In normal world, this is known as "fraud".

There is no guilty verdict in a civil court. It's all about damages and being liable for damages.

There are no crimes being tried here if there were the trial would be in criminal court where the burden of proof is much higher and the standards of evidence much stricter.
That's why this isn't in criminal court.
. Nobody is interested in your whining or your pathetic whatboutusm. Sorry.
So you chose not to respond for my allegation that Democrats are a cult. I like to point out the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party. Calling Trump supporters a cult is just one of many. Democrats engage in a negative behavior and then accuse Republicans of doing the same thing.

Can you think of any instance where President Trump has coerced his supporters into following some element of his platform? Rather, if you are being honest, it is the Trump troops who have had to coerce their leader into adopting the conservative positions he holds today. On everything from abortion to immigration to judges to gun control, it is the base that has demanded Trump earn their support by doing what they want (not what he or Ivanka or Jared might want).

Now consider the monolithic thinking promoted by the left. Is there any room for dissent or discussion within the Democratic Party about the value of preserving life within the womb? Not if you believe what Elizabeth Warren said in the last Democratic debate: "I believe that abortion rights are human rights. I believe that they are also economic rights. And protecting the right of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body is fundamentally what we do and what we stand for as a Democratic Party."

Throw in the lockstep positions on guaranteed health care, open borders, gun control, climate change, and LGBTQ rights, and you have the makings of a cult-like environment where nonconformity is not tolerated. Again, consider the case of presidential candidate Gabbard, who has been shunned by the Democratic establishment because of her refusal to toe the party line on endless overseas wars. Bad girl!

The Democrats even have a goon squad to shut down dissent — whether it is the loud, bullying tactics of the celebrity left or the fists and sticks of the masked Brown Shirts called Antifa. They will hurl invective, insults and bricks at anyone who questions leftist orthodoxy on climate change, sanctuary cities, or disarming America. There is nothing comparable working on behalf of Trump or the conservative cause, thank God.
So you chose not to respond for my allegation that Democrats are a cult. I like to point out the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party. Calling Trump supporters a cult is just one of many. Democrats engage in a negative behavior and then accuse Republicans of doing the same thing.

So they are both cults. No argument from me.
Y'know, what's really interesting here....

Trump puts all his damaged, fragile ego into being perceived as rich and successful, and he's terrified that people will find out that, outside of Daddy's money and other people's money, he's lived a fraudulent life. It's why he tried so hard to keep his finances secret.

I'll bet he thought that his flock would hate him if they found out. That they would reject him.

Turns out that's not the case. They're rushing to his defense, because HIS self worth is THEIR self worth. And this is another great example of why the comparisons to a cult are so reasonable.

They're not just rushing to his defense. They're giving him their money to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. It's mind-boggling.
So you chose not to respond for my allegation that Democrats are a cult.
You must have missed the part where I told you, multiple times, that I have no interest in your cult fantasies, your pathetic whataboutism, or your links you don't read.
The fucking entry hall at Mar A Lago is worth 18 million, you TDS-addled idiot.

Why do you hate a guy that left his cushy life to try to do good for the country because no one else was

doing it so? What in the everloving fuck is wrong with you?

It hates the guy because it’s been told to hate the guy. Just that simple.
In Normal World, when you overstate the value of your holdings on official documents for the purpose of obtaining loans, that's known as "fraud". When you VASTLY overstate them, that's known as "another day in TrumpWorld™".

Defrauding people is "bad" It's "dishonest". People who commit fraud are "lying".

Here are just a few examples of how Trump commits fraud on financial documents to MAKE IT SEEM that he has a LOT more money than he does.

Trump Tower Triplex
Trump's claim: 30,000 sq ft
Actual appraisal: 10,996 sq ft

Seven Springs Estate Value
Trump's claim: $291 million
Actual appraisal: $30 million

40 Wall Street
Trump's claim: $527 million
Actual appraisal: $220 million

Trump's claim: $612 million
Actual value: $27.6 million

TNGC Briarcliff and TNGC LA
Trump's claim: $73 million
Actual value: $16 million


So I guess the question is, why are his followers so willing to overlook blatant fraud like this? Would any of you like to answer that question?

Let the deflection and personal attacks begin!

Source: Page 21 and beyond, DocumentCloud
Great post!
If this farce happens to be succesful, millions of dollars of revenue and thousands of jobs will be lost in NY.

And then it will cascade among the biggest and best developers and landowners there, and their revenue and

the service jobs they support will be gone as well. Miami and Palm Beach will grow a lot, I'm sure.

Maybe that's their plan. :dunno:
Not that it matters, but here is the actual description of this case:

The charge is "Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, a Class E Felony, 34 counts".

The "victim" of such a crime is the state. That would be New York.

Not that it matters.

You gotem now!
It isn't just Trump supporters. People do not see financial crimes the same way as they do other crimes.

Under Obama the administration and Geithner both noted that crimes had been committed but they would not be pursued because it might be bad for the economy.

What Trump did wouldn't have been prosecuted if it had been someone else. Now that's not to say Trump isn't guilty, IMO from what we have seen he is. Trump was just doing business as usual. Yes it was fraud but no one really cared.

The rich and connected live under different rules than regular people. I imagine there are hundreds of people guilty of what Trump did. Will they be held accountable? Not likely.

Unfair? Maybe but again, when people came to Trump over an unfair justice system he turned his back to them. Even today his supporters refuse to understand this.
Am for equal justice under the law. We ALL
know justice for the rich and famous is never equal.

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