I'm looking for a video of Donald Trump standing up for Traditional Marriage or denouncing abortion

Can anyone hook me up with one?

School me on this conservative warrior
Doesn't matter, so long as he flushes-out the beaners and keeps the Muzzies out.
As he was never in politics before, it's doubtful anyone cared what he thought about traditional marriage or abortion. Why would anyone care? It's not like approved opinions are figured in to a construction cost bid.

Why would any Conservative care about what Trump's family values are?

Once you separate out the old Perot fans, Ron Paul fans, Pat Buchanan fans, and the rest of the protectionist/isolationist/nativist crowd,

the rest of Trump's support cares nothing about his stand on the issues or anything about him personally.
Can anyone hook me up with one?

School me on this conservative warrior
I can point you to the democrat candidate Hillary doing these things if it helps any

You've hooked up with Hillary? Did you earn your brown wings?
You do understand how foolish you make yourself out to be right?
or, maybe you don't, and that's even more of a problem.

Did you answer my question this morning?
Can anyone hook me up with one?

School me on this conservative warrior
I can point you to the democrat candidate Hillary doing these things if it helps any

You've hooked up with Hillary? Did you earn your brown wings?
You do understand how foolish you make yourself out to be right?
or, maybe you don't, and that's even more of a problem.

Did you answer my question this morning?
I know this is seriously difficult for you to believe but, I honestly dont plan my day around answering questions posed by idiots.
No offense
Can anyone hook me up with one?

School me on this conservative warrior
I can point you to the democrat candidate Hillary doing these things if it helps any

You've hooked up with Hillary? Did you earn your brown wings?
You do understand how foolish you make yourself out to be right?
or, maybe you don't, and that's even more of a problem.

Did you answer my question this morning?
I know this is seriously difficult for you to believe but, I honestly dont plan my day around answering questions posed by idiots.
No offense

Calm down. It wasn't you. It was one of your pals with a lookalike username.
I can point you to the democrat candidate Hillary doing these things if it helps any

You've hooked up with Hillary? Did you earn your brown wings?
You do understand how foolish you make yourself out to be right?
or, maybe you don't, and that's even more of a problem.

Did you answer my question this morning?
I know this is seriously difficult for you to believe but, I honestly dont plan my day around answering questions posed by idiots.
No offense

You ran away from it after you started the argument.
actually I have not been on for most of the day, however I still see little value in arguing with an idiot that is unable to think beyond the talking points he gets from his handlers on the Democratic Underground.
Grow a brain, show some sign that you are able to think with that brain and then we can have a discussion.
Until then, all people can do with you is try to give you enough fact for you to research and find the real answers.
I can point you to the democrat candidate Hillary doing these things if it helps any

You've hooked up with Hillary? Did you earn your brown wings?
You do understand how foolish you make yourself out to be right?
or, maybe you don't, and that's even more of a problem.

Did you answer my question this morning?
I know this is seriously difficult for you to believe but, I honestly dont plan my day around answering questions posed by idiots.
No offense

Calm down. It wasn't you. It was one of your pals with a lookalike username.
further proof that you cant think
The people of NY know all about Donald the douche con artist , only the rubes in flyover country who are easy fooled
Can anyone hook me up with one?

School me on this conservative warrior
Doesn't matter, so long as he flushes-out the beaners and keeps the Muzzies out.
interesting since the cracka population will be the minority very soon , The browning of America
Hispanics (16%) have overtaken Blacks (12%) as the dominant minority population in the US.

Time to stop paying attention to Blacks and to start paying attention to Hispanics.

Besides, Whites and Hispanics look more like each other, and have a closer cultural and historical bond, and should be able to work things out, between them.

With Blacks standing on the outside, looking in.


Sucks, being the dominant minority for 150 years or more, and having nothing to show for it, then getting pushed off to the side by newcomers, doesn't it?

Any other Hate-Whitey speech that we can bitch-slap you for?

Next slide, please.

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