I'm reading that Trump can build a wall with the money earmarked for military...

After a couple days I of our boys using them for target practice the 6000 will drop to about 6 a day. They are not being paid well enough to risk getting lit up by a Cobra

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You are a crazy loon. That definitely is illegal.

Are the invading our country or not?

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No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

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a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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You are a crazy loon. That definitely is illegal.

Are the invading our country or not?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

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a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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depends on your jurisdiction- what does that have to do with posse comitatus?

you're not making any headway here, you know.
Are the invading our country or not?

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No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

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a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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depends on your jurisdiction- what does that have to do with posse comitatus?

you're not making any headway here, you know.

It has nothing to do with posse comitatus, but it does set the precedent of what happens when someone invades your home. If someone invades my home, they are likely not walking out of it.

I know that people like to apply posse comitatus to border control, but it is mistaken to do so. Defending the border is a basic function of a military.
I am reading this from so many on twitter They suggest as it is an omnibus, it is ongoign resolution and only "recommended" to be spent a particular way, but the president has leeway. They said Oama did this very thing when he was president.

So, is this true? Even if it isn't true per se, what is stopping Trump from rightfully deeming the border issue a National Security issue, as he did with tariffs and just build it with the funds? Who can stop him from making this decision?

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress and the Senate.

He can’t divert funds appropriated for the military and use them for his wall without an amendment to the omnibus bill, passed by 60 votes in the Senate.
Moving the goal posts. You argued that it was cheaper for the military to chase 6,000 people around the desert a day than build a wall and only back up the wall. Now it's you're having a dick measuring contest where the military wants to chase 6,000 people around the desert every day.

Maybe they could, but why would they want to do that?

You're fully aware of the cost to do that, you're banking on Democrat voters continuing to get through

After a couple days I of our boys using them for target practice the 6000 will drop to about 6 a day. They are not being paid well enough to risk getting lit up by a Cobra

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You are a crazy loon. That definitely is illegal.

Are the invading our country or not?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

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A break-in.
No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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depends on your jurisdiction- what does that have to do with posse comitatus?

you're not making any headway here, you know.

It has nothing to do with posse comitatus, but it does set the precedent of what happens when someone invades your home. If someone invades my home, they are likely not walking out of it.

I know that people like to apply posse comitatus to border control, but it is mistaken to do so. Defending the border is a basic function of a military.

You are so clueless. Immigration laws are a function of civilian government The military cannot enforce civilian law.
No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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depends on your jurisdiction- what does that have to do with posse comitatus?

you're not making any headway here, you know.

It has nothing to do with posse comitatus, but it does set the precedent of what happens when someone invades your home. If someone invades my home, they are likely not walking out of it.

I know that people like to apply posse comitatus to border control, but it is mistaken to do so. Defending the border is a basic function of a military.

enforcing civil law isn't
Since Trump is a walking, talking Ponzi scheme of a man, his willingness to fudge the numbers to get his way shortly after he signed a $1.3 trillion budget shouldn’t come as surprise. :113:

Crazy Donald: "You gotta see this guy!"

So now you try to deflect from your amazing ignorance of a scam TV ad, that was exposed 2 years ago, by a few alleged words > In your stupid sig, Trump was referring to Kovaleski's pretending to forget his Washington Post article. Kovaleski DESERVED to get mocked, so he did (but nothing to do with a disability). No bigee.

You just didn't know it. Ever wonder why other liberals haven't been talking about this since the election ? Sheeeesh!
Dumbass, "you gotta see this guy!"

Actually, he does. The President can't appropriate funds. The Constitution only gives Congress that power.
Actually he doesn't. In case you hadn't noticed the funds are already appropriated. Congress appropriated them in the omnibus bill, and hundreds of Billions$$ are in the Defense Dept, under the control of the C in C, POTUS. Trump can call that money up for defense at the border, just like he can call for money for a new rifle, jet plane, or uniforms.
Dumbfuck, it's the Department of Homeland Security that would manage construction of the wall, should it be built, not the Department of Defense. I know you're senile, but how many times does this need to be explained to you?
you mean like when he said he'd veto the spending bill, tardo? no, retard, it's not happening now, and it's not happening next week and it's not happening next year. it's not happening, and all you little trumplings can whine and bitch forever, and that money still won't be spent on the wall.
Keep watching. I'll revisit these posts when the wall starts going up (next week ?)
It won't go up from funds from the Department of Defense.

Nor will it go up from funds from Mexico.

You've been duped because you are a dupe.
What do you call someone that breaks into your house without your permission?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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depends on your jurisdiction- what does that have to do with posse comitatus?

you're not making any headway here, you know.

It has nothing to do with posse comitatus, but it does set the precedent of what happens when someone invades your home. If someone invades my home, they are likely not walking out of it.

I know that people like to apply posse comitatus to border control, but it is mistaken to do so. Defending the border is a basic function of a military.

You are so clueless. Immigration laws are a function of civilian government The military cannot enforce civilian law.

And the civilian government deals with those following the immigration laws. The military deals with those invading our country
Building a wall is not a contradiction from it being a military matter. The military needs to use any means necessary. You seem to be the only one in the discussion who doesn't grasp that

The wall has nothing to do with the military nor does it have anything to do with national security. The only people that doesn't grasp that is the hate wing of the Republican Party.

Defending our borders has nothing to do with defense. Got it.

Just curious what you think the military is for then? Hanging tapestry?

The military is there to fight wars not enforce civilian laws which they are barred from doing.

The military is there to defend the nation, what is more basic to that than defending the very borders that define the nation?

The military cannot enforce civilian law. The Posse Comitatus Act prevents that. If e Mexican or Canadian Army crossed our border then the military could act.

What does defending our borders have to do with enforcing civil law again?

US Constitution. Article IV. Section 4. "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion."

That's check and mate ...
Defending our borders has nothing to do with defense. Got it.

Just curious what you think the military is for then? Hanging tapestry?

The military is there to fight wars not enforce civilian laws which they are barred from doing.

The military is there to defend the nation, what is more basic to that than defending the very borders that define the nation?

The military cannot enforce civilian law. The Posse Comitatus Act prevents that. If e Mexican or Canadian Army crossed our border then the military could act.

Defending the border of a nation is not civilian law enforcement, it is the very reason a military exist. The civilians can still man the crossing points and do all the paperwork, the military will just stop anyone that wants to enter illegally, as they are invading our nation.

Immigration law is civilian law. The military cannot stop anyone. That excuse is not going to cut it. The military is duty-bound to not follow illegal orders.

Protecting our borders is not a role for the military. You mentioned that. Repeating an idiotic theory doesn't make it not idiotic
No Cobras are going to shoot illegal aliens crossing the desert, and you know it. It's your end around that you want illegal aliens to continue to stream into the country to vote for Democrats

Why not, they have been designated as enemy combatants, that is what we do to enemy combatants...trust me on this

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Who designated them enemy combatants? As you're an idiot, note that I didn't say I don't consider them enemy combatants. I'm challenging your claim they have been duly designated

Your hero did when he hinted he was going to use DOD money to build his wall...aka Trump's Mt Rushmore

He's not going to be my hero until he does use DOD money to build the wall.

And I gotcha. This is another leftist idiocy where he says enemy combatants can enter trough our lack of a southern border and you lie and say he called everyone entering through the southern border an enemy combatant.

I'd say you're being clever, but wow, you're not. You're just a liar

He cannot use DOD money without Congressional approval. That would require 60 votes in the Senate.

Laws never stopped King Obama. We'll see
are you clowns still talking about paying for the wall ith dod money? newsflash- you've got a better chance of the mexican dod paying for it than ours

it would take an act of congress to move that money and the cheeto doesn't have anywhere near the votes
Don't need Congress. Don't need anybody. POTUS is Commander in Chief of the US military. What he says goes. Guess what. It's happening.

Trump Says Military Might Pay for Border Wall Since It's Now 'Rich'

Trump floats using military budget to pay for border wall

Donald Trump: Military Can Pay for Border Wall | National Review

You need to read your links. One of them has this addendum.

"Pentagon and White House officials told the Post that Trump’s idea is unlikely to come to fruition, as it would require approval from an unsympathetic Congress."

So, in the last week we have had easily 20 threads about first Trump vetoing the spending bill and then using DOD money to build the wall. In all of them the common theme was what a genius Trump was for doing these actions.

In both cases it turns out it is just Trump suckering his own followers into cheering for him.

One has to wonder how many more times this can happen before the Trump zealots catch on...

This from the moron that thinks the military is not capable of defending the border without a 30 foot wall to help them

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Moving the goal posts. You argued that it was cheaper for the military to chase 6,000 people around the desert a day than build a wall and only back up the wall. Now it's you're having a dick measuring contest where the military wants to chase 6,000 people around the desert every day.

Maybe they could, but why would they want to do that?

You're fully aware of the cost to do that, you're banking on Democrat voters continuing to get through

After a couple days I of our boys using them for target practice the 6000 will drop to about 6 a day. They are not being paid well enough to risk getting lit up by a Cobra

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You are a crazy loon. That definitely is illegal.

Are the invading our country or not?

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No they are not. A invasion suggest armed troops operating in a organized manner.

You're a retard
So, in the last week we have had easily 20 threads about first Trump vetoing the spending bill and then using DOD money to build the wall. In all of them the common theme was what a genius Trump was for doing these actions.

In both cases it turns out it is just Trump suckering his own followers into cheering for him.

One has to wonder how many more times this can happen before the Trump zealots catch on...


pick a number between 25,000 and 3 billion

that's it
a burglar

no one calls the army out for a burglar

try again

Are you legally allowed to use deadly force on an intruder in your house?

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depends on your jurisdiction- what does that have to do with posse comitatus?

you're not making any headway here, you know.

It has nothing to do with posse comitatus, but it does set the precedent of what happens when someone invades your home. If someone invades my home, they are likely not walking out of it.

I know that people like to apply posse comitatus to border control, but it is mistaken to do so. Defending the border is a basic function of a military.

You are so clueless. Immigration laws are a function of civilian government The military cannot enforce civilian law.

And the civilian government deals with those following the immigration laws. The military deals with those invading our country

There is no invasion. That is so much bullshit.
The wall has nothing to do with the military nor does it have anything to do with national security. The only people that doesn't grasp that is the hate wing of the Republican Party.

Defending our borders has nothing to do with defense. Got it.

Just curious what you think the military is for then? Hanging tapestry?

The military is there to fight wars not enforce civilian laws which they are barred from doing.

The military is there to defend the nation, what is more basic to that than defending the very borders that define the nation?

The military cannot enforce civilian law. The Posse Comitatus Act prevents that. If e Mexican or Canadian Army crossed our border then the military could act.

What does defending our borders have to do with enforcing civil law again?

US Constitution. Article IV. Section 4. "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion."

That's check and mate ...

Take that to as judge as see how fast it gets bounced out of court. You clearly have no idea what the Constitution means and the laws of this country.

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