ILLEGAL getting welfare, Social security for the past 20 years.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
WTF .. She said she swam across of the RIO grande , She has 7 freaking kids gets 700 in Social security and is on MEDICAID . WTF I thought they said ILLEGALS get our benefits
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Illegal aliens are a Certified Victim Group (CVG), so this is "okay" and should be ignored and you're a racist for bringing it up.

And will she be punished? Nope. In fact, if the Dumbos get their way, she'll get Amnesty.
Obozo has an aunt living in america who was here illegally and collected welfare for years. When obozo became prez he arranged for her to get asylum so now she's here legally but still on the dole. Can anyone explain why the romney never spoke of this?
The OP does not pass the smell test. You cannot collect Social Security if you have not paid into it. Federal law also excludes illegals from Medicaid.

They are also careful to avoid saying her current status is illegal. For all we know, she acquired citizenship since arriving here. Perhaps under Reagan's amnesty program.

I smell a whopper of a lie of omission in this story.

Something is definitely being left out of the story.
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The OP does not pass the smell test. You cannot collect Social Security if you have not paid into it. Federal law also excludes illegals from Medicaid.

They are also careful to avoid saying her current status is illegal. For all we know, she acquired citizenship since arriving here. Perhaps under Reagan's amnesty program.

I smell a whopper of a lie of omission in this story.

Something is definitely being left out of the story.

You wanna bet One Medicare., My friend who is from Honduras came here legally and brought her mother here both legally but her mother has not paid ONE dime into SS and she collects that and Medicare .. The lady in the video says she gets medicaid , free housing, free meds ect and food stamps and social security . Since she is 50 I am sure it is SSD .
The OP does not pass the smell test. You cannot collect Social Security if you have not paid into it. Federal law also excludes illegals from Medicaid.


HAHAHA Federal Law USC 1324 also says it's a crime to encourage illegals to live here and yet we have hundreds of sanctuary cities that do exactly that. The laws just aren't enforced, you fool.
Obozo has an aunt living in america who was here illegally and collected welfare for years. When obozo became prez he arranged for her to get asylum so now she's here legally but still on the dole. Can anyone explain why the romney never spoke of this?

:eusa_hand:Well we know how good Ubanzo is on hiding things. If he can't hide it he will just find a way to cover it up.

He would probably just start hiding it by making her a maid to clean out his toilets. If it didn't work he would then just flush her.
The Banker controlled US Government encourages Illegal Immigration for three reasons:

1. Social Programs are increased thus increasing power of Government at all levels.
2. Illegals force down wages thus helping Corporations who then donate to Government.
3. When made legal, illegals will vote for more Socialism and to take away your guns.

This is why your sons and daughters are fighting and dying overseas. For this.

Now let's all wave the flag and chant: U-S-A! U-S-A!

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