In Defense of Trump And Why Republicans Should Vote For Him

Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015

It's better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Unlike all the other Republicans in the clown show Trump is honest. Trump says what he thinks and if you don't like it he'll give you a big fuck you. So if you care about candor (most Republican voters don't) Trump is your guy.

If you hate Mexican, (most Republican voters do) Trump is your guy.

Trump is filthy rich and as such he probably will not be taking bribes. Even though Jeb BUSH is rich the Bush family has a history of bribe taking and back door deal. (most Republican voters don't care that their candidate is a bribe taker) Trump bribes politicians not the other way around.

Trump has actually accomplished something in life while the rest of the members of the Republican clown show have leeched off the public dole. None of the other members of the clown show have the ambition or the smarts to be as successful and Trump.

It will be less of a disaster if Trump becomes president than if any other the other clowns become president.

Trump is not a career politician who makes his money as a professional liar.

The Muslims will be scared shitless of Trump and maybe he will take them out in one fell swoop using nukes if need be. Unlike the other clowns Trump hates Islam while the Republicans have a sneaking admiration for it.

Trump is crazier than a shit house rat but so are most Republican voters. The rest of the clowns are merely Machiavellian. Trump is both crazy and Machiavellian. He's the perfect Republican!
I am not sure if you want Trump against Hillary or you are laughing at the seriousness some are taking Trumps candidacy.

When it comes to Trump, can't tell fact from fiction.
The vitriol that bed wetting libtards have for Trump lends him credibility all by itself.

I still don't think he will make the first televised debate.

The vitriol that bed wetting libtards have for Trump lends him credibility all by itself.

I still don't think he will make the first televised debate.

Just saying that will make liberals talk about trump until you declare support for him.
Just saying that will make liberals talk about trump until you declare support for him.

I will end up supporting whomever the republicrat nominee is unless it's Christie Cream, Jeb Shrub, Cracker Graham or whatever other RINO that pops up. I'm not concerned at all about Trump getting even close to the nomination, but there is no way even in that most unlikely of events that he could be anywhere near as bad as the moonbat messiah.

I am not sure if you want Trump against Hillary or you are laughing at the seriousness some are taking Trumps candidacy.

When it comes to Trump, can't tell fact from fiction.
Yes but the people around him can. He may end up firing a lot of them though.

If there were only Republicans running of the the top tier candidates I'd vote for Trump. I really think he would do less damage than Bush. Trump would surround himself with more honorable people than Bush and he would be his own man. You can't say that about the rest of the clowns. I think if he got in he's be a social moderate but unfortunately he'd be a borrow and spend Republican like Bush 1, Bush 2, and Reagan.

I'm torn between Hillary and Bernie Sanders. I prefer a fiscal conservative like Hillary Clinton and a social liberal like Sanders. Republicans talk like fiscal conservatives but when the get in the rack up the debt like a rich kid with Daddy's credit card and they are war mongers and chicken hawks as well. I'd actually consider Rand Paul if he wasn't such a kook and a liar.

I can't wait for Jesse Ventura to weigh in on this fiasco.

I really hope Trump runs as a third party candidate. He'd be sort of a Ross Perot off his psych meds. Perot IMO was sane. Like Perot Trump knows business and how to get things done and in spite of his psychotic breaks Trump has people skills. He is by far and away the best the top tier of the clown show has to offer.
Just saying that will make liberals talk about trump until you declare support for him.

I will end up supporting whomever the republicrat nominee is unless it's Christie Cream, Jeb Shrub, Cracker Graham or whatever other RINO that pops up. I'm not concerned at all about Trump getting even close to the nomination, but there is no way even in that most unlikely of events that he could be anywhere near as bad as the moonbat messiah.

Graham will never get the nomination, he's too moderate, too sane and too gay. His only appeal to the GOP is that he's a pretty clever liar. If he weren't such a liar and suck up I could see him being the best Republican president since Reagan.

Rand Paul I suppose would be a RINO by your standards since he is anti-war, anti-corporatism, pro constitution, anti police state and semi sane.
I love your name fat bastardo but what is your point?
All republicans hate Mexicans
No republicans like candor
Most republicans are all bribe takers
Everyone but trump is leeching off the public dole

As opposed to democrats?

Hilary Clinton has leeched off the public dole for forty years. She is a bribe taker. She doesn't know,the meaning of the word candor unless she is in her cups. She didn't know what a Mexican was until someone told her she needed their votes. She is the living farce of no accomplishment. So what is th point.

Donald will make his points and cause much needed shake ups and then go back to making money. He cares about his country, he has no desire to be president.
I love your name fat bastardo but what is your point?
All republicans hate Mexicans
No republicans like candor
Most republicans are all bribe takers
Everyone but trump is leeching off the public dole

As opposed to democrats?

Hilary Clinton has leeched off the public dole for forty years. She is a bribe taker. She doesn't know,the meaning of the word candor unless she is in her cups. She didn't know what a Mexican was until someone told her she needed their votes. She is the living farce of no accomplishment. So what is th point.

Donald will make his points and cause much needed shake ups and then go back to making money. He cares about his country, he has no desire to be president.

Gee, I hope you remember that when asked to vote for a governor or senator. If working for the government is "leeching", you guys have nothing but leeches and cartoon characters like Trump.
He might build a giant tower called 'Trump Tower' and bankrupt all the casinos?

Why not just build a giant robot, an evil giant robot. Would be more cost effective.
The vitriol that bed wetting libtards have for Trump lends him credibility all by itself.

I still don't think he will make the first televised debate.

Just saying that will make liberals talk about trump until you declare support for him.

Trump will turn off liberals due to his racist statements and his opposition to marriage equality. I really think he means what he says on that unlike the other clowns who are saying such vile shit in order to appeal to their depraved and immoral base. I actually respect Trump for his honesty. His honesty will turn off much of the Republican base as they prefer liars.

Trump is number 2 in the polls. Also, Fox News is owned by News Corp which is a money whore corporation and they know that Trump means ratings. Also you can bet that Trump will be prepared and he will win the debates. It will be a blood bath for the other clowns.

If Trump wins the nomination I think he will pick Christie for VP. Christie may be a crook but so are the other clowns but Christie is also a nasty mouthy fucker and the Republican base loves that. The Republican base also loves crooks. That is why Jeb BUSH is leading in the polls.

So far Trump has not been caught in a lie and that may work against him with the Republican base who historically loves liars e.g. McCain/Palin, Romney/Ryan/ Bush/Cheney, Bush/Quayle although Dan Quayle was not a liar or a pedophile he was just stupid. HW Bush had the lying and the pedophilia down to a science although he wasn't as stupid his son and depraved as his son and therefore he only got one term.

Jeb Bush has the most appeal to the Republican base. He's a screw up like his brother, a prolific liar like Romney, has a criminal wife and crack whore, meth head daughter, was a horrible governor but not as bad as Rick Scott but in spite of that Trump will slaughter him in the debates. If you recall in 2012 when pressed Newt Gingrich called Romney a liar. Trump will be shouting LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE about Jeb which will ruin his chances in the general election with swing voters.

Trump will not be some chaotic loose cannon for the GOP to deal with, he will be a well aimed wrecking ball with plenty of weight and momentum. Trump's greatest advantage is the stupidity of the Republican voters and Trump knows exactly how to appeal to them.

The more the left bashes Trump the more the right will support him.
I love your name fat bastardo but what is your point?
All republicans hate Mexicans
No republicans like candor
Most republicans are all bribe takers
Everyone but trump is leeching off the public dole

As opposed to democrats?

Hilary Clinton has leeched off the public dole for forty years. She is a bribe taker. She doesn't know,the meaning of the word candor unless she is in her cups. She didn't know what a Mexican was until someone told her she needed their votes. She is the living farce of no accomplishment. So what is th point.

Donald will make his points and cause much needed shake ups and then go back to making money. He cares about his country, he has no desire to be president.


1. I think the OP is the point. Of the members of the GOP clown show Trump would make the best president and candidate.

2. Not all Republican hate Mexicans. The White trash hate them because they are hard workers but the business Republican love them for the cheap labor.

3. There was a time when Republicans valued honesty but that ended when the NeoCONS and haters took over the party. It was called the Gingrich revolution. Lincoln is long gone as is Taft, TR and Reagan who by today's standards would make Obama look like a far right Goldwater conservative.

4. Unlike the clown show Trump actually works for a living and creates jobs for Americans. Unlike other Republicans, Trump has helped the economy not hurt like vulture capitalist Mitt Romney.

Bill and Hillary were not born with silver spoons in their mouths same as the Obama's. Bill and Hillary like the Obama's are self made and true public servants. Also, like the Obama's Bill and Mrs Clinton are good at business unlike Bush/Shrub who had many business failures. Then again the Obamas and the Clintons have high IQs.

Trump has no desire to be president? Then why is he risking so much of his fortune and reputation running for president? Trump would be a better president that any of the GOP clowns because unlike them he really does love America. As nuts as he is DONALD TRUMP LOVES AMERICA almost as much as he loves money and power.
I think there are several things about Trump that should worry all sides.

The first is that Americans like "Celebrities" more than they like "Politicians". That's how Jesse the Body Ventura and Ah-nuld got elected.

The second is that Trump is the only guy really speaking to an American People who are scared. Yes, Trump's racism is detestable. But beneath it is a real fear of Americans knowing they aren't living as good as their parents and their children may not live as good as they do. Trump addresses that fear. Hillary and most of the Clown Car doesn't.
Anyone that the far left is against the most is the one you should vote for..

However having Trump vs Clinton is the same as a 1% vs another 1% for president..
Ummmmm...................about that "Chump creates jobs for Americans"..............

You DO realize that his line of merchandise (that used to be sold at Macy's), was all made in China, right?

He might employ service workers for minimum wage in America, but his product line of clothing and stuff is made in China, and I'm guessing his clothing made in China produces more jobs than his casinos and such here in America.
Ummmmm...................about that "Chump creates jobs for Americans"..............

You DO realize that his line of merchandise (that used to be sold at Macy's), was all made in China, right?

He might employ service workers for minimum wage in America, but his product line of clothing and stuff is made in China, and I'm guessing his clothing made in China produces more jobs than his casinos and such here in America.

You mean like all those that praise apple and they use Chinese slave labor to build on their high profits?

The far left Obama has praised Apple for it's innovations and accomplishments, even knowing that their over priced electronics are made with slave labor in China..
Proof that the world is upside down is the fact that libs are offended that a political candidate would call criminals..criminals. What part of illegal alien don't they understand?
Ummmmm...................about that "Chump creates jobs for Americans"..............

You DO realize that his line of merchandise (that used to be sold at Macy's), was all made in China, right?

He might employ service workers for minimum wage in America, but his product line of clothing and stuff is made in China, and I'm guessing his clothing made in China produces more jobs than his casinos and such here in America.

You mean like all those that praise apple and they use Chinese slave labor to build on their high profits?

The far left Obama has praised Apple for it's innovations and accomplishments, even knowing that their over priced electronics are made with slave labor in China..

What phone do you use? Assuming you have one.
Ummmmm...................about that "Chump creates jobs for Americans"..............

You DO realize that his line of merchandise (that used to be sold at Macy's), was all made in China, right?

He might employ service workers for minimum wage in America, but his product line of clothing and stuff is made in China, and I'm guessing his clothing made in China produces more jobs than his casinos and such here in America.

You mean like all those that praise apple and they use Chinese slave labor to build on their high profits?

The far left Obama has praised Apple for it's innovations and accomplishments, even knowing that their over priced electronics are made with slave labor in China..

What phone do you use? Assuming you have one.

Not an I phone.
Ummmmm...................about that "Chump creates jobs for Americans"..............

You DO realize that his line of merchandise (that used to be sold at Macy's), was all made in China, right?

He might employ service workers for minimum wage in America, but his product line of clothing and stuff is made in China, and I'm guessing his clothing made in China produces more jobs than his casinos and such here in America.

You mean like all those that praise apple and they use Chinese slave labor to build on their high profits?

The far left Obama has praised Apple for it's innovations and accomplishments, even knowing that their over priced electronics are made with slave labor in China..

Yeah..............and it was Republican legislation passed in Congress that allowed them to do that.

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