I’m a 21st Century American, I’m a Liberal, and I’m Armed.

Thanks for advising me to stay our of jail. I don't know what I would have done without you to steer me true.

I have no responsibility to the government or the community. None.

Then you don't know what you're missing... most members of communities in America have access to stuff like safe water, stable electric power and groceries.

It's pretty cool! :thup:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

Government is a tool. Private enterprise is a tool. Both will be necessary if Monkeys are to reach the stars.

Guns are also tools. Government is a gang of men with a license to use guns on the innocent.

If that truly describes the government where you live, I recommend changing either your address or your government.

That is the definition of government.
Simply put, I don't care. I'm more of a "big picture / concerned with the future" kind of guy.

I believe that a lot of the particulars that drive the headlines will be solved with fair and simple tax codes and heavy public investment in education and infrastructure.

I've NEVER voted for a candidate for any office with whom I was completely happy with... I think that few of us can say that we have. I try to be flexible and not afraid of voting for long-shots and sacrificial lambs.

I see....so you'll stick your head into the sand and forget about those issues that directly point to a liberal policy failures but you'll hold your nose and point to the "other guy" as the person NOT to vote for. And don't for one minute think I'm singling you out - I'm not. I point to 99% of the "so called' liberals who are so damned quick to throw stones...while living in glass houses.

All that any of us can do in this day and age is vote our conscience. I sleep just fine. I'm often disappointed, but I sleep just fine.

This is where you and I disagree. I DON'T sleep well at night. I see this country falling apart. As surely as the sun rises in the East. Jesus - have you SEEN the two "candidates" that are being put forth this year!?!?! A fucking liar and thief and a fucking liar and a thief. This country is eating itself.

Big picture.

As bad as it seems for this election in this here and now, humanity is still progressing towards fairness and justice with sights on the stars. Thanks in no small part to The US Constitution, the last 500 years have seen a lot of maturation in how Momma's little bastards exploit each other. A lot of progress indeed!

You liberals slay me. "fairness and justice". For whom? The rich? The "elite"? The "pseudos-intellectuals"? I promise you, you aren't talking about the majority of humanity. Nice try, though.

"Fairness" and "justice" are often mutually exclusive.
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:

That will end not long after Hillary gets elected.


She does not have the political capital to pass the kind of legislation required to compel us to turn in our hand guns and rifles.

She MIGHT get legislation delaying purchases of weapons and bulk ammo by folks who're on the no-fly lists, but I wouldn't make a bet on that horse.

I will however, bet you a dollar that the guns that you and I have in our homes would survive a pair of Hillary administrations just as surely as our guns survived eight years of President Obama.

It cracks me up how fragile some of y'all must think that The Second Amendment must be.

Gee all we have to go is the words coming out of elected libs mouthes......maybe you should open your ears.......2nd Amendment is only as strong as those upholding it....electing those who wish to do away with it is a serious threat......


This one's pretty easy, Scooter... Find out how people running for public office in your area feel about the issues that you're passionate about and get out there in both the primaries and the generals and VOTE!

no shit dumbass......funny how you vote against what you claim to believe

As I've said... I sleep just fine. I'm disappointed sometimes, but I sleep just fine.

Everyone sleeps fine until the Nazis cross the Rhine.
Then you don't know what you're missing... most members of communities in America have access to stuff like safe water, stable electric power and groceries.

It's pretty cool! :thup:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

Government is a tool. Private enterprise is a tool. Both will be necessary if Monkeys are to reach the stars.

Guns are also tools. Government is a gang of men with a license to use guns on the innocent.

If that truly describes the government where you live, I recommend changing either your address or your government.

That is the definition of government.

Apparently this guy just doesn't get it. This government is as corrupt as it gets. Thomas Jefferson said it best -

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

This government makes a mockery of its' citizens on a daily basis. Revolution is getting closer and closer.

Then you are not a true liberal, you are far left drone!

I've been called worse by uglier Monkeys...

:funnyface: Sticks & stones, baby!​
Are you on welfare? I mean, what's your fascination with the fascist liberals?

What do you mean by "fascist liberals"? :dunno:

Please be as specific as possible.
I mean fascist liberals....sorry, it's already simplified to the maximum extent possible....

In that case... No. I'm not on welfare.

And I'm flattered that you stalk me thoroughly enough to think that I'm fascinated with something, even if you can't discuss it any deeper than the sound byte being parroted.

More irony impaired far left debunked religious dogma.
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

Government is a tool. Private enterprise is a tool. Both will be necessary if Monkeys are to reach the stars.

Guns are also tools. Government is a gang of men with a license to use guns on the innocent.

If that truly describes the government where you live, I recommend changing either your address or your government.

That is the definition of government.

Apparently this guy just doesn't get it. This government is as corrupt as it gets. Thomas Jefferson said it best -

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

This government makes a mockery of its' citizens on a daily basis. Revolution is getting closer and closer.

Obviously, he worships government. He thinks of it as a god that can do anything. In his eyes, it's all good and all powerful.

Nauseating, isn't it?
Simply put, I don't care. I'm more of a "big picture / concerned with the future" kind of guy.

I believe that a lot of the particulars that drive the headlines will be solved with fair and simple tax codes and heavy public investment in education and infrastructure.

I've NEVER voted for a candidate for any office with whom I was completely happy with... I think that few of us can say that we have. I try to be flexible and not afraid of voting for long-shots and sacrificial lambs.

I see....so you'll stick your head into the sand and forget about those issues that directly point to a liberal policy failures but you'll hold your nose and point to the "other guy" as the person NOT to vote for. And don't for one minute think I'm singling you out - I'm not. I point to 99% of the "so called' liberals who are so damned quick to throw stones...while living in glass houses.

All that any of us can do in this day and age is vote our conscience. I sleep just fine. I'm often disappointed, but I sleep just fine.

This is where you and I disagree. I DON'T sleep well at night. I see this country falling apart. As surely as the sun rises in the East. Jesus - have you SEEN the two "candidates" that are being put forth this year!?!?! A fucking liar and thief and a fucking liar and a thief. This country is eating itself.

Big picture.

As bad as it seems for this election in this here and now, humanity is still progressing towards fairness and justice with sights on the stars. Thanks in no small part to The US Constitution, the last 500 years have seen a lot of maturation in how Momma's little bastards exploit each other. A lot of progress indeed!

You liberals slay me. "fairness and justice". For whom? The rich? The "elite"? The "pseudos-intellectuals"? I promise you, you aren't talking about the majority of humanity. Nice try, though.

"I have a dream...."​
Then you don't know what you're missing... most members of communities in America have access to stuff like safe water, stable electric power and groceries.

It's pretty cool! :thup:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

Government is a tool. Private enterprise is a tool. Both will be necessary if Monkeys are to reach the stars.

Guns are also tools. Government is a gang of men with a license to use guns on the innocent.

If that truly describes the government where you live, I recommend changing either your address or your government.

That is the definition of government.

Sounds like ISIS... Good luck!

Then you are not a true liberal, you are far left drone!

I've been called worse by uglier Monkeys...

:funnyface: Sticks & stones, baby!​
Are you on welfare? I mean, what's your fascination with the fascist liberals?

What do you mean by "fascist liberals"? :dunno:

Please be as specific as possible.
I mean fascist liberals....sorry, it's already simplified to the maximum extent possible....

In that case... No. I'm not on welfare.

And I'm flattered that you stalk me thoroughly enough to think that I'm fascinated with something, even if you can't discuss it any deeper than the sound byte being parroted.
Then what is the attraction to being a liberal?
Freedom baby!

Liberalism is an ideology based in liberty. Please carefully note that, while I've espoused my liberal views liberally and I've labeled myself as liberal, I do not think of myself as belonging to the US Democratic Political Party any more than I consider myself a Republican.

Truth be told I like watching the extremist driven wheels flying off of the Republican wagon and I'm looking forward to having viable choices from the right to choose from once again.

Win lose or draw, Donald Trump will change the Republican Message - we'll have to see what Trickle Down concepts survive.
Freedom baby!

Liberalism is an ideology based in liberty. Please carefully note that, while I've espoused my liberal views liberally and I've labeled myself as liberal, I do not think of myself as belonging to the US Democratic Political Party any more than I consider myself a Republican.

Truth be told I like watching the extremist driven wheels flying off of the Republican wagon and I'm looking forward to having viable choices from the right to choose from once again.

Win lose or draw, Donald Trump will change the Republican Message - we'll have to see what Trickle Down concepts survive.
You mean like slavery? Jim Crow? Segreggration? Separate but equal? Internment of citizens? Like that liberal 'liberty', baby?

Why did you vote Obama?
I see....so you'll stick your head into the sand and forget about those issues that directly point to a liberal policy failures but you'll hold your nose and point to the "other guy" as the person NOT to vote for. And don't for one minute think I'm singling you out - I'm not. I point to 99% of the "so called' liberals who are so damned quick to throw stones...while living in glass houses.

All that any of us can do in this day and age is vote our conscience. I sleep just fine. I'm often disappointed, but I sleep just fine.

This is where you and I disagree. I DON'T sleep well at night. I see this country falling apart. As surely as the sun rises in the East. Jesus - have you SEEN the two "candidates" that are being put forth this year!?!?! A fucking liar and thief and a fucking liar and a thief. This country is eating itself.

Big picture.

As bad as it seems for this election in this here and now, humanity is still progressing towards fairness and justice with sights on the stars. Thanks in no small part to The US Constitution, the last 500 years have seen a lot of maturation in how Momma's little bastards exploit each other. A lot of progress indeed!

You liberals slay me. "fairness and justice". For whom? The rich? The "elite"? The "pseudos-intellectuals"? I promise you, you aren't talking about the majority of humanity. Nice try, though.

"I have a dream...."​

Dreamers and visionaries understand the value of imagining the way things could be.

Self Governance 101

Fair and simple tax codes...
Public budgets that are balanced by law....
Transparency in public spending and policy....

Then, build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

Still not rocket science, y'all :smoke:
I see....so you'll stick your head into the sand and forget about those issues that directly point to a liberal policy failures but you'll hold your nose and point to the "other guy" as the person NOT to vote for. And don't for one minute think I'm singling you out - I'm not. I point to 99% of the "so called' liberals who are so damned quick to throw stones...while living in glass houses.

All that any of us can do in this day and age is vote our conscience. I sleep just fine. I'm often disappointed, but I sleep just fine.

This is where you and I disagree. I DON'T sleep well at night. I see this country falling apart. As surely as the sun rises in the East. Jesus - have you SEEN the two "candidates" that are being put forth this year!?!?! A fucking liar and thief and a fucking liar and a thief. This country is eating itself.

Big picture.

As bad as it seems for this election in this here and now, humanity is still progressing towards fairness and justice with sights on the stars. Thanks in no small part to The US Constitution, the last 500 years have seen a lot of maturation in how Momma's little bastards exploit each other. A lot of progress indeed!

You liberals slay me. "fairness and justice". For whom? The rich? The "elite"? The "pseudos-intellectuals"? I promise you, you aren't talking about the majority of humanity. Nice try, though.

"I have a dream...."​

Dreamers and visionaries understand the value of imagining the way things could be.

Self Governance 101

Fair and simple tax codes...
Public budgets that are balanced by law....
Transparency in public spending and policy....

Then, build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

Still not rocket science, y'all :smoke:
Those are conservative values.....

If you cherish those principles, why did you vote Obama?
Freedom baby!

Liberalism is an ideology based in liberty. Please carefully note that, while I've espoused my liberal views liberally and I've labeled myself as liberal, I do not think of myself as belonging to the US Democratic Political Party any more than I consider myself a Republican.

Truth be told I like watching the extremist driven wheels flying off of the Republican wagon and I'm looking forward to having viable choices from the right to choose from once again.

Win lose or draw, Donald Trump will change the Republican Message - we'll have to see what Trickle Down concepts survive.
You mean like slavery? Jim Crow? Segreggration? Separate but equal? Internment of citizens? Like that liberal 'liberty', baby?

Why did you vote Obama?

Twisting definitions do not change words.

As I've stated, the two reasons I voted for Obama, in chronological order are, McCain / Palin and Romney / Ryan.
Freedom baby!

Liberalism is an ideology based in liberty. Please carefully note that, while I've espoused my liberal views liberally and I've labeled myself as liberal, I do not think of myself as belonging to the US Democratic Political Party any more than I consider myself a Republican.

Truth be told I like watching the extremist driven wheels flying off of the Republican wagon and I'm looking forward to having viable choices from the right to choose from once again.

Win lose or draw, Donald Trump will change the Republican Message - we'll have to see what Trickle Down concepts survive.
You mean like slavery? Jim Crow? Segreggration? Separate but equal? Internment of citizens? Like that liberal 'liberty', baby?

Why did you vote Obama?

Twisting definitions do not change words.

As I've stated, the two reasons I voted for Obama, in chronological order are, McCain / Palin and Romney / Ryan.
So you liked Obamas stance on banning guns? Never having a federal budget? Increasing complexity of the tax code? Or lack of transparency?
For good and for ill, this country is not run by one individual.

It takes a corrupt congress, highly successful military and medical industrial complexes, and 70 years to achieve the levels of fuck-upishness we currently enjoy.
For good and for ill, this country is not run by one individual.

It takes a corrupt congress, highly successful military and medical industrial complexes, and 70 years to achieve the levels of fuck-upishness we currently enjoy.
No...just liberals....

So, we are left to deduce you voted Obama for his anti gun stance.....
If that is what you deduce from this thread I can only deduce that you are some combination of foolish and stubborn.

Beer? :beer:
I see....so you'll stick your head into the sand and forget about those issues that directly point to a liberal policy failures but you'll hold your nose and point to the "other guy" as the person NOT to vote for. And don't for one minute think I'm singling you out - I'm not. I point to 99% of the "so called' liberals who are so damned quick to throw stones...while living in glass houses.

All that any of us can do in this day and age is vote our conscience. I sleep just fine. I'm often disappointed, but I sleep just fine.

This is where you and I disagree. I DON'T sleep well at night. I see this country falling apart. As surely as the sun rises in the East. Jesus - have you SEEN the two "candidates" that are being put forth this year!?!?! A fucking liar and thief and a fucking liar and a thief. This country is eating itself.

Big picture.

As bad as it seems for this election in this here and now, humanity is still progressing towards fairness and justice with sights on the stars. Thanks in no small part to The US Constitution, the last 500 years have seen a lot of maturation in how Momma's little bastards exploit each other. A lot of progress indeed!

You liberals slay me. "fairness and justice". For whom? The rich? The "elite"? The "pseudos-intellectuals"? I promise you, you aren't talking about the majority of humanity. Nice try, though.

"I have a dream...."​

Dreamers and visionaries understand the value of imagining the way things could be.

Self Governance 101

Fair and simple tax codes...
Public budgets that are balanced by law....
Transparency in public spending and policy....

Then, build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

Still not rocket science, y'all :smoke:

I have no problem with your "dreams". It is the dreams that most americans have had from birth. So tell me, what happened? I'll be more than happy to tell you. GOVERNMENT. - AND - the American people themselves.

The America I grew up in was (for the most part) fair. You worked hard, you played by the rules and you got ahead. Now? Those ideals are gone for the most part. Now, Mom and Dad do not have the time to raise kids, they don't have the time to watch their "government". They have to work their asses off in part time jobs (usually two or three of them) to pay their mortgage.

Was this all by design? Who knows, but frankly, I think yes. If you can't "watch, like a lion, those appointed by you, to serve you" then they run wildly.

20 Trillion in debt. Remember that number. 20 TRILLION. And now, we laugh, continue to print money that is backed by thin air, and just keep selling our country to China.

In other words. We are OWNED.
Freedom baby!

Liberalism is an ideology based in liberty. Please carefully note that, while I've espoused my liberal views liberally and I've labeled myself as liberal, I do not think of myself as belonging to the US Democratic Political Party any more than I consider myself a Republican.

Truth be told I like watching the extremist driven wheels flying off of the Republican wagon and I'm looking forward to having viable choices from the right to choose from once again.

Win lose or draw, Donald Trump will change the Republican Message - we'll have to see what Trickle Down concepts survive.

Sonny - you haven't been "free" for the last 40 years.

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