I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?
No, you’re not wrong – Trump has no understanding of sound, responsible governance.

He’s a bigot, a con man, and inconsistent on his positions.

Trump has no business being president.

And he’s supported two different points of view over just the last few months.

Like Clinton on TPP? So easy.
Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?
No, you’re not wrong – Trump has no understanding of sound, responsible governance.

He’s a bigot, a con man, and inconsistent on his positions.

Trump has no business being president.

And he’s supported two different points of view over just the last few months.

Like Clinton on TPP? So easy.

Except Trump does it over almost everything he's said........:badgrin:

Donald Trump Flip Flops on Everything: Renounces His Own Tax Plan | JTF

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com
Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?
No, you’re not wrong – Trump has no understanding of sound, responsible governance.

He’s a bigot, a con man, and inconsistent on his positions.

Trump has no business being president.

And he’s supported two different points of view over just the last few months.

Like Clinton on TPP? So easy.

Except Trump does it over almost everything he's said........:badgrin:

Donald Trump Flip Flops on Everything: Renounces His Own Tax Plan | JTF

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com

Maybe you are unaware, but the President does not write tax law or regulations. Sigh...
PS, Trump didn't reverse himself on taxes like you keep claiming.

You say that with confidence.........but,

Donald Trump’s latest position on taxes is that he has no position. On Sunday, Trump suggested — contradicting his own tax plan, which among other things proposes reducing the top tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent — that he would be open to raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, that “the wealthy are willing to pay more,” and that no one should concern themselves with the enormous cost of his tax plan because “by the time it gets negotiated, it’s going to be a different plan
Trump’s Tax Plan, If You Can Call It That, Is a Mess, by The Editors, National Review
I say it with confidence because I've listened to what he has actually said, not what some "never Trumper" SAYS he said.
Millions of female Trump supporters disagree with your worthless opinion. But keep it up, the more you insult females by telling them what they think, the more determined they will be to prove you wrong.

The bimbos that are voting for Trump are not important to the general election. Most self-respecting women would not vote for someone who demeans women and considers them objects to be used and abused. But, like Megan Kelly, who is now willing to forget how he embarrassed her in front of millions of viewers....so are the many bimbos that follow him around and cheer to his demeaning of other women.

I guess Trump supporters were right about Megan Kelly...she has no scruples and is a bimbo...but then, that's the description that fits women who support Trump.

As compared to what, women that support a wife who defended her husband knowing he was screwing around with a girl young enough to be his daughter?

We all have morals I guess.........
When Trump was married to his 2nd wife who was his younger mistress when married to his first wife, he took up screwing a girl that was only old enough to be his daughter, then dumped the second wife to marry the daughter age girl.... you can count on his next wife to be even younger, a grandchild's age the next time around.....wonder if he will be in office when he trades his daughter aged wife in? :rolleyes:

Bill's infidelity was awful, never thought someone could beat him out on his philandering.... but we have a winner!!! Ding ding ding, and the winner is, DONALD TRUMP!

hypocrite much?
Looks like the hypocrite is you.
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known | Fox News

Faux News? Bwahahahaha....you'll have to do better than that.

After a brief but concerted challenge by the White House to the credibility of Fox News Channel as a legitimate news organization — including a detailed takedown by Communications Director Anita Dunn on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday — a spokesman for Fox responded with a de facto admission that the channel is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.

CNN described Fox’s statement this way: “In a written statement given to CNN, Fox News said its programming was comparable to the editorial page of a newspaper.”

The fact that Fox says its programming is based on opinions not facts would likely come as a shock to Fox viewers — but, of course, they’ll never know about it. Fox will protect them from this harsh reality the same way it deals with all news that makes conservatives look badly: by not covering it.

Fox Admits to CNN That It Traffics in Opinion Not News

From Faux News own....

“An increasing number of viewers are relying on Fox News for both news and opinion,” Fox News Senior VP Michael Clemente said in the statement, “and the average news consumer can certainly distinguish between the A-section of the newspaper and the editorial page, which is what our programming represents.
"Pensito Review"??? HAHAHA, I like how you use an unknown leftist hack site, referencing CNN to discredit Fox. I hate to break this to you but ALL news outlets you see on tv are slanted. Funny you don't mention MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, except to quote them criticizing Fox.
"I'll vote for Trump because ..."

“I’m a blind partisan rightwing hack who’ll support anyone with an ‘R’ after his name – no matter how unqualified that republican might be.”

You can't blame him when the one with a "D" after her name is Hillary Clinton. You should get behind Bernie Sanders and call for the "Super Delegates" to do the same so we have a candidate that has the record and integrity to win against Trump.
Trump explained his tax proposals and you claiming he changed positions is a damn lie.

And yet, posters other than myself are posting links to the story.
Yeah, liberals posting links from never Trumpers. Congratulations, you're now an honorary liberal.

Last I checked, CNN is still a credible news outlet.
You just proved my point. Thanks, lib.

So you are claiming the videos they have of Trump saying he plans to raise taxes on the rich and that his tax proposal is merely a suggestion and he's not a big fan of the part calling for a top marginal tax cut... that's a forged video? Like... CNN and Trump Haters found someone who looks just like Trump and made this video which is a lie? That's what you're claiming, right? :cuckoo:
Trump explained his tax proposals and you claiming he changed positions is a damn lie.

And yet, posters other than myself are posting links to the story.
Yeah, liberals posting links from never Trumpers. Congratulations, you're now an honorary liberal.

Last I checked, CNN is still a credible news outlet.
You just proved my point. Thanks, lib.

So you are claiming the videos they have of Trump saying he plans to raise taxes on the rich and that his tax proposal is merely a suggestion and he's not a big fan of the part calling for a top marginal tax cut... that's a forged video? Like... CNN and Trump Haters found someone who looks just like Trump and made this video which is a lie? That's what you're claiming, right? :cuckoo:
Trump has repeatedly said he wants middle class taxes lowered. He has always said he thinks the rich should pay higher rates. He also said (accurately) that he may not get his ideal plan because he's NOT A DICTATOR. He is realistic, he acknowledges he will have to negotiate with Congress and most likely will not end up with everything he wants.

Start watching at around 7 mins.

Repatriation holiday for companies with money stored in foreign banks.

Bwahahaha........Trump probably saves his money in foreign banks to con the country out of revenue.......why he won't release his tax returns. He's a sly fox.....slyer than the sly hunter.

Who says he's not going to release his tax returns? He'll release them when he's ready--not when liberals demand.
Insert the name Obama for Trump and it fits perfectly.

The problem with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is she knows all too well what the establishment wants. She is all too ingrained into Washington politics.

What we need as a president is a leader, not a law-maker. Someone that represents America first. A president that builds up the country not tears it down. You know, like Reagan. Trump is no Reagan but Hillary is the polar opposite.

This is a revolution against the establishment. A violence free revolution, except for what the opposition brings.

Except you have Crusty the Clown as your Presidential candidate. You laughed when Toronto elected Rob Ford as mayor. Ford was at least a councillor. He knew how the City runs.

The guy you want to be President is just as much of a clown, but he doesn't know how the system works, other than by greasing the wheels.

Maybe that's the problem: we have people that know how the system works running our government.

I think what's happening here is many of us are sick of professional politicians. We need to break out of this rut we've been in my entire life. New blood, new faces, new ideas......

While Trump may not be my favorite choice, at least he brings spunk into an otherwise boring election with candidates playing baby-kissing politics and talking in circles until you have no idea what the hell they were talking about in the first place.

When DumBama won his first election, he didn't have all that much experience in politics. He was a state rep that voted present most all of the time, and he was barely in the US Senate when he decided to run for Presidency.

But everybody on the left was saying "Give him a chance.....give him a chance....."

Now they are worried about a guy that really doesn't know the ropes?

He has spunk? he he he.

At lest you admit it…he entertains your simple mind and you will vote for him because of it.

There are about 460 races that involve federal posts this year including the Presidency. The incumbent, TTBOMK, when she or he has run for re-election has lost zero times. Nobody is sick of professional politicians

Oh yes, many are sick of professional politicians--at least on the right. That's why Jeb didn't get anywhere close.

No, I'm not voting for Trump because of his entertainment value, I'm voting for Trump to try and make sure we don't have another 8 years of DumBama. I also don't want to see a Socialist Supreme Court for the rest of my natural life either. It could mean millions more dead babies and hundreds of millions losing their gun rights. If that happens, criminals coast to coast will have a reason to celebrate.

Yeah, because so many lost their guns during the 8 years Obama has been in.....you're delusional.

Instead, you want another right-winger that will bring racism back into the country, do away with civil rights, bring back the tax breaks for the 1% because they create so many jobs (why we had the biggest soar in unemployment under Reagan and Bush) and create more laws to force women out of the workforce and back into the kitchen where they belong (according to right-wingers).

So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.
I like how the libs called Trump a liberal during the primaries to discourage conservatives from voting for him but now that he has the nomination they're calling him a right winger to discourage Democrats from voting for him. They're so transparent.
So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Take away birth control - something that more than one Republican candidate has suggested, and women are at the mercy of their biology, those who can't afford illegal abortions, in any case.

The rest of your post is just right-wing paranoia. In First World democracies, exactly how many governments have "come after gun owners"?

You people are just bat shit crazy. Fear and paranoia fuels Republican voters: fear of blacks, fear of ISIS, fear of EVERYTHING.
So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Take away birth control - something that more than one Republican candidate has suggested, and women are at the mercy of their biology, those who can't afford illegal abortions, in any case.

The rest of your post is just right-wing paranoia. In First World democracies, exactly how many governments have "come after gun owners"?

You people are just bat shit crazy. Fear and paranoia fuels Republican voters: fear of blacks, fear of ISIS, fear of EVERYTHING.

Let me put it this way: for every Republican that said they wanted to outlaw birth control, I'll find you three that expressed a desire to partially or totally disarm Americans.

So I'll ask you the question: if Republicans were all on the same mindset of outlawing birth control, why didn't they do it when they had total power?

Fear of stuff that would never happen, huh?

You mean like the fear of government being able to force or fine you for health insurance?

The fear of the federal government forcing states to accept gay marriage?

The fear of openly homosexual people in our military?

The fear of federal government forcing public schools to allow boys in our girls bathrooms and locker rooms?

Those kind of fears?

Yeah, but there is no way Hillary's judges would rule gun ownership unconstitutional. Give me a break.

I put up a video of Trump stating his tax policy and let the listeners make up their own minds. You put up a dissected hit piece by a raving lunatic (much like yourself) to spin what he is saying. You've become a liberal hack.

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