mayor. Ford was at least a councillor. He knew how the City runs.

The guy you want to be President is just as much of a clown, but he doesn't know how the system works, other than by greasing the wheels.
I certainly would never vote for Trump......even if he was running as a Democrat. He has no idea of government.....many conservatives are claiming they are tired of politicians for one thing or another, but that's no reason for electing someone that knows nothing about the job.

He is a blowhard that will say whatever he thinks his supporters would like to hear, and it is usually not in line with the values we hold dear for America. Obviously his supporters are okay with the kind of hatred that he spews....and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.

Insert the name Obama for Trump and it fits perfectly.

The problem with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is she knows all too well what the establishment wants. She is all too ingrained into Washington politics.

What we need as a president is a leader, not a law-maker. Someone that represents America first. A president that builds up the country not tears it down. You know, like Reagan. Trump is no Reagan but Hillary is the polar opposite.

This is a revolution against the establishment. A violence free revolution, except for what the opposition brings.

Except you have Crusty the Clown as your Presidential candidate. You laughed when Toronto elected Rob Ford as mayor. Ford was at least a councillor. He knew how the City runs.

The guy you want to be President is just as much of a clown, but he doesn't know how the system works, other than by greasing the wheels.

Maybe that's the problem: we have people that know how the system works running our government.

I think what's happening here is many of us are sick of professional politicians. We need to break out of this rut we've been in my entire life. New blood, new faces, new ideas......

While Trump may not be my favorite choice, at least he brings spunk into an otherwise boring election with candidates playing baby-kissing politics and talking in circles until you have no idea what the hell they were talking about in the first place.

When DumBama won his first election, he didn't have all that much experience in politics. He was a state rep that voted present most all of the time, and he was barely in the US Senate when he decided to run for Presidency.

But everybody on the left was saying "Give him a chance.....give him a chance....."

Now they are worried about a guy that really doesn't know the ropes?
You can stop reading but your inconsistency still stands. Nor did I say business will be as usual. I don't know, I doubt it but you don't read what's there and see what isn't there. I was never under the assumption that Trump was a social conservative. Presidents don't call those shots, all I care about is the goddamn economy and don't see a better option right now. With a suck shit economy (still!) nothing else really matters. We'll just continue to circle the drain.

I'm not inconsistent at all... I fully believe Ted Cruz would have hit the ground running with a conservative vision and agenda and he would have aggressively pursued that as president. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten it all done, we'll never know now because he's out of the race and the GOP is stuck with Trump.... who is now morphing into a nightmare liberal before your eyes.

His economic plan is not going to help the economy. Can you point me to the last time protectionist policies and tariffs resulted in more jobs for Americans and better economic prosperity? I can give you a hint... the last time such proposals were taken seriously it was from another business man-turned-president, Herbert Hoover... and we all know how well that worked out.

Unfortunately, our choices for president have been narrowed down to three Big Government progressives who will not fix the economy. The Fascist, The Communist or The Socialist.... pick your poison.
And NO... he didn't come up with the right answer on the transgender restrooms. He should have said, it's a state issue but I am personally opposed to men in women's restrooms. Not that he doesn't have an opinion... that's a cop out.

That doesn't matter. DumBama forcing his will against the American people once again played right into Trump's hands on this issue; especially now that the Republicans could really use the female vote here.

No... it WOULD have played into Republican's hands if Trump had actually defended women and their right to privacy in the restroom... as it stands, it's a missed opportunity. He played it safe and gave the PC answer.... and you're going to see more of this from Trump as the election draws near.
Boss is bitter now after Cruz met his Waterloo in Indiana and he will be searching for anything and everything he can find to say "I told you so". If a story comes out about Trump farting in a boardroom 35 years ago, Boss will be the first one to say "Aha, what did I tell ya"!
Hillary represents the status quo and failed conservative theories.
Trump is a dice roll.
I'll vote against hiLIARy because Supreme Court.
Boss is bitter now after Cruz met his Waterloo in Indiana and he will be searching for anything and everything he can find to say "I told you so". If a story comes out about Trump farting in a boardroom 35 years ago, Boss will be the first one to say "Aha, what did I tell ya"!

Well, SJ... Unlike you, I don't change my principles and beliefs to be part of the popular crowd. I remain a Conservative who is going to speak out passionately for what I believe in and you're not going to stop me. I'm not going to change who I am to support Donald Trump or defeat Hillary Clinton.... that's just not going to happen.

I am quite sure the Democrats have tons of dirt on Donald Trump and his illustrious past. They've been saving it all up for now.... when there is no other choice but him... he's the nominee. So all this stuff is about to be heading your way and you better get your game face on and be ready for it buddy.... I wouldn't be worried about ME... I am going to still be here standing for Conservatism like always. I didn't vote for Trump, I don't need to defend him.

Attacking Ted Cruz is irrelevant now... he won't be the nominee.
You were expecting him to be a dictator? I guess he won't be abolishing the IRS either, huh? Oh wait, that was Lyin' Ted, wasn't it?

Hope you weren't putting much stock in his suggestion of a wall.
Whether Trump's wall ever gets build would depend on the House of Representatives which is where any such bill would have to be introduced and guess who would decide it's future. You got it, Paul Ryan who can't decide whether he will even endorse Trump because they disagree on so many issue, one being immigration.
Whether Trump's wall ever gets build would depend on the House of Representatives which is where any such bill would have to be introduced and guess who would decide it's future. You got it, Paul Ryan who can't decide whether he will even endorse Trump because they disagree on so many issue, one being immigration.

You're exactly right but from what we are seeing from Trump, there won't even be a debate on the wall. He's proving to be a paper tiger who will fold to liberals at the drop of a hat. He has already, in just over a week, caved on his own tax proposal and not raising the minimum wage... not because of pressure from liberals in Congress... but because he was questioned by a liberal reporter. So if you were counting on this guy to stand up for your convictions... lol... you're pissing in the wind. He is a populist... he is going to stick his fat stubby little finger in the air and see which way the political winds are blowing and that's going to be what he says... and it may change from day to day.
I am quite sure the Democrats have tons of dirt on Donald Trump and his illustrious past. They've been saving it all up for now.... when there is no other choice but him... he's the nominee. So all this stuff is about to be heading your way and you better get your game face on and be ready for it buddy

Unless Hillary and the Democrats get desperate such as seeing really bad poll numbers on her, the Democrats won't bring up any dirt on Trump. They understand how Trump works. You hit him below the belt, he's going to hit back only twice as hard.

Trump isn't running against Mother Teresa, he's running against Hillary, a woman with more baggage than an airport terminal. If they want to keep Trump from going down that road, they will keep it a clean race.
I am quite sure the Democrats have tons of dirt on Donald Trump and his illustrious past. They've been saving it all up for now.... when there is no other choice but him... he's the nominee. So all this stuff is about to be heading your way and you better get your game face on and be ready for it buddy

Unless Hillary and the Democrats get desperate such as seeing really bad poll numbers on her, the Democrats won't bring up any dirt on Trump. They understand how Trump works. You hit him below the belt, he's going to hit back only twice as hard.

Trump isn't running against Mother Teresa, he's running against Hillary, a woman with more baggage than an airport terminal. If they want to keep Trump from going down that road, they will keep it a clean race.

Dream on... it's going to happen.
Should've been multiple choices. I have several reasons for voting for trump.
seal the border.
American jobs for Americans only.
Fair trade with countries that don't pay an american living wage.
Repatriation holiday for companies with money stored in foreign banks.
VA hospital, get rid of them. Make VA wings in all existing hospitals. Let Vets get the same doctors everyone else gets not their cast offs who couldn't make it in civilian life.
Should've been multiple choices. I have several reasons for voting for trump.
seal the border.
American jobs for Americans only.
Fair trade with countries that don't pay an american living wage.
Repatriation holiday for companies with money stored in foreign banks.
VA hospital, get rid of them. Make VA wings in all existing hospitals. Let Vets get the same doctors everyone else gets not their cast offs who couldn't make it in civilian life.

I wouldn't mind more simplistic things.

I would pick a prez that promised to get rid of time changes in the country. Keep daylight savings time and never change it year round.

I would also like to see somebody propose a four day work week. The weekends aren't long enough, and what the hell.....you drove all the way to work and have to drive home anyway, why not stay two extra hours so we have 10 hour days instead of 8?
I am quite sure the Democrats have tons of dirt on Donald Trump and his illustrious past. They've been saving it all up for now.... when there is no other choice but him... he's the nominee. So all this stuff is about to be heading your way and you better get your game face on and be ready for it buddy

Unless Hillary and the Democrats get desperate such as seeing really bad poll numbers on her, the Democrats won't bring up any dirt on Trump. They understand how Trump works. You hit him below the belt, he's going to hit back only twice as hard.

Trump isn't running against Mother Teresa, he's running against Hillary, a woman with more baggage than an airport terminal. If they want to keep Trump from going down that road, they will keep it a clean race.
Are you kidding? This is going to be the most negative presidential campaigning we have ever seen. You've got millions of people that will be voting for Hillary to defeat Trump and vice versus. Trump won't be able to resist 25 years of Republican attacks on Hilary and Trump has provided the Democrats with enough material to flood the airways with attack ads for years.
I am quite sure the Democrats have tons of dirt on Donald Trump and his illustrious past. They've been saving it all up for now.... when there is no other choice but him... he's the nominee. So all this stuff is about to be heading your way and you better get your game face on and be ready for it buddy

Unless Hillary and the Democrats get desperate such as seeing really bad poll numbers on her, the Democrats won't bring up any dirt on Trump. They understand how Trump works. You hit him below the belt, he's going to hit back only twice as hard.

Trump isn't running against Mother Teresa, he's running against Hillary, a woman with more baggage than an airport terminal. If they want to keep Trump from going down that road, they will keep it a clean race.
Are you kidding? This is going to be the most negative presidential campaigning we have ever seen. You've got millions of people that will be voting for Hillary to defeat Trump and vice versus. Trump won't be able to resist 25 years of Republican attacks on Hilary and Trump has provided the Democrats with enough material to flood the airways with attack ads for years.

It's all about who will throw the first punch, and Hillary will be extremely shy of doing that.

Look how fast she backed down when Trump brought up her husband and women. It isn't hard to keep a leash on her, and she knows Trump personally enough to not go there.

And what is Trump's biggest transgressions? Some people didn't like his school, he filed bankruptcy a couple of times, he was married more than once????

Compare that to Hillary's resume. It's not how much you got, it's the value of what you got.
I am quite sure the Democrats have tons of dirt on Donald Trump and his illustrious past. They've been saving it all up for now.... when there is no other choice but him... he's the nominee. So all this stuff is about to be heading your way and you better get your game face on and be ready for it buddy

Unless Hillary and the Democrats get desperate such as seeing really bad poll numbers on her, the Democrats won't bring up any dirt on Trump. They understand how Trump works. You hit him below the belt, he's going to hit back only twice as hard.

Trump isn't running against Mother Teresa, he's running against Hillary, a woman with more baggage than an airport terminal. If they want to keep Trump from going down that road, they will keep it a clean race.
Are you kidding? This is going to be the most negative presidential campaigning we have ever seen. You've got millions of people that will be voting for Hillary to defeat Trump and vice versus. Trump won't be able to resist 25 years of Republican attacks on Hilary and Trump has provided the Democrats with enough material to flood the airways with attack ads for years.

It's all about who will throw the first punch, and Hillary will be extremely shy of doing that.

Look how fast she backed down when Trump brought up her husband and women. It isn't hard to keep a leash on her, and she knows Trump personally enough to not go there.

And what is Trump's biggest transgressions? Some people didn't like his school, he filed bankruptcy a couple of times, he was married more than once????

Compare that to Hillary's resume. It's not how much you got, it's the value of what you got.
She has said she's not going to play Trump's game. I'll bet Trump keeps up with the lying Hillary and worst until she can't resist. There is no way that Trump can't run a negative campaign. He has to attack because he has no applicable qualifications to gloat over, no applicable education, and no public service. Eventually even his most ardent supporters get tired of listen to him tell us what a great guy he is, how rich he is, and all the wonderful things he will do if elected.

I think Hillary's best shot at Trump is to ignore his attacks, concentrate on her record of service, her agenda, and let the packs tear him to pieces using his own words. If she exposes his dirty dealing with customers and investors, his supporters will see that as proof the he's a smart businessman. If she attacks his lack of experience and political knowledge, that shows he's an outsiders which is why his supporters like him. If she attacks his misogyny, comments on Muslims and Mexicans, that shows he's politically incorrect, again a desirable trait.
Well, SJ... Unlike you, I don't change my principles and beliefs to be part of the popular crowd.
You changed your principals (if you had any) when you supported Cruz after his back stabbing dirty tricks. Don't lecture me about compromising principles.
PS, Trump didn't reverse himself on taxes like you keep claiming. You're lying. But I would expect that from a Cruz fan.

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