In my town you need a photo ID to get a library card!!. But not to vote.

lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.
Wow. "super-human-breeding-studs!!!!" Not bad for a 70 year old, now is it? None of the above dumbass - just more years on this planet than you and your nazi friends. America has awakened and they are mad as hell. Get used to it, skippy. Today is just the beginning.

America has (and is) deciding that this country will NOT be turned into Detroit.

Sure thing, gramps! I'm a Nazi? Why? Never mind, I'm a Nazi.

You ARE a Nazi. A liberal Nazi.
Again, I've been issuing this challenge for the last 3 months or so. NOT ONE of these Nazis has had the balls to take me up on it. NOT ONE. Now THAT is the confidence that democrats are so famous for.

How's that for comedic value?

Who are YOU calling a fucking Nazi? My dad fought in that war, you were too young.

Grow up.

My Dad fought in that war, too. You are a liberal fucking Nazi. Don't like it? Change your outlook on life. Grow up and give that hippie shit up.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.

Seems you're the typical left winger that doesn't have the guts to make one. You blame it on someone else as usual because you're not man enough to make it.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.
Vote fraud is everywhere because obozo wants illegals voting. Obozo won't enforce the law.

GOP Versus Registration Nation
50k 'missing' registrations in GA; Millions of voters threatened by GOP database scheme

Another Dark Day For Democracy: SCOTUS Allows Racially-Motivated Disenfranchisement Of 600k+ Texas Voters in This Year's Midterm Elections
Despite uncontested findings of purposeful discrimination in the GOP law, strict new Photo ID restrictions allowed to take effect...

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote"

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression

Governor Chris Christie: Same-Day Voter Registration Is a “Trick” and GOP Needs to Win Gubernatorial Races So They Control “Voting Mechanisms”

Fran Millar: Georgia Senator Complains About Polling Place Being Too Convenient for Black Voters

Doug Preis: An Ohio GOP Chair Says We Shouldn’t Accommodate the “Urban — Read African-American — Voter-Turnout Machine”

Greg Abbott: Texas AG Says Partisan Districting Decisions Are Legal, Even if There Are “Incidental Effects” on Minority Voters

Ted Yoho: Only Property Owners Should Vote

Don Yelton: North Carolina GOP Precinct Chair: Voter ID Law Will “Kick Democrats in the Butt” and Hurt “Lazy Blacks”

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression
Wow. "super-human-breeding-studs!!!!" Not bad for a 70 year old, now is it? None of the above dumbass - just more years on this planet than you and your nazi friends. America has awakened and they are mad as hell. Get used to it, skippy. Today is just the beginning.

America has (and is) deciding that this country will NOT be turned into Detroit.

Sure thing, gramps! I'm a Nazi? Why? Never mind, I'm a Nazi.

You ARE a Nazi. A liberal Nazi.
Again, I've been issuing this challenge for the last 3 months or so. NOT ONE of these Nazis has had the balls to take me up on it. NOT ONE. Now THAT is the confidence that democrats are so famous for.

How's that for comedic value?

Who are YOU calling a fucking Nazi? My dad fought in that war, you were too young.

Grow up.

My Dad fought in that war, too. You are a liberal fucking Nazi. Don't like it? Change your outlook on life. Grow up and give that hippie shit up.

What the hell are you talking about??? More tough talk! Too funny.

Don't forget your walker, grandpa!

Sorry, your dad NEVER fought the Nazi's, If he had, you would have never disrespect what he did by diminishing what the Nazi's did.

Not everyone you disagree with is a fucking Nazi.

Again, grow up you geriatric, online, punk.
In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,”

There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.

^^^^ Another sock calling a long-time poster gutless! priceless.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.

You're full of crap. What's it gonna be skippy? You've talked your shit - now back it up with action. I've been making this challenge for months here - it's public knowledge. Well? You have a pair or not?

I don't bet with anyone I can't collect from.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.

Seems you're the typical left winger that doesn't have the guts to make one. You blame it on someone else as usual because you're not man enough to make it.

No, he's right.

So, are you back here as a sock, because you lost a bet???
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.

^^^^ Another sock calling a long-time poster gutless! priceless.

Another kiss ass protecting a gutless coward like him. He wouldn't make the bet and based on it on speculation. That's gutless. Anyone that agrees with him is, too. Run along coward, I want to talk to honorable people and your sorry ass won't ever reach near that level.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.

Seems you're the typical left winger that doesn't have the guts to make one. You blame it on someone else as usual because you're not man enough to make it.
Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.

^^^^ Another sock calling a long-time poster gutless! priceless.

Another kiss ass protecting a gutless coward like him. He wouldn't make the bet and based on it on speculation. That's gutless. Anyone that agrees with him is, too. Run along coward, I want to talk to honorable people and your sorry ass won't ever reach near that level.

^^^^ You just joined this site.
You're a joke.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.

Seems you're the typical left winger that doesn't have the guts to make one. You blame it on someone else as usual because you're not man enough to make it.

No, he's right.

So, are you back here as a sock, because you lost a bet???

He speculates and proves his cowardice by using it as an excuse.

You make the claim I'm a sock. Now prove it.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.
Some of us have common sense.
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.

Seems you're the typical left winger that doesn't have the guts to make one. You blame it on someone else as usual because you're not man enough to make it.
No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.

^^^^ Another sock calling a long-time poster gutless! priceless.

Another kiss ass protecting a gutless coward like him. He wouldn't make the bet and based on it on speculation. That's gutless. Anyone that agrees with him is, too. Run along coward, I want to talk to honorable people and your sorry ass won't ever reach near that level.

^^^^ You just joined this site.
You're a joke.

And that proves what? It proves, in typical fashion, you take something and twist it into what you want to believe thinking no other possibility exists. That's how simple minds work son.
FLORIDA - Florida GOP Election Fraud scandal spreads to ten counties

FLORIDA - “Glitch” wipes out 1,000 early votes in black FL neighborhood

INDIANA - GOP Election Fraud In Indiana’s La Porte County

OHIO - GOP Election Fraud In Ohio’s Ottawa County

OHIO - True The Vote Forged Signatures To Get Observers At Ohio Polls

OREGON - Clackamas County Oregon GOP ballot officials fill in GOP on blank ballots

This article lists 10 GOP Election Fraud Schemes:

GOP's 10 Election Fraud Schemes To-Date

And this:

ELECTION FRAUD: It's the Voting Machines, Not the Voters

REQUEST FOR UN OBSERVERS ACLU: GOP Election Fraud So Bad We Need UN Observers

RON PAUL'S ACCUSATIONS - These are followed by a host of Ron Paul GOP Election fraud articles who have, apparently chronicled what they consider election fraud during the GOP primaries that were skewed to give the nomination to Mitt Romney.

This link lists out the Ron Paul purported GOP Election Frauds: Election Fraud and Manipulation in the U.S.

Back to the other stories of GOP Election Fraud, 2012:

RNC & NATHAN SPROUL - Republican National Committee Drops Firm Over Voter Fraud Allegations

Study of Anomalies in large counties - PDF file - - 2008/2012 Election Anomalies, Results, Analysis and Concerns Francois Choquette, James Johnson

RNC & NATIAN SPROUL STILL GOING - GOP Election Fraud Still Going Strong!

MICHIGAN - Republican U.S. House Staffers Indicted for Felony Election Fraud as GOP Fraud Epidemic Continues

MAINE - Democrats Pile on Maine GOP ELECTION Fraud – Maine “winner” to be Overturned?

WISCONSIN - - GOP election fraud in Wisconsin

MICHIGAN - INGHAM COUNTY, MICHIGAN - one-woman grand jury to investigate House Speaker Jase Bolger and party-switching state Rep. Roy Schmidt's foiled election-rigging scheme, court officials announced Tuesday.

VIRGINIA - State Senator McEachin calls for Federal Investigation of GOP election fraud

OHIO - Tagg Romney Invested in Ohio Electronic Voting Machines

Google search for - "Republican election fraud"

FLORIDA - Suspicious voter registration forms found in 10 Florida counties

MASSACHUSETTS - Longmeadow Republican Election Fraud

MICHIGAN - Four GOP House Staffers From Michigan Indicted for Election Fraud
lol, conservatives making pre-excuses for the possibility that the GOP does not win the Senate has reached the frenzy level.

Still time to take my bet.....I'm not making excuses for a damned thing. The Senate will be taken EASILY. Not too late, skippy....You want a chance at the title? They lose and I leave. They win and you are gone from this place forever. WELL?

No RWnut can be trusted to honor such a bet. Sorry.
Especially someone as filled with hate as Flagg.

Another gutless Liberal unwilling to make it then blames not doing it on speculation that the other guy won't pay.
Some of us have common sense.

And people like you are gutless cowards using excuses to try and hide it.

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