I'm already tired of hearing about Black Panther...

I look forward to watching the movie, and I'm sure it will be a huge success. It will probably be one of the biggest movies of the year. Awesome. Now, can we stop talking about how "groundbreaking" and "new" it is? We get it. He's an African superhero. Except he has been around since 1966. I can't help but not give a shit anymore.

If he's been around since 1966, he's obviously not much of a super-hero.

I mean considering the way things are these days.
It was a crappy comic book.......

I never got into his solo comics much, but he was always a badass when teamed with other heroes. His appearance in Captain America: Civil War was amazing as well. It will probably be a great movie.
Not liking Black Panther is a hate crime, I'm reporting you all to my local chapter of the ACLU
Not liking Black Panther is a hate crime, I'm reporting you all to my local chapter of the ACLU

I never said I don't like the Black Panther. I love the Black Panther of the comics, and movies. Report me. I hope they punish me by forcing me to watch a free screening.
I have a policy of not going to movies for which white children are told they cannot wear costumes featuring one of the characters.

I have a policy of not going to movies where people are wearing costumes.

People wear costumes in all movies. Those aren't their real clothes.

I only go to drive-ins. Last time I was in a regular theater was during Passion of the Christ, but they wouldn't let me in with a giant wooden cross.
It's like they forgot that last week were told that wealthy blacks bought up theaters and screenings for thugs and thuglets. Are they pretending that this has nothing to do with the sell outs?
It's like they forgot that last week were told that wealthy blacks bought up theaters and screenings for thugs and thuglets. Are they pretending that this has nothing to do with the sell outs?

Those were for pre-release screenings. The movie post-release is projected to be one of the largest grossing movies of 2018.
but they wouldn't let me in with a giant wooden cross.


It's like they forgot that last week were told that wealthy blacks bought up theaters and screenings for thugs and thuglets. Are they pretending that this has nothing to do with the sell outs?

Those were for pre-release screenings. The movie post-release is projected to be one of the largest grossing movies of 2018.
Entire theaters have been bought out. Which is okay. I don't plan on seeing it anyway.

I'll wait for the riots.
I have a policy of not going to movies with Blacks. Common sense. Unless you want to fight a random POS who has nothing to lose and you can get sued by the anti-White establishment if you neutralize the beast or beasts, they usually jump in when one of their own is getting womped.
I have a policy of not going to movies with Blacks. Common sense. Unless you want to fight a random POS who has nothing to lose and you can get sued by the anti-White establishment if you neutralize the beast or beasts, they usually jump in when one of their own is getting womped.

Somehow, I suspect if you ran into a real black person, you'd immediately wet yourself.
The second Captain America was surprisingly good but my fave comic book movie of all time is the underrated Watchmen.

Ummm... yeah.

Okay, if you think that Zack Snyder's bastardization of Watchmen was a good thing, I'm not sure what else can be said for you.

His change in the ending MADE NO SENSE. If the world thought Dr. Manhattan had blown up half the world, they'd have retaliated against the US, not started a hippy drum circle.

(Ozymandias original plan in the comic book made a little more sense, he faked an alien invasion that brought everyone together.)
The second Captain America was surprisingly good but my fave comic book movie of all time is the underrated Watchmen.

Ummm... yeah.

Okay, if you think that Zack Snyder's bastardization of Watchmen was a good thing, I'm not sure what else can be said for you.

His change in the ending MADE NO SENSE. If the world thought Dr. Manhattan had blown up half the world, they'd have retaliated against the US, not started a hippy drum circle.

(Ozymandias original plan in the comic book made a little more sense, he faked an alien invasion that brought everyone together.)

I didn't read the original comic, just browsed about half of it after seeing the film. Seemed to me like it stayed pretty true to the source material. One of the things I liked about it, is that it didn't waste half the film with an origin story. I've only seen the director's cut, I've heard the original is pretty bad.

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