In your opinion, does a woman who is being raped have the right to use deadly force on her rapist?

I see rape as an extremely serious attack, regardless of who attacks whom.
That in mind, if killing the attacker is the only guaranteed way of escaping, I have no problem with deadly force.

I was once seriously sexually assaulted by a man in a bar's toilet - I kicked the fucking shit out of the bastard.
He grabbed my cock and went for a suck but got a knee under the chin, a serious tenderising of his face and a kick in the goolies he will never forget.
I was told I'm homophobic, but that's untrue, I'm rapistbastardaphobic.

As for punishment for rapists - I'm really right wing on this issue - public flogging in the town square on a Saturday morning. They can join the wife beaters.
You led him on. What were you doing in the stall with the guy?

Plus you didn't freak out when he grabbed your cock. I would have been out of there the second his hand brushed my cock area. You let him go down and probably drunkenly realized what you were doing and yes you are homophobic.

The guy went for me as I flopped out my big Jimmy for a piss. He pushed me to the side and dropped to his knees.
A perfect chance to get a sex attacker with a knee under his chin.
Why is that homophobic?
He should have asked you if he could suck it. What would you have done then?

I wonder how many drunk guys say yes.

I wasn't drunk, I was there for work.
If he'd asked, and he wouldn't be the first, I would have told him I wasn't gay, and politely refused his offer.
I was repairing a sound system in a gay bar when a man, our postman from the shop, asked me to sleep with him.
I was in a gay bar, so honest mistake - no worries.
I simply told him I was straight, he apologised, I explained no need to apologise I was was in a gay bar, so anyone could have made the mistake.

I really don't give a flying fuck if someone is gay or not, but sex crimes are low and the attackers deserve a fucking good beating, regardless of who attacks whom.
I see rape as an extremely serious attack, regardless of who attacks whom.
That in mind, if killing the attacker is the only guaranteed way of escaping, I have no problem with deadly force.

I was once seriously sexually assaulted by a man in a bar's toilet - I kicked the fucking shit out of the bastard.
He grabbed my cock and went for a suck but got a knee under the chin, a serious tenderising of his face and a kick in the goolies he will never forget.
I was told I'm homophobic, but that's untrue, I'm rapistbastardaphobic.

As for punishment for rapists - I'm really right wing on this issue - public flogging in the town square on a Saturday morning. They can join the wife beaters.
You led him on. What were you doing in the stall with the guy?

Plus you didn't freak out when he grabbed your cock. I would have been out of there the second his hand brushed my cock area. You let him go down and probably drunkenly realized what you were doing and yes you are homophobic.

The guy went for me as I flopped out my big Jimmy for a piss. He pushed me to the side and dropped to his knees.
A perfect chance to get a sex attacker with a knee under his chin.
Why is that homophobic?
Oh you were standing at a community urinal or he was at the next urinal cake and looked over and grabbed for it? That took some balls. Was he bigger than you?

He was a little bigger, but not by much. He was clearly a nasty little pervert, so deserved a smacking.
If the penalty for rape is a couple years in jail, or simple probation, than no.

If the courts and government have decided Justice is a few years in jail, the rape does not warrant murder.

So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

We should experiment on them before we kill them. Let they serve some good before they go.
My Grandpa said it best, keep them in cooled padded cell so they do not hurt their body parts, and when somebody needs a kidney, an eye, any transplant, we have the spare parts, until they simply run out of parts to give, then they are dead.

I say Death Penalty for rape, kidnapping, or simply breaking into someones home.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

No, the point is going over your head. It's defending one's self has nothing to do with punishment for a crime. It is about the individual protecting their own self. Trying to pose lethal force in self defense situations as a dilemma against capital punishment is a false dichotomy. You may as well say that vegans have to be opposed to lethal self defense. There is no nexus between.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

No, the point is going over your head. It's defending one's self has nothing to do with punishment for a crime. It is about the individual protecting their own self. Trying to pose lethal force in self defense situations as a dilemma against capital punishment is a false dichotomy. You may as well say that vegans have to be opposed to lethal self defense. There is no nexus between.
Yea, I get it, you are opposed to the death penalty for rape, but its okay to kill a rapist before he goes to trail. Vegans? A false dichotomy is your vegan comparison.

One has a right to self defense, but if my neighbor attempts to slap me for being rude, do I have the right to kill him, to prevent injury to my body? The penalty in court would be no more than a slap on his wrist. Now rape is much more violent, if you think all these convicted rapist served there debt to society by spending 3-4 years in Jail, then it is obvious that you believe the crime itself is not of the nature to be penalized with a Death Penalty. The last thing the United States condones is Vigilante Justice.

If it takes Lethal, Deadly force to stop a crime, beings that we are dealing with desperate, sexual, deviants, than the penalty is the Death Penalty.

If you disagree, fine, but you have not logically explained the dichotomy of your beliefs. Especially when you must use what one eats as an example, Vegans? Really!
The guy went for me as I flopped out my big Jimmy for a piss. He pushed me to the side and dropped to his knees.
A perfect chance to get a sex attacker with a knee under his chin.

Bullshit. The fact that you are making up this pretend rape so that you can get attention is really pathetic and an insult to true victims of sexual assault.
Yea, I get it, you are opposed to the death penalty for rape, but its okay to kill a rapist before he goes to trail.

Yes. Government handing down punishments for violating laws and individuals protecting themselves from violent assaults are two completely different things.

One has a right to self defense, but if my neighbor attempts to slap me for being rude, do I have the right to kill him, to prevent injury to my body?

That you even ask this ridiculous question proves that you have no understanding of legal self defense. The right to use lethal force in self defense applies to threats against your life, and against serious bodily harm, consistent with a reasonable fear. Fearing that a slap is going to cause you serious harm is not reasonable. Fearing that a person trying to rape you will cause serious harm is a reasonable fear.
The guy went for me as I flopped out my big Jimmy for a piss. He pushed me to the side and dropped to his knees.
A perfect chance to get a sex attacker with a knee under his chin.

Bullshit. The fact that you are making up this pretend rape so that you can get attention is really pathetic and an insult to true victims of sexual assault.

You have no need to be raped - this being because you can go fuck yourself, bastard.
In your opinion, does a woman who is being raped have the right to use deadly force on her rapist?

Of course!
Yea, I get it, you are opposed to the death penalty for rape, but its okay to kill a rapist before he goes to trail.

Yes. Government handing down punishments for violating laws and individuals protecting themselves from violent assaults are two completely different things.

One has a right to self defense, but if my neighbor attempts to slap me for being rude, do I have the right to kill him, to prevent injury to my body?

That you even ask this ridiculous question proves that you have no understanding of legal self defense. The right to use lethal force in self defense applies to threats against your life, and against serious bodily harm, consistent with a reasonable fear. Fearing that a slap is going to cause you serious harm is not reasonable. Fearing that a person trying to rape you will cause serious harm is a reasonable fear.
What is not reasonable is assuming a slap, can not cause physical damage, like maybe the tiny little blood vessels on your retina, lets say, a slap could definitely bust one of those causing the symptoms that are same as macular degeneration. What about slapping an 70 year old woman, is there a threat of serious harm, hell, how would one know that it was only a slap that was the perps intention. There are many degrees of crime, there are many degrees of rape, some as simple as a few seconds, a minute and the perp is done, many rapes never cause serious bodily harm.

Assault and Battery many times have resulted in serious bodily injury. Hence the punishment should be severe.

If you think you can kill to defend against rape, than of course the best defense society can have against rape, is the Death Penalty.

And could you explain your idea of Vegans and Rape, that was really the best post in this thread, you should really repeat.

For many, I believe, they will find your reasoning, flawed. Especially if one is a Vegan.
The guy went for me as I flopped out my big Jimmy for a piss. He pushed me to the side and dropped to his knees.
A perfect chance to get a sex attacker with a knee under his chin.

Bullshit. The fact that you are making up this pretend rape so that you can get attention is really pathetic and an insult to true victims of sexual assault.

Tell me, are you a professional fucking idiot, or is it just a hobby?
Yea, I get it, you are opposed to the death penalty for rape, but its okay to kill a rapist before he goes to trail.

Yes. Government handing down punishments for violating laws and individuals protecting themselves from violent assaults are two completely different things.

One has a right to self defense, but if my neighbor attempts to slap me for being rude, do I have the right to kill him, to prevent injury to my body?

That you even ask this ridiculous question proves that you have no understanding of legal self defense. The right to use lethal force in self defense applies to threats against your life, and against serious bodily harm, consistent with a reasonable fear. Fearing that a slap is going to cause you serious harm is not reasonable. Fearing that a person trying to rape you will cause serious harm is a reasonable fear.
What is not reasonable is assuming a slap, can not cause physical damage, like maybe the tiny little blood vessels on your retina, lets say, a slap could definitely bust one of those causing the symptoms that are same as macular degeneration. What about slapping an 70 year old woman, is there a threat of serious harm, hell, how would one know that it was only a slap that was the perps intention. There are many degrees of crime, there are many degrees of rape, some as simple as a few seconds, a minute and the perp is done, many rapes never cause serious bodily harm.

Assault and Battery many times have resulted in serious bodily injury. Hence the punishment should be severe.

If you think you can kill to defend against rape, than of course the best defense society can have against rape, is the Death Penalty.

And could you explain your idea of Vegans and Rape, that was really the best post in this thread, you should really repeat.

For many, I believe, they will find your reasoning, flawed. Especially if one is a Vegan.

You really should....stop. Because you don't known what you're talking about, and don't realize you're making a damned fool of yourself.
If the penalty for rape is a couple years in jail, or simple probation, than no.

If the courts and government have decided Justice is a few years in jail, the rape does not warrant murder.

So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

Idiots who do not believe in the death penalty? Are you even remotely objective on the topic or do you just want to kill people and hate having people get in the way of that?
So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

We should experiment on them before we kill them. Let they serve some good before they go.
My Grandpa said it best, keep them in cooled padded cell so they do not hurt their body parts, and when somebody needs a kidney, an eye, any transplant, we have the spare parts, until they simply run out of parts to give, then they are dead.

I say Death Penalty for rape, kidnapping, or simply breaking into someones home.

So you do want to kill people, and it doesn't take much. Ok, question answered.
So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

We should experiment on them before we kill them. Let they serve some good before they go.
My Grandpa said it best, keep them in cooled padded cell so they do not hurt their body parts, and when somebody needs a kidney, an eye, any transplant, we have the spare parts, until they simply run out of parts to give, then they are dead.

I say Death Penalty for rape, kidnapping, or simply breaking into someones home.

The Constitution was written with protections against cruel and unusual punishment precisely to prevent assholes like you and your Nazi grandfather.
If the penalty for rape is a couple years in jail, or simple probation, than no.

If the courts and government have decided Justice is a few years in jail, the rape does not warrant murder.

So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

Idiots who do not believe in the death penalty? Are you even remotely objective on the topic or do you just want to kill people and hate having people get in the way of that?

Yeah, it's pretty easy for people who have little fear of being raped, and have never known someone who was raped, to claim no rapist should be harmed.

But if you have been with the counselors who have had to deal with women completely shattered for the rest of their entire lives by the rapist, it would be a bit more difficult for you defend the rapists.
So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

Idiots who do not believe in the death penalty? Are you even remotely objective on the topic or do you just want to kill people and hate having people get in the way of that?

Yeah, it's pretty easy for people who have little fear of being raped, and have never known someone who was raped, to claim no rapist should be harmed.

But if you have been with the counselors who have had to deal with women completely shattered for the rest of their entire lives by the rapist, it would be a bit more difficult for you defend the rapists.

I never defended rapists, you horse's ass.
So, a person has no right to defend themselves against sexual assault?

You are changing the subject, this thread is not about the right to defend oneself, but if Deadly Force is justified in self-defense. Your post is # 105 in this thread, you have not figured out what is being discussed, deadly force?

I'm not changing the subject at all. You're trying to obfuscate the subject.

If someone tries to sexually assault me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm going to stop them any way I can. I'm not going to sit there and endure rape while using my smartphone to google search the legal penalty for a rape conviction and then calculate the appropriate amount of force that equals the legal penalty.

What you don't seem to understand is that the right to self defense is an inherent right that is not predicated upon the law criminalizing the act against which I am defending. Even if rape were entirely legal, the right to defend one's self against rape would still remain perfectly intact.
Actually, my point went right overhead, the punishment is disproportionate to the crime.

If you do not support the death penalty, you can not support the use of deadly force to prevent rape.

I state my post, as written, so idiots who do not believe in the death penalty are forced to think about the contradiction.

You state something else which was a bit off, I let that go.

If you must defend yourself with deadly force, then the punishment for the criminal is death, if they happen to live and get convicted.

Sorry I did not make it clear, but I was making a point and challenging those who oppose the death penalty.

We should experiment on them before we kill them. Let they serve some good before they go.
My Grandpa said it best, keep them in cooled padded cell so they do not hurt their body parts, and when somebody needs a kidney, an eye, any transplant, we have the spare parts, until they simply run out of parts to give, then they are dead.

I say Death Penalty for rape, kidnapping, or simply breaking into someones home.
Not breaking into homes because people get desperate.

Yesterday on pbs they were talking to gangs in new Orleans about revenge killings. Most of them believe this generation is lost. No hope. I say we should round up these murderers before they can have any more kids and fuck up the next generation. And if there is no hope for them to rehabilitate why spend $30k a year housing and feeding them and get nothing out of it? They can make up for their murders by saving lives with their body parts.

I'm serious. I'd rather them than a poor beagle or monkey.
Yea, I get it, you are opposed to the death penalty for rape, but its okay to kill a rapist before he goes to trail.

Yes. Government handing down punishments for violating laws and individuals protecting themselves from violent assaults are two completely different things.

One has a right to self defense, but if my neighbor attempts to slap me for being rude, do I have the right to kill him, to prevent injury to my body?

That you even ask this ridiculous question proves that you have no understanding of legal self defense. The right to use lethal force in self defense applies to threats against your life, and against serious bodily harm, consistent with a reasonable fear. Fearing that a slap is going to cause you serious harm is not reasonable. Fearing that a person trying to rape you will cause serious harm is a reasonable fear.
What is not reasonable is assuming a slap, can not cause physical damage, like maybe the tiny little blood vessels on your retina, lets say, a slap could definitely bust one of those causing the symptoms that are same as macular degeneration. What about slapping an 70 year old woman, is there a threat of serious harm, hell, how would one know that it was only a slap that was the perps intention. There are many degrees of crime, there are many degrees of rape, some as simple as a few seconds, a minute and the perp is done, many rapes never cause serious bodily harm.

Assault and Battery many times have resulted in serious bodily injury. Hence the punishment should be severe.

If you think you can kill to defend against rape, than of course the best defense society can have against rape, is the Death Penalty.

And could you explain your idea of Vegans and Rape, that was really the best post in this thread, you should really repeat.

For many, I believe, they will find your reasoning, flawed. Especially if one is a Vegan.

Good point. If its OK to kill someone trying to rape you why can't society kill them after the fact? I'm not talking about date rape. I'm talking about a strainger who stalks women then violently rapes them. How can we ever trust letting them out? Maybe amputate both arms and their penis and then let them go.

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