"in the eyes of the court of Heaven, Donald J. Trump is still the President of the United States."

"The court of heaven"? If their was such a thing it would probably forbid trolling posts like this.
Does Heaven exist? No, that is not for discussion. Some very interesting people out there.
What I find interesting is the affiliation. Not the religion, the political affiliation.
What are your thoughts?

Right-wing pastor/self-proclaimed "prophet" Kent Christmas continues to insist that "in the eyes of the court of Heaven, Donald J. Trump is still the President of the United States."

Anyone who supports the modern democrats and their child mutilation better hope Heaven and Hell don't exist... but spoiler "EVERYTHING EXIST".

God judges sin based on damage to innocents and grooming/child mutilation is just about the maximum amount of damage one can do to innocents. A Democrat has more of a chance squeezing through the head of a needle than entering Heaven.
the ending was shocking and hilarious. Seriously watch it.

Biden was not voted in
he is an imposter
so in the eyes of the court in heaven
DJT is still president

JGalt will get excited watching this one

I don't have to watch anything. Joe Biden is not the legitimate President of the United States and I do not recognize his authority. He is a usurper, a traitor, and should be removed from office by force of the US military, and to stand trial.
Does Heaven exist? No, that is not for discussion. Some very interesting people out there.
What I find interesting is the affiliation. Not the religion, the political affiliation.
What are your thoughts?

Right-wing pastor/self-proclaimed "prophet" Kent Christmas continues to insist that "in the eyes of the court of Heaven, Donald J. Trump is still the President of the United States."

Compare that to all of the things the far left says including their race views, acceptance of men being able to go into a woman’s bathroom, support of destruction of historical statues and their support of abortion… and of course the BLM riots. So the things that you guys keep bringing forward like this pastor that nobody has heard of hails in comparison to the problems in society created by the far left in the past few years.

Donald Trump himself is not the president anymore. So what are you trying to get out here? What’s your point of this. ? by contesting the 2020 election Trump has done nothing really much differently compared to Al Gore in 2000. Democrats and Republicans have a few eccentric followers so you’re not showing anybody anything new wrt the pro trump pastor…
The bike that a young black male wearing a hoodie stole from my yard last summer is still my bike in the eyes of the court of heaven but the young black male wearing a hoodie would dispute that.
Nah. I have more fun exposing you as the utter pussy you clearly are!

Please have yourself a good cry. Take a warm bath. Take a Midol. Put on a big fluffy bathrobe. Turn on some movie on your favorite channel (Hallmark) and chow down on a pint of Hagen Daz. :eusa_boohoo:
I don’t accept assignments from mouth-breathing knuckle-staggers. Sorry!
:banana: PUSSY!

Double PUSSY !

Watch the video! I did :abgg2q.jpg:
Does Heaven exist? No, that is not for discussion. Some very interesting people out there.
What I find interesting is the affiliation. Not the religion, the political affiliation.
What are your thoughts?

Right-wing pastor/self-proclaimed "prophet" Kent Christmas continues to insist that "in the eyes of the court of Heaven, Donald J. Trump is still the President of the United States."

And, of course, this Dime-Store Messiah is authorized by the Lord God of Hosts to speak for Him, right? :laughing0301:

Just goes to prove that there are damned-near as many Freak Shows and Idiots on the Right as there are on the Left. :cool:
Does Heaven exist? No, that is not for discussion. Some very interesting people out there.
What I find interesting is the affiliation. Not the religion, the political affiliation.
What are your thoughts?

Right-wing pastor/self-proclaimed "prophet" Kent Christmas continues to insist that "in the eyes of the court of Heaven, Donald J. Trump is still the President of the United States."

The Bible says Trump should have been stoned to death, and we're not talking about pot here.

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