Imminent Doom For News Orleans... Meanwhile, Obama Campaigns...

I'd like to know why Mitt Romney is partying in Florida while the people of New Orleans are doomed, I say DOOMED! :confused:

He's not President, yet, asswipe.

We're you worried where John Kerry was when Katrina hit New Orleans?

Of course your weren't

Grow a fucking brain, dicklips.
What are you going on about??????

Seems like a pretty straight forward question. Do you simply not want to answer it?

Once again you show the board you are not very bright.

Google can be your friend......................

New Orleans region's levee system is making strides |

From your link:

Despite the money that the Army Corps of Engineers is spending on construction -- $2.5 billion since Hurricane Katrina and another $8 billion at the ready -- the federal protection system of enhanced levees, floodwalls, pumps, ramps and gates won't be finished until June 1, 2011, at the earliest.

So, you are admitting that the Federal Government paid to fix the levees.
the concern is the torrential rains. With the surge at the expected, albeit mild in comparison, 20 feet combined with the anticipated 20 inches of rain....NOLA may have issues unrelated to levy breaches.

It's my understanding that the new multibillion dollar levee system is built to withstand storms much much stronger than Issac. I suppose this is the 1st offical test of it, but I'd bet it holds.

Hmmmm....where did Piyush Jindal get the multi-BILLIONS of dollars to fix the levees?
From DC. Isn't Piyush one of the governors who put his own name on those checks and passed them out, while condemning government funds?
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I'd like to know why Mitt Romney is partying in Florida while the people of New Orleans are doomed, I say DOOMED!

Yep. He could be sitting and watching a telephone too. But oh no, he's off playing his usual wanabe role.

Anyone wanna bet that just like President Obama, Mittens also has a cell phone and other means of communication?

You rw's must be reeel desperate cuz you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
It's my understanding that the new multibillion dollar levee system is built to withstand storms much much stronger than Issac. I suppose this is the 1st offical test of it, but I'd bet it holds.

Hmmmm....where did Piyush Jindal get the multi-BILLIONS of dollars to fix the levees?
From DC. Isn't Piyush one of the governors who put his own name on those checks and passed them out, while condemning government funds?

Yep. Right along with veep candidate and Professional Sharia Law Peeping Tom, Paul Ryan. Mittens did it too, 'cept, it was called a taxpayer bail out and he took credit for it.
Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of New Orleans. Everyone took protection within the walls except President Obama who remained outside. An old man went to him and asked what he was doing. "I am not afraid," Obama said. "I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me." The old man honored his choice and went back inside. The next day, the storm came, and the man was never seen again. The old man said, "The wind does not respect a fool".
Where's Vice President Biden?

Hiding under a fucking desk while Obama golfs, campaigns, fucks-off?

The least Obama can do is send his #2 meathead down to Nawlin's

But no.

Golf has priority.
In all honesty, what can the president do other than offer funds for emergency preparations? Let him campaign or what ever he wants. But be available if need be.

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