In Your Opinion, What Would Create the Most Jobs?


What is not obvious is where do you, a profit driven employer, plan to employ people who have never considered making a profit, but worse, have always been encouraged to spend the entirety of their budget, and ask for more?

Survival of the fittest bub. It is not my concern to support people who offer nothing of value in exchange for the wages I pay them.

If they are so unmotivated that they can't figure out how to work productively, that is their problem. Their lack of talent and work ethic doesn't justify them being a boat anchor around the necks of the decent people who work hard for a living.

Aunty Entity?
If Government workers can't find a decent paying job in the private sector, then why should we be paying them 44% more than a private sector employee for sitting at a government desk?

That is easy to answer. The wage inflation is a fairly new phenomenon. With the outrageous spending on the Iraq and Afghanistan war (Which benefited the Military Industrial complex that Dwight David Eisenhower so aptly warned us against.) it became obvious that we were going to head into a crisis that would be aggravated by Federal Debt.

We know that FEMA was ordered to build incarceration camps all around the nation, and even up in Alaska. They have done so. The military has been drilled on civil insurrection conflict and war in the city streets. We have done this because we anticipate that civil insurrection.

How bad it will be is anybody's guess, but I have seen a report that was supposed to be Secret (that I should not have had access to) that sees two hot spots for civil war, the deep South (all the states of the old Confederacy) and the Pacific Northwest. It is also anticipated that cities with large minority populations will break out in riots that will quickly result in total anarchy and chaos.

To keep government running in the regions that have not become unstable, government employees have been overpaid to ensure their allegiance. (i.e. Your heart is where your money comes from.)

Some very hard times are just a few days away from arriving. Strap on your seat belt as this might be one hell of a ride.

To all of my friends are you ready? Can you protect your home from rioters? Can you protect your life and your loved ones from rioters.

The Asian communities of the Frisco Bay area are well organized. The will be able to put large trucks and barriers on all streets leading in and out of their neighborhoods. They will have armed checkpoints on these streets. Rioters will be shot on sight, no questions asked. If it looks like a rioter and acts like a rioter, it will be shot dead.

Other communities all across the nation are prepared to put barriers up on the outside of their towns. Far enough out so that local farmers will still have free access to the town so that food will be plentiful.

I have told all of my friends to tend gardens in their back yards. MY entire back yard is now a garden. We are ready.
Its not hard to grasp a concept.

I grasp the concept.

What I'm trying to see is EXACTLY what job function a govt beaurocrat might fill.

Who would hire them? All they've been trained to do is INCREASE the cost of doing their job!! They've not even the slightest notion of "profit!"

So, instead of making it easy on yourself, get to the brass tacks, and answer the concrete question: What are 50% of the Govt Employees gonna do after you've cut their jobs in an effort to DECREASE UNEMPLOYMENT???
Who cares what job they might fill, as long as the get honest work?

Personally, I don't concern myself with where a tick might find sustenance when I pull it off of my neck.

Yes, dehumanizing them as your enemy-parasite is easy, but hardly realistic, or intellectually exausting.

They, obviously will care.

Their immediate family will care.

All their Debtors will care.

I haven't even begun to tally up all the people who will be affected negatively if 50% of the Govt closed down.

What sort of "honest work" do you think they are qualified?

Then it would behoove them to go out and get productive work.

Making appeals to emotions is the tactic of the statist authoritarian who feeds the parasite class.
If Government workers can't find a decent paying job in the private sector, then why should we be paying them 44% more than a private sector employee for sitting at a government desk?

That is easy to answer. The wage inflation is a fairly new phenomenon. With the outrageous spending on the Iraq and Afghanistan war (Which benefited the Military Industrial complex that Dwight David Eisenhower so aptly warned us against.) it became obvious that we were going to head into a crisis that would be aggravated by Federal Debt.

We know that FEMA was ordered to build incarceration camps all around the nation, and even up in Alaska. They have done so. The military has been drilled on civil insurrection conflict and war in the city streets. We have done this because we anticipate that civil insurrection.

How bad it will be is anybody's guess, but I have seen a report that was supposed to be Secret (that I should not have had access to) that sees two hot spots for civil war, the deep South (all the states of the old Confederacy) and the Pacific Northwest. It is also anticipated that cities with large minority populations will break out in riots that will quickly result in total anarchy and chaos.

To keep government running in the regions that have not become unstable, government employees have been overpaid to ensure their allegiance. (i.e. Your heart is where your money comes from.)

Some very hard times are just a few days away from arriving. Strap on your seat belt as this might be one hell of a ride.

To all of my friends are you ready? Can you protect your home from rioters? Can you protect your life and your loved ones from rioters.

The Asian communities of the Frisco Bay area are well organized. The will be able to put large trucks and barriers on all streets leading in and out of their neighborhoods. They will have armed checkpoints on these streets. Rioters will be shot on sight, no questions asked. If it looks like a rioter and acts like a rioter, it will be shot dead.

Other communities all across the nation are prepared to put barriers up on the outside of their towns. Far enough out so that local farmers will still have free access to the town so that food will be plentiful.

I have told all of my friends to tend gardens in their back yards. MY entire back yard is now a garden. We are ready.
I do not think that a lot of city people believe you. Are you prepared for the seven year famine?
Who cares what job they might fill, as long as the get honest work?

Personally, I don't concern myself with where a tick might find sustenance when I pull it off of my neck.

Yes, dehumanizing them as your enemy-parasite is easy, but hardly realistic, or intellectually exausting.

They, obviously will care.

Their immediate family will care.

All their Debtors will care.

I haven't even begun to tally up all the people who will be affected negatively if 50% of the Govt closed down.

What sort of "honest work" do you think they are qualified?

Then it would behoove them to go out and get productive work.

Making appeals to emotions is the tactic of the statist authoritarian who feeds the parasite class.

Do they get "shovel ready jobs"?
Who cares what job they might fill, as long as the get honest work?

Personally, I don't concern myself with where a tick might find sustenance when I pull it off of my neck.

Yes, dehumanizing them as your enemy-parasite is easy, but hardly realistic, or intellectually exausting.

They, obviously will care.

Their immediate family will care.

All their Debtors will care.

I haven't even begun to tally up all the people who will be affected negatively if 50% of the Govt closed down.

What sort of "honest work" do you think they are qualified?

Then it would behoove them to go out and get productive work.

Making appeals to emotions is the tactic of the statist authoritarian who feeds the parasite class.

Why is it that when I ask:
What sort of "honest work" do you think they are qualified?

You say "productive work."

Where? Doing WHAT??? For WHO??

None have education for productive work.

None have ever produced anything.

And you want to turn them all lose, without a paycheck, between Baltimore and NYC.

Shouldn't we build a few prisons first?
Why does it have to be my job to find them a job for which they're qualified?

Why is it that they can't do like the rest of the productive world does and adapt, when their jobs become obsolete?

Life's tough, shit happens, wear a helmet.

If Treasury started spending trillions of debt-free dollars directly into the economy, bypassing the Fed, virtually every one of those dollars would be recycled into the economy for goods and services.

Millions of workers from sea to shining sea would be paying bills, starting businesses, buying durable I understand it, increasing the money supply will not create inflation if demand for goods and services also increases.

If Treasury started spending trillions of debt-free dollars directly into the economy, bypassing the Fed, virtually every one of those dollars would be recycled into the economy for goods and services.

Millions of workers from sea to shining sea would be paying bills, starting businesses, buying durable I understand it, increasing the money supply will not create inflation if demand for goods and services also increases.

So you advocate the Treasuring Printing $Ts and devaluing our currency to the point of worthlessness?
Why is it that they can't do like the rest of the productive world does and adapt, when their jobs become obsolete?

What would you hire them to do? Honestly, if you were running a business, why the hell would you hire anyone that has worked for the state, has no concept of profit, no skills, nothing.

When they show up on my doorstep, I'm gonna say, "Hell, I don't know wtf to do with you, go see Dude, he'll give you a nice little speech about adapting."

We're not talking about a few thousand employees, were not talking about a few 10,000 employees,

We're talking 50% of the US Federal Civilian Employees, almost 1,000,000 people!!!

With about 2.0 million civilian employees, the Federal Government, excluding the Postal Service, is the Nation's largest employer.
Lots and lots of room in the private sector for clerk/typists and other assorted paper shufflers, for example.

As for the rest of them, they can sink or swim like the rest of us out in The World do....If some pencil neck propagandist from the Ad Council can't get a job in the legit media, let him go bang nails.
Lots and lots of room in the private sector for clerk/typists and other assorted paper shufflers, for example.

As for the rest of them, they can sink or swim like the rest of us out in The World do....If some pencil neck propagandist from the Ad Council can't get a job in the legit media, let him go bang nails.

There's lots of room for assorted paper shufflers?

I don't suppose you have anything to substantiate this, do you?

No, why should you, they can "sink or swim."

Let's say only half sink.

This idea of yours was supposed to CREATE jobs, remember?
And jobs will be created, with all of the available funds for production which will be unleashed by drastic downsizing in bureaucracy, with attendant reductions in regulation and taxation.

What do you think that people who suddenly have more money in their pockets are going to do with it, bury it in Mason jars in the back yard?

Monetary reform would start with incorporating the Fed into the US Treasury Department. From that point on government, not private bankers, would create new money as money...not interest-bearing debt. The $trillions would then be spent, not loaned, into circulation to promote the general welfare and monitored to be neither inflationary nor deflationary.

Monetary reform would start with incorporating the Fed into the US Treasury Department. From that point on government, not private bankers, would create new money as money...not interest-bearing debt. The $trillions would then be spent, not loaned, into circulation to promote the general welfare and monitored to be neither inflationary nor deflationary.

That would be an absolute disaster for the country. The US would collapse within days. You do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about, do you?

Monetary reform would start with incorporating the Fed into the US Treasury Department. From that point on government, not private bankers, would create new money as money...not interest-bearing debt. The $trillions would then be spent, not loaned, into circulation to promote the general welfare and monitored to be neither inflationary nor deflationary.

Scuze me - but this makes no sense.

How does the government CREATE MONEY? Regardless of it being called The Fed or the Treasury Department there are only three options:

- Printing MO Money (Yay! Inflation!)
- Decreasing the Reserve Requirements for Banks (Yay! MO RISK!)
- Buying Treasuries (Federal Debt - Yay! MO mortgaging of our future!)

The latter can only be done if there is an interest rate that enticed someone to buy the Treasuries in the first place. So, if you are proposing interest free creation of money, it is either option 1 or option 2 - neither of which are particularly appealing.

If Treasury started spending trillions of debt-free dollars directly into the economy, bypassing the Fed, virtually every one of those dollars would be recycled into the economy for goods and services.

Millions of workers from sea to shining sea would be paying bills, starting businesses, buying durable I understand it, increasing the money supply will not create inflation if demand for goods and services also increases.

So you advocate the Treasuring Printing $Ts and devaluing our currency to the point of worthlessness?
I think he is putting us on, trying to act insane. It is good for a laugh, just like me trying to be a liberal for a weekend.
I think he is putting us on, trying to act insane. It is good for a laugh, just like me trying to be a liberal for a weekend.

I wish I could believe that, but the rate of financial and economic illiteracy in this country is absolutely appalling.
And jobs will be created, with all of the available funds for production which will be unleashed by drastic downsizing in bureaucracy, with attendant reductions in regulation and taxation.

What do you think that people who suddenly have more money in their pockets are going to do with it, bury it in Mason jars in the back yard?

Oh no, they'll buy paper shufflers.


I know I've been wanting a paper-shuffler for YEARS.
The same way private bankers, like those Fed shareholders, do:

"The central bank's most mysterious power--to create money with a few computer keystrokes--is dauntingly complicated, and the mechanics are not widely understood.

"But the essential thing to understand is that this power relies on democratic consent--the people's trust, their willingness to accept the currency and use it in exchange....

"Newly created money is often called the 'pure credit' of the nation. In principle, it exists for the benefit of all." (William Greider@The>"Dismantling the Temple" 7/15/09)

If trillions of debt-free dollars start flowing into the pockets of millions of unemployed Americans, the demand for goods and services will rise along with the increase in the money supply.

Hence, inflation won't be the big problem.

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