In your life, what movie have you watched the most, and will likely watch several more times in your life?

My favorite movies include: Casablanca, A Few Good Men, The Dark Knight and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I saw Raiders while under the influence of some weed many years back. I saw whole new things in that flick, that way, and those insights linger — even unenhanced.

And Heath Ledger as the Joker was simply remarkable.
Red Dawn.

The 1984 one.

I won't even watch the other one.

Either Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Young Frankenstein. I've seen each of them at least several times, and would like to see them again.
That film has some unexpectedly fine moments.
I'm not saying it's the best movie ever made, but the OP ask about repeat viewings. The funny thing is, I didn't even like or get it the first two times I saw it. The third time, for some reason, i was in the mood to actual listen to what the characters were talking about. It blew my mind a little.
Terminator 2
Bourne 2/3

seen those 5 about 25 each or 30
Surprised no one has mentioned The Big Lebowski. Definitely lots of reply potential.
Mine is not what is expected I suppose, but it is Chronicles of Riddick. It is the best brain candy movie I know of. I just love it.
I have seen it, I would say about 6 times... and likely to watch it that many times again.
Next to that is Godfather I and II, Gran Torino, Pulp Fiction, Good, Bad and the Ugly.
Only the Godfather movies would I even put on the "best movies I have seen list"... but they are the most enjoyable.
The Searchers and Second Hand Lions.
Mine is not what is expected I suppose, but it is Chronicles of Riddick. It is the best brain candy movie I know of. I just love it.
I have seen it, I would say about 6 times... and likely to watch it that many times again.
Next to that is Godfather I and II, Gran Torino, Pulp Fiction, Good, Bad and the Ugly.
Only the Godfather movies would I even put on the "best movies I have seen list"... but they are the most enjoyable.
I liked his first outing in Pitch Black better. Pulp Fiction and GTBATU are good picks.
Riddick is a great character.

The movie I've watched most often, and will continue to watch, is The Fifth Element. Never get tired of it. Seen it at least a dozen times.
That’s a great one. So over the top but in a good way.
Joe vs. the Volcano
Meg and Tom made 3 good ones. That one, sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail. All really good. Joe is the oddest. Got to watch out for those brain clouds.
Enemy at the Gates
Kingdom of Heaven
Marked for Death
Goodwill Hunting
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Pale Rider
The original Magnificent Seven
The Equalizer with Denzel
Sin City

Just off the top of my head
For some reason loop movies I watch many times:

Groundhog Day.
Edge of Tomorrrow.
Happy Death Day
Palm Springs
Enemy at the Gates
Kingdom of Heaven
Marked for Death
Goodwill Hunting
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Pale Rider
The original Magnificent Seven
The Equalizer with Denzel
Sin City

Just off the top of my head
Geez. You need to switch to decaf.

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