Im confised about our retaliation airstrike...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.
And murder dozens of innocent women and children. Our military is very good at that, no matter who is potus.
War was getting to the point that civilians in urban areas were spared a bit until World War 2. Guerilla Warfare and other types of violence expanded. So terrorist groups started to use innocent women and children as a shield.
War was getting to the point that civilians in urban areas were spared a bit until World War 2. Guerilla Warfare and other types of violence expanded. So terrorist groups started to use innocent women and children as a shield.
Lol. You justify mass murder of innocents with a bs excuse. Fuck that.
Biden surrendered.Why is he attacking again?
Robert E Lee didn't attack the North after he surrendered
The Japanese didn't attack us after they surrendered in World War 2

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

You wouldn't thank Biden for anything. You looking for support to assume it wasn't done. You don't fool me.

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

Maybe they took out an isis cell with him in it.

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

Anything to change the narrative. Since we reportedly have virtually no intelligence network left in the country, odds are they carried out the atatck based on information provided by the taliban who wanted whoever offed for whatever reason.
You wouldn't thank Biden for anything. You looking for support to assume it wasn't done. You don't fool me.
I don't need to fool you. You're a nobody on the internet who's opinion of me couldn't mean much less.
My history here is open for anyone to read. I have praised and condemned every president since I joined. Find it or don't, matters not
Anything to change the narrative. Since we reportedly have virtually no intelligence network left in the country, odds are they carried out the atatck based on information provided by the taliban who wanted whoever offed for whatever reason.
Are you just making shit up?!

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

1. The VIA left a week ago so we have had no real Intel in Afghanistan.

2. With no Intel, how did they find / single this guy out of approx 6,000 ISIS, AL Qaeda, and Taliban terrorists the Taliban recently released?

3. How do you know THIS was the guy?

Biden & his f*-ups needed a soft response and kill to stop the political hemorrhaging - he gave it to the people.

Biden hasn't moved this fast since someone yelled, "COVID" in the WH & he ran for the basement.

He and his admin have lied to us so often about all of this I find itdifficult to swallow - trust but verify.

BFW, you think 'this' is over? Yiu think the terrorists will not retaliate? Hmmmmm

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