In normal world, this is known as "fraud".

in 2008?


rates fell from 5% to 3% in 2008 and stayed there for 7 years

The rates crashed at the end of 2008.

In Normal World, when you overstate the value of your holdings on official documents for the purpose of obtaining loans, that's known as "fraud". When you VASTLY overstate them, that's known as "another day in TrumpWorld™".

Defrauding people is "bad" It's "dishonest". People who commit fraud are "lying".

Here are just a few examples of how Trump commits fraud on financial documents to MAKE IT SEEM that he has a LOT more money than he does.

Trump Tower Triplex
Trump's claim: 30,000 sq ft
Actual appraisal: 10,996 sq ft

Seven Springs Estate Value
Trump's claim: $291 million
Actual appraisal: $30 million

40 Wall Street
Trump's claim: $527 million
Actual appraisal: $220 million

Trump's claim: $612 million
Actual value: $27.6 million

TNGC Briarcliff and TNGC LA
Trump's claim: $73 million
Actual value: $16 million


So I guess the question is, why are his followers so willing to overlook blatant fraud like this? Would any of you like to answer that question?

Let the deflection and personal attacks begin!

Source: Page 21 and beyond, DocumentCloud
Who was defrauded? The banks didn't say they were defrauded, only Latitia James believes there was fraud. Who lost any money? No one.
I didn't say it was or wasn't fraud because I don't know if it was because the crime there would be the impersonation of a government agent.
And you conveniently edited out the rest of my reply

And then IF this guy's accounts were accessed it would be theft and wire fraud most likely

But just saying you are an IRS agent? Not sure if that is fraud

What about the required due diligence that when lacking means there is no crime, according to you?
If you sign a financial document that is a clear lie, you have defrauded.

We have laws against that.

Did Trump do that?

From what I remember he never even took a loan he just floated the idea to a lender.
What about the required due diligence that when lacking means there is no crime, according to you?

Those are 2 entirely different scenarios

No one is claiming the authority of a government for one.

Asking for a loan is just one guy saying I think my property is worth X will you lend me money and another party either saying yes or no.
The rates crashed at the end of 2008.

They were trending down for months before the end of 2008
Did Trump do that?

From what I remember he never even took a loan he just floated the idea to a lender.

Yes, according to the state of NY Trump did that 100s (maybe 1000s of times).

This is not about one lender or one loan, this is about a pattern over the course of years and years.

If you do not even know the details of the case, why are you wasting our time talking about it?
And went to near zero after the crash.

But cheap money is a part of the problem.
Distinction without a difference

The point being that if banks were not lending money they were actually losing profit. People were refinancing their homes multiple times in a year because the real estate market was insane and all that debt was being sold as derivatives flooding the market.

It wasn't just a few people overvaluing property values

And like I said the insane real estate market during and just after Covid did not result in the same type of crash because banks weren't lending money with abandon and the refi market didn't explode

You are way oversimplifying what happened in 2008
Yes, according to the state of NY Trump did that 100s (maybe 1000s of times).

This is not about one lender or one loan, this is about a pattern over the course of years and years.

If you do not even know the details of the case, why are you wasting our time talking about it?

And so what?

Who was the injured party? Look the State of NY needs to convict Trump of some sort of financial felony so they can tie it to their case of election tampering. That's what this is all about.

And I have said already that I am discussing the nature of fraud

If you lied on every loan application you ever filled out but never got any loans would you be indicted for fraud? Even if you got the loans and paid them all back would you be indicted for fraud?

I don't think so.
If you lied on every loan application you ever filled out but never got any loans would you be indicted for fraud? Even if you got the loans and paid them all back would you be indicted for fraud?

I don't think so.

Probably not since I am just some average joe that nobody is paying attention to. If I were to run for POTUS they would suddenly find out that I cheated on my 8th grade math test.

Tis the nature of politics in our country today.
Just looked up one of these properties to totally debunk your lame ass thread.

Here is what a $39 million property looks like in Bedford, NY where Seven Springs is:

3800 sq ft home with 214 acres.

View attachment 837625

Trump’s property is 50,000 sq ft with 280 acres.

View attachment 837629

You are insane if you think that property is worth only $30 million.
fuck off, loser.

this has been discussed and judged by people who know what's going on.

usmb scumbag wanna be lawyer's input is not needed.
Probably not since I am just some average joe that nobody is paying attention to. If I were to run for POTUS they would suddenly find out that I cheated on my 8th grade math test.

Tis the nature of politics in our country today.

And none of those things would disqualify anyone from running for president.

Like I said The state of NY is desperate to get some sort of felony conviction so they can tie it to an election tampering charge.

If Trump had never run there would be no fraud charges filed because no injured party ever came forward to charge him

This is the nature of our politic today too.
And none of those things would disqualify anyone from running for president.

Correct, and this does not disqualify Trump for running for POTUS. If people wish to vote for someone that is a proudly dishonest as Trump they are free to do so.

If Trump had never run there would be no fraud charges filed because no injured party ever came forward to charge him

Correct, because people would not have been digging into his every move like they do for people running for POTUS.

If Joe was not POTUS do you think Hunter lying on his gun form would have been a thing?
Correct, and this does not disqualify Trump for running for POTUS. If people wish to vote for someone that is a proudly dishonest as Trump they are free to do so.

Correct, because people would not have been digging into his every move like they do for people running for POTUS.

If Joe was not POTUS do you think Hunter lying on his gun form would have been a thing?
So this whole fraud case is bogus.

Not quite the same thing but of course not. But then again Hunter actually committed a federal crime I don't really know if Trump actually defrauded anyone in the sense that he harmed them financially
Distinction without a difference

The point being that if banks were not lending money they were actually losing profit. People were refinancing their homes multiple times in a year because the real estate market was insane and all that debt was being sold as derivatives flooding the market.

It wasn't just a few people overvaluing property values

And like I said the insane real estate market during and just after Covid did not result in the same type of crash because banks weren't lending money with abandon and the refi market didn't explode

You are way oversimplifying what happened in 2008

I never said it was just a few people.

It was the entire corrupt system.
So this whole fraud case is bogus.


If you are stopped for speeding and the police ignored 5 other people speeding, is your ticket bogus?

Not quite the same thing but of course not. But then again Hunter actually committed a federal crime

And how many people have you heard of being charged with lying about drug use on the form?
Murder always has a victim of murder.

Who is the victim of Trump's alleged frauds? And why aren't those victims if they exist suing Trump?

How is the State of NY a victim of fraud?

It seems the State of NY is suing on behalf of some private business but the business itself has never sued for fraud.

This is where it gets fishy.

So what if Trump overestimated a property worth for a loan from a private lender? It is the lenders responsibility to perform its due diligence in appraising that property.
fucktard. read the decision. your fourth hand queefery was addressed, and the scumbag lawyers got sanctioned for repeating their frivolous bullshit.

count yourself lucky that you don't get sanctioned for the same.

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