In Politics and Society: Is it Intolerant to be Intolerant of Intolerance?

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There IS no context that will make what Phil said any less defamatory, incendiary or a less despicable way of describing a group of people.

That is your opinion, is it not? Let him have his, and you can have yours. It doesn't change the meaning of either one. Just don't whine when he has opinions that don't match yours.


The REAL problem is your right wing thugs need to stop whining when people call out the scum you worship.

I'm a "thug" now? How tolerant.
That is your opinion, is it not? Let him have his, and you can have yours. It doesn't change the meaning of either one. Just don't whine when he has opinions that don't match yours.


The REAL problem is your right wing thugs need to stop whining when people call out the scum you worship.

I'm a "thug" now? How tolerant.

Tissue? Change your tampon crybaby.
Message me when you start calling out the right is who call the left thugs like Stephanie does all the time.

Oh you won't because you are a bottom feeding hack.
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That is your opinion, is it not? Let him have his, and you can have yours. It doesn't change the meaning of either one. Just don't whine when he has opinions that don't match yours.


The REAL problem is your right wing thugs need to stop whining when people call out the scum you worship.

I'm a "thug" now? How tolerant.

No. You are not a thug. You are a super hero. A guardian of the truth. An advocate for the weak. A doer of good deeds. Armed with your sword of justice, you patrol the Internet in defense all that is righteous.
The REAL problem is your right wing thugs need to stop whining when people call out the scum you worship.

Wow, that's really quite a bit of information in your one short, concise sentence.

"Need to", no one here "needs" to do anything in this context. As much as you would like to be able to control others, you can't in this country. Freedom means that sometimes you have to put up with stuff you don't like. The PC Police has over-reached, the cat's out of the bag, the toothpaste is out of the tube, the horse is out of the barn. Fortunately. Finally.

"Thugs", name-calling.

"Scum", bigotry.

"Worship", hyperbole.

You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. And I'm absolutely certain that you don't see it. That's what partisan ideology does to people, it renders them essentially worthless to any kind of positive process.

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The REAL problem is your right wing thugs need to stop whining when people call out the scum you worship.

Wow, that's really quite a bit of information in your one short, concise sentence.

"Need to", no one here "needs" to do anything in this context. As much as you would like to be able to control others, you can't in this country. Freedom means that sometimes you have to put up with stuff you don't like. The PC Police has over-reached, the cat's out of the bag, the toothpaste is out of the tube, the horse is out of the barn. Fortunately. Finally.

"Thugs", name-calling.

"Scum", bigotry.

"Worship", hyperbole.

You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. And I'm absolutely certain that you don't see it. That's what partisan ideology does to people, it renders them essentially worthless to any kind of positive process.


What can be done to save us from ourselves, Mac? Please help us! Show us the way!

You just called the dude a bigot, by the way. Are you trying to intimidate him into not expressing himself honestly?
The whole point of this thread was the claim that liberals aren't really tolerant because they don't tolerate intolerance.

The more often you reread that claim the dumber it sounds.
The whole point of this thread was the claim that liberals aren't really tolerant because they don't tolerate intolerance.

The more often you reread that claim the dumber it sounds.

You don't get it at all! You are blinded by ideology and cannot see that by being intolerant of intolerance, we run the risk that our intolerance will be tolerated.
If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it? HOW would YOU label it if someone said that about you?

Perhaps YOU should reevaluate your position?

As you have shown repeatedly shown yourself to be of limited intelligence, I'd shake my head at your stupidity and move on to someone else's posts.

BTW, Robertson didn't compare your lifestyle to bestiality, and never said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"..unless you are admitting you're an unrepentent sinner.

Celebrities say shitty things about groups that I belong to - Christians, conservatives, Republicans, whites, Americans - all the time. If I got my panties in a ruffle every time it happened the way leftists do, I'd never have time for anything else in my life.

Mostly, I just dismiss it as "Who expects celebrities to have brains?" and move on. If the person is persistent enough about shoving it in front of the media, I start avoiding their movies, music, whatever, because I start finding it hard to divorce their real-life persona from their art. I don't ever really feel the need to eradicate all evidence of their existence from the universe.
If anybody has any doubt that GLAAD is an extremist group that uses fascist tactics they need to read this article....

this writer is a gay professor...raised by a lesbian even....who got bulldozed over by GLAAD for not toeing the about intolerance...

Articles: Life on GLAAD's Blacklist

I will believe that when I see the e-mail and the press release that the author references.

He never said why he was "blacklisted" either. Unless I missed it in the odd writing style and fucking odd font.

I gotta tell ya.....I had heard of GLAAD before a couple weeks ago....but they were hardly on my radar. There is no way that they have the power to blacklist anyone in the manner the author stated.

Not believable.

De-Nile ain't just a river in Egypt.
Well if nothing else this thread will be a treasure chest of rightwing quotes to dig up the next time some liberal in the media makes crude remarks about some conservative.
Okay, I've done my damndest to keep this thread non partisan and on point, but alas, the more sensible people here just can't help themselves. You wouldn't put the trolls on ignore when I requested and you just can't resist responding to them when requested. So I can't report the off topic posts without nailing the rest of you. LOL. Ah well. At least world peace or the eradication of hunger or who wins the Super Bowl doesn't hinge on this thread. :)

But what seems crystal clear in all of this:

1. With one or two exceptions it is the Lefties--and I can say unequivocably now that it is ONLY the lefties on this thread--who are unable to be objective, honest, fair, or any form of reasonable. They have accused those of us who are trying to debate the topic with every slur and insult short of us being Hitler, and I'm not sure that wasn't in there somewhere, and have accused us of being blindly partisan and much worse. I still say it is something in the water they drink that makes them unable to discuss anything without being personally insulting or partisan or ad hominem and keeps them from being able to understand what the point of the topic is.

Yes, some of those on the right are equally as insulting, but at least everybody on the right at some point in all of this has addressed the point of the topic.

2. With one or two exceptions, those on the left have not been willing or capable to address the topic itself. They are focused strictly on Phil Robertson as being the devil personified and/or any of us who think what GLAAD did was reprehensible. When asked if they think GLAAD and the AFA were right to do what they did, they will not answer that question with a yes or no. They go off into some other tangent or accuse me for asking the question.

In fairness to those on the left, so far very few on the right have commented that the AFA was every bit as reprehensible as GLAAD. I have now mentioned that several times and yet some, even some I consider friends, still accuse me of being partisan among a number of other unflattering adjectives. They also accuse me of defending Phil Robertson though I now numerous times have said I don't agree with his interpretation of scriptures in this issue and I didn't like the way he expressed it.

Nevertheless, amidst all the childishness, pettyness, hatefulness, deliberate derails, and other nonsense, whether you have agreed with me or not, I hope the intelligent few who have understood the point of the OP and were grown up enough to actually discuss it, have been able to raise the consciousness a bit of those who have been reading in.

At some point, if good people do not begin demanding that we push back against those who demonstrate nothing but hate in the name of political correctness and who would demand that everybody share their views and opinions or else, we will lose all of our unalienable right to be who and what we are. Maybe the GLAAD and Phil Robertson bruhaha is the place where we start turning that around.
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Okay, I've done my damndest to keep this thread non partisan and on point, but alas, the more sensible people here just can't help themselves. You wouldn't put the trolls on ignore when I requested and you just can't resist responding to them when requested. So I can't report the off topic posts without nailing the rest of you. LOL. Ah well. At least world peace or the eradication of hunger or who wins the Super Bowl doesn't hinge on this thread. :)

But what seems crystal clear in all of this:

1. With one or two exceptions it is the Lefties--and I can say unequivocably now that it is ONLY the lefties on this thread--who are unable to be objective, honest, fair, or any form of reasonable. They have accused those of us who are trying to debate the topic with every slur and insult short of us being Hitler, and I'm not sure that wasn't in there somewhere, and have accused us of being blindly partisan and much worse. I still say it is something in the water they drink that makes them unable to discuss anything without being personally insulting or partisan or ad hominem and keeps them from being able to understand what the point of the topic is.

Yes, some of those on the right are equally as insulting, but at least everybody on the right at some point in all of this has addressed the point of the topic.

2. With one or two exceptions, those on the left have not been willing or capable to address the topic itself. They are focused strictly on Phil Robertson as being the devil personified and/or any of us who think what GLAAD did was reprehensible. When asked if they think GLAAD and the AFA were right to do what they did, they will not answer that question with a yes or no. They go off into some other tangent or accuse me for asking the question.

In fairness to those on the left, so far very few on the right have commented that the AFA was every bit as reprehensible as GLAAD. I have now mentioned that several times and yet some, even some I consider friends, still accuse me of being partisan among a number of other unflattering adjectives. They also accuse me of defending Phil Robertson though I now numerous times have said I don't agree with his interpretation of scriptures in this issue and I didn't like the way he expressed it.

Nevertheless, amidst all the childishness, pettyness, hatefulness, deliberate derails, and other nonsense, whether you have agreed with me or not, I hope the intelligent few who have understood the point of the OP and were grown up enough to actually discuss it, have been able to raise the consciousness a bit of those who have been reading in.

At some point, if good people do not begin demanding that we push back against those who demonstrate nothing but hate in the name of political correctness and who would demand that everybody share their views and opinions or else, we will lose all of our unalienable right to be who and what we are. Maybe the GLAAD and Phil Robertson bruhaha is the place where we start turning that around.

Oh...absolutely! Action taken agains intolerance on the part of the "PC Police" is much, much worse than hatred of skin color and sexual orientation on the part of the intolerant losers with whom "they" disagree.

Makes perfect sense.

What came first...the chicken or the egg?

Nobody demands that anyone share their views and opinions. You are entitled to any opinion you want. Say it. Shout it.

If said opinion is as silly as the premise of this will be mocked for it. If the opinion you voice is offensive to someone.....they might just tell you about it. If you piss off your boss with said might get your ass canned.

Note....none of those things have anything to do with your government...or your "unalienable rights". They are as solid now as they have ever been. You won't be jailed. . If you get punched in the face ( physical harm ) by someone you can call the police and THEY may get jailed. Then you can sue them.

Isn't this country great!?!?!? lie about our hatred of particular races and sexual orientations in order to justify removing freedoms from people you hate...and you are completely oblivious and uncaring that in doing so, you perpetuate hate yourselves.

The progressive left is the party of hate. They breathe it, they live it, and they eternally manufacture it, using the most disgusting, and dishonest, means possible.

Currently, they maintain that to be Christian is to be stupid, bigoted, racist, and dangerous. It's exactly what every oppressive, human rights-violating, fascist regime in the history of mankind has said in order to justify and facilitate removal of rights from hated majorities...with the ultimate goal of exterminating them altogether. lie about our hatred of particular races and sexual orientations in order to justify removing freedoms from people you hate...and you are completely oblivious and uncaring that in doing so, you perpetuate hate yourselves.

The progressive left is the party of hate. They breathe it, they live it, and they eternally manufacture it, using the most disgusting, and dishonest, means possible.

Currently, they maintain that to be Christian is to be stupid, bigoted, racist, and dangerous. It's exactly what every oppressive, human rights-violating, fascist regime in the history of mankind has said in order to justify and facilitate removal of rights from hated majorities...with the ultimate goal of exterminating them altogether.

I'm libertarian, I get to be hated by authoritarian elements of both parties :eusa_shifty:
You're libertarian, you think everybody except fellow libertarians and outright anarchists are authoritarian. lie about our hatred of particular races and sexual orientations in order to justify removing freedoms from people you hate...and you are completely oblivious and uncaring that in doing so, you perpetuate hate yourselves.

The progressive left is the party of hate. They breathe it, they live it, and they eternally manufacture it, using the most disgusting, and dishonest, means possible.

Currently, they maintain that to be Christian is to be stupid, bigoted, racist, and dangerous. It's exactly what every oppressive, human rights-violating, fascist regime in the history of mankind has said in order to justify and facilitate removal of rights from hated majorities...with the ultimate goal of exterminating them altogether.

You have highlighted one of the clearest examples of hypocrisy and double standard that exists in the topic.

Phil Robertson has encouraged nobody to be vindictive toward gay people. He has encouraged just the opposite. He doesn't hate or even dislike gay people. He is clearly on the record that he loves his gay brothers and sisters as much as anybody else and wishes no harm come to them or anybody. His ONLY sin is that he interprets the Bible as including homosexuality with a whole bunch of other 'sins' and, when asked a specific question by a GQ interviewer, he expressed his interpretation honestly and without vindictiveness. He did so crudely, but then as his family describes him, he is a crude guy. A lot of people are.

So some are okay with going after Phil Robertson, okay with getting him fired, okay with physically and materially punishing him, because he expressed an opinion they don't like.

So would our friends here who have described Christianity in crude, unkind, and erroneous ways be okay with us going after them? Getting them fired? Physically and materially punished them because they describe Christianity in a way we see as intolerant, crude, and unkind?

What is the difference between these two things?
Progressives always villify others by accusing them of behavior/actions they are themselves guilty of. It's part and parcel of being without honor, and patently and deliberately dishonest. They have an objective, and they think any foulness on their part is justified to bring about that objective
And that objective is to eliminate religion, reduce the population, and remove all rights from the remaining population so that they live only in subjugation to, and at the pleasure of, the state.

Somehow, they perceive that they themselves will be immune from the human rights violations that they promote...which just shows how stupid and blind they really are.
Okay, I've done my damndest to keep this thread non partisan and on point, but alas, the more sensible people here just can't help themselves. You wouldn't put the trolls on ignore when I requested and you just can't resist responding to them when requested. So I can't report the off topic posts without nailing the rest of you. LOL. Ah well. At least world peace or the eradication of hunger or who wins the Super Bowl doesn't hinge on this thread. :)

But what seems crystal clear in all of this:

1. With one or two exceptions it is the Lefties--and I can say unequivocably now that it is ONLY the lefties on this thread--who are unable to be objective, honest, fair, or any form of reasonable. They have accused those of us who are trying to debate the topic with every slur and insult short of us being Hitler, and I'm not sure that wasn't in there somewhere, and have accused us of being blindly partisan and much worse. I still say it is something in the water they drink that makes them unable to discuss anything without being personally insulting or partisan or ad hominem and keeps them from being able to understand what the point of the topic is.

Yes, some of those on the right are equally as insulting, but at least everybody on the right at some point in all of this has addressed the point of the topic.

2. With one or two exceptions, those on the left have not been willing or capable to address the topic itself. They are focused strictly on Phil Robertson as being the devil personified and/or any of us who think what GLAAD did was reprehensible. When asked if they think GLAAD and the AFA were right to do what they did, they will not answer that question with a yes or no. They go off into some other tangent or accuse me for asking the question.

In fairness to those on the left, so far very few on the right have commented that the AFA was every bit as reprehensible as GLAAD. I have now mentioned that several times and yet some, even some I consider friends, still accuse me of being partisan among a number of other unflattering adjectives. They also accuse me of defending Phil Robertson though I now numerous times have said I don't agree with his interpretation of scriptures in this issue and I didn't like the way he expressed it.

Nevertheless, amidst all the childishness, pettyness, hatefulness, deliberate derails, and other nonsense, whether you have agreed with me or not, I hope the intelligent few who have understood the point of the OP and were grown up enough to actually discuss it, have been able to raise the consciousness a bit of those who have been reading in.

At some point, if good people do not begin demanding that we push back against those who demonstrate nothing but hate in the name of political correctness and who would demand that everybody share their views and opinions or else, we will lose all of our unalienable right to be who and what we are. Maybe the GLAAD and Phil Robertson bruhaha is the place where we start turning that around.
and she keeps doing it anyways. lie about our hatred of particular races and sexual orientations in order to justify removing freedoms from people you hate...and you are completely oblivious and uncaring that in doing so, you perpetuate hate yourselves.

The progressive left is the party of hate. They breathe it, they live it, and they eternally manufacture it, using the most disgusting, and dishonest, means possible.

Currently, they maintain that to be Christian is to be stupid, bigoted, racist, and dangerous. It's exactly what every oppressive, human rights-violating, fascist regime in the history of mankind has said in order to justify and facilitate removal of rights from hated majorities...with the ultimate goal of exterminating them altogether.

I don't. Who are you talking about?
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