I’m a 21st Century American, I’m a Liberal, and I’m Armed.

There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .
There is a left-wing fallacy that gun control =/= to gun bans.

Indeed. Just ask Mao, Adolf, Lenin, Mussolini or the many other dictators who started their reign of terror by first confiscating guns. all in the name of "safety".
Aye....I adhere to a single word when it comes to the so-called "Reasonable Gun Restrictions".


The line for gun control is drawn at none. It will remain there as long as I draw breath.
There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .

Your buddy, Matt Damon (piece of shit) just told the news media in Australia that he "wished we would do in America, what they did in Australia". Perfect fucking Liberal shit-head. Make your damned living off of guns in movies then talk shit.

How has he made a living off of guns ?? That's so stupid .

Really? Jason Bourne?
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:

Gee...good for you. So tell me - how do you feel about your "brethren" trying to take your rights from you? And where the hell did you ever get the stupid idea that you "needed permission" to carry? All your bluster means nothing to me. You have a RIGHT to carry given to you by our founders.

You are fooling no one here.

Our founders are dead and buried. I look to the FBI and The Marines, among others, to protect my right to keep and carry guns.

If having a concealed carry permit is a stupid waste of time, why does it take up to 6 months to get a license processed? It's certainly a popular stupid waste of time.

Jesus Christ. I got my CCW in three days. Where the hell do you live? The Kremlin? Again, I only got mine because I am a law abiding citizen. Folks in the inner cities carry guns every day without "getting permission" to do so, just ask anyone in Chicago.

Florida. The department of agriculture is busy, busy here. And every time that there's a mass shooting the wait time spikes.
There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .
There is a left-wing fallacy that gun control =/= to gun bans.

Indeed. Just ask Mao, Adolf, Lenin, Mussolini or the many other dictators who started their reign of terror by first confiscating guns. all in the name of "safety".
Aye....I adhere to a single word when it comes to the so-called "Reasonable Gun Restrictions".


The line for gun control is drawn at none. It will remain there as long as I draw breath.

One of my best friends is the Sheriff of our county. We have discussed the "idea" of gun control on many occasions. He has already stated that he would never even attempt to enforce "confiscation" and I have told him "Good!" Because someone on his force would have to be the first one through my door - and I would hate to see that.

He laughs - because he knows me and knows that I will die before I allow that to happen. Same for 95% of those living around here.
And yet you have it. Implied or expressed, as long as you follow the rules you'll still be able to exercise those rights. Fuck up and you lose those rights, ass-u-me-ing you fuck up bad enough. The fact that you're not posting from prison is testament to your basic understanding of the permissions that you have from your government.

The good news: With a government of, by and for The People, in theory at least, what you have is permission from yourself.

ROFL! Another lib who doesn't understand what a right is. You don't ask the government for permission to exercise a right. You don't need a license, and you don't have a long list of rules to follow.

Your attitude is utterly servile. You will make a good servant of the police state.

I guess it's just a good thing your common sense keeps you out of jail, because I guarantee that you make choices and you don't do and get everything that you want.

Grow the fuck up and learn to understand your relationship and your responsibility in a democracy to your community and to your government.

Thanks for advising me to stay our of jail. I don't know what I would have done without you to steer me true.

I have no responsibility to the government or the community. None.

Then you don't know what you're missing... most members of communities in America have access to stuff like safe water, stable electric power and groceries.

It's pretty cool! :thup:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

Government is a tool. Private enterprise is a tool. Both will be necessary if Monkeys are to reach the stars.
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:

Gee...good for you. So tell me - how do you feel about your "brethren" trying to take your rights from you? And where the hell did you ever get the stupid idea that you "needed permission" to carry? All your bluster means nothing to me. You have a RIGHT to carry given to you by our founders.

You are fooling no one here.

Our founders are dead and buried. I look to the FBI and The Marines, among others, to protect my right to keep and carry guns.

If having a concealed carry permit is a stupid waste of time, why does it take up to 6 months to get a license processed? It's certainly a popular stupid waste of time.

Jesus Christ. I got my CCW in three days. Where the hell do you live? The Kremlin? Again, I only got mine because I am a law abiding citizen. Folks in the inner cities carry guns every day without "getting permission" to do so, just ask anyone in Chicago.

Florida. The department of agriculture is busy, busy here. And every time that there's a mass shooting the wait time spikes.

"mass shooting" " You mean a terrorist attack, right?
Thanks for advising me to stay our of jail. I don't know what I would have done without you to steer me true.

I have no responsibility to the government or the community. None.

Then you don't know what you're missing... most members of communities in America have access to stuff like safe water, stable electric power and groceries.

It's pretty cool! :thup:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

The fact of delivery for water and power being a combination of private and municipal enterprises in this country notwithstanding, government can be directly thanked for consistency and stability in power and water and safety in all three.

The basic point being that "Government", as embodied in The US Constitution makes, among other things, your private contracts possible.
So then impress Me with your knowledge of our system of government and tell Me why it is that the Federal Branch of government is even involved in things like the deliverance of power and water when in fact, that is not their function in our system.

You miss the point however. I do not rely upon either city or private to provide Myself with water or electricity. I have made bargains and conducted business with people who manufacture equipment that provides Me with power, and I get water from a well on My property. The plumbing is all mine.

It is NOT the government that should be thanked for the consistency and stability in our society, but the entrepreneur who is willing to risk everything to chase a dream and provide tangible trade with others in their community.

Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...
There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .
There is a left-wing fallacy that gun control =/= to gun bans.

Indeed. Just ask Mao, Adolf, Lenin, Mussolini or the many other dictators who started their reign of terror by first confiscating guns. all in the name of "safety".
Aye....I adhere to a single word when it comes to the so-called "Reasonable Gun Restrictions".


The line for gun control is drawn at none. It will remain there as long as I draw breath.

One of my best friends is the Sheriff of our county. We have discussed the "idea" of gun control on many occasions. He has already stated that he would never even attempt to enforce "confiscation" and I have told him "Good!" Because someone on his force would have to be the first one through my door - and I would hate to see that.

He laughs - because he knows me and knows that I will die before I allow that to happen. Same for 95% of those living around here.
Yep. Luckily, our county commission has enacted law stating that any gun restrictions would be void in our county.
There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .
There is a left-wing fallacy that gun control =/= to gun bans.

Indeed. Just ask Mao, Adolf, Lenin, Mussolini or the many other dictators who started their reign of terror by first confiscating guns. all in the name of "safety".
Aye....I adhere to a single word when it comes to the so-called "Reasonable Gun Restrictions".


The line for gun control is drawn at none. It will remain there as long as I draw breath.

Bullshit. The line separating Americans from "none" was drawn long ago and has been enforced for many years now.

Just go and try to buy a fully armed tank. :tank:
There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .
There is a left-wing fallacy that gun control =/= to gun bans.

Indeed. Just ask Mao, Adolf, Lenin, Mussolini or the many other dictators who started their reign of terror by first confiscating guns. all in the name of "safety".
Aye....I adhere to a single word when it comes to the so-called "Reasonable Gun Restrictions".


The line for gun control is drawn at none. It will remain there as long as I draw breath.

One of my best friends is the Sheriff of our county. We have discussed the "idea" of gun control on many occasions. He has already stated that he would never even attempt to enforce "confiscation" and I have told him "Good!" Because someone on his force would have to be the first one through my door - and I would hate to see that.

He laughs - because he knows me and knows that I will die before I allow that to happen. Same for 95% of those living around here.
Yep. Luckily, our county commission has enacted law stating that any gun restrictions would be void in our county.

After today's vote (Kate's law) where the pussy democrats couldn't even vote to protect American Citizens - I would encourage ALL Americans to defend themselves in whatever manner they see fit. Carry a pistol, knife, ball bat, whatever. Your own government doesn't care enough about you (in favor of wetbacks) to pass a law to protect you from illegals.

We are living in rough times. It's time to take care of ourselves.
Then you don't know what you're missing... most members of communities in America have access to stuff like safe water, stable electric power and groceries.

It's pretty cool! :thup:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

The fact of delivery for water and power being a combination of private and municipal enterprises in this country notwithstanding, government can be directly thanked for consistency and stability in power and water and safety in all three.

The basic point being that "Government", as embodied in The US Constitution makes, among other things, your private contracts possible.
So then impress Me with your knowledge of our system of government and tell Me why it is that the Federal Branch of government is even involved in things like the deliverance of power and water when in fact, that is not their function in our system.

You miss the point however. I do not rely upon either city or private to provide Myself with water or electricity. I have made bargains and conducted business with people who manufacture equipment that provides Me with power, and I get water from a well on My property. The plumbing is all mine.

It is NOT the government that should be thanked for the consistency and stability in our society, but the entrepreneur who is willing to risk everything to chase a dream and provide tangible trade with others in their community.

Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...

So was the transcontinental railroad, at least in theory :doubt:
I have access to all of that and the government isn't involved in any of it.

I know you're trying to make a point, but unless you can speak directly to government providing clean, safe water, stable electric power, and groceries, you may want to rethink your stance.

Paying private citizens for goods and services has nothing to do with government. Its called a private contract.

The fact of delivery for water and power being a combination of private and municipal enterprises in this country notwithstanding, government can be directly thanked for consistency and stability in power and water and safety in all three.

The basic point being that "Government", as embodied in The US Constitution makes, among other things, your private contracts possible.
So then impress Me with your knowledge of our system of government and tell Me why it is that the Federal Branch of government is even involved in things like the deliverance of power and water when in fact, that is not their function in our system.

You miss the point however. I do not rely upon either city or private to provide Myself with water or electricity. I have made bargains and conducted business with people who manufacture equipment that provides Me with power, and I get water from a well on My property. The plumbing is all mine.

It is NOT the government that should be thanked for the consistency and stability in our society, but the entrepreneur who is willing to risk everything to chase a dream and provide tangible trade with others in their community.

Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...

So was the transcontinental railroad, at least in theory :doubt:

Ask Thomas Durant. He built the damned thing.
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:

Gee...good for you. So tell me - how do you feel about your "brethren" trying to take your rights from you? And where the hell did you ever get the stupid idea that you "needed permission" to carry? All your bluster means nothing to me. You have a RIGHT to carry given to you by our founders.

You are fooling no one here.

Our founders are dead and buried. I look to the FBI and The Marines, among others, to protect my right to keep and carry guns.

If having a concealed carry permit is a stupid waste of time, why does it take up to 6 months to get a license processed? It's certainly a popular stupid waste of time.

Jesus Christ. I got my CCW in three days. Where the hell do you live? The Kremlin? Again, I only got mine because I am a law abiding citizen. Folks in the inner cities carry guns every day without "getting permission" to do so, just ask anyone in Chicago.

Florida. The department of agriculture is busy, busy here. And every time that there's a mass shooting the wait time spikes.

"mass shooting" " You mean a terrorist attack, right?

Around here it's pretty much anything that goes 'bang!' and bleeds.
There's this right Wing fallacy that gun control = gun bans .
There is a left-wing fallacy that gun control =/= to gun bans.

Indeed. Just ask Mao, Adolf, Lenin, Mussolini or the many other dictators who started their reign of terror by first confiscating guns. all in the name of "safety".
Aye....I adhere to a single word when it comes to the so-called "Reasonable Gun Restrictions".


The line for gun control is drawn at none. It will remain there as long as I draw breath.

Bullshit. The line separating Americans from "none" was drawn long ago and has been enforced for many years now.

Just go and try to buy a fully armed tank. :tank:
Always with the extremism......My statement is valid and will remain valid as long as I draw breath. A person who would never use a weapon for anything other than self defense would never use a weapon....regardless of its type...for anything other than self defense.

But if you want to sojourn into the realm of the ridiculous, please go alone. I have no desire to travel with you.
Gee...good for you. So tell me - how do you feel about your "brethren" trying to take your rights from you? And where the hell did you ever get the stupid idea that you "needed permission" to carry? All your bluster means nothing to me. You have a RIGHT to carry given to you by our founders.

You are fooling no one here.

Our founders are dead and buried. I look to the FBI and The Marines, among others, to protect my right to keep and carry guns.

If having a concealed carry permit is a stupid waste of time, why does it take up to 6 months to get a license processed? It's certainly a popular stupid waste of time.

Jesus Christ. I got my CCW in three days. Where the hell do you live? The Kremlin? Again, I only got mine because I am a law abiding citizen. Folks in the inner cities carry guns every day without "getting permission" to do so, just ask anyone in Chicago.

Florida. The department of agriculture is busy, busy here. And every time that there's a mass shooting the wait time spikes.

"mass shooting" " You mean a terrorist attack, right?

Around here it's pretty much anything that goes 'bang!' and bleeds.

Don't you (as a liberal) ever question the idea that Chicago is seldom mentioned in the area of "mass shootings"? I mean, each weekend (and especially the 4th) there was like 32 shootings...don't you find that somewhat "interesting" that the home of Saul Alynsky, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Bill Ayers is one of the most dangerous places on earth?
The fact of delivery for water and power being a combination of private and municipal enterprises in this country notwithstanding, government can be directly thanked for consistency and stability in power and water and safety in all three.

The basic point being that "Government", as embodied in The US Constitution makes, among other things, your private contracts possible.
So then impress Me with your knowledge of our system of government and tell Me why it is that the Federal Branch of government is even involved in things like the deliverance of power and water when in fact, that is not their function in our system.

You miss the point however. I do not rely upon either city or private to provide Myself with water or electricity. I have made bargains and conducted business with people who manufacture equipment that provides Me with power, and I get water from a well on My property. The plumbing is all mine.

It is NOT the government that should be thanked for the consistency and stability in our society, but the entrepreneur who is willing to risk everything to chase a dream and provide tangible trade with others in their community.

Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...

So was the transcontinental railroad, at least in theory :doubt:

Ask Thomas Durant. He built the damned thing.

With money he saved up from working hard and being responsible, eh? :razz:

The Railroad didn't just link the coasts, it was a blueprint for private profit on public investment that was ripe for exploitation in the new republic being micromanaged from DC.
So then impress Me with your knowledge of our system of government and tell Me why it is that the Federal Branch of government is even involved in things like the deliverance of power and water when in fact, that is not their function in our system.

You miss the point however. I do not rely upon either city or private to provide Myself with water or electricity. I have made bargains and conducted business with people who manufacture equipment that provides Me with power, and I get water from a well on My property. The plumbing is all mine.

It is NOT the government that should be thanked for the consistency and stability in our society, but the entrepreneur who is willing to risk everything to chase a dream and provide tangible trade with others in their community.

Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...

So was the transcontinental railroad, at least in theory :doubt:

Ask Thomas Durant. He built the damned thing.

With money he saved up from working hard and being responsible, eh? :razz:

The Railroad didn't just link the coasts, it was a blueprint for private profit on public investment that was ripe for exploitation in the new republic being micromanaged from DC.

Absolutely not. Thomas Durant was one of the biggest con men of the time. He personally screwed the government for well over 50 million dollars (around 3 billion today). So much for Grant's "oversight" - or was it intentional?

Almost seems like a Clinton con, doesn't it?
So then impress Me with your knowledge of our system of government and tell Me why it is that the Federal Branch of government is even involved in things like the deliverance of power and water when in fact, that is not their function in our system.

You miss the point however. I do not rely upon either city or private to provide Myself with water or electricity. I have made bargains and conducted business with people who manufacture equipment that provides Me with power, and I get water from a well on My property. The plumbing is all mine.

It is NOT the government that should be thanked for the consistency and stability in our society, but the entrepreneur who is willing to risk everything to chase a dream and provide tangible trade with others in their community.

Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...

So was the transcontinental railroad, at least in theory :doubt:

Ask Thomas Durant. He built the damned thing.

With money he saved up from working hard and being responsible, eh? :razz:

The Railroad didn't just link the coasts, it was a blueprint for private profit on public investment that was ripe for exploitation in the new republic being micromanaged from DC.
Why don't you explain to Me how it was that he was able to build a company from the ground up and not do it with hard work and thriftiness, along with intelligence, a keen vision of direction, and a willingness to risk everything for that dream of success....

Oh, it must have been someone on the government dole who just needed a break.
Two words : Hoover dam!
In 1931, Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman Wilbur announced that a 726.4-foot high dam would be built in Black Canyon rather than Boulder Canyon due to a fault at the upper end of Boulder Canyon and greater storage capacity in Las Vegas Wash. It would be named Hoover Dam. (But when Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 because people blamed him for the Great Depression, the dam was officially renamed Boulder Dam in 1933. Congress restored the name Hoover Dam in 1947.) A labor contract was awarded to Six Companies of San Francisco composed of Utah Construction of Ogden, Utah; Pacific Bridge of Portland, Oregon; Henry J. Kaiser & W.A. Bechtel of Oakland, California; MacDonald & Kahn of Los Angeles; Morrison-Knudsen of Boise, Idaho; and J.F. Shea of Portland, Oregon—all major Western contracting firms. The bid was $48,890,995.50, the largest labor contract let by the U.S. Government up to that time.

Hoover Dam Construction | ONE

Imagine that. Built by private companies using private labor...

So was the transcontinental railroad, at least in theory :doubt:

Ask Thomas Durant. He built the damned thing.

With money he saved up from working hard and being responsible, eh? :razz:

The Railroad didn't just link the coasts, it was a blueprint for private profit on public investment that was ripe for exploitation in the new republic being micromanaged from DC.
Why don't you explain to Me how it was that he was able to build a company from the ground up and not do it with hard work and thriftiness, along with intelligence, a keen vision of direction, and a willingness to risk everything for that dream of success....

Oh, it must have been someone on the government dole who just needed a break.

Grant was too busy worrying about reneging on treaties with the Sioux in the Black Hills and (so called) bad guys like Jesse James - who was tired of seeing his state raped by the North after the Civil War. Grant was kept fairly busy. That, coupled with the fact that he was a raging drunk, left the door wide open for Durant.
Our founders are dead and buried. I look to the FBI and The Marines, among others, to protect my right to keep and carry guns.

If having a concealed carry permit is a stupid waste of time, why does it take up to 6 months to get a license processed? It's certainly a popular stupid waste of time.

Jesus Christ. I got my CCW in three days. Where the hell do you live? The Kremlin? Again, I only got mine because I am a law abiding citizen. Folks in the inner cities carry guns every day without "getting permission" to do so, just ask anyone in Chicago.

Florida. The department of agriculture is busy, busy here. And every time that there's a mass shooting the wait time spikes.

"mass shooting" " You mean a terrorist attack, right?

Around here it's pretty much anything that goes 'bang!' and bleeds.

Don't you (as a liberal) ever question the idea that Chicago is seldom mentioned in the area of "mass shootings"? I mean, each weekend (and especially the 4th) there was like 32 shootings...don't you find that somewhat "interesting" that the home of Saul Alynsky, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Bill Ayers is one of the most dangerous places on earth?

Simply put, I don't care. I'm more of a "big picture / concerned with the future" kind of guy.

I believe that a lot of the particulars that drive the headlines will be solved with fair and simple tax codes and heavy public investment in education and infrastructure.

I've NEVER voted for a candidate for any office with whom I was completely happy with... I think that few of us can say that we have. I try to be flexible and not afraid of voting for long-shots and sacrificial lambs.

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