I'm telling my story because people fail to understand how serious this is


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
I started carrying a knife for self defense when i was 17 years old.
Why? Because, between the government's reckless immigration policy and it's phony "war on drugs" , which PROMOTED drug use, and the fact rap music came out and every person my age thought it would be cool to be a hardcore gang member,
...the area i lived in , which was supposed to be a "nice white suburb" , was actually a violent piece of sht.

Old school LAPD knew society was screwed up , and knew the law was screwed up too, so if i was confronted by them, the chances are they would have never arrested me, they would have just taken the knife away.
My problem was i ventured into a heavily policed city.

California has two conflicting laws on the subject.
One law says any blade over 6 inches is a felony, the other law says any blade over 4 inches is a felony.
I'm not going to go into detail , but i was charged with a felony.
My two days in county jail were enough for me to realize i didn't want to spend any more time there.

People i knew estimated that i was going to get 1 year in county and probably 200 days community service.
I went to my court date and the "public defender" told me if i pleaded guilty i would get 15 days community service and the charge would be dropped to a misdemeanor.
I was very relieved.
I pleaded "guilty" , the charge was dropped to a misdemeanor, and i only received 5 days community service.
After 3 years i was off probation and i gave a judge $180 to have my "crime" expunged from my record.
Everything happened the way it was supposed to.

REMEMBER: i do not have a felony conviction and i was never in prison.

When i was 22 i started working security, and i had a guard card from California.
When i was 24 i applied for an ARMED guard card from California and i was awared one.
At 24 i started working for an ATM company. My first day on the job i met some tattooed guy in a parking lot, he threw 60K in my trunk and told me to go put it in an ATM. I ended up working at that company for 3 years, and i transported over 300k weekly.

When i was 29 i had the opportunity to leave California and i purchased an inexpensive house in Nevada.
I applied for both unarmed and armed security cards in Nevada, and i received a temporary guard card.
I took a job in Las Vegas working security at a gated community.
There was a guy who lived in the community that would hold parties at his townhouse every weekend, i would talk to him and he started telling me that i should come by to these parties during my day off. blah blah blah.
I received word from the security company that i would be changing locations, going to some crap post.
I told this guy that i would no longer be working there, and he wanted to know why, i said "this security company is pissing me off by moving me around"
This guy tells me he is friends with the owners of the security company and he would talk to them on my behalf.
(which i didn't really want him to do)


A couple of days later i go to work and the guy drives by while he's on his way home.
He doesn't stop to talk, he just drives by with a look on his face like he is laughing at me.
A short time later i get called into the security office.
The manager tells me my felony conviction came in, and my guard cards were denied.
(That's right folks, the company shared this false info with the guy who lived at the community)
I said "i don't have a felony conviction"
He said "yeah right." , then he says "i have a job for you, standing at the super market, but we're going to move you around"
I said , "no thanks, i quit."

I go to the Las Vegas Sheriff department , who issues the work permits, and i was steaming mad.
I get called up to the desk and there's a black woman working there.
I said "You have no right to pull this sht on me! my record was reduced and expunged!"
She said "Well , we need to see your records showing that."
I said "Here they are, right here!"
She said "here you go." , she handed me my State of Nevada guard card, and also my State of Nevada ARMED security guard card.

I applied for armed security at another company is Las Vegas.
They were saying they were going to hire me, then the secretary walks in and says "You can't work armed security"
I said "What are you talking about?"
She says "With your conviction they won't issue you an armed permit. I know because my nephew went through the same thing"
I pulled the armed permit out of wallet, i said "What's this?"
She says "Give that to me, you can't have that!"
I said "Are you crazy?"
During my job interview, right in front of the manager and the owner of the company, i said "Lady, it's none of your fking business what permits i have!"
The manager said i got the job but they wouldn't hire me for armed security.
I said "Fine, as soon as i get an armed security job , i'm outta here"

The secretary called up the Sheriff's work permit department and complained.
I received a notice by mail to stop into the work permit department and surrender both of my guard cards.
I went to the Sheriff's work permit department and i said "What's going on?"
It looked like the black women who gave me my cards was demoted.
They told me to surrender both of my guard card permits.
I said "What part of expunged record don't you understand?"
They told me that their team of lawyers decide what the rules are going to be , and for me to get this cleared up, all i have to do is get California to seal my records.
The only problem is, California does not seal adult records, ever.
They told me where they got the info from , the Federal NCIC database, which holds ARREST records(not convictions).
I told the Sheriff's department to go screw themselves and i didn't return anything.

I applied at a couple of other securtiy companies but they were talking about working 12 hours per day, for 7.50 per hour.
I decided i needed to find another career, one that didn't need approval from the Sheriff's department.
I thought that this was just a problem with Nevada and their rules for working security.
I was wrong.
Thanks to my low wages , i had charged up my credit cards.
If my parents weren't still alive, i would have ended up homeless , and i would have never had a clue what happened to me until i was on the street.

I decided i needed to pay for trade school while i still had good credit.
The truth was, i had no intention of paying back the money for the school or my credit cards.
My dad took over my low house payments. If i would have bought an average price home, i would have lost it.
I moved back in with my mom and started attending HVAC trade school , which cost me 10K.

(Notice how everyone is willing to take my money , but when i go to look for work, suddenly, i'm a despicable criminal)

I graduated trade school with very good grades, and i immediately got hired into a HVAC company in Las Vegas.
They flew me and 6 other guys to Pheonix AZ for additional training.
I completed the school with a 98 percent , #1 in my class, which pissed off some foreigner from Guam who i worked with.
To make a very long story short, this guy from Guam spent a lot of time trashing me to the manager, and she believed every word of his lies.
She was forced to fire him because he tried to rip-off customers, which made everything worse for me because she was exposed for the dumb bich that she really was.
At some point in time after i was there almost 8 months she decided to run a background check on me and she told people i was a "felon"
One day at work someone yelled out "Hey, how was prison"
Kind of strange because i've never been to prison.
But who cares about details right? (thanks government)
At that company i learned that 17 bucks per hour, times 60 hours, equals $300 per week.
I quit the company, ..they protested my unemployment, I faxed my check showing i earned less than minimum wage and i won my unemployment.

In Las Vegas i applied with some guy who runs his own HVAC company and he said he was going to hire me and he needed to get rid of the other applicants.
I called up the next day and i spoke with his wife.
She told me i wasn't hired.
I asked "Why?"
She said "You know why"
I said "No i don't , why don't you tell me"
She hung up the phone.

I realized at this point, i was never going to be hired in Nevada, for any job.
I moved back into my parent's house in California and i got a job at a company that paid about $360 per week.
Somehow i managed to pay off my loan and my credit cards, and took back my house payment

I quit that job and i got hired at Sears. (SEARS did not find my record)
I worked at SEARS one horrible day after another for a year.
I got laid-off.
They called me back because they wanted to start a HVAC-only department and very few technicians would move from their department because they knew SEARS was nuts.
I worked there for several months and everything was great, until SEARS hired a psychopath manager.
This guy goes from company to company and gets a thrill out of firing employees. (i knew who he was was before he was hired)
He handed us the state application for an HVAC salesman and told us we needed to get our work permit.
(He had no intention of actually getting us a permit, he was just trying to get people fired)
When you apply for the STATE sales permit they ask you if "you have ever been arrested"
If you lie to the state, you don't get your permit.
The company holds the state forms, so what ever you have to write, the company can read it.
This way the company gets access to government background info , they're not supposed to have access to.
SEARS left a message on my phone saying they were going to perform a background checks every 2 years.
( They didn't understand that they wouldn't be able to find my record, they didn't understand that my record is expunged, all they knew was i had something and they wanted to fire me)
The manger at SEARS ended up getting my whole crew fired, one way or another. I was officially fired for getting off the clock before i was done driving.

I got my HVAC contractor's license from the state.

I applied at a property management company and it looked like i was hired.
Then the manager said i wasn't hired and he said "YOU have a contractor's license???"
I said "yes i do"
Apparently he thought my expunged misdemeanor , that he doesn't know is expunged and he doesn't know is a misdemeanor, should disqualify me for a license.
cus, if you have anything on your record, you should go die.
He is another genius business owner that doesn't know jack sht about anything.

I called up the HVAC suppliers and i asked "what are the requirements for buying HVAC equiptment?"
They told me all i needed was a contractor's license, which i now have.
Last summer i tired to do some HVAC under my VALID contractor's license and i purchased some equipment from a supplier.
...from some young guy working the front desk.
The second time i showed up, this young guy is eyeballing me as i pulled up.
I went in to buy equipment again, and he's no longer working the front desk.
Apparently he was demoted, and i was told they were "out of stock" after i called in and they said they had it.

Another supplier refused to put my name i the computer.

You know why!
Criminal record?
Former employer trashing me?
Not enough General liability insurance?
You know why!

Apparently suppliers don't have to sell to anyone they don't want to.
What will i do?
Sue them for telling they are "out of stock"?

If i would have pulled out a 100k business loan i would have been forced to default.

Now i'm applying for a CDL trucking license because i need a backup career that someone will leave me the fk alone and let me work.
I have no interest in trucking what-so-ever.
I have to force myself to be interested.


The government makes you a burden on your family.
My mother thinks i'm "lazy".
Just last month i finally had enough, I had to explian to her what it is like to realize that people get demoted simply because they gave you a permit , or because they sold you something.

You people think that just because 9 places won't hire you , you need to try for the 10th, but it doesn't work that way.
The bills come in every month, and you need money when you need it.
You can't spend all your time spinning wheels and getting nowhere.

Your positve attitude that you will get hired somewhere turns into get-rich-quick schemes.
You say "I have a plan to start a new career" , and everyone sits there and says "That ain't gonna work for him either"

I suspect that companies are now sharing background information so they don't have to keep paying for checks.

Myths people believe:
* Records don't disappear after 7 years. They never go away
* Employers don't look at records and say "Oh that doesn't matter, that was a long time ago"
Anything they find disqualifies you, and that means finacial and driving records, it will be worse tommorow.

You guys think this post is about me biching about my problems but it's not.
I'm trying to explain to you how screwed your kids and your grandkids are, because no one gives a fk about anything, and thinks they know everything.

These problems ain't gonna happen to my kids, because i'm not having any.

Most people spend all day wishing they were young again, but i don't
I would hate to be 18 years old and trying to grow up in this big piece of crap that we call America.
It is unAmerican and unChristian to prevent people from working.
Punishments are handed out in jail time ,not the work place.

Is that the government you support?
One little thing they consider "wrong" and you end up homeless over it?
None of these people are qualified to pass a moral judgement on me.

Go ahead ask me the antagonizing question.
Don't you wish you never broke the law?
No. I never broke a law. The 2nd Amendment says i have the right to carry whatever i need to protect myself.
You're the one who is wrong for tolerating corrupt government.
I would hate to be ignorant of all this crap and blindly support corrupt politicians and corrupt laws.
I'd rather be the victim than the blind supporter.
I have nothing to do with this evil government.
something thats struck me funny the other day I started laughing when I read it.... he's what was said by a right winger ... Damn those lazy Mexicans all the do is steal our jobs .... You have to laugh at that one
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! My life sucks and I don't want to be blamed for it! The government is mean and is keeping me down! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is serious!
The government makes you a burden on your family.
My mother thinks i'm "lazy".

No, YOU make you a burden on your family, and your mother is probably right.

You could have swtiched industry several years ago. It does sound like you have had tough luck, but these things happen, unfortunately.
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Has it occured to you to go into a line of work that doesn't require you to not be a convicted felon.

You are in two lines of work where the companies would be in a LOT of trouble if they hired a felon and something bad happened.

It also sounds like you didn't volunteer this information, and they found out about it later in at least some of the cases you described. You should probably always be upfront about this sort of thing, because it just gets you in trouble later when they do find out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAd3Fqj2Ww]Wednesday Addams_"I'll Be The Victim" - YouTube[/ame]
So now you're dogged by a felony record only you're NOT a felon?

Reads like a KAFKA novel, wolf.

You aren't a closet NAZI by any chance, are you?

I ask not because I care but because I suspect that something other than your NON FELONY record is screwing you.

There are official government records and then too I suspect that corporations have UNOFFICIAL records about people, too.

Sounds to me like you're on one of those.
Our correctional system is fucked up, no denying that. I work for a county registrar and CA election law mandates that the Superior court provide a list of "convicted felons" every six months...except it turns out that many on that list are not actually convicted and have had their cases plead down. I even had a woman call us last year that had her conviction overturned in 1996...and yet she wound up on a goddamn list in 2012 that would have taken away her right to vote.
I enjoyed reading your story and know some guys who are in a similar situation. It's tough to try to live and work with some dignity when it seems like somebody is always messing with you from behind the scenes. A couple of them have just said screw it and tried to pull off some bonehead scam or crime, got caught, and are really in the soup now. Pay no attention to the snarks coming at you for this post....You sound like a good fella so keep your chin up and know that life has a way of evening things out. You'll end up alright if you keep plugging away. Good luck.
I enjoyed reading your story and know some guys who are in a similar situation. It's tough to try to live and work with some dignity when it seems like somebody is always messing with you from behind the scenes. A couple of them have just said screw it and tried to pull off some bonehead scam or crime, got caught, and are really in the soup now. Pay no attention to the snarks coming at you for this post....You sound like a good fella so keep your chin up and know that life has a way of evening things out. You'll end up alright if you keep plugging away. Good luck.

You are applauding the dude's decision to give up and his blaming everything and everyone but himself for his situation in life. Way to go!
So now you're dogged by a felony record only you're NOT a felon?

Reads like a KAFKA novel, wolf.

You aren't a closet NAZI by any chance, are you?

I ask not because I care but because I suspect that something other than your NON FELONY record is screwing you.

There are official government records and then too I suspect that corporations have UNOFFICIAL records about people, too.

Sounds to me like you're on one of those.

It sounds to me, reading his tedious narrative, is that he hid the fact he had a felony conviction from his employer, his employer was still willing to work with him, but he quit anyway and made a stink about it.

What is that old saying, "Don't burn your bridges behind you"...

And honestly, it sounded like a lot of places would have hired him if it didn't require him to carry a weapon, and given the way the guy rants here and other posts, I wouldn't give him a weapon, either.

Now, for those playing along at home, I write resumes for people as a side business. My advice would be that you disclose up front that you had this thing when you were a juvenile, you thought it was expunged but there's a record of it.
You are applauding the dude's decision to give up and his blaming everything and everyone but himself for his situation in life. Way to go!

You're a douche....judge yourself....from what I've seen, this guy is capable of an honesty and perserverance you don't understand and probably never will.
So now you're dogged by a felony record only you're NOT a felon?

Reads like a KAFKA novel, wolf.

You aren't a closet NAZI by any chance, are you?

I ask not because I care but because I suspect that something other than your NON FELONY record is screwing you.

There are official government records and then too I suspect that corporations have UNOFFICIAL records about people, too.

Sounds to me like you're on one of those.

It sounds to me, reading his tedious narrative, is that he hid the fact he had a felony conviction from his employer, his employer was still willing to work with him, but he quit anyway and made a stink about it.

What is that old saying, "Don't burn your bridges behind you"...

And honestly, it sounded like a lot of places would have hired him if it didn't require him to carry a weapon, and given the way the guy rants here and other posts, I wouldn't give him a weapon, either.

Now, for those playing along at home, I write resumes for people as a side business. My advice would be that you disclose up front that you had this thing when you were a juvenile, you thought it was expunged but there's a record of it.

Talk about "tedious"....I couldn't get past your second sentence.....read Wolf's post again; you could use some writing tips.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLS3RGesIFQ]Crocodile Dundee - That's not a knife - YouTube[/ame]
So now you're dogged by a felony record only you're NOT a felon?

Reads like a KAFKA novel, wolf.

You aren't a closet NAZI by any chance, are you?

I ask not because I care but because I suspect that something other than your NON FELONY record is screwing you.

There are official government records and then too I suspect that corporations have UNOFFICIAL records about people, too.

Sounds to me like you're on one of those.

It sounds to me, reading his tedious narrative, is that he hid the fact he had a felony conviction from his employer, his employer was still willing to work with him, but he quit anyway and made a stink about it.

What is that old saying, "Don't burn your bridges behind you"...

And honestly, it sounded like a lot of places would have hired him if it didn't require him to carry a weapon, and given the way the guy rants here and other posts, I wouldn't give him a weapon, either.

Now, for those playing along at home, I write resumes for people as a side business. My advice would be that you disclose up front that you had this thing when you were a juvenile, you thought it was expunged but there's a record of it.

According to him he has NO felony record, Joe.
I'm sorry to hear about your trouble. I wish I could say it is something new I've heard but it isn't. The confusion about the size of the blade and whether it was a felony or not - was Californias fault. Either way if your record was expunged it should have stayed that way. I'm not sure how that could happen.

I commend you for your long battle and staying in the fight. Most people would say it is hopeless, I'll have to settle for a dishwasher job someplace - no sense trying to get this thing straightened out. ( because they are slow of mind and weak of spirit ) By going through it, you've come out stronger whether you realize it or not.

Think about this, Wolfstrike, because you had a felony on your record you could not be drafted to go to war. You are excluded from that and isn't that a good thing as who would want to be in the military these days with the UN running war games in the middle east? Our young men and women are coming home in body bags and for what?!! As for you...

You like security it seems so I'd start my own business if I were you. There are all kinds of loans from the govt, programs, I'm sure you'd qualify. If you are a minority that is going to work in your favor too. You are a man that needs to be working for himself. Not others. You are smart, capable and have some experience with overcoming obstacles and fighting the system, you'd do fantastic!! You would! As to the story of the knife.....

I understand you bought the knife for protection but look how much trouble it brought you? You never used it so you obviously didn't need it, but you thought you did.

You'd be amazed at how many young people are going through what you are going through over a bag of pot ( gov keeps it illegal so CIA can make a fortune working with the cartels & fund the black ops we are told don't exist ) and the thousands of dollars they are forced to pay to lawyers & Judges. I used to do prison ministry bible studies so I know what I am talking about. Many of them don't even belong in a prison. You've got child paedophiles on the streets and a kid who was caught with a bag of pot or carrying a 4 inch pocket knife in jail for a felony. What is wrong with this picture? What is their motive? MONEY.

The Judges give them long probation sentences so they can drain them financially. In my own town one Judge was forced to step down as he was known for targeting families with these trumped up charges and extorting money from them through the system.

Meanwhile the Judges, Council members, etc are like a crime family that operate within a corrupt system that serves them well. They get paid 6 figure payoffs for giving light sentences for the big criminals and then give the little guy as many years of probation as they can give so they can bring in that monthly income for the city. Its' a racket. They won't ever go after the real source because they don't have the backbone for it. They are too worried about their precious little families. It's the I word - what will happen to me if I enforce the law?

I saw one Judge back down off a guy who was stalking a girl and came up to her at a gas station while she was pumping gas with a gun! She was in fear for her life. She was pleading with the Judge to protect her and the Judge - being in fear of the guy who was standing in front of him said I have to go by the law and can only advise the man to stay away from her in future. He was overly polite to the guy and even insinuated she was probably exaggerating! Ha! I could not believe my ears as I sat and listened to that coward on the bench letting a dangerous criminal go because he didn't have the backbone or fortitude to deal with him head on.

So there's that too.

How do you break into the system?

You seem to have an interest in politics. I would suggest finding a strong candidate you believe in for Congress. You've got 2014 elections coming up. So do your research, find someone in your state to get behind and then do it like it was the most important job on the face of the earth to you. Get there early, put out signs, go door to door every day, stand out and attend every meeting and speaking engagement your candidate shows up at.

When he introduces you to someone who is already in office - check them out - if it's good - get behind them too and branch out. Start your own blogging campaign for them and get these guys on your mass email list. ( I've done this. It works )

You are going to have to do this repeatedly to get the exposure you need. If you produce winning candidates and get a reputation for it? You'll find doors opening everywhere. Eventually the people inside your party will start calling you and asking you for an endorsement. Some might ask WHO are you going to endorse.

By then, you should know who is who and move into a narrower base where you are well known within your inner circle and start focusing on what job you want. If you put a Governor in office you can expect a job from the Governor if he realizes you put him there. You'd be amazed at how many people are in prestigious positions working for Senators and Congressmen and it all started with their being campaign workers. You could also make it a career and become a Campaign Manager. But you will have to win and prove yourself before that happens.

There is a reason I'm telling you to get connected. On election night when your candidate wins? The one thing you will hear repeatedly is, "If there is anything I can ever do for you, Just ask".... I have never cashed in on one of those but I've collected a stack.

I don't even have a candidate anymore but I still get phone calls from State Senators and my State Congressman and I also know the House Speaker by his first name and the Lt. Gov and president of the Senate! These are the kind of people you'll need to know in the future in order to help others, Wolfstrike.

They can also look into your expunged record, find out who was behind it and take their job from them. You'd be amazed how fast these guys can get something fixed for you. They are on the inside track and one phone call from them carries alot of clout.

There should be consequences to those who mistook you for someone that lays down - for you to make your point - a "you won" moment in which your enemies are forced to bow down to you because you have obtained the power position. I wouldn't rest until I made that day a reality.

I have two mottos and both work for me. One is: Don't break down. BREAK THROUGH. The other is: The difficult things are hard, the impossible will take some time. In other words? You define your future the moment you step into it and take control. It is just that simple. Good luck to you.

A strange tale.

I can't imagine that happening out here...not for something so trivial.

A Missourian would LOL that in California they have the audacity to arrest someone and charge them with a felony for carrying a knife.

Here, a knife is an accessory.

Anyway...it sounds to me like your problem isn't with Nevada, or Sears or the HVAC supplier...it sounds like your problem is with California.

You need to hire a lawyer to get your conviction record in order.

It sounds to me like California is releasing false information...perhaps because of a clerical error...that you HAVE a felony conviction.

Have you requested a background check on yourself from California?
So now you're dogged by a felony record only you're NOT a felon?

Reads like a KAFKA novel, wolf.

You aren't a closet NAZI by any chance, are you?

I ask not because I care but because I suspect that something other than your NON FELONY record is screwing you.

There are official government records and then too I suspect that corporations have UNOFFICIAL records about people, too.

Sounds to me like you're on one of those.

It sounds to me, reading his tedious narrative, is that he hid the fact he had a felony conviction from his employer, his employer was still willing to work with him, but he quit anyway and made a stink about it.

What is that old saying, "Don't burn your bridges behind you"...

And honestly, it sounded like a lot of places would have hired him if it didn't require him to carry a weapon, and given the way the guy rants here and other posts, I wouldn't give him a weapon, either.

Now, for those playing along at home, I write resumes for people as a side business. My advice would be that you disclose up front that you had this thing when you were a juvenile, you thought it was expunged but there's a record of it.

According to him he has NO felony record, Joe.

Maybe that gets him off the first time. I could see the first time, him thinking he honestly didn't have one. But it seems like in the latter part of his narrative, he didn't disclose the felony conviction, employers found out about it, and fired him. Or won't hire him to start with, or will only hire him with limitations.

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