Immigration is a good thing-----


Gold Member
Aug 6, 2017
Immigration is a good thing-----The thousands of immigrants living in the US is a good thing for the USA.

They support our economy. They fill the void in our labor needs.

Beating the Labor Shortage:
While some businesses across the country are struggling with finding sufficient labor,
Hobby Lobby seems to have avoided that problem due to its excellent benefits package and employee support system.
Our Economy | Small Town Truth

While the broader picture looks bleak, the rate of unemployment has hit some of its lowest levels in American history, a remarkable recovery from the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic which left near-record numbers of people jobless.
Fact Check: Is U.S. Unemployment Rate Lowest in 50 Years?

The above does not even take into account the taxes they will add to our economy, from social security to Medicare, city and local taxes as well.

Wake up, open your eyes, immigrants are a good thing; no matter what the republicons are telling you.

Immigration is a good thing-----The thousands of immigrants living in the US is a good thing for the USA.

They support our economy. They fill the void in our labor needs.

Beating the Labor Shortage:
While some businesses across the country are struggling with finding sufficient labor,
Hobby Lobby seems to have avoided that problem due to its excellent benefits package and employee support system.
Our Economy | Small Town Truth

While the broader picture looks bleak, the rate of unemployment has hit some of its lowest levels in American history, a remarkable recovery from the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic which left near-record numbers of people jobless.
Fact Check: Is U.S. Unemployment Rate Lowest in 50 Years?

The above does not even take into account the taxes they will add to our economy, from social security to Medicare, city and local taxes as well.

Wake up, open your eyes, immigrants are a good thing; no matter what the republicons are telling you.

You might ask poor Americans what they think. They are the ones who are losing the resources they need to survive to the MILLIONS of new illegal immigrants now occupying the country.
I've got no problem with LEGAL immigrants who do it the right way, it's the illegal border jumpers that need to go.
Having a welfare state & unlimited immigration is a suicide wish for morons

You might ask poor Americans what they think. They are the ones who are losing the resources they need to survive to the MILLIONS of new illegal immigrants now occupying the country.


I've got no problem with LEGAL immigrants who do it the right way, it's the illegal border jumpers that need to go.


Mike is definitely a nice, cool guy... John I don't know very well cuz he joined in 2020...

But take a look at the obsession with legality, with the legal status of the immigrant thar resulted from 60 years of multiracialist indoctrination in the US.

50 million ILLEGAL immigrants from Sweden, Poland don't destroy America's national identity but 50 million LEGAL immigrants from Africa or Mexico definitely do.

Who cares if a black or hispanic immigrant is waving a piece of paper or not? With or without a damned piece of paper they're destroying the white nation founded by Washington, Jefferson the same way.
Who is against immigration?
As we are experiencing it now?....Myself for one.

It's not like we are getting the "best and brightest", most from south of the border sport average IQs of 87, slightly better than US blacks but still one standard deviation under native-born whites.

Those from Haiti and blacks from Africa.....IQs in the mid-60s. We don't need any of those people, much less millions of them lining-up for free shit and by and by either themselves or their anchor babies voting for dems.

The Ivy League elite know those people are easily controllable by tossing them baubles from time to time and their end-game is to completely change the complexion of the country.....

Just in case you were not paying attention they are winning the battle too.
Originally posted by DukeU
Most of what we are experiencing now is illegal.

I'm also against that. Without laws, do we have a country?

America's immigration laws were modified in the 60's, up against the will of the american people, to ensure the destruction of the racial composition of the country in the long run even without a single illegal immigrant.

But according to some, it's perfectly OK to destroy America's national character as part of the western world, as part of the white civilization provided it's done in a legal manner.

Talk about obsession with legality.
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As we are experiencing it now?....Myself for one.

It's not like we are getting the "best and brightest", most from south of the border sport average IQs of 87, slightly better than US blacks but still one standard deviation under native-born whites.

Those from Haiti and blacks from Africa.....IQs in the mid-60s. We don't need any of those people, much less millions of them lining-up for free shit and by and by either themselves or their anchor babies voting for dems.


The argument presented by srelluc is 100% valid, legitimate.

What kind of masochist nation would want to import low IQ people to lower their standard of living in the long run? The american standard of living is the most precious american treasure and every citizen should fight tooth and nail to protect and preserve.

But even if those non-white immigrants had the IQ of an astrophysicist the protection of the US racial composition should still be an overriding national priority.

Do you see Japan or China importing non asian geniuses from all over the world? No you don't... because those nations are asiatic and (being mentally sane nation-states) want to remain so.
Legal immigration, on a limited basis, is a good thing. So long as they are coming here to embrace American culture, language, and society and to work for the betterment of this nation.
You might ask poor Americans what they think. They are the ones who are losing the resources they need to survive to the MILLIONS of new illegal immigrants now occupying the country.


I've got no problem with LEGAL immigrants who do it the right way, it's the illegal border jumpers that need to go.


Mike is definitely a nice, cool guy... John I don't know very well cuz he joined in 2020...

But take a look at the obsession with legality, with the legal status of the immigrant thar resulted from 60 years of multiracialist indoctrination in the US.

50 million ILLEGAL immigrants from Sweden, Poland don't destroy America's national identity but 50 million LEGAL immigrants from Africa or Mexico definitely do.

Who cares if a black or hispanic immigrant is waving a piece of paper or not? With or without a damned piece of paper they're destroying the white nation founded by Washington, Jefferson the same way.
50 million ILLEGAL immigrants from Sweden, Poland
Where are they hiding?
You might ask poor Americans what they think.
Poor Americans? This implies a hardship that the wealthy avoids with buckets of cash. Your view is far, far from the truth.

I have seen smiling, laughing children enjoying life to its fullest.


And the millionaire who jumped out of his 10th floor office,

10 Millionaire Businessmen Who Committed Suicide

10 Millionaire Businessmen Who Committed Suicide

The Billionaires Who Died In 2020: Remembering Their Lives
The Billionaires Who Died In 2020: Remembering Their Lives

Immigration is a good thing-----The thousands of immigrants living in the US is a good thing for the USA.

They support our economy. They fill the void in our labor needs.

Beating the Labor Shortage:
While some businesses across the country are struggling with finding sufficient labor,
Hobby Lobby seems to have avoided that problem due to its excellent benefits package and employee support system.
Our Economy | Small Town Truth

While the broader picture looks bleak, the rate of unemployment has hit some of its lowest levels in American history, a remarkable recovery from the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic which left near-record numbers of people jobless.
Fact Check: Is U.S. Unemployment Rate Lowest in 50 Years?

The above does not even take into account the taxes they will add to our economy, from social security to Medicare, city and local taxes as well.

Wake up, open your eyes, immigrants are a good thing; no matter what the republicons are telling you.

Why are Brown people always running away from Brown dictators?
50 million ILLEGAL immigrants from Sweden, Poland
Where are they hiding?



America should be so lucky to have 50 million illegal Swedes or Polacks instead of human garbage from the Third World.
Human garbage was definitely uncalled for, over the top and just rethorical... also because I am from the Third World too.

It translates the sadness, frustration and revulsion the american Holocaust makes me feel.

Yes, my dear fellow member of the USMB, you heard it right... Two Holocausts in one.

Holocaust of the american people and holocaust of the american nation-state.
Immigration is a good thing-----The thousands of immigrants living in the US is a good thing for the USA.

They support our economy. They fill the void in our labor needs.

Beating the Labor Shortage:
While some businesses across the country are struggling with finding sufficient labor,
Hobby Lobby seems to have avoided that problem due to its excellent benefits package and employee support system.
Our Economy | Small Town Truth

While the broader picture looks bleak, the rate of unemployment has hit some of its lowest levels in American history, a remarkable recovery from the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic which left near-record numbers of people jobless.
Fact Check: Is U.S. Unemployment Rate Lowest in 50 Years?

The above does not even take into account the taxes they will add to our economy, from social security to Medicare, city and local taxes as well.

Wake up, open your eyes, immigrants are a good thing; no matter what the republicons are telling you.

LEGAL immigration by people who are pre-screened for criminality and health problems AND who bring useful skills is a good thing. Unlimited ILLEGAL immigration by non-screened people who have no useful skills is a BAD thing. You have to separate the two.
Immigration is a good thing-----The thousands of immigrants living in the US is a good thing for the USA.

They support our economy. They fill the void in our labor needs.

Beating the Labor Shortage:
While some businesses across the country are struggling with finding sufficient labor,
Hobby Lobby seems to have avoided that problem due to its excellent benefits package and employee support system.
Our Economy | Small Town Truth

While the broader picture looks bleak, the rate of unemployment has hit some of its lowest levels in American history, a remarkable recovery from the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic which left near-record numbers of people jobless.
Fact Check: Is U.S. Unemployment Rate Lowest in 50 Years?

The above does not even take into account the taxes they will add to our economy, from social security to Medicare, city and local taxes as well.

Wake up, open your eyes, immigrants are a good thing; no matter what the republicons are telling you.

The low unemployment is a result of the system only measuring people ACTIVELY looking for work.
Legal immigration ,yes.

Invasion by these savages, no.

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