in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama

Apparently it says qualifications for the position aren't a real big priority.
Best you leave decisions such as these to those better positioned to make them. Like... Me; for instance. After all... I do have a say in how this goes. You don't. That's just the way it is.

Actually I've been saying that from the beginning. Just asking how you go about your standards.

I mean if my car broke down further every time I went to a certain mechanic --- I'd find another mechanic.
That's just how we do things here in Carolinia but maybe mechanics are busier in Alabamia.
Ours don't break down... Because we fix our own problems, rather than pay someone else to do it for us...

That's what's called an "analogy".

Let's face it, a Senator is a representative. He's supposed to represent your state in the Senate. Right?

I dunno, when I pick a representative I'd rather it not be a moron who's proven himself incompetent. But then again --- different standards.

You let us know how that works out. Just too bad Gomer Pyle's not available any more.
It'll work out just fine. 'Preciate the concern though. Touching really...

I think "touching" is kinda how you got here.
oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...

Besides being the "poster-boy' for ALL that is wrong with the GOP, then there's this regarding his senate votes.......

Poll: Just 17 percent of voters back ObamaCare repeal plan | TheHill

Nearly half of Americans oppose GOP tax plan: Poll -
That's gonna be a jagged pill to swallow... Maybe if you wash it down with liberal tears? They are quite plentiful these days...
In nine days, he will still be creepy

“One of our attorneys pointed out that the message in the yearbook had been altered or faked to mock Moore’s signature,” Moore campaign spokesman Stan Cooke told reporters. “[Nelson’s attorney Gloria] Allred has refused to release the yearbook and she said on MSNBC that even if the yearbook entry was altered, it would not impact the integrity of the allegation.” Roy Moore's campaign produces 'evidence' to undermine his two accusers

Why would Republicans nominate a Democrat?

I would vote for a Republican over a Democrat that molested children. Hands down. And I hate Republicans.
I would just stay home rather than vote for a Republican.

Which is what a lot of Alabama Republicans are going to do - stay home.
Are they now? Pray tell... Where do you get your on the ground, inside info? Inquiring minds want to know.
I lived in Tuscaloosa for 3 years. I've spent time all over Alabama. I live very close to Alabama now.

Even hillbilly Alabama women don't want to be told they shouldn't run for office or vote and are only good for cooking and having babies.
So you speak for our women, do you? I'll be sure pass that along. Might be just the thing to make the difference...
I don't speak for them but I know them. They're very proud, very tough, and they don't like being marginalized as second-class citizens.

And I'm also betting that a lot of the Republican women who do go to the polls with their husbands are prolly pro-Moore in public but won't vote for him once they're in the privacy of the voting booth.
Best you leave decisions such as these to those better positioned to make them. Like... Me; for instance. After all... I do have a say in how this goes. You don't. That's just the way it is.

Actually I've been saying that from the beginning. Just asking how you go about your standards.

I mean if my car broke down further every time I went to a certain mechanic --- I'd find another mechanic.
That's just how we do things here in Carolinia but maybe mechanics are busier in Alabamia.
Ours don't break down... Because we fix our own problems, rather than pay someone else to do it for us...
That's why you're near the bottom states in education and wages? Because you fix your own problems?
Don't you worry bout us. We do just fine. Much obliged though...
Define 'fine'. Every indicator says you're doing terrible.
My indicators are my bank account, and quality of life. And in both regards, I'm quite comfortable.
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.

Believing 38 year old accusations brought forth by a well-funded propaganda machine just weeks before an election is obviously inter-meddling in the affairs of Alabama and would be done only by Bolshevik-minded people like you.

Its fucking INCOMPREHENSIBLE...and the people of Alabama are justified in not believing any of it...the serious allegations have been mostly debunked in the short period available.

The remaining ones showshe WAS creepy...38 years ago...preferred women a decade or so younger....married one in fact. Happy marriage of more than 30 years. Wife supports him. Female Governor supports him.

Nothing else verifiable or really even believable, except to Loons like you. You have accepted as Truth 38 year old allegations likely paid for---because you want to...and because you look down your nose at places like alabama as if it was accurately depicted in Deliverance.


People like you are far more dangerous to this Country than creepy people like Roy Moore.
I would vote for a Republican over a Democrat that molested children. Hands down. And I hate Republicans.
I would just stay home rather than vote for a Republican.

Which is what a lot of Alabama Republicans are going to do - stay home.
Are they now? Pray tell... Where do you get your on the ground, inside info? Inquiring minds want to know.
I lived in Tuscaloosa for 3 years. I've spent time all over Alabama. I live very close to Alabama now.

Even hillbilly Alabama women don't want to be told they shouldn't run for office or vote and are only good for cooking and having babies.
So you speak for our women, do you? I'll be sure pass that along. Might be just the thing to make the difference...
I don't speak for them but I know them. They're very proud, very tough, and they don't like being marginalized as second-class citizens.

And I'm also betting that a lot of the Republican women who do go to the polls with their husbands are prolly pro-Moore in public but won't vote for him once they're in the privacy of the voting booth.
You hold on to that... If it gives you hope... Can't be all bad. However... If I may...
You may want to prepare yourself for a Moore victory anyhow... You know... "Just in case".
You hold on to that... If it gives you hope... Can't be all bad. However... If I may...
You may want to prepare yourself for a Moore victory anyhow... You know... "Just in case".

For myself,I WANT Moore to win (his opponent is a blue dog anyway).....

But what could be BETTER than a gun-toting, short-tempered maniac being the poster boy for republican causes???

Besides, it should be fun to watch turtle-necked, McConnell squirm every time Moore waves his little black-book of teenagers needing his advice.
That's gonna be a jagged pill to swallow.

Based on your are those classes in reading comprehension going?
Believe it or not I was reading a dissertation on polls, and the lemmings who's hopes and dreams hang on them; and it was so engrossing; that time got away from me, and I missed class. Maybe next time...
Actually I've been saying that from the beginning. Just asking how you go about your standards.

I mean if my car broke down further every time I went to a certain mechanic --- I'd find another mechanic.
That's just how we do things here in Carolinia but maybe mechanics are busier in Alabamia.
Ours don't break down... Because we fix our own problems, rather than pay someone else to do it for us...
That's why you're near the bottom states in education and wages? Because you fix your own problems?
Don't you worry bout us. We do just fine. Much obliged though...
Define 'fine'. Every indicator says you're doing terrible.
My indicators are my bank account, and quality of life. And in both regards, I'm quite comfortable.
Typical "conservative": If I'm doing fine that's all that matters to me. Doesn't matter if my state is a shithole or my neighbors are suffering.
You hold on to that... If it gives you hope... Can't be all bad. However... If I may...
You may want to prepare yourself for a Moore victory anyhow... You know... "Just in case".

For myself,I WANT Moore to win (his opponent is a blue dog anyway).....

But what could be BETTER than a gun-toting, short-tempered maniac being the poster boy for republican causes???

Besides, it should be fun to watch turtle-necked, McConnell squirm every time Moore waves his little black-book of teenagers needing his advice.
I too look forward to the clash that is coming between those two. To be honest... Its my number one reason for making sure Moore takes the seat.
I would just stay home rather than vote for a Republican.

Which is what a lot of Alabama Republicans are going to do - stay home.
Are they now? Pray tell... Where do you get your on the ground, inside info? Inquiring minds want to know.
I lived in Tuscaloosa for 3 years. I've spent time all over Alabama. I live very close to Alabama now.

Even hillbilly Alabama women don't want to be told they shouldn't run for office or vote and are only good for cooking and having babies.
So you speak for our women, do you? I'll be sure pass that along. Might be just the thing to make the difference...
I don't speak for them but I know them. They're very proud, very tough, and they don't like being marginalized as second-class citizens.

And I'm also betting that a lot of the Republican women who do go to the polls with their husbands are prolly pro-Moore in public but won't vote for him once they're in the privacy of the voting booth.
You hold on to that... If it gives you hope... Can't be all bad. However... If I may...
You may want to prepare yourself for a Moore victory anyhow... You know... "Just in case".
Oh, I'm not naive enough to overestimate the intelligence, morals, or integrity of Alabamians. More than likely they will predictably do what everyone expects them to do: elect a pedophile.

Like I said, I lived there.
So... Who will be the next rock, that the waves of leftists will smash themselves against?

Hopefully you'all won't put up any more child molesters.

Why would Republicans nominate a Democrat?

I would vote for a Republican over a Democrat that molested children. Hands down. And I hate Republicans.
---------------------------------------------- allegation and accusation aren't PROOF of anything Coyote !!
I'm an unapologetic Yankee. So much of the south baffles me. But I believe the good people of Alabama are not dupes. I believe they see their role as voters with as much responyas every other American. And I further believe that they will not elect someone with as questionable past as Roy Moore to the United States senate.

Here on this board the rabid partisans have an amplified voice. They come on here and write the most vile and disgusting things in the name of whatever their political ideology happens to be this month. We have heard from fiscal Conservatives. They are an endangered species in the Republican Party today. We have heard from social Conservatives United by their collective fears and hatred of anyone who does not tow their line of morality.

But today, that morality is being put to the test. If those social Conservatives want to hold the moral high ground, they must face the facts of Roy Moore's reputation. Should the decent people of Alabama be drowned out by rabid partisans who would elect a child molester just for political gains, they will never again be listened to with credibility by any other American citizen.

Have faith that someone like Roy Moore will never be elected so long as those with a true moral backbone enjoy the right to vote.
I too look forward to the clash that is coming between those two. To be honest... Its my number one reason for making sure Moore takes the seat.

as it is MINE......Alabama would always be a vivid RED state anyway....why not have some fun?
Ours don't break down... Because we fix our own problems, rather than pay someone else to do it for us...
That's why you're near the bottom states in education and wages? Because you fix your own problems?
Don't you worry bout us. We do just fine. Much obliged though...
Define 'fine'. Every indicator says you're doing terrible.
My indicators are my bank account, and quality of life. And in both regards, I'm quite comfortable.
Typical "conservative": If I'm doing fine that's all that matters to me. Doesn't matter if my state is a shithole or my neighbors are suffering.
Don't worry yourself on our behalf. We're quite fond of our little "shithole". But honestly... Its really touching to know that y'all leftists really do care so much about us Alabamians. We had no idea the we were so well respected amongst your circles; that the bulk of you would spend months on message boards, worrying yourselves sick over our election, that you cannot even vote in. We truly are blessed to have so many who really care about us, on such an individual level.
in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama
In 10 days, Roy Moore will be before the Senate Ethics Committee.

In 11 days, Roy Moore will be ejected from the Senate.

In 12 days, Roy Moore will be back in Alabama again, amongst the Inbred Jeds who attempted to elevate him to high public office on the national level.

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