I'm going to be completely honest...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.

The extreme left of the Democrat party are making strident demands for impossible things and the Democrats will have a quandary what to do about them.

The stolen election (everyone knows it was stolen) will be an albatross around the Democrats' neck. They will lack the legitimacy a President who was fairly elected normally has. To many Americans, it will seem right and just to resist the Democrats by all means necessary.

The rioting in the streets will continue because the Democrats don't how to stop it.

China's connection to the Democrats will become more clear as the Communists make their demands known.

It's going to be a big mess, and I'm heartily glad I am an observer and not a participant.
I liked his policies, but I never liked the man.

I like him, would jump at the chance to shoot a round of golf with him ... just wish he'd shut the fuck up ... I voted for him because of his policies (not that I liked the policies, but they needed four more years to come to fruition) ...

His mouth lost the election ... if he had just toned it down a little, he'd have carried GA, PA, MI, WI, NC, AZ ... but that's not who he is ...
I haven't given up on the election. From what I've seen and heard since Nov 3rd its a stolen election and Trump's team should win the case. If they don't and Biden is given the win, then I will join the revolt and let the chips fall where they may. I made the same oath of allegiance 63 years ago and it is still in effect.
I haven't given up on the election. From what I've seen and heard since Nov 3rd its a stolen election and Trump's team should win the case. If they don't and Biden is given the win, then I will join the revolt and let the chips fall where they may. I made the same oath of allegiance 63 years ago and it is still in effect.

Rest assured, China Biden WILL NEVER be given a win!
...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.

The extreme left of the Democrat party are making strident demands for impossible things and the Democrats will have a quandary what to do about them.

The stolen election (everyone knows it was stolen) will be an albatross around the Democrats' neck. They will lack the legitimacy a President who was fairly elected normally has. To many Americans, it will seem right and just to resist the Democrats by all means necessary.

The rioting in the streets will continue because the Democrats don't how to stop it.

China's connection to the Democrats will become more clear as the Communists make their demands known.

It's going to be a big mess, and I'm heartily glad I am an observer and not a participant.

If you are a citizen of the United States of America You Are a participant....
...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.

The extreme left of the Democrat party are making strident demands for impossible things and the Democrats will have a quandary what to do about them.

The stolen election (everyone knows it was stolen) will be an albatross around the Democrats' neck. They will lack the legitimacy a President who was fairly elected normally has. To many Americans, it will seem right and just to resist the Democrats by all means necessary.

The rioting in the streets will continue because the Democrats don't how to stop it.

China's connection to the Democrats will become more clear as the Communists make their demands known.

It's going to be a big mess, and I'm heartily glad I am an observer and not a participant.
This is as partisan as I've seen on here...

First, what is "back to normal?" Identify a point when things were "normal."

"Hateful rhetoric" is sheer projection, Republicans disparage Democrats in the media non-stop,"Oh how they're demonic" "Oh how they're un-American", "oh how they want to destroy the country", "yada, yada, yada..."

Who is the "extreme left" and what are they advocating? What positions of power do they have? What has Sleepy Joe done, or even said, to signal to you that he's going in that direction?

From the minute you say "stolen election" you've just identified yourself as a kook and a person not to be taken seriously. Like, at all.

What riots? How many are we talking about? Where? Not to mention, what made them so angry?

"China?" More kookery.

Republicans whipped THEMSELVES up into this frenzy where there's no reasoning w/them. They do this every. single. time a Democrat is in Office. They just keep getting worse and worse, and going lower and lower into the gutter w/their nonsense.

You are a joke OP.
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...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.

The extreme left of the Democrat party are making strident demands for impossible things and the Democrats will have a quandary what to do about them.

The stolen election (everyone knows it was stolen) will be an albatross around the Democrats' neck. They will lack the legitimacy a President who was fairly elected normally has. To many Americans, it will seem right and just to resist the Democrats by all means necessary.

The rioting in the streets will continue because the Democrats don't how to stop it.

China's connection to the Democrats will become more clear as the Communists make their demands known.

It's going to be a big mess, and I'm heartily glad I am an observer and not a participant.
You considered Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers normal?
It still will be fun fucking with libtards regardless of who is President.
Liberals are always pissy, butthurt little bitches and that isn't going to change with the Male, Pale and Stale Great White Hope they just elected.
It was just more fun beating them over the head with Trump.

Now it's troll Bidens failures time.
I haven't given up on the election. From what I've seen and heard since Nov 3rd its a stolen election and Trump's team should win the case. If they don't and Biden is given the win, then I will join the revolt and let the chips fall where they may. I made the same oath of allegiance 63 years ago and it is still in effect.

Me too, bring it on.
...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

I was never a big fan of Trump either, and also didn't like all of his policies. I didn't vote for him in thee Texas primary, but certainly did in the general considering who/what the alternative was.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

I think we'll get back to normal as far as the democrats are concerned, politicizing every gov't agency they can and also blaming Trump for everything that goes wrong. The economy is going to suck for the next 4 years and they'll say it's all Trump's fault cuz he mishandled the Coronanvirus. Which isn't true, but they never cared about truth anyway.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.

Democrats are bad at governing and good about lying about it. They'll fuck everything up, I have no doubt at all about that. But we'll be the ones to suffer for it.

The extreme left of the Democrat party are making strident demands for impossible things and the Democrats will have a quandary what to do about them.

They'll have their hand full just within their own party with the crazy far Left kooks wanting all sorts of nonsense. I think there's a very good chance they'll lose the House in 2022; Might win the Senate though.

The stolen election (everyone knows it was stolen) will be an albatross around the Democrats' neck. They will lack the legitimacy a President who was fairly elected normally has. To many Americans, it will seem right and just to resist the Democrats by all means necessary.

The GOP should resist when it makes sense to do so, but IMHO not all means possible. I hope to God the Repubs win at least one of those 2 Senate races in Georgia.

The rioting in the streets will continue because the Democrats don't how to stop it.

I think they know how, they just lack the balls to do it.

China's connection to the Democrats will become more clear as the Communists make their demands known.

Hunter Biden is gonna make a lotta money these next 4 years, unless old Joe croaks or steps down.

It's going to be a big mess, and I'm heartily glad I am an observer and not a participant.

Not much we can do about anything really. Between the solid grip the Dems have on the media and Hollywood, the NBA, NFL, and what all else, whatever those of us on the Right have to say will pretty much not be heard. Rush Limbaugh might not be around much longer and Fox News isn't what it used to be either. We are headed down the path towards a totalitarian state where the only voice that is heard is the gov'ts. Not saying that'll happen anytime soon, but clearly our basic rights are under attack. IMHO we are about to make a hard turn to the Left, and the journey back to the center will be that much harder and longer considering what the debt is going to be in the very near future.
...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.

The extreme left of the Democrat party are making strident demands for impossible things and the Democrats will have a quandary what to do about them.

The stolen election (everyone knows it was stolen) will be an albatross around the Democrats' neck. They will lack the legitimacy a President who was fairly elected normally has. To many Americans, it will seem right and just to resist the Democrats by all means necessary.

The rioting in the streets will continue because the Democrats don't how to stop it.

China's connection to the Democrats will become more clear as the Communists make their demands known.

It's going to be a big mess, and I'm heartily glad I am an observer and not a participant.
Trump was not only unfit to be president he was also wrong on the issues.

And if it’s a ‘big mess,’ half of that mess will belong to Republicans, who’ll control the Senate and the Supreme Court.
...I was never a big fan of Trump. I liked his policies, but I never liked the man. Having him gone feels like a relief, I hope and pray things can go back to some semblance of normality.

But -- I don't think the Democrats will be able to get us back to normal.

First, their hateful rhetoric towards Trump's supporters won't be forgotten. In the next four years they will find it difficult to govern a nation where half of the people hate them.
What did they think was going to happen after showing how such a game is played?

God bless you always!!!

I haven't given up on the election. From what I've seen and heard since Nov 3rd its a stolen election and Trump's team should win the case. If they don't and Biden is given the win, then I will join the revolt and let the chips fall where they may. I made the same oath of allegiance 63 years ago and it is still in effect.

Me too, bring it on.

In 2005, National Guard troops along side Local Law enforcement tested Americans resolve to resist gun confiscation in a covert operation known as "Operation Take Em"

In this test, National Guard troops and local Police forcibly took guns away from thousands of Louisiana citizens who legally owned guns.
The tactics used were the same as are used in any hostile country against terrorists. Guns drawn, fingers on triggers.
The Operation was a RAGING SUCCESS as not ONE American citizen resisted.

Moral of the story: Proclaiming your toughness on the Internet IS NOT EQUAL to actually resisting Tyranny.
If you haven't planned on it for some time now, have a network of support to back you up.....it's all false bravado.
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