Illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula

Well, if you research this, which I did seems Biden can't do a damn thing about it. Trump couldn't. Besides the pictures everyone keeps posting on FB and I believe some here of the formula at the border, if you pay attention the middle shelf is baby formula, if you google that specific brand it is not for kids under 1 year old. The shelf above and below is either fruit juices for older toddlers or snacks.

Sure it looks bad for the administration but after researching it seems like the administration can't do anything about it.

The FDA is part of the administration, and my experience with regulatory agencies makes me wonder why a February shutdown stretched out to May.

Loosening import requirements, which from what read is mostly a labeling issue months ago is something the administration could have done if the "adults in the room" had been actually concerned about making things work, instead of scoring cheap political points.
Well, if you research this, which I did seems Biden can't do a damn thing about it. Trump couldn't. Besides the pictures everyone keeps posting on FB and I believe some here of the formula at the border, if you pay attention the middle shelf is baby formula, if you google that specific brand it is not for kids under 1 year old. The shelf above and below is either fruit juices for older toddlers or snacks.

Sure it looks bad for the administration but after researching it seems like the administration can't do anything about it.
I agree THIS administration can’t do anything about it. Cuz they are morons who hate America.
The FDA is part of the administration, and my experience with regulatory agencies makes me wonder why a February shutdown stretched out to May.

Loosening import requirements, which from what read is mostly a labeling issue months ago is something the administration could have done if the "adults in the room" had been actually concerned about making things work, instead of scoring cheap political points.
The plant was suppose to clean equipment and such and used money for stock buybacks.

When you think about it many of us are old enough that we did not have baby formula, seems the millineals are too damn lazy to learn how to make their own or use goat's milk. Evaporated milk, water and a combination of carbs and plenty of sugar.
Refugees are not “illegals”.

Why should you give them anything??? Because they’re human beings in need and Christian people help those in need.

You keep claiming that the USA is a Christian nation. Time to walk the walk.
Nation of laws first and we don’t take from our own to give to criminals
Nation of laws first and we don’t take from our own to give to criminals
Yep, and the law that would allow this is the 1997 Flores Settlement something Trump tried to stop.

If you look at the picture NYPost put out about the stocked up baby formula you will see there is absolutely no formula on that shelf meant for kids under age 1.

Is Nido formula good for babies?

No, NIDO® powdered milk beverage is not a baby formula. NIDO® products are only intended for children ages 1 year and older. Doctors recommend breast milk or formula as the primary source of nutrition for children up to 1 year of age
The plant was suppose to clean equipment and such and used money for stock buybacks.

When you think about it many of us are old enough that we did not have baby formula, seems the millineals are too damn lazy to learn how to make their own or use goat's milk. Evaporated milk, water and a combination of carbs and plenty of sugar.

Companies only buyback stock when they think they will make more $$ in the future, justifying the expenditure.

No one has access to the actual reports and what was found, nor has anyone really seen the probable lawsuits against the plant due to the dead/sick children.

The only hard facts we have is the plant was shut in February, and is still shut, due to regulatory compliance issues.
Companies only buyback stock when they think they will make more $$ in the future, justifying the expenditure.

No one has access to the actual reports and what was found, nor has anyone really seen the probable lawsuits against the plant due to the dead/sick children.

The only hard facts we have is the plant was shut in February, and is still shut, due to regulatory compliance issues.
Didn't Abbott do their own voluntary recall and shut their plan themselves?
Didn't Abbott do their own voluntary recall and shut their plan themselves?

The recall was probably recommended by the FDA, and they complied. The shutdown appears to be ordered, and by ordered it probably means the FDA would pull it's approval of the products from the facility to be sold in the US if they didn't shut down.
The plant was suppose to clean equipment and such and used money for stock buybacks.

When you think about it many of us are old enough that we did not have baby formula, seems the millineals are too damn lazy to learn how to make their own or use goat's milk. Evaporated milk, water and a combination of carbs and plenty of sugar.
You are an idiot!

"The FDA does not recommend that parents and caregivers make infant formulas at home because of serious health and safety concerns. The potential problems with homemade formulas include contamination and absence of or inadequate amounts of critical nutrients. These problems are very serious, and the consequences range from severe nutritional imbalances to foodborne illnesses, both of which can be life-threatening."

Yep, and the law that would allow this is the 1997 Flores Settlement something Trump tried to stop.

If you look at the picture NYPost put out about the stocked up baby formula you will see there is absolutely no formula on that shelf meant for kids under age 1.

Is Nido formula good for babies?

No, NIDO® powdered milk beverage is not a baby formula. NIDO® products are only intended for children ages 1 year and older. Doctors recommend breast milk or formula as the primary source of nutrition for children up to 1 year of age
Suddenly out of nowhere another pile on and this time baby formula
All hoaxed and orchestrated
People who are resourceful and buy their formula don’t vote for Briben so he doesn’t help them. In fact, harms them.
Hoaxed? I don't think so.....We are helping our daughter try to find it, and it is extremely frustrating...You probably don't have kids...
It’s a manufactured crisis. I mean ever since before the election it’s been unprecedented thing after thing all with adverse effects in productive Americans. Now suddenly a major production plant is shut down. They like shutting things down and causing problems .
I guarantee you there is nothing going wrong from that plant that has not occurred in last 25 years.
Your hardship is very real and frightening. It is however contrived.
Search the world over for harmful things in the air and you will find it. Look for minuscule issues in a formula producer and you will find it.
It’s a manufactured crisis. I mean ever since before the election it’s been unprecedented thing after thing all with adverse effects in productive Americans. Now suddenly a major production plant is shut down. They like shutting things down and causing problems .
I guarantee you there is nothing going wrong that plant that has not occurred in last 25 years.
Your hardship is very real and frightening. It is however contrived
If by planned through this administration's apathy, or slow walking the process, then I agree. I am just not one of those on the planned food processing plant fires conspiracy...

We’re sure the freaks who are clueless will tell you just how un true it all is lmfao.
Orange man bad, and so your deep state whores decided to starve American babies and send your shit to Mexico wasn’t that nice of them. Some day you leftist pigs out there , someday if you are lucky you will figure out just how much YOUR AMERICAN GOVERNMENT HATES YOUR FKN GUTS!!!

Everyone else sees it but you lunatics on the left.

fake billionaire paper, superdupe. lol. But thanks for the monopolies, GOP and chumps....
It’s a manufactured crisis. I mean ever since before the election it’s been unprecedented thing after thing all with adverse effects in productive Americans. Now suddenly a major production plant is shut down. They like shutting things down and causing problems .
I guarantee you there is nothing going wrong from that plant that has not occurred in last 25 years.
Your hardship is very real and frightening. It is however contrived.
Search the world over for harmful things in the air and you will find it. Look for minuscule issues in a formula producer and you will find it.
Greedy incompetent corrupt GOP corporate monopolies...BIG CORPORATIONS sug. Bring back fair taxes and competition...There are 4 formula corps, and four meat corps, great job!!! Big Pharma, Food, Big oil, you name it...GOP incest, with a tidal wave of garbage propaganda for you ignoramuses.......
Americans who can't buy formula for their own children are still paying for the formula for the illegals at the barrel of a bare shelves Biden gun.
I can't for the life of me think of any other administration in the history of the nation that has purposefully operated in strategic opposition to both the prosperity of the nation and the people themselves to the extent that this current administration has. And they've done so across the board.

The Founders would have made short work of these anti-American infiltrators and they wouldn't have lost a second's worth of sleep about it.
Republicans Criticize Biden For Not Starving Undocumented Immigrant Babies

You fucking hypocritical sacks of feculent cowshit really have the NERVE to go to the media and cry about fucking babies being fed and cared for. I always have to hear from you dumbfucks "ohh, ohh, you can't do that because its a human being. Think of the baby! Abortion is murder" --- and yet here you can stand there with a straight fucking face and COMPLAIN ABOUT FUCKING BABIES BEING FED.

Let me be more clear: You people are shit. You people are fucking germs. ALL you care about is Power. That's it. You will say what-ever-the-fuck, do what-ever-the-fuck for the Power. As long as you win your stupid local gerryrigged elections, you'll say whatever the fuck you want.

Fuck y'all.

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