I'm libertarian, but you may not believe it.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.

Welcome to the Jungle...
Absolutely zero of the worlds problems are solved here. But there is no shortage of experts.
I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.
By the sounds of your post, you are a remorseful Biden voter, trying to distance yourself from responsibility.
The reason libertarians can mock the political system, and the reason libertarians can never meaningfully participate in it is, libertarian philosophy is beyond politics.

Websters defines politics as; activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government.

A famous author once described politics as; the art of obtaining influence and power without actually earning them.

The two most important words in both those definitions are influence and power. The seizing and wielding of both.

Libertarians can envision a post-politics world. A world where free men and women aren't led, aren't ruled, or governed, by anything except the principle that once emblazoned our first national currency "Mind Your Own Business".

These words today are often seen as a cruel retort uttered when someone raises questions beyond the pale of propriety.

But, they have a deeper meaning which is, that which truly does not involve me is not my concern. Living my life on my own terms and asking that no other man do any differently.

This simple moral creed is almost impossible to live by because, at heart, most of us are a herd animal. It doesn't matter if we are a staunch supporter of Democracy or a serf in a Soviet gulag, we cannot keep our runny proboscis out of other people's business.

A Libertarian Society could never truly exist as long as we still believe that we are both our brother's keeper and his jailer.
I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.


I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.
Until you're post, I honestly didn't know "Trumper" was one of the political parties. I thought, until now, he was just a tool who volunteered to get the job done. I'm already benefiting from your presence here! welcome aboard
I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.

I'm not a Libertarian, but I do think the two parties are ridiculous.

What I do like is Proportional Representation. The Libertarians should push PR. It'd allow for Libertarians to vote Libertarians without fear that it would lead to a party they don't like winning.
I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.
Why not do Yamcha a favour and start posting on his forum, you haven't appeared since August.

Libertarians can envision a post-politics world. A world where free men and women aren't led, aren't ruled, or governed, by anything except the principle that once emblazoned our first national currency "Mind Your Own Business".

Yes, it is no different than Marxist utopianism, and has the exact same results.
I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.
Howdy, howdy, and welcome . I Look forward to reading your post.
The reason libertarians can mock the political system, and the reason libertarians can never meaningfully participate in it is, libertarian philosophy is beyond politics.

Websters defines politics as; activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government.

A famous author once described politics as; the art of obtaining influence and power without actually earning them.

The two most important words in both those definitions are influence and power. The seizing and wielding of both.

Libertarians can envision a post-politics world. A world where free men and women aren't led, aren't ruled, or governed, by anything except the principle that once emblazoned our first national currency "Mind Your Own Business".

These words today are often seen as a cruel retort uttered when someone raises questions beyond the pale of propriety.

But, they have a deeper meaning which is, that which truly does not involve me is not my concern. Living my life on my own terms and asking that no other man do any differently.

This simple moral creed is almost impossible to live by because, at heart, most of us are a herd animal. It doesn't matter if we are a staunch supporter of Democracy or a serf in a Soviet gulag, we cannot keep our runny proboscis out of other people's business.

A Libertarian Society could never truly exist as long as we still believe that we are both our brother's keeper and his jailer.
Added libertarian element of “mind your own business” ….”unless it becomes my business”. This perception alone, of what constitutes “my business” splinters off into different actions for various libertarians.

A dual concept occurs when you add in what I consider to hold equal weight, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is only one of many additional distinctions that further divides libertarians.

As with ALL political blanket labeling, a libertarian is far from being any type of one-size-fits-all. I don’t understand why so many posters keep posting falsehoods about that.
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I love to ridicule the flawed thinking of both of the twoparties. So, if you are a Democrat, you will probably think me a Trumper. If you are a Trumper, you will probably accuse me of being a Trump-bashing liberal. If you are a never-Trumper Republican/conservative, you will probably think I'm a pro-Trump liberal. Or something.

Libertarianism is on life support at the moment, due to COVID being used as an excuse for authoritarianism. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I am fully vaxxed and I'll get the booster when I can. But I'm an anti-vaxx mandate guy, so that may get some of you torqued up.

Anyway, it's all in good fun for me. I don't expect to change the world on a message board, so I don't get in a twist about it. Look forward to friendly (hopefully) debates with you all.
Hello Seymour Plops- quite the unique screen name you have there! Did you consider señor Plops at any point? What about Sir Plops? Lol anyway I’m one of the part-goofy posters but I like serious discussions as well. Your honest tones of libertarianism are well are appreciated:)

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