Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

Your side is telling me that hordes of dangerous rapers and killers are storming the border. This is not true now, nor was it true in October of 2018.

It's hard to take your side seriously when you scream and cry about such bullshit. And it makes you look like cowards.

MS-13, for one small specific example, is an extremely murderous gang, composed nearly completely of illegal aliens.

We are not being overrun by hordes of Meemaw murderer/rapers. It simply is not happening. Stop being so afraid of people who don't look like you.

I gave one small, specific example, that is responsible for thousands of murders. You did not address it. You fail.
Your one small, specific example does not equal 'hordes' of Meemaw murderer/rapers storming the border.

fyi - many MS 13 gang members are born in the United States. I live on the border and I've never seen one or been attacked by one.

8 to 10 thousand members living in the united states. Sounds like a horde to me.

"MS-13 is often public in its violence. Infanticide and femicide are common, with El Salvador hosting the third-highest femicide rate in the world. In 2016, one in 5,000 Salvadoran women were killed. Legal impunity is a key factor. In femicide cases, only 5% result in convictions.[17] Violent retributions target both enemy gangs as well as their families, friends, and neighbors. Entire families will be wiped out in a single attack, regardless of age. Buses full of passengers from the wrong parts of town will be burned in broad daylight, passengers still aboard.[18] Police officers, government officials, and community organizations are also frequent targets. Attacks like these have led the Supreme Court of El Salvador to authorize the classification of gangs as terrorist organizations"
They did not all come here in 2018. Don't be obtuse.

They have been active for nearly 40 years.
The wall won't stop all the filthy ass Democrat voting welfare queens from coming but it will stop a lot and that is a good thing.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.

It is pathetic the way that the stupid Moon Bats think of every reason possible not to protect the sovereign of th US. That is as anti American as it gets.

They want the poverty filth to flood into the US to change the voting demographics so that the Democrats win to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.


They can't vote but they can and do fill jobs. That is why they come. But you know that.

Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.
Still no pictures huh. Gee, if it were actually happening you would think some would have surfaced by now.

Looks like another leftist lie.

Pictures have been presented but you scream "Fake News" when they are presented. A clip where Rump is admitting to it but is playing id down with his 2nd grade engineering also has been shown in here. The only fake news here is YOU.

The pictures that have been presented were test cuts made during testing, and those were accomplished with cutting torches.

This has already been proven dude.

And I can do the same thing with a cheap power hack (not using a TM name) with an expensive industrial diamond tipped carbide blade and a 20lb sledge almost as fast. Bring WD-40.

I'm just an old uneducated Farmer. Okay, I do have a Degree and a lot of metallurgy experience but any farmer can do it using the tools listed. And Mexico has plenty of old Farmers with access to Lowes Harbor Freight in Mexico City.
MS-13, for one small specific example, is an extremely murderous gang, composed nearly completely of illegal aliens.

We are not being overrun by hordes of Meemaw murderer/rapers. It simply is not happening. Stop being so afraid of people who don't look like you.

I gave one small, specific example, that is responsible for thousands of murders. You did not address it. You fail.
Your one small, specific example does not equal 'hordes' of Meemaw murderer/rapers storming the border.

fyi - many MS 13 gang members are born in the United States. I live on the border and I've never seen one or been attacked by one.

8 to 10 thousand members living in the united states. Sounds like a horde to me.

"MS-13 is often public in its violence. Infanticide and femicide are common, with El Salvador hosting the third-highest femicide rate in the world. In 2016, one in 5,000 Salvadoran women were killed. Legal impunity is a key factor. In femicide cases, only 5% result in convictions.[17] Violent retributions target both enemy gangs as well as their families, friends, and neighbors. Entire families will be wiped out in a single attack, regardless of age. Buses full of passengers from the wrong parts of town will be burned in broad daylight, passengers still aboard.[18] Police officers, government officials, and community organizations are also frequent targets. Attacks like these have led the Supreme Court of El Salvador to authorize the classification of gangs as terrorist organizations"
Yes, that is why families and individuals are fleeing those countries.

So, the cultures are so bloody and violent that people are fleeing in hordes, yet you deny that any danger is coming with them?

That really makes no sense. Especially as you yourself admitted that MS-13 was founding in THIS COUNTRY.
They can't vote but they can and do fill jobs. That is why they come. But you know that.

Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.

You can address what I say or address what others say but I do not speak for them.

Their children will and are voting. D'uh,

If born here. They would be citizens. Yes, citizens can vote.

Thus voting demographics changed by illegal immigration. As was the point. Which you were denying, for some odd reason.

It sure as hell changed California from a Conservative state to a Commie state.

It gave that asshole Crooked Hillary 5 million more voted than she would have got.

Poverty scum is the core voting block of the filthy Democrat Party and when they can't get enough homegrown ghetto trash to vote for them they import illegals.
rumor has it the wall in Hungary repels hundreds of thousands ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS every year trying to sneak in and get jobs -

ya think -

That's not a rumor. It's a fact.

Hungarian Border Fence So Effective Illegal Immigrants Are Now At Pre Migrant-Crisis Levels


When one side gathers facts around which to determine reality while the other side makes up facts to fit a preconceived reality, the one side will never get through to the other, because while the one side is arguing how things really are, all the other side cares about is how they wish things to be.​
Your side is telling me that hordes of dangerous rapers and killers are storming the border. This is not true now, nor was it true in October of 2018.

It's hard to take your side seriously when you scream and cry about such bullshit. And it makes you look like cowards.

MS-13, for one small specific example, is an extremely murderous gang, composed nearly completely of illegal aliens.

...which gang was actually started in the United States. Look it up in Wiki.
It is scary how the Trump minions take every lie Trumps throws out there and feel it is the gospel without any research.
They are too lazy and stupid to research the truth.
You can address what I say or address what others say but I do not speak for them.

Their children will and are voting. D'uh,

If born here. They would be citizens. Yes, citizens can vote.

Thus voting demographics changed by illegal immigration. As was the point. Which you were denying, for some odd reason.

Illegals can't vote. If they do, it's caught during the post election audit that ALL states must accomplish in order to receive federal funding. A few hundred illegals that voted and were caught had zero affect on any elections. But in the 2018 elections, the stealing of ballot boxes by one party (guess which one) was caught in the post election audit and caused the election at state level to have to be redone. The Republican still won but by a very, very narrow margin. The only thing the cheating did was to have the Republican Election Official arrested and sent to prison. Does this mean that ALL Republicans cheat on the elections? No, but a few try. They just don't usually get away with it like they used to. Same goes for the Democrats. Overall, the states do a pretty damned good job with their elections.

California recently reported that up to 1.5 million illegals voted.

Looks like you're wrong again

Care to give a link to that that isn't from a RWnutjob site? I'll accept a California government site. Sorry, Rox, Hannity, Rush or Rump don't qualify.
Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.

You can address what I say or address what others say but I do not speak for them.

Their children will and are voting. D'uh,

If born here. They would be citizens. Yes, citizens can vote.

Thus voting demographics changed by illegal immigration. As was the point. Which you were denying, for some odd reason.

Illegals can't vote. If they do, it's caught during the post election audit that ALL states must accomplish in order to receive federal funding. A few hundred illegals that voted and were caught had zero affect on any elections. But in the 2018 elections, the stealing of ballot boxes by one party (guess which one) was caught in the post election audit and caused the election at state level to have to be redone. The Republican still won but by a very, very narrow margin. The only thing the cheating did was to have the Republican Election Official arrested and sent to prison. Does this mean that ALL Republicans cheat on the elections? No, but a few try. They just don't usually get away with it like they used to. Same goes for the Democrats. Overall, the states do a pretty damned good job with their elections.

Read it again.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.

It is pathetic the way that the stupid Moon Bats think of every reason possible not to protect the sovereign of th US. That is as anti American as it gets.

They want the poverty filth to flood into the US to change the voting demographics so that the Democrats win to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.


They can't vote but they can and do fill jobs. That is why they come. But you know that.

Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.

...and Democrats import Illegals to do the job that real American think is repulsive - vote for Democrats.
Still no pictures huh. Gee, if it were actually happening you would think some would have surfaced by now.

Looks like another leftist lie.

Pictures have been presented but you scream "Fake News" when they are presented. A clip where Rump is admitting to it but is playing id down with his 2nd grade engineering also has been shown in here. The only fake news here is YOU.

The pictures that have been presented were test cuts made during testing, and those were accomplished with cutting torches.

This has already been proven dude.
Anyone can get a cutting torch. What is your point.
You can address what I say or address what others say but I do not speak for them.

Their children will and are voting. D'uh,

If born here. They would be citizens. Yes, citizens can vote.

Thus voting demographics changed by illegal immigration. As was the point. Which you were denying, for some odd reason.

Illegals can't vote. If they do, it's caught during the post election audit that ALL states must accomplish in order to receive federal funding. A few hundred illegals that voted and were caught had zero affect on any elections. But in the 2018 elections, the stealing of ballot boxes by one party (guess which one) was caught in the post election audit and caused the election at state level to have to be redone. The Republican still won but by a very, very narrow margin. The only thing the cheating did was to have the Republican Election Official arrested and sent to prison. Does this mean that ALL Republicans cheat on the elections? No, but a few try. They just don't usually get away with it like they used to. Same goes for the Democrats. Overall, the states do a pretty damned good job with their elections.

Read it again.

Considering I wrote it, why would I need to read it again. You read it again. Maybe you will actually learn something.
First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.

It is pathetic the way that the stupid Moon Bats think of every reason possible not to protect the sovereign of th US. That is as anti American as it gets.

They want the poverty filth to flood into the US to change the voting demographics so that the Democrats win to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.


They can't vote but they can and do fill jobs. That is why they come. But you know that.

Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.

...and Democrats import Illegals to do the job that real American think is repulsive - vote for Democrats.
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.
rumor has it the wall in Hungary repels hundreds of thousands ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS every year trying to sneak in and get jobs -

ya think -

That's not a rumor. It's a fact.

Hungarian Border Fence So Effective Illegal Immigrants Are Now At Pre Migrant-Crisis Levels


When one side gathers facts around which to determine reality while the other side makes up facts to fit a preconceived reality, the one side will never get through to the other, because while the one side is arguing how things really are, all the other side cares about is how they wish things to be.​
Your side is telling me that hordes of dangerous rapers and killers are storming the border. This is not true now, nor was it true in October of 2018.

It's hard to take your side seriously when you scream and cry about such bullshit. And it makes you look like cowards.

MS-13, for one small specific example, is an extremely murderous gang, composed nearly completely of illegal aliens.
MS-13 coming through the southern border is greatly exagerated by Trump and his minions eat up like all of his other lies.
MS-13 started in LA.
MS-13 in El savador is the reason many El Savadorians are fleeing into the USA because they fear for their lives.
MS-13 and the violence driving migration from Central America

I think I've heard Trump reference MS-13, ONCE.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.

How many murders are enough to matter to you?
Still no pictures huh. Gee, if it were actually happening you would think some would have surfaced by now.

Looks like another leftist lie.

Pictures have been presented but you scream "Fake News" when they are presented. A clip where Rump is admitting to it but is playing id down with his 2nd grade engineering also has been shown in here. The only fake news here is YOU.

The pictures that have been presented were test cuts made during testing, and those were accomplished with cutting torches.

This has already been proven dude.
Anyone can get a cutting torch. What is your point.

eastcorner is doing nothing but a "Hey, look over there" once again. He's picking nits hoping we won't see just how vulnerable the wall without the other features are. The wall, by itself failed the Chinese in the 12th through 16th century for the same reasons.
MS-13, for one small specific example, is an extremely murderous gang, composed nearly completely of illegal aliens.

We are not being overrun by hordes of Meemaw murderer/rapers. It simply is not happening. Stop being so afraid of people who don't look like you.

I gave one small, specific example, that is responsible for thousands of murders. You did not address it. You fail.
Your one small, specific example does not equal 'hordes' of Meemaw murderer/rapers storming the border.

fyi - many MS 13 gang members are born in the United States. I live on the border and I've never seen one or been attacked by one.

8 to 10 thousand members living in the united states. Sounds like a horde to me.

"MS-13 is often public in its violence. Infanticide and femicide are common, with El Salvador hosting the third-highest femicide rate in the world. In 2016, one in 5,000 Salvadoran women were killed. Legal impunity is a key factor. In femicide cases, only 5% result in convictions.[17] Violent retributions target both enemy gangs as well as their families, friends, and neighbors. Entire families will be wiped out in a single attack, regardless of age. Buses full of passengers from the wrong parts of town will be burned in broad daylight, passengers still aboard.[18] Police officers, government officials, and community organizations are also frequent targets. Attacks like these have led the Supreme Court of El Salvador to authorize the classification of gangs as terrorist organizations"
They did not all come here in 2018. Don't be obtuse.

They have been active for nearly 40 years.

What an important distinction. I'm sure that is important to their dead mutilated child and women victims.
Still no pictures huh. Gee, if it were actually happening you would think some would have surfaced by now.

Looks like another leftist lie.

Pictures have been presented but you scream "Fake News" when they are presented. A clip where Rump is admitting to it but is playing id down with his 2nd grade engineering also has been shown in here. The only fake news here is YOU.

The pictures that have been presented were test cuts made during testing, and those were accomplished with cutting torches.

This has already been proven dude.

And I can do the same thing with a cheap power hack (not using a TM name) with an expensive industrial diamond tipped carbide blade and a 20lb sledge almost as fast. Bring WD-40.

I'm just an old uneducated Farmer. Okay, I do have a Degree and a lot of metallurgy experience but any farmer can do it using the tools listed. And Mexico has plenty of old Farmers with access to Lowes Harbor Freight in Mexico City.
There are three Home Depots in Tijuana and another one in Rosarito.

One in Tijuana is located conveniently near the border. But in this case I'm not sure it's necessary.

Tijuana is FULL of strong, experienced manual laborers. If you think they don't know how to defeat a wall, you are just stupid.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.

It is pathetic the way that the stupid Moon Bats think of every reason possible not to protect the sovereign of th US. That is as anti American as it gets.

They want the poverty filth to flood into the US to change the voting demographics so that the Democrats win to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.


They can't vote but they can and do fill jobs. That is why they come. But you know that.

Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.

Not sure why you think that it is only, or even primarily conservative business owners.

My point stands. They take jobs. Despite the lies of the liberals.
Still no pictures huh. Gee, if it were actually happening you would think some would have surfaced by now.

Looks like another leftist lie.

Pictures have been presented but you scream "Fake News" when they are presented. A clip where Rump is admitting to it but is playing id down with his 2nd grade engineering also has been shown in here. The only fake news here is YOU.

The pictures that have been presented were test cuts made during testing, and those were accomplished with cutting torches.

This has already been proven dude.

And I can do the same thing with a cheap power hack (not using a TM name) with an expensive industrial diamond tipped carbide blade and a 20lb sledge almost as fast. Bring WD-40.

I'm just an old uneducated Farmer. Okay, I do have a Degree and a lot of metallurgy experience but any farmer can do it using the tools listed. And Mexico has plenty of old Farmers with access to Lowes Harbor Freight in Mexico City.
There are three Home Depots in Tijuana and another one in Rosarito.

One in Tijuana is located conveniently near the border. But in this case I'm not sure it's necessary.

Tijuana is FULL of strong, experienced manual laborers. If you think they don't know how to defeat a wall, you are just stupid.

Almost any Mine Worker should be able to defeat the wall with nothing but hand tools.
It is pathetic the way that the stupid Moon Bats think of every reason possible not to protect the sovereign of th US. That is as anti American as it gets.

They want the poverty filth to flood into the US to change the voting demographics so that the Democrats win to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.


They can't vote but they can and do fill jobs. That is why they come. But you know that.

Except, sometimes, liberals like to deny that they take jobs.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.

...and Democrats import Illegals to do the job that real American think is repulsive - vote for Democrats.
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.

The Democrat filth imports foreign Illegals to influence elections, undermining our Republic. Shame!
We are not being overrun by hordes of Meemaw murderer/rapers. It simply is not happening. Stop being so afraid of people who don't look like you.

I gave one small, specific example, that is responsible for thousands of murders. You did not address it. You fail.
Your one small, specific example does not equal 'hordes' of Meemaw murderer/rapers storming the border.

fyi - many MS 13 gang members are born in the United States. I live on the border and I've never seen one or been attacked by one.

8 to 10 thousand members living in the united states. Sounds like a horde to me.

"MS-13 is often public in its violence. Infanticide and femicide are common, with El Salvador hosting the third-highest femicide rate in the world. In 2016, one in 5,000 Salvadoran women were killed. Legal impunity is a key factor. In femicide cases, only 5% result in convictions.[17] Violent retributions target both enemy gangs as well as their families, friends, and neighbors. Entire families will be wiped out in a single attack, regardless of age. Buses full of passengers from the wrong parts of town will be burned in broad daylight, passengers still aboard.[18] Police officers, government officials, and community organizations are also frequent targets. Attacks like these have led the Supreme Court of El Salvador to authorize the classification of gangs as terrorist organizations"
They did not all come here in 2018. Don't be obtuse.

They have been active for nearly 40 years.

What an important distinction. I'm sure that is important to their dead mutilated child and women victims.
Red Herring. You fail.

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