Illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula

I understand hundreds of thousands of women are calling their reps non-stop and demanding answers why illegals are having formula provided to them when they can't find any in their AOs.....It's not just a talking point on FOX news anymore but something the dems will have to answer for.

This also goes beyond the young mother, it goes to her family, mother and grandmother, aunts, etc....Any of them that are scouring their stores to help the young mother out.

My wife told me it's the most talked about thing on the local FB. It seems my AO is hard hit in that regard.

I mean here the families are, paying out the ass if they find it and using $4.25 a gallon gas to look for/get it, boxing it up and shipping it out for $21.50 for a large flat rate box yet the dems are so fuckin' brain dead as to think it's some kind of right wing plot and accept no responsibility for it.
Yes, no lie too low for Republicans.

Maybe you can tell those women it was Republicans who resisted the kind of inspections and regulations that would have prevented this recall and shutdown.

Yes, no lie too low for Republicans.

Maybe you can tell those women it was Republicans who resisted the kind of inspections and regulations that would have prevented this recall and shutdown.


I reserve this for the most obtuse of comments.....Congratulations. ;)
Wait you support government providing welfare now?
Wow, that is one of the stupidest things I've read today.

So, if the government is not purchasing formula, in the huge quantities that they are, the supply to normal citizens would be more plentiful.

No one said anything about the government buying formula for American babies.

Learn the difference between supply and government.
Wow, that is one of the stupidest things I've read today.

So, if the government is not purchasing formula, in the huge quantities that they are, the supply to normal citizens would be more plentiful.

No one said anything about the government buying formula for American babies.

Learn the difference between supply and government.
So that's a no. You don't care about American children.
You fucking hypocritical sacks of feculent cowshit really have the NERVE to go to the media and cry about fucking babies being fed and cared for.
Yes, OUR babies, you dumb cluck, not the babies dragged here illegally by foreign invaders. They should know to bring their own food before invading another country! I guess during WWII when Japan invaded Pearl Harbor you would have stopped to ask them first if they had had a good lunch yet before flying home, you piece of shit?
So that's a no.

I don't support the government providing welfare, not to citizens, not to illegals.

As soon as you clowns stop twisting the issue to suit your narrative, you'll be on your way to learning true wisdom.
Yes, OUR babies, you dumb cluck, not the babies dragged here illegally by foreign invaders. They should know to bring their own food before invading another country! I guess during WWII when Japan invaded Pearl Harbor you would have stopped to ask them first if they had had a good lunch yet before flying home, you piece of shit?


I hope you meant attacked.
Wow, that is one of the stupidest things I've read today.

DW, seems these days the Far Left is competing with each other to see who can say the dumbest, most childish, most ignorant low IQ thing they can possibly imagine! You know, just to remind us why no one is going to vote any democrats back to office this Fall.
Republicans Criticize Biden For Not Starving Undocumented Immigrant Babies

You fucking hypocritical sacks of feculent cowshit really have the NERVE to go to the media and cry about fucking babies being fed and cared for. I always have to hear from you dumbfucks "ohh, ohh, you can't do that because its a human being. Think of the baby! Abortion is murder" --- and yet here you can stand there with a straight fucking face and COMPLAIN ABOUT FUCKING BABIES BEING FED.

Let me be more clear: You people are shit. You people are fucking germs. ALL you care about is Power. That's it. You will say what-ever-the-fuck, do what-ever-the-fuck for the Power. As long as you win your stupid local gerryrigged elections, you'll say whatever the fuck you want.

Fuck y'all.
Dude, it is so much worse than that. Here is the thing, the baby formula shortage has been going on for months, it started in February, when many infants got sick and TWO FAWKING DIED, due to bacterial infections from unsanitary powdered baby milk. That resulted in a recall, and a plant shutting down that is still not back in operation.

The Biden administration jumped on this from the getgo. One of the first thing they did was ask the states to provide flexibility within the WIC program. I am sure none of these Trumpbot numbnuts realize that WIC pays for the vast majority of baby formula. And here is the deal, at least ten states have yet to comply with Biden's request. Don't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those are Republican states.

So, some Republican leader figured out, hey, let's talk about this baby formula shortage. Let's pump it up and blame it on Biden. Meanwhile, they ain't willing to do jackshit when it comes to solving the problem. That don't give a fat rat's ass if your baby starves to death. They want to win the next election. It is proof positive that they have no interest whatsoever in solving the problems this nation faces, they only want to create issues they believe they can frame well enough to sway an election. To be blunt, they all should be lined up against a wall and shot. Duty, Honor, Country---not seeing "winning" anywhere in that. They have a duty, they fail. They certainly have no honor, and country, well they don't give two shits about it.
19,000 kids LAST month showed up alone. We fed them. Gave them stuff. NO PARENTS in sight. You think Unk Sam runs a fine orphanage? We lose most of them after a couple days. Govt has no freaking idea where they ended up.

USED to be Mexican mothers crossing to GIVE BIRTH in the US. 8 and 9 months pregnant. So that the kid had an American passport. Hospitals in San Diego had FULL maternity wards all the time,

We're not solving ANYTHING with this grief.
I doubt very seriously that we fed those kids that showed up alone baby formula, LOL.
Yes, OUR babies, you dumb cluck, not the babies dragged here illegally by foreign invaders. They should know to bring their own food before invading another country! I guess during WWII when Japan invaded Pearl Harbor you would have stopped to ask them first if they had had a good lunch yet before flying home, you piece of shit?
You are so stupid. None of them had enough gas to fly back home.
Although we should focus on taking care of this country's infants first you have to remember, all babies are innocent.
I agree. If the government wasn't buying up all the formula for the border, then that commodity would be available to ordinary Moms needing to feed their children.

But this nonsense about how we don't consider each baby's life as precious because we want to care of our own first is the lowest form of rhetoric there is.

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