In Ohio, TRUMP almost announces for re-election !!

How dare he run for President again. He's supposed to go away in shame. Democrats are going to lose their fucking minds.
Wait till they see Trump's endorsees win. Many of the Democrats who can't see the writing on the wall will see the writing on the wall on November 9, 2022. My prayers are for 2/3rds Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate. Even the Mules are annoyed about inflation.

And best wishes to President Trump who I am sure will do a little surgery on the FBI from their hips that are currently joined to those of the DNC deep state. That's gonna go out the door along with secrecy, lies, and press insanity, whose salvation will be when they join hips with the truth this time. When they do, they will hopefully never take sides in politics with a big brass band that landed themselves in the drums of cacophony.

I have to get up and vote before I check into the hospital for clearing up my little case of pneumonia. And if I don't make it to the polls, my prayers tonight are for the healing of this very divided nation due to the threat of being enslaved to sociocommunism. If conservatives lose, we will never be free again. If conservatives win, my prayers are that we will defeat inflation, defeat border chaos, and defeat everything that's bad to win what is most important, which would unite the nation. Our forefathers prayed to God we would never be enslaved to play-deaf monarchs, which is what America would be if it craters to communism that demands a slave class and a small group of oligarchical control freaks. Prayers up! Good night, Patriots. God bless America and all who love her. :huddle: :sleep:

'Scuse my little errors, hope I fixed all of them.
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Wait till they see Trump's endorsees win. Many of the Democrats who can't see the writing on the wall will see the writing on the wall on November 9, 2022. My prayers are for 2/3rds Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate. Even the Mules are annoyed about inflation.

From your lips, to God's ears.

And throw my Grandmother's Meatball Marinara into the mix for good measure.
Tomorrow our glorious real president will make his announcement to run for a third term.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. There was a total lunar eclipse that night.

When the polls open here in Ohio at 6:30 AM, there will be a total lunar eclipse.

Yeah, but lunar eclipses happen fairly regularly, and it wasn't visible in New York (where Trump was born) when it happened.


It was completely visible over South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, seen rising over South America, Europe and Africa and setting over Asia and Australia.

So, what exactly are you trying to say?
If Trump actually does announce that he's gonna run for president again, it will be VERY interesting to see if the GOP survives it.
You know, it's gonna be interesting to see how the GOP reacts if Trump actually does announce he's running for president again.
You know, it's gonna be interesting to see how the GOP reacts if Trump actually does announce he's running for president again.
They had better support him. He's a big part of the reason for the red wave.
I never thought Trump would announce until after the midterm elections were settled. People who thought that don't know Trump.
They never returned Melania's underwear or shoes. They still have Barron's toys. Maybe the FBI is still investigating such contraband.
I didn't know they removed personal items from Mar-a-Lago. They were all weaponized to get Donald Trump in trouble with the law. The trouble is, they never realized he takes his instructions from the best lawyers who keep him posted on what he must and must not do. Donald Trump only wants to make money within the confines of the law. The Democrats are nutcases for thinking they can somehow trap and ensnare Trump with their multiple lies, mudslinging, critiques based on the lies and joint mudslinging with all their palsiewalsies in the DNC Kingdom of Lies, Insinuations, half-truths and intentionally misleading narratives. They're slipping their gimmie-gimme mickies to the American public to get rich quick off the sleeping giant. Unfortunately for the Democrats, they jilted the sleeping giants to an annoyed scenario of them packing their thefts into offshore accounts and acting like nobody knows it yet. If they should lose the election, they'll just go abroad and live like kingpins on their bounty, stolen from under the noses of trusting American citizens who were choked out with rising taxes and skyrocketing prices thanks to the Democrats yanking every chain in the world to give them something for nothing.

I want the extortion specialists like Biden to give all of their thefts and arm twists for Cash back to the people they took it from who are the taxpayers who without any say whatever were bushwhacked by Democrat mousetraps all over the map. Make the Democrats pay for their thefts and find their hidden offshore banks. Whole bunch of 'em should be in jail right now, but they try to cover their butts by blaming Republicans for their projected crimes which they have zero intention of changing to honest above-the board dealings. Nope, they're going to stay in the secret places in the Capitol basement to extort more money and benefits from the American taxpayers than we can wrap our minds around. They're egging the American public with a startling new false narrative spewed out by their 300 propaganda tv stations that deliver the false narratives to America's public, and there's no way to stop them. They have stalemated the nation with lying about honest people by convincing naïve people they're better than anyone else. The reverse is true. The only people who respond to the DNC is get-rich-quick people who quickly learn the gold goes into the pockets of the deep state Demonrats who use everybody to get what they want by painting roses over the tragedies they're concealing. Holding on to Melania's underwear and shoes, are they? Barf!

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