Illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula

I agree. If the government wasn't buying up all the formula for the border, then that commodity would be available to ordinary Moms needing to feed their children.

But this nonsense about how we don't consider each baby's life as precious because we want to care of our own first is the lowest form of rhetoric there is.
Would you be opposed to providing free abortions to illegal immigrants?
There are very few BABIES at the southern borders. They are MEN. big. ugly. dirty. effing. MEN. That damn formula will sit there till it expires just so american mothers cannot have it for their babies.
Pack the babies up with mothers and send them home. You can see from this thread that the real goal was to kill American infants.
Welfare? Do you think parents aren't buying the formula in stores?

I heard there were shortages and I don't think the real problem is that the babies who belong in a different country are being fed, it's why aren't babies who are supposed to be in this country not getting fed because not everybody can breastfeed. Especially with all of the adopted babies as I was one myself. (Although I think you can sign up for some kind of thing where you get other women's breastmilk, but that's just a bit odd,.. whatever floats your boat I guess though.)
I agree. If the government wasn't buying up all the formula for the border, then that commodity would be available to ordinary Moms needing to feed their children.

But this nonsense about how we don't consider each baby's life as precious because we want to care of our own first is the lowest form of rhetoric there is.

Those must be some hungry ass little Mexican babies...

There are 3.6 MILLION babies in the US.

There are maybe 6000 minors at the US border right now, and most of them aren't infants.

It should also be pointed out that the law REQUIRING holding areas to have baby formula is required by a US law passed in 1990.

Those must be some hungry ass little Mexican babies...

There are 3.6 MILLION babies in the US.

There are maybe 6000 minors at the US border right now, and most of them aren't infants.

It should also be pointed out that the law REQUIRING holding areas to have baby formula is required by a US law passed in 1990.

Leftists have no problem ignoring laws they don't like.
Those must be some hungry ass little Mexican babies...

There are 3.6 MILLION babies in the US.

There are maybe 6000 minors at the US border right now, and most of them aren't infants.

It should also be pointed out that the law REQUIRING holding areas to have baby formula is required by a US law passed in 1990.

So, no one on the left has a fucking brain cell at all, do they?

We provide the baby formula to centers that have no babies. Not a hard decision to move JUST that amount NEEDED to feed the kid and send them back to Mexico.

The law does NOT require that the government stockpile and horde baby formula.
You fucking hypocritical sacks of feculent cowshit really have the NERVE to go to the media and cry about fucking babies being fed and cared for. I always have to hear from you dumbfucks "ohh, ohh, you can't do that because its a human being. Think of the baby! Abortion is murder" --- and yet here you can stand there with a straight fucking face and COMPLAIN ABOUT FUCKING BABIES BEING FED
We are not Oro-Kide. We are A TI-Abortion. We value INNOCENT lives, not the lives of sub-human, non-American CRIMINALS.

That’s right. I called these children exactly what they are CRIMINALS.
There are very few BABIES at the southern borders. They are MEN. big. ugly. dirty. effing. MEN. That damn formula will sit there till it expires just so american mothers cannot have it for their babies.
This is one of the weirdest ones yet. Baby formula?

Obviously, Team Biden somehow thinks that a baby formula shortage is to their political advantage.

Only thing I can guess is that any way they can make babies hard to raise, somehow enhances their pro-abortion advocacy. But, that is only a guess.

It's almost like they want to throw the next two elections.
Why are the children of invaders being fed before Murican babies?
From the article:

But babies in U.S. government custody need sustenance, too, and their parents don’t have the option of leaving detention to buy supplies. If the government didn’t provide food to the babies in its custody, they would starve.

When you incarcerate people you become responsible for them.
Hoaxed? I don't think so.....We are helping our daughter try to find it, and it is extremely frustrating...You probably don't have kids...
Evaporated milk mixed with a little water and carbs or find a goat farm. Lot's of resources. I have no idea how us old folks got by in 1948 without baby formula.
You are an idiot!

"The FDA does not recommend that parents and caregivers make infant formulas at home because of serious health and safety concerns. The potential problems with homemade formulas include contamination and absence of or inadequate amounts of critical nutrients. These problems are very serious, and the consequences range from severe nutritional imbalances to foodborne illnesses, both of which can be life-threatening."

Yea, well I and many others have survived over 70 years without the FDA and I thought on your side the FDA was full of shit.
The recall was probably recommended by the FDA, and they complied. The shutdown appears to be ordered, and by ordered it probably means the FDA would pull it's approval of the products from the facility to be sold in the US if they didn't shut down.
It does seem like they are dragging their feet on an inspection.

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