I'm hiring

Was there a reason for affirmative action?
Absolutely and it played a good role by trying to help lift up an oppressed group of people.
But I submit that, that time has come and gone.
Not when the unemployment rate for blacks is still twice that for whites, including blacks with commensurate college educations. Don't think the time has come quite yet. It's definitely better, tho.

That's cuz blacks be lazy.

Blacks don't always be lazy.

I do agree MM... I'm just practicing my fucking bitch.
Was there a reason for affirmative action?
Absolutely and it played a good role by trying to help lift up an oppressed group of people.
But I submit that, that time has come and gone.
Not when the unemployment rate for blacks is still twice that for whites, including blacks with commensurate college educations. Don't think the time has come quite yet. It's definitely better, tho.

That's cuz blacks be lazy.

Blacks don't always be lazy.

I do agree MM... I'm just practicing my fucking bitch.

You're doing a fine job! Oh! looks at this weasel.

Nothing in history of hiring has been more condescending then affirmative-action... fact
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

What about college admissions? They seem to be exempt from the standard you outlined.
No, actually it's not. Race is one factor taken into account. Academic performance alone doesn't assure college success and it is not the only thing colleges look at. However, everyone seems to be forgetting that all this is, is an opportunity. It is still on the student to achieve. If they don't, that's on them.

if race is considered in admissions then it is racist by definition. You can't really get around that. You may argue it is justified, that's fine, but don't say it isn't racist.
I agree with you that making decisions or even tracking groups by race on achievement, employment and income, is looking at the population through a racial lens. It's to overcome inequality, though, not make it worse. Once the playing field is level, and there is no distinguishing between black and white socioeconomically, that should stop being asked about or tracked in any way. Racism means that you feel one race is superior to another's. That is not what Affirmative Action is about. It is to give minorities an equal opportunity in areas they were once denied. We aren't done yet.
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

What about college admissions? They seem to be exempt from the standard you outlined.
No, actually it's not. Race is one factor taken into account. Academic performance alone doesn't assure college success and it is not the only thing colleges look at. However, everyone seems to be forgetting that all this is, is an opportunity. It is still on the student to achieve. If they don't, that's on them.

if race is considered in admissions then it is racist by definition. You can't really get around that. You may argue it is justified, that's fine, but don't say it isn't racist.
I agree with you that making decisions or even tracking groups by race on achievement, employment and income, is looking at the population through a racial lens. It's to overcome inequality, though, not make it worse. Once the playing field is level, and there is no distinguishing between black and white socioeconomically, that should stop being asked about or tracked in any way. Racism means that you feel one race is superior to another's. That is not what Affirmative Action is about. It is to give minorities an equal opportunity in areas they were once denied. We aren't done yet.
As a minority I can only look at affirmative-action has a total insult and condescending in nature to its core...
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

Affirmative action/political correctness have destroyed the Indian nations… It makes people fucking weak worthless pieces of shit. Fact

The nanny state deserves to burn in fucking hell… I never expected anyone to hire me because I'm an American Indian… Fuck that
I've worked with Native Americans on two reservations here and it seems to me the only thing "destroying" them is a substance abuse epidemic and wishing to remain separate from the rest of us.
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

Affirmative action/political correctness have destroyed the Indian nations… It makes people fucking weak worthless pieces of shit. Fact

The nanny state deserves to burn in fucking hell… I never expected anyone to hire me because I'm an American Indian… Fuck that
I've worked with Native Americans on two reservations here and it seems to me the only thing "destroying" them is a substance abuse epidemic and wishing to remain separate from the rest of us.
You forgot Tribe welfare.
What would you call me if I hired the white guy over the black who is more qualified?

if youre running your own business or managing a business for someone else, and dont hire the most qualified person to do a specific job, I'd call you a fucking idiot.
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

Affirmative action/political correctness have destroyed the Indian nations… It makes people fucking weak worthless pieces of shit. Fact

The nanny state deserves to burn in fucking hell… I never expected anyone to hire me because I'm an American Indian… Fuck that
I've worked with Native Americans on two reservations here and it seems to me the only thing "destroying" them is a substance abuse epidemic and wishing to remain separate from the rest of us.
First of all you have no understanding for using the word "Native American", that's white man's word never chosen as a description by those being named it.
Affirmative action/political correctness has only helped the spread of alcohol/meth/prescription drug abuse...
What would you call me if I hired the white guy over the black who is more qualified?

if youre running your own business or managing a business for someone else, and dont hire the most qualified person to do a specific job, I'd call you a fucking idiot.
If you own your own business, you should still be able to hire whoever the fuck you want to for whatever reason you want to... and vice versa. #No oneElse'sBusiness
It is to give minorities an equal opportunity

The problem is that in Affirmative some classes are more equal than others. I my state, for hiring state employees, they use the 3+3 rule. 3 protected class plus 3 non-protected class. They invariably hire the top protected class over non-protected regardless of qualifications. If they don't you can rest assured that lawsuits will be filed.

It's totally out of control. I applied for employment with a school. There was a Hispanic female that I knew that applied as well. According to the letter I received I was qualified for the position, but they hired her over me even thought I had 20+ years of experience. We had the same degree in the same field, both were Dean's List students.

I can only guess why she was hired over me (not!).
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

Affirmative action/political correctness have destroyed the Indian nations… It makes people fucking weak worthless pieces of shit. Fact

The nanny state deserves to burn in fucking hell… I never expected anyone to hire me because I'm an American Indian… Fuck that
I've worked with Native Americans on two reservations here and it seems to me the only thing "destroying" them is a substance abuse epidemic and wishing to remain separate from the rest of us.

It's government control, which causes stifled growth, then leads to substance abuse.
5 Ways The Government Keeps Native Americans In Poverty
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

What about college admissions? They seem to be exempt from the standard you outlined.
No, actually it's not. Race is one factor taken into account. Academic performance alone doesn't assure college success and it is not the only thing colleges look at. However, everyone seems to be forgetting that all this is, is an opportunity. It is still on the student to achieve. If they don't, that's on them.

if race is considered in admissions then it is racist by definition. You can't really get around that. You may argue it is justified, that's fine, but don't say it isn't racist.
I agree with you that making decisions or even tracking groups by race on achievement, employment and income, is looking at the population through a racial lens. It's to overcome inequality, though, not make it worse. Once the playing field is level, and there is no distinguishing between black and white socioeconomically, that should stop being asked about or tracked in any way. Racism means that you feel one race is superior to another's. That is not what Affirmative Action is about. It is to give minorities an equal opportunity in areas they were once denied. We aren't done yet.

"Once the playing field is level....." is a noble but impossible goal, and if that is the barometer you will use to decide to stop racial monitoring, you will never stop. The playing field will never be level. Statistics show tall men are more likely to be promoted over short men. So what's next? Shall we force employers to promote more shorter employees. Racism is distinguishing based on race, and some people, nearly all of us in fact, do it to some degree. We can never anticipate the unintended consequences of social engineering.
Was there a reason for affirmative action?
Absolutely and it played a good role by trying to help lift up an oppressed group of people.
But I submit that, that time has come and gone.
Not when the unemployment rate for blacks is still twice that for whites, including blacks with commensurate college educations. Don't think the time has come quite yet. It's definitely better, tho.

That's cuz blacks be lazy.

Well... They be something.
From 17 to 22 I went to school, raised a kid, played a dangerous game of keep away from psychopathic first husband and worked in a sweatshop of an industrial laundry. It was the worst job I ever had. 12cents a day, breathing chemicals and dust bunnies, health and safety hazards, 120 degree days... Awful.
Except for Bea who was a wonderful friend to me, I never saw a black work there. They tried... they just wouldn't work. Most lasted a day or two. Many lasted til lunch or less. Many left without word. They were hard jobs yeah. Shitty work, but it was work and it was reliable, steady work.
They would not work.
Same thing in another housekeeping/laundry position I was snookered into being supervisor for. This job paid fairly well for unskilled labor and wasn't that hard at all. I was told to get a cultural mix in there and tried. I could not keep a black there.
I hired two meskins that were the most honest, hard working and least complaining people I had on that team.
Blacks won't even learn English.
I hear ya, but it's not so much a black thing as it is employment ignorance. We have the same problem around here with some folks (no blacks around here) who grew up in a household where no one was working for an employer and you put them in a situation where they gotta show up to work on time every day and do the job, it's like sending them to Neptune or something. I've been doing some work around those "soft" employment skills. We take it for granted people know that shit--no, they don't. Some people know it and still won't work--but it's not a black thing. When I visited the south, I was struck by the fact that EVERY maid and bellhop and most fast food workers were black.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

What about college admissions? They seem to be exempt from the standard you outlined.
No, actually it's not. Race is one factor taken into account. Academic performance alone doesn't assure college success and it is not the only thing colleges look at. However, everyone seems to be forgetting that all this is, is an opportunity. It is still on the student to achieve. If they don't, that's on them.

if race is considered in admissions then it is racist by definition. You can't really get around that. You may argue it is justified, that's fine, but don't say it isn't racist.
I agree with you that making decisions or even tracking groups by race on achievement, employment and income, is looking at the population through a racial lens. It's to overcome inequality, though, not make it worse. Once the playing field is level, and there is no distinguishing between black and white socioeconomically, that should stop being asked about or tracked in any way. Racism means that you feel one race is superior to another's. That is not what Affirmative Action is about. It is to give minorities an equal opportunity in areas they were once denied. We aren't done yet.

"Once the playing field is level....." is a noble but impossible goal, and if that is the barometer you will use to decide to stop racial monitoring, you will never stop. The playing field will never be level. Statistics show tall men are more likely to be promoted over short men. So what's next? Shall we force employers to promote more shorter employees. Racism is distinguishing based on race, and some people, nearly all of us in fact, do it to some degree. We can never anticipate the unintended consequences of social engineering.
I have no idea why you and FlaCalTenn believe the playing field can never be level. Why do you believe the black community CANNOT ever have the same employment rate as whites? Why can't they have the same income levels and levels of education? WHY?
Why do we allow Affirmative Action to continue? It selects people based on race which inherently discriminates against others based on race.
The way it is supposed to work, legally, is that if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL, employers are encouraged to hire the minority. If you can show that the white guy is more qualified, you have every right to hire him. If the black guy is more qualified and you hire the white guy anyway, you are just being a typical American employer.

Affirmative action/political correctness have destroyed the Indian nations… It makes people fucking weak worthless pieces of shit. Fact

The nanny state deserves to burn in fucking hell… I never expected anyone to hire me because I'm an American Indian… Fuck that
I've worked with Native Americans on two reservations here and it seems to me the only thing "destroying" them is a substance abuse epidemic and wishing to remain separate from the rest of us.
You forgot Tribe welfare.
They do okay for themselves with extremely affordable housing and the annual income they all receive. They even have "universal healthcare," damn it. They have their industries on res. and like I said, the only thing "destroying" them is the addiction problem. They have a strong community and if they can get along without involving themselves in the greater community, I guess that's up to them, not really a negative. Pretty proud Nation around here.
What about college admissions? They seem to be exempt from the standard you outlined.
No, actually it's not. Race is one factor taken into account. Academic performance alone doesn't assure college success and it is not the only thing colleges look at. However, everyone seems to be forgetting that all this is, is an opportunity. It is still on the student to achieve. If they don't, that's on them.

if race is considered in admissions then it is racist by definition. You can't really get around that. You may argue it is justified, that's fine, but don't say it isn't racist.
I agree with you that making decisions or even tracking groups by race on achievement, employment and income, is looking at the population through a racial lens. It's to overcome inequality, though, not make it worse. Once the playing field is level, and there is no distinguishing between black and white socioeconomically, that should stop being asked about or tracked in any way. Racism means that you feel one race is superior to another's. That is not what Affirmative Action is about. It is to give minorities an equal opportunity in areas they were once denied. We aren't done yet.

"Once the playing field is level....." is a noble but impossible goal, and if that is the barometer you will use to decide to stop racial monitoring, you will never stop. The playing field will never be level. Statistics show tall men are more likely to be promoted over short men. So what's next? Shall we force employers to promote more shorter employees. Racism is distinguishing based on race, and some people, nearly all of us in fact, do it to some degree. We can never anticipate the unintended consequences of social engineering.
I have no idea why you and FlaCalTenn believe the playing field can never be level. Why do you believe the black community CANNOT ever have the same employment rate as whites? Why can't they have the same income levels and levels of education? WHY?

Please site anytime or place in human history where a diverse society had a level playing field. I admire the goal, but the reality of history is not on your side.

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