In Politics and Society: Is it Intolerant to be Intolerant of Intolerance?

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Yep. When I say 'should', that is my opinion. I think what GLAAD did to Phil Robertson SHOULD be illegal. It SHOULD be considered sufficiently wrong that it should be against the law to intentionally target somebody and attempt to materially harm them for nothing more than expressing an opinion that somebody didn't agree with. When any person or group is allowed to do that to another person or group with impunity, we have no rights left.

And the conservative groups targeting Al Sharpton, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz?

I take your opinion applies to them equally. I also take it that you will never acknowledge that.

btw, here's the new conservative group Truth Revolt's petition that demanded Martin Bashir lose his job for expressing an opinion:

Stop The Sexist Martin Bashir | Truth Revolt

Do you want that to be illegal on the federal level, or leave it up to the states?

And which ones of those weren't Christians? And don't make the circular argument that they can't be Christians because real Christians aren't terrorists.

PS. Negged for falsely accusing me of lying.

To clarify the topic, it is on the subject of tolerance and allowing people to be who and what they are.

Why are you telling me and not Sunshine?


what's your opinion of the attempts by the Right to silence Bill Maher, Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz?

Those attacks are no different than GLAAD's.

I am telling you and everybody else that the topic of the thread is not you and it is not Sunshine and it isn't who is or is not a Christian.

What attempts have been made by the right to silence Bill Maher, Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz? Has some conservative group petitioned, theatened, or demanded that HBO or MSNBC fire them? I am unaware of any such organized effort, but if any group has done so then they are as guilty of hateful and destructive intolerance as GLAAD is.
Yep. When I say 'should', that is my opinion. I think what GLAAD did to Phil Robertson SHOULD be illegal. It SHOULD be considered sufficiently wrong that it should be against the law to intentionally target somebody and attempt to materially harm them for nothing more than expressing an opinion that somebody didn't agree with. When any person or group is allowed to do that to another person or group with impunity, we have no rights left.
It should be a lot like TORT reform. prove your case in court to take another citizen's liberty from them, or pay the cost of the proceeding. I think PR has a good case to go against these people, but him being a Christian man? I think he will turn the other cheek, and move on.

yep, THIS exactly the fundamental difference I am talking about.
Yep. When I say 'should', that is my opinion. I think what GLAAD did to Phil Robertson SHOULD be illegal. It SHOULD be considered sufficiently wrong that it should be against the law to intentionally target somebody and attempt to materially harm them for nothing more than expressing an opinion that somebody didn't agree with. When any person or group is allowed to do that to another person or group with impunity, we have no rights left.
It should be a lot like TORT reform. prove your case in court to take another citizen's liberty from them, or pay the cost of the proceeding. I think PR has a good case to go against these people, but him being a Christian man? I think he will turn the other cheek, and move on.

Hey Einstein. A CORPORATION took action because they didn't want any of Phil Robertson's toxic ignorance to taint their image or profits. This is a perfect example of free market capitalism, something you are oblivious to.

Phil Robertson's ‘bestiality' remark earned ‘Duck Dynasty' suspension

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson’s comment to GQ magazine grouping homosexuality with bestiality was the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as A&E’s top executive was concerned, who reportedly “carefully” considered all of Robertson anti-homosexual remarks before suspending Robertson from the show, according to TheWrap.

A network exec reportedly told the website that Nancy Dubuc, the CEO of A&E Networks, ultimately reached the suspension decision because Robertson’s remarks were in conflict with “the fundamental values of the company.” Dubuc’s response was, at least in part, prompted by concerns of company employees, the executive said.
Yep. When I say 'should', that is my opinion. I think what GLAAD did to Phil Robertson SHOULD be illegal. It SHOULD be considered sufficiently wrong that it should be against the law to intentionally target somebody and attempt to materially harm them for nothing more than expressing an opinion that somebody didn't agree with. When any person or group is allowed to do that to another person or group with impunity, we have no rights left.

So if you COULD, you would wield the power of GOVERNMENT against GLAAD.

Sure sounds like what you love to accuse liberals of. But THAT is different, right FF?

The conservatives' posts in this thread couldn't be funnier if I were writing them myself.

This week we've gone from the conservatives declaring the Robertson incident a violation of his constitutional rights to the same conservatives want to jail anyone who expresses displeasure at his having a tv show.
Yep. When I say 'should', that is my opinion. I think what GLAAD did to Phil Robertson SHOULD be illegal. It SHOULD be considered sufficiently wrong that it should be against the law to intentionally target somebody and attempt to materially harm them for nothing more than expressing an opinion that somebody didn't agree with. When any person or group is allowed to do that to another person or group with impunity, we have no rights left.
It should be a lot like TORT reform. prove your case in court to take another citizen's liberty from them, or pay the cost of the proceeding. I think PR has a good case to go against these people, but him being a Christian man? I think he will turn the other cheek, and move on.

Hey Einstein. A CORPORATION took action because they didn't want any of Phil Robertson's toxic ignorance to taint their image or profits. This is a perfect example of free market capitalism, something you are oblivious to.

Phil Robertson's ‘bestiality' remark earned ‘Duck Dynasty' suspension

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson’s comment to GQ magazine grouping homosexuality with bestiality was the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as A&E’s top executive was concerned, who reportedly “carefully” considered all of Robertson anti-homosexual remarks before suspending Robertson from the show, according to TheWrap.

A network exec reportedly told the website that Nancy Dubuc, the CEO of A&E Networks, ultimately reached the suspension decision because Robertson’s remarks were in conflict with “the fundamental values of the company.” Dubuc’s response was, at least in part, prompted by concerns of company employees, the executive said.

"Toxic ignorance", a statement borne of intolerance.

By the way, his fans and even the gay community disagree. That's a loss for all you 'tolerant' types out there. Mrs. Dubuc miscalculated. Apparently the viewership doesn't necessarily share those"fundamental values."
Oh please. He was naming SINS, not saying gays were IN to bestiatlity. Geez.
Yep. When I say 'should', that is my opinion. I think what GLAAD did to Phil Robertson SHOULD be illegal. It SHOULD be considered sufficiently wrong that it should be against the law to intentionally target somebody and attempt to materially harm them for nothing more than expressing an opinion that somebody didn't agree with. When any person or group is allowed to do that to another person or group with impunity, we have no rights left.

And the conservative groups targeting Al Sharpton, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz?

I take your opinion applies to them equally. I also take it that you will never acknowledge that.

btw, here's the new conservative group Truth Revolt's petition that demanded Martin Bashir lose his job for expressing an opinion:

Stop The Sexist Martin Bashir | Truth Revolt

Do you want that to be illegal on the federal level, or leave it up to the states?


Hate to break it to you buuut...

Those three bring that on themselves. Phil Jackson quotes one Bible verse and GLAAD is all over him like white on rice. So now you are comparing him to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? That's pretty lame, carbine.
To clarify the topic, it is on the subject of tolerance and allowing people to be who and what they are.

Why are you telling me and not Sunshine?


what's your opinion of the attempts by the Right to silence Bill Maher, Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz?

Those attacks are no different than GLAAD's.

I am telling you and everybody else that the topic of the thread is not you and it is not Sunshine and it isn't who is or is not a Christian.

What attempts have been made by the right to silence Bill Maher, Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz? Has some conservative group petitioned, theatened, or demanded that HBO or MSNBC fire them? I am unaware of any such organized effort, but if any group has done so then they are as guilty of hateful and destructive intolerance as GLAAD is.

Good lord how many times do I have to post them? Scroll back on this page.
A lot of selective reading going on. Hey those of you with reading dysfunction: If I say that the Bible is against adultery, lying, and cheating, that is not saying that those who lie are guilty of adultery or cheating. (Muttering I don't know why I bother because they'll never get it.)

But even that is not the point of the thread which is the issue of tolerance and allowing people to be who and what they are.

Phil Robertson may believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but he was perfectly willing to allow gay people to be who and what they are. He wasn't out attacking anybody or asking, let alone demanding, that anybody be punished or harmed in any way because he or she is gay.

GLAAD was not willing to allow Phil Robertson to be who and what he is which is a fundamentalist Christian who interprets what the Bible says in a fundamentalist way. They demanded that he be punished in a material way.

Some here think that is just hunky dory okay. Some of us don't.
And I think TruthRevolt is just as wrong as GLAAD when they tried to get Bashir fired if that is a legitimate website. I never heard of TruthRevolt until just now.
I already have a full time job and go to school full time...but thanks.

and yet... I don't care.

And yet....I don't care that you don't care....

What would you do if you did care though? Would you call GLAAD and try to have me suspended from my job because I expressed an opinion you disliked? The real question is who do we think should decide what's acceptable speech and what is not. Should the majority of citizens decide what is allowable speech content or should small activist organizations decide? Should republicans decide or should democrats decide? I personally think I should be the only one who decides our speech code but I suspect not everybody would agree with my views. BUT! I could silence the people who disagreed with my views. How dare those intolerant people disagree with me! I shall have them all suspended from their jobs! I shall call it the Candycorn act of 2013. There will be no more hate speech, no more hurt feelings, no more intolerance, no more freedom. All will be perfect for the collective. You're all under my control! Make me pancakes!!!
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And I think TruthRevolt is just as wrong as GLAAD when they tried to get Bashir fired if that is a legitimate website. I never heard of TruthRevolt until just now.

This is where I would respectfully disagree with you. If Duck Dynasty dad had implied that homosexuals mouths should be defecated in then I would support GLAADS position. I don't care that Duck Dynasty dad expressed his views on homosexuality but I think suggesting that people should defecate in homosexuals mouths would be paramount to endorsing violence.
Endorsing violence is where I would draw the line when it comes to speech.
And I think TruthRevolt is just as wrong as GLAAD when they tried to get Bashir fired if that is a legitimate website. I never heard of TruthRevolt until just now.

This is where I would respectfully disagree with you. If Duck Dynasty dad had implied that homosexuals mouths should be defecated in then I would support GLAADS position. I don't care that Duck Dynasty dad expressed his views on homosexuality but I think suggesting that people should defecate in homosexuals mouths would be paramount to endorsing violence.
Endorsing violence is where I would draw the line when it comes to speech.

Well you've got a point there. Was Bashir's indefensible characterization a call for violence against Sarah Palin? That would not be something anybody should allow. But, I can believe that Bashir would not actually do that or condone somebody doing it . It may be just the most graphic and hateful insult the script writers came up with at the time. Was the comment worthy of criticism, complaint, condemnation? Absolutely. But was it intended with the kind of malice that could be dangerous? I'm not so sure. I am uncertain enough that I would not join a petition or other effort to get Bashir fired.

Close though.

I will not condone the remark or say that it was okay.
A lot of selective reading going on. Hey those of you with reading dysfunction: If I say that the Bible is against adultery, lying, and cheating, that is not saying that those who lie are guilty of adultery or cheating. (Muttering I don't know why I bother because they'll never get it.)

But even that is not the point of the thread which is the issue of tolerance and allowing people to be who and what they are.

Phil Robertson may believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but he was perfectly willing to allow gay people to be who and what they are. He wasn't out attacking anybody or asking, let alone demanding, that anybody be punished or harmed in any way because he or she is gay.

GLAAD was not willing to allow Phil Robertson to be who and what he is which is a fundamentalist Christian who interprets what the Bible says in a fundamentalist way. They demanded that he be punished in a material way.

Some here think that is just hunky dory okay. Some of us don't.

Interesting, you focus all your hatred and blame on GLAAD, yet it was a very powerful corporate executive who made the decision.
A lot of selective reading going on. Hey those of you with reading dysfunction: If I say that the Bible is against adultery, lying, and cheating, that is not saying that those who lie are guilty of adultery or cheating. (Muttering I don't know why I bother because they'll never get it.)

But even that is not the point of the thread which is the issue of tolerance and allowing people to be who and what they are.

Phil Robertson may believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but he was perfectly willing to allow gay people to be who and what they are. He wasn't out attacking anybody or asking, let alone demanding, that anybody be punished or harmed in any way because he or she is gay.

GLAAD was not willing to allow Phil Robertson to be who and what he is which is a fundamentalist Christian who interprets what the Bible says in a fundamentalist way. They demanded that he be punished in a material way.

Some here think that is just hunky dory okay. Some of us don't.

Interesting, you focus all your hatred and blame on GLAAD, yet it was a very powerful corporate executive who made the decision.

A decision the corporate executive would never have made had it not been the pressure applied by GLAAD.

The topic is tolerance. GLAAD wants tolerance for its members--tolerance that allows gays and lesbians be who and what they are and not be punished for that. It was GLAAD who would not extend the same tolerance to Phil Robertson and allow Robertson to be who and what he is.
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And a very rude one too. Foxy has been very polite. Me, not so much when it comes to assholes. So...ok. Asshole Rhodes Scholar. Gotcha. Not.

I guess you're simply not used to the M.O. Its tire, played, we've seen it before. Nobdody buys it; it's just accepted by the simpler people that if you cloak your support into some supposedly intellectual argument, it will carry more weight. Sort of like if someone has an English accent, they are seen as being smarter. you think Foxy would be anywhere near this if this dude from DD had come out in favor of gay rights and A&E had suspended him because of it? If you do, you're either an idiot or a liar; or both.

Foxy is one of the most tolerant, kind, fair individuals I have ever met on this board. So yes, she would and has stood up for rights regardless of whose are being trampled.
Which still makes you an asshole.

Not sure what is more hilarious; that you believe that or you expect others to.
A lot of selective reading going on. Hey those of you with reading dysfunction: If I say that the Bible is against adultery, lying, and cheating, that is not saying that those who lie are guilty of adultery or cheating. (Muttering I don't know why I bother because they'll never get it.)

But even that is not the point of the thread which is the issue of tolerance and allowing people to be who and what they are.

Phil Robertson may believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but he was perfectly willing to allow gay people to be who and what they are. He wasn't out attacking anybody or asking, let alone demanding, that anybody be punished or harmed in any way because he or she is gay.

GLAAD was not willing to allow Phil Robertson to be who and what he is which is a fundamentalist Christian who interprets what the Bible says in a fundamentalist way. They demanded that he be punished in a material way.

Some here think that is just hunky dory okay. Some of us don't.

Interesting, you focus all your hatred and blame on GLAAD, yet it was a very powerful corporate executive who made the decision.

A decision the corporate executive would never have made had it not been the pressure applied by GLAAD.

The topic is tolerance. GLAAD wants tolerance for its members--tolerance that allows gays and lesbians be who and what they are and not be punished for that. It was GLAAD who would not extend the same tolerance to Phil Robertson and allow Robertson to be who and what he is.


SO, as long as gays are denigrated and their lifestyle is compared to bestiality, and they remain SILENT, that is your version of tolerance.

Do you think Sean Hannity giving out the numbers on the air of Dubuc and A&E Chairwoman Abbe Raven should be tolerated?
[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] - uhm, ok, thanks. So, that means I can continue being straight, right? Cuz being gay does not interest me. I'm just a vagina lovin kind of guy. Perhaps you meant another member. Care to revise that posting?

Perhaps if you read the post I was responding to, you'll get what I responding to. I took Derideo as saying you were gay, with nothing other than that to work off of I responded in due kind. I missed that very last point "are you intolerant of him as you are gays?" Now that I know, I will rescind any insinuations that were made in that particular part of my post.

Ah, I am seeing the context now. Not so sure why Derideo Te used me as an example. Must be some confusion. I am a single father, that is true. Divorced since 2010. But being divorced doesn't make one gay, it just makes one divorced. Plus, he never wrote that I was gay, he wrote something to the effect that I am not in a heterosexual marriage, which is correct, for I am not in a marriage at all, and after the last one, probably won't do it again. I can see that his wording must have been a little strange for you but I am sure he did not mean that in any way to confuse, either you or me.

And frankly, I wouldn't care if I were gay. But I'm not. In fact, right now I'm a little depressed that I had to cancel a date with a woman on Friday because extra work fell into my lap and I couldn't pass it up. Kind of a bummer. She is a terrific person and beautiful to boot. Sigh.


My apologies to both of you for the confusion.

I did not intend to imply that Stat was gay. I was simply using Stat as a single hetero father raising a child being no different to a homosexual father raising a child. Neither can conceive a child but that has no bearing on their ability to be good fathers. This was to refute TK's point that since gays cannot conceive they cannot be good parents.
A&E CEO Nancy Dubuc suspended Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for spouting off on gays partly because her LGBT employees were livid, according to a report from TMZ.

Dubuc felt compelled to take action out of respect for her numerous LGBT employees, including those directly involved with Duck Dynasty, angered by Robertson's comments in GQ. That may be true, but reports also indicate A&E has long been aware of Robertson's extreme far-right views on minorities, which include sweeping generalizations on African-Americans and extreme vitriol against gays; he called the latter sinful, God-less murderers in a 2010 "sermon." Another report indicated the network is hoping the scandal blows over so they can get a few more years out of the cash cow, which is not only a ratings winner, but a merchandising juggernaut.

Regardless of the intention, Dubuc is incurring much blowback, including death threats, from conservative viewers who agree with Robertson's views. No final announcement on Robertson's employment or the future of the show has been made.
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