In Nov- I'll Vote For Who Deploys Troops to Defeat ISIS

It is pretty clear that the family of victims of Muslim terror feel worse than Family of those killed by an unhinged American with a gun...the family can at least find some relief in their loved ones being killed by just a regular American instead of a "dirty foreigner"..
I have met the parents of one who was beheaded and grew up with family of a San Bernardino victim. That hits home more than you may know.

i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
The difference, you moron, is that ISIS is a mass movement fueled by ideology that is widely accepted, whereas your virtually nonexistent white supremacist "terrorists" are usually individuals with mental problems. You know this. You know there is a big difference. Stop being a dipshit and be honest.

the only moron is you, little boy. get your facts and history correct.

and why are they terrorists when they're muslim, but have "mental problems" when some ginned up rightwingnut christian terrorist shoots up a planned parenthood?

he was waging jihad to save the "babies".

the man who murdered dr. tiller was a terrorist.

the atlanta bomber was a terrorist.

you're welcome, little boy
Hmmm... "Little boy"? Pretty silly.

Ok, so maybe you do not see the distinction between a concerted enterprise involving thousands of people with a common ideology and coordinated para military training, on one side, and an inbred individual redneck, on the other. Maybe I was wrong; maybe you are not being dishonest. Maybe you are just stupid.
It is pretty clear that the family of victims of Muslim terror feel worse than Family of those killed by an unhinged American with a gun...the family can at least find some relief in their loved ones being killed by just a regular American instead of a "dirty foreigner"..
I have met the parents of one who was beheaded and grew up with family of a San Bernardino victim. That hits home more than you may know.

i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding
Send in the 101'st with the 82nd backed by the 1st Armored Division equal the destruction of ISIS. Wipe the desert with them

Well how come England Russia and the United States of America all have been defeated in Afghanistan? Now you're going to talk tough about Isis like you can beat them easily?

Obama cut and ran. Hard to defeat anything doing that

Attacking ISIS won't stop the terrorist attacks, in fact they'll only increase.
First, you do not know that. It is disturbing to think that you believe you have the supernatural powers necessary to see into the future.

Second, if they - the ISIS terrorists - are dead and their infrastructure is destroyed, then there will be nobody to coordinate and fund training, weapons and attacks.

Third, we would not have to do this if not for Obama fucking up things in the region.

Fourth, a humiliating slaughter of these fuckers - like feral dogs being put down - will clearly deter further terrorism from them, at least in the short term (long term, we need tough policy).

Fifth, when we capture some of these assholes we will be able to turn some of them and obtain much needed intelligence to destroy these fuckers.

Tread carefully here, Clay. You are dangerously close to siding with terrorists over your nation.
Send in the 101'st with the 82nd backed by the 1st Armored Division equal the destruction of ISIS. Wipe the desert with them

Well how come England Russia and the United States of America all have been defeated in Afghanistan? Now you're going to talk tough about Isis like you can beat them easily?

Obama cut and ran. Hard to defeat anything doing that

Attacking ISIS won't stop the terrorist attacks, in fact they'll only increase.
First, you do not know that. It is disturbing to think that you believe you have the supernatural powers necessary to see into the future.

Second, if they - the ISIS terrorists - are dead and their infrastructure is destroyed, then there will be nobody to coordinate and fund training, weapons and attacks.

Third, we would not have to do this if not for Obama fucking up things in the region.

Fourth, a humiliating slaughter of these fuckers - like feral dogs being put down - will clearly deter further terrorism from them, at least in the short term (long term, we need tough policy).

Fifth, when we capture some of these assholes we will be able to turn some of them and obtain much needed intelligence to destroy these fuckers.

Tread carefully here, Clay. You are dangerously close to siding with terrorists over your nation.

Attacking ISIS won't stop the terrorist attacks, in fact they'll only increase.
actually that does not even make sense
Go into Raqaa Syria and turn that shit hole into a smoldering heap of murdering Muslims on jihad.

It is pretty clear that the family of victims of Muslim terror feel worse than Family of those killed by an unhinged American with a gun...the family can at least find some relief in their loved ones being killed by just a regular American instead of a "dirty foreigner"..
I have met the parents of one who was beheaded and grew up with family of a San Bernardino victim. That hits home more than you may know.

i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding

your right is not limitless. i'm not anti-gun. i'm anti-limitless guns. the 2nd was never intended to enable that.... not until scalia. and even in heller it says only a total ban is unconstitutional and reasonable regulation isn't.
It is pretty clear that the family of victims of Muslim terror feel worse than Family of those killed by an unhinged American with a gun...the family can at least find some relief in their loved ones being killed by just a regular American instead of a "dirty foreigner"..
I have met the parents of one who was beheaded and grew up with family of a San Bernardino victim. That hits home more than you may know.

i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding

so you think weakening the rights of the law abiding is funny
I have met the parents of one who was beheaded and grew up with family of a San Bernardino victim. That hits home more than you may know.

i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding

your right is not limitless. i'm not anti-gun. i'm anti-limitless guns. the 2nd was never intended to enable that.... not until scalia. and even in heller it says only a total ban is unconstitutional and reasonable regulation isn't.

indeed you are anti gun

oh btw you anti gun kooks lost another one in the SC yesterday
i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding

your right is not limitless. i'm not anti-gun. i'm anti-limitless guns. the 2nd was never intended to enable that.... not until scalia. and even in heller it says only a total ban is unconstitutional and reasonable regulation isn't.

indeed you are anti gun

oh btw you anti gun kooks lost another one in the SC yesterday
Jill is mentally ill. She gets hopelessly entangled in her web of rationalizations to the point where she loses all concept of objectivity. To make matters worse, she is emotionally insecure, making her determined to be "right" even when she knows, or should know, that she is wrong.
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement


Why troops?

Will you go?

Your son / daughter?

That's what I thought?


America is not there yet. We stopped trusting the Federal Government after W. lied to us about WMDs. Actually it was tricky Dick Cheney but the buck stops with Bush.

In order to send troops, you need consent. That is, the American people need to feel it is justified--sacrificing American lives.

For now, Drone operations in cooperation with a bigger coalition is the best strategy.

BTW -- for all you folks concerned about the national debt. Are you prepared to raise taxes -- because war is expensive and when you don't pay for it.... well, just look at the W. presidency outcomes.

From what we know about ISIS, sending the U.S. Military to fight them would be like letting a pro NFL team play a good college team. We'd win hands down, but there would still be injuries.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding

your right is not limitless. i'm not anti-gun. i'm anti-limitless guns. the 2nd was never intended to enable that.... not until scalia. and even in heller it says only a total ban is unconstitutional and reasonable regulation isn't.

indeed you are anti gun

oh btw you anti gun kooks lost another one in the SC yesterday
Jill is mentally ill. She gets hopelessly entangled in her web of rationalizations to the point where she loses all concept of objectivity. To make matters worse, she is emotionally insecure, making her determined to be "right" even when she knows, or should know, that she is wrong.

that is why the truth is often upsetting to her
I have met the parents of one who was beheaded and grew up with family of a San Bernardino victim. That hits home more than you may know.

i guess you didn't know the cop who was murdered by a white christian supremacist terrorist at planned parenthood.
Sorry no I did not know this officer and his family and friends.
Nor did you know his:
Indiana officers plan final salute to Deputy Carl Koontz

so you agree we should keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals?

who dont agree with that

what we dont agree with is the lefts continual attempts to

weaken the rights of the law abiding

your right is not limitless. i'm not anti-gun. i'm anti-limitless guns. the 2nd was never intended to enable that.... not until scalia. and even in heller it says only a total ban is unconstitutional and reasonable regulation isn't.

The second was implemented so we can protect ourselves from people who think like you. Our first POTUS said to hoarse ammo
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement


Why troops?

Will you go?

Your son / daughter?

That's what I thought?


America is not there yet. We stopped trusting the Federal Government after W. lied to us about WMDs. Actually it was tricky Dick Cheney but the buck stops with Bush.

In order to send troops, you need consent. That is, the American people need to feel it is justified--sacrificing American lives.

For now, Drone operations in cooperation with a bigger coalition is the best strategy.

BTW -- for all you folks concerned about the national debt. Are you prepared to raise taxes -- because war is expensive and when you don't pay for it.... well, just look at the W. presidency outcomes.

From what we know about ISIS, sending the U.S. Military to fight them would be like letting a pro NFL team play a good college team. We'd win hands down, but there would still be injuries.
Same silly questions
Last edited:
That's it. Time to deploy our might in the ME again. Turn our boyz loose is the only answer. Cruz gets my vote based on this critical requirement


Why troops?

Will you go?

Your son / daughter?

That's what I thought?


America is not there yet. We stopped trusting the Federal Government after W. lied to us about WMDs. Actually it was tricky Dick Cheney but the buck stops with Bush.

In order to send troops, you need consent. That is, the American people need to feel it is justified--sacrificing American lives.

For now, Drone operations in cooperation with a bigger coalition is the best strategy.

BTW -- for all you folks concerned about the national debt. Are you prepared to raise taxes -- because war is expensive and when you don't pay for it.... well, just look at the W. presidency outcomes.

From what we know about ISIS, sending the U.S. Military to fight them would be like letting a pro NFL team play a good college team. We'd win hands down, but there would still be injuries.
Where is your "Oh, but if it would save just one life, then we ought to do whatever is necessary" mentality that is so common with you leftists? As you said, ISIS's military capability is but a mere speed bump. In fact, I think that you are giving them far too much credit in that department. If they are pushovers, then I am sure they will lose more to casualty than we will, netting a positive in our favor. If we lose 100 men against ISIS (which is probably WAY MORE than we will lose in reality), but destroying ISIS prevents the deaths of 200 innocents, then we have saved 100 lives. So, where is your leftist compassion for human life? If you really have compassion then you ought to support the destruction of ISIS.
Maybe you and all your our gun nut pals can form a volunteer legion to go over and fight the evil-doers.

You know, I kind of like this idea. There are only 20 to 30 thousand ISIS fighters. I'm sure we could easily find at least twice that many gung-ho Trump Chumps to volunteer for a vigilante force to head over there and live out their masturbation fantasy.
to put you skin where you want to put other people's kin....I believe that you are so brave you are willing to fight down to the last family member of someone else's family.......

There is no draft. Just a willing signature to serve


and if you loons get your way, there will be a draft. there would have to be. if you had to get your butt blown up, you wouldn't be so quick to demand irrational actions.

but please, feel free to enlist.

I served. Have you?

There is no shortage of brave men and women who sign up under their own free will.

Ha! Enlistment went down big time after Iraq. I know you right wingers have short memories so let me remind you bush came very close to breaking our military. Kids were sent back for more tours than they should have. Many got PTSD because of this.

We didn't have enough soldiers to win in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I believe it was on purpose too. No ones this stupid, not even bush Chaney rumsfeld Powell and haloburton

Really. You do realize Obama has drawn down our military to levels not seen in 75 years?

Good! Remember we are broke? Stupid fuckers.
Maybe you and all your our gun nut pals can form a volunteer legion to go over and fight the evil-doers.

You know, I kind of like this idea. There are only 20 to 30 thousand ISIS fighters. I'm sure we could easily find at least twice that many gung-ho Trump Chumps to volunteer for a vigilante force to head over there and live out their masturbation fantasy.
I know one guy who will fight for Trump


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