Impeach or not


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Not impeach

1. allow Israel to murder 4k Americans and blame it on "islam"
2. start two wars over lies
3. make $7 trillion vanish
4. lie about place of birth while POTUS
5. have a man as First Lady
6, murder people to stay in the CLOSET
7. fire 7 US Attorneys to keep traitors above US law
8. raise money from China in a Buddhist temple
9. participate in the assassination of a US President
10, sell out the CIA to a foreign nation for money and favorable media coverage


1. discuss Joe Biden with Ukraine

That's where we are today
At what point does the HoR come across as feckless for not following thru....
reasons to impeach Trump: blatantly repeatedly, and admittedly colludes with foreign powers, abuses power, obstructs justice, profits from being president, seeks to prosecute opponents, abuses emergency powers to build wall, undermines freedom of the press, promotes white nationalism...

reasons not to impeach Trump: political cowardice
Imo they need to have the transcripts of Trump's communications regarding the military aid, and assign a committee to determine whether Trump demanded a quid pro quo of investigating Hunter Biden for the aid congress already authorized.

The "I" word shouldn't be used. And the Senate would never convict, so why give Trump more opportunity to cry "I'm YOUR MESSIAH"
reasons to impeach Trump: blatantly repeatedly, and admittedly colludes with foreign powers, abuses power, obstructs justice, profits from being president, seeks to prosecute opponents, abuses emergency powers to build wall, undermines freedom of the press, promotes white nationalism...

reasons not to impeach Trump: political cowardice
You're nothing more than a drooling moron. Drooling as in Pavlovian dog that begins drooling when a bell is rung and your bell is rung by your leftist masters. You haven't the intellect to form an original thought which makes you an ideal target for the left.
Not impeach

1. allow Israel to murder 4k Americans and blame it on "islam"
2. start two wars over lies
3. make $7 trillion vanish
4. lie about place of birth while POTUS
5. have a man as First Lady
6, murder people to stay in the CLOSET
7. fire 7 US Attorneys to keep traitors above US law
8. raise money from China in a Buddhist temple
9. participate in the assassination of a US President
10, sell out the CIA to a foreign nation for money and favorable media coverage


1. discuss Joe Biden with Ukraine

That's where we are today
Are you expecting people to take that post seriously?
The swamp democrat charade just keeps going. After the Trump Russia hoax fails. They look for more shit to throw against the wall hoping it sticks...
Not impeach

1. allow Israel to murder 4k Americans and blame it on "islam"
2. start two wars over lies
3. make $7 trillion vanish
4. lie about place of birth while POTUS
5. have a man as First Lady
6, murder people to stay in the CLOSET
7. fire 7 US Attorneys to keep traitors above US law
8. raise money from China in a Buddhist temple
9. participate in the assassination of a US President
10, sell out the CIA to a foreign nation for money and favorable media coverage


1. discuss Joe Biden with Ukraine

That's where we are today
Are you expecting people to take that post seriously?
I'm not even sure what it MEANS.
Not impeach

1. allow Israel to murder 4k Americans and blame it on "islam"
2. start two wars over lies
3. make $7 trillion vanish
4. lie about place of birth while POTUS
5. have a man as First Lady
6, murder people to stay in the CLOSET
7. fire 7 US Attorneys to keep traitors above US law
8. raise money from China in a Buddhist temple
9. participate in the assassination of a US President
10, sell out the CIA to a foreign nation for money and favorable media coverage


1. discuss Joe Biden with Ukraine

That's where we are today
The list of Obama impeachment efforts are here, no need for you to make up stuff in your imagination.

Trump didnt just "discuss Biden with Ukraine", he solicited their assistance in influence our election, and withheld aid to them as leverage.
But even without this, Trump's lawyers argued that a sitting president is immune to investigation, meaning president is a King, immune from any oversight. Why would such an argument be made, unless the president did something wrong?
Besides this, we have emoluments (using office to enrich himself), obstruction of investigation, mental decline (suitability for office). Hush payments, Anything i forgot?
reasons to impeach Trump: blatantly repeatedly, and admittedly colludes with foreign powers

Yeah, and W didn't "collude" with Israel and Saudi....

and Bill Clinton and Algore didn't "collude" with Israel and China....

and Obama didn't "collude" to keep his CLOSET DOOR SHUT

Your position is....

Trump should be impeached for reasons you would laugh at had they been used against a Dem....
The Obama administration was quick to back the new administration of Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. Kiev became so dependent on Washington for desperately needed financial support that, by threatening to withhold funds, Vice President Joe Biden pressured Poroshenko into firing Viktor Shokin, one of his top prosecutors. Shokin just happened to be investigating a natural gas company called Burisma, which just happened to have placed Hunter Biden, the vice president’s son, on its board of directors.

While the Veep pushed the International Monetary Fund to grant Ukraine a $17.5 billion loan package, Burisma lavishly compensated Hunter’s law firm, to the tune of more than $3 million over an eighteen-month span. A lot of money? Sure, but it’s chump change compared to the Chinese government’s $1.5 billion infusion in a joint investment fund with Hunter Biden while Vice President Biden, administration point-man on China issue, turned a blind eye to Beijing’s aggression in the South China Sea.

Andrew McCarthy: Triangulating Manafort -- Obama, Clinton and Ukraine
Like Russian Collusion, Ukraine Hysteria Is Pure Projection By Media And Democrats.

The same tired playbook is being run by the same discredited people with the same goal: get rid of Trump, by any means necessary.

Just as the Clinton campaign, Obama administration holdovers, and complicit media allies peddled lies about Russian collusion while engaging in literal Russian collusion during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, so too did Joseph Biden literally threaten to withhold money from Ukraine if it failed to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company.
Noonan shows what's rotten in journalism


Peggy Noonan's column's premise is loony. We are going to impeach a president for talking to an ally. The headline reflected the Elmer Fudd nature of Washington's latest plot.

Peggy Noonan and her newspaper are entitled to their opinion. But their opinion is based on this week's latest hysteria she is experiencing in her bubble in Washington, where only 6% of the people voted for the man who won the presidency.

There is no place in America more out of touch with the country than Washington because no place had such a small percentage who voted for the president. The nation went one direction, Washington went the other.

She began her column with a fantasy of someone punching the president. I will set aside the irresponsibility of a newspaper advocating violence, but maybe someone at the Secret Service should remind them of this.

The fact that she is openly rooting for Warren and mocking the legitimate complaints about her (as well as the idea that America is great) is another reminder that conservatives need not bother to apply in big journalism. The Pulitzered ones like her and George Will put on a good show when Clinton and Obama were president. But when a real conservative shows up -- one who slashes regulations and taxes -- Noonan and Will opposed him.

That is one thing that is rotten in journalism: only one side is properly represented.

Another thing that is rotten in journalism is the lack of a policy debate. Donald Trump presented ideas in 2016 that resonated with the people (except 94% of Washington, of course). He called for ending illegal immigration, ending abortion, and ending the globalism that has made the world less safe for the masses while enriching the 1%.

Those are things of substance. Let us talk about them. Sanders vs. Trump would have been a better contest because it would have pitted socialism against capitalism. Instead Democrats tried to win by laying on a guilt trip about never having a woman president before.

Journalists like Noonan concentrate on style, not substance because that is how propagandists operate. They play on emotions.

Her support of this week's cry for impeachment ("The charges are serious and credible," she wrote) showed another thing that is rotten in journalism: a lack of skepticism. How is the Democrat cry for impeaching the president over a phone call serious?

Well she answered it by showing yet another thing that is rotten in journalism: dishonesty.

Noonan wrote, "The charge is that the American president went to the leader of Ukraine and invited him to take part in the 2020 presidential election by investigating one of the president’s likely competitors. Mr. Trump might have added pressure by delaying U.S. aid."

Nothing of the sort happened. There was no invitation. And unlike Biden (with Obama's backing), President Donald Trump did not withhold a billion bucks in aid unless it did his bidding.

My source is Vice President Joe Biden himself. That is what he said. The prosecutor was digging into the corrupt company that hired his son for $50,000 a month for a no show job.

I offer as proof not Alex Jones or some You Tuber but the Wall Street Journal itself. That her editors failed to correct her inaccuracies informs me that the truth is a secondary concern there.


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