Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare

What programs from the 1980s have we continued?

Tax rates, capital gains exemptions, subsidies, labor restirctions, deregulation

All of which have helped grow the private sector.
BTW, I find it amusing when you lib's hair begins to fall out whenever you hear the term "capital gains"....Right away your argument starts.."It's not fair they get to keep all that money."...."It should be taxed as income!"....
Keep in mind that any type of income derived from an intangible is considered a capital gain.
So before you answer the above question do some careful consideration.

Capital Gains gained from investing in a non-US entity should be taxed at the normal or higher rate since it does NOTHING for the US economy.
first off the idea that wealthy people "just keep the money" is false. if that were true, there would be
NO business at all.
obviously the concept of trickle down escapes you.
its very easy.
Some one or a group decides to start a business. employees are hired to do the
work. in turn the employees spend their earnings at other busiu
they also pay taxes which fund government and education. the workers also buy homes
or rent housing. and so on.
somewhere along the line you libs created your own definition for trickle down
to mean " you have more than we do. you should surrender some
of your wealth so that we may share it."

It is not more money that drives economic expansion but more market. If I sell 1 million widget a year and suddenly my profit increases, I do not produce more widgets....I keep the profit

It is only if there are more people buying widgets that I increase production

Bingo. Did I call it or what?

Righty completely missed the bus. Or he may have ignored it because my post blew his agenda right into the weeds.
If you read between the lines of his post, clearly it is the profit earned and the fact that the factory owner has the gall to want to keep it.
It is not more money that drives economic expansion but more market. If I sell 1 million widget a year and suddenly my profit increases, I do not produce more widgets....I keep the profit

It is only if there are more people buying widgets that I increase production

Bingo. Did I call it or what?

Its called supply and demand

Increasing supply in the absense of demand has never been a result of increased profits
No shit....What's your point?
Bear in mind, the opposite is also true.
So if you libs get your way, increasing taxes on business and mandating artificial wage levels based on some emotionally induced sense of fair play will do one thing. That would be to cause businesses to reorganize so that they require less labor to produce their products, may move production to another country, or even close up shop. The result is the availability of product will become scarce which will drive up the price....Supply and demand.
I await the " so we do nothing" straw man retort.
My response is "of course not"...Government should do LESS. Get out of the way of private enterprise, LOWER taxes. Offer incentive for new businesses to open and existing ones to expand...Dial back regulations to levels where consumers, employees and the general public are protected. Not sealed in a plastic bubble.
You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare


But I see you never attended college or took a class in economics.

Hey genius how was income distributed JUST BEFORE the French Revolution.

Another Teatard owned.

My work here is done.
It is not more money that drives economic expansion but more market. If I sell 1 million widget a year and suddenly my profit increases, I do not produce more widgets....I keep the profit

It is only if there are more people buying widgets that I increase production

Bingo. Did I call it or what?

Righty completely missed the bus. Or he may have ignored it because my post blew his agenda right into the weeds.
If you read between the lines of his post, clearly it is the profit earned and the fact that the factory owner has the gall to want to keep it.
We;;, what does he do with the profit? Stick it in his mattress? No. Either he pays it out to shareholders, who spend or invest the money, or he retains it to buy new equipment, hire employees, or increase pay to attract better employees as the business needs. If he loses money the opposite happens.
Libs instinctively hate "profit", somehow believing it is at best a necessary evil.
The rich call it class warfare when the slaves complain.....

That is exactly the issue. The playing field is tilted so heavily towards the wealthy that any attempt to equalize opportunity is decried as "Socialism"

Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy
What programs from the 1980s have we continued?

Tax rates, capital gains exemptions, subsidies, labor restirctions, deregulation

All of which have helped grow the private sector.
BTW, I find it amusing when you lib's hair begins to fall out whenever you hear the term "capital gains"....Right away your argument starts.."It's not fair they get to keep all that money."...."It should be taxed as income!"....
Keep in mind that any type of income derived from an intangible is considered a capital gain.
So before you answer the above question do some careful consideration.

That.s not quite correct now is it? Used to be that for a person to realize "capital gains" that person had to have some of their own capital at risk. There was a short term gain rate and a long term (held more than a year) rate.

That changed to just one time period for tax purposes. Under Clinton I believe.

Now you have it where traders on Wall street are able to be taxes on billions of what should be W2 earning as capital gains. Derivative traders and credit default swap traders have been able to bribe Congress to change the tax law so that they only pay 15% on billions of earnings. Ask Mittens about that provision.

These traders don't have their capital at risk. They are smarter than that. They have OUR capital at risk.

So why should that be able to avoid taxes? Other than the fact they have enough money to bribe Congresscritters?
That is exactly the issue. The playing field is tilted so heavily towards the wealthy that any attempt to equalize opportunity is decried as "Socialism"

Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

From yours and all other leftards words. You all are full of this class envy bullshit which is the latest talking point of your masters in their brainwashing agenda.

Class warfare doesn't work. Oh, yes, it might provoke the hateul spikes of violence, but in the very end, the stupid ones, who are incited to "take what is theirs from the opressors" end up opressed like they have never been before.

Too bad the history doesn't teach the parroting mouthpieces anything.
Question why does a income gap need to be closed to bring people out of poverty?
Income inequality is a hollow rhetoric that its only purpose is to promote class warfare and income redistribution
Wealth is not finite it can be created there is not one pie that needs to be divided evenly

I will give an example how income inequality is a failed argument
lets say the poverty level is 20,000 per year. you have an individual who makes 15k a year and you want to bring him out of poverty. You have another individual who makes 100k a years so you have a 85k a year income gap between the two. Here is the question
is it better to take 10k from the 100k a year individual and give it to the 15k a year individual there for bring him out of poverty and establishing a 65k income gap, or is it better for the 15k a year individual create his own wealth and make 10k more a year to bring him up to 25k.
According to using a closure of a income gap as a measure of success it is best to take away from the 100k a year individual then to have the 15k individual create his own wealth because you would have an income gap of 65K instead of the 75k that you would have if he created his own wealth

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare

The above post is from some intern at a conservative group. During their down time they are told to go on the web, create identities, and post retarded shit to confuse people and further their own bullshit narrative.
That is exactly the issue. The playing field is tilted so heavily towards the wealthy that any attempt to equalize opportunity is decried as "Socialism"

Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

That's why no one buys lottery tickets, right?
Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

From yours and all other leftards words. You all are full of this class envy bullshit which is the latest talking point of your masters in their brainwashing agenda.

Class warfare doesn't work. Oh, yes, it might provoke the hateul spikes of violence, but in the very end, the stupid ones, who are incited to "take what is theirs from the opressors" end up opressed like they have never been before.

Too bad the history doesn't teach the parroting mouthpieces anything.

Yes, there is class envy

Workers envy what used to be the middle class. Good jobs at a salary you can support your family on. Healthcare, affordable education....even being able to retire at a reasonable age

That is what workers envy

You bring up "warfare"?
That warfare is being waged against working Americans. Stagnant wages, decreasing benefits, constant demands to do more for less

That is the warfare Republicans favor
Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

That's why no one buys lottery tickets, right?

LOL......yea, that's all they have left isn't it?

A dollar and a dream
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

an example of the ignorant bullshit in it's perfec display.
It is not a question of taking from the rich and giving to the poor but one of....Why do we continue programs from 1980s supply side economics that favor the wealthy?

Trickle down never happened.....The wealthy just kept the money

yes, it did. in the economic boom of the eighties to mid-2000
You must be about eighteen years old.
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

an example of the ignorant bullshit in it's perfec display.

And you are a fine example of one of those millionaires without funds that seems to populate this site.

But you should have refuted those points that were made. Instead you gave more of the same; bullshit without reason or common sense. Typical for what passes as "logic" and "reason" by todays right wing whackos. Like you.
Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

From yours and all other leftards words. You all are full of this class envy bullshit which is the latest talking point of your masters in their brainwashing agenda.

Class warfare doesn't work. Oh, yes, it might provoke the hateul spikes of violence, but in the very end, the stupid ones, who are incited to "take what is theirs from the opressors" end up opressed like they have never been before.

Too bad the history doesn't teach the parroting mouthpieces anything.

Yes, there is class envy

Workers envy what used to be the middle class. Good jobs at a salary you can support your family on. Healthcare, affordable education....even being able to retire at a reasonable age

That is what workers envy

You bring up "warfare"?
That warfare is being waged against working Americans. Stagnant wages, decreasing benefits, constant demands to do more for less

That is the warfare Republicans favor

Workers ARE middle class. Stop this marxist bullshit in singling out "workers" as a separate class - it doesn't exist.

and if you want the middle class to prosper - forget the stupid class warfare rhetoric, get off the neck of the middle class - with excessive taxation, government overregulation ( dodd-frank and epa are the most nasty examples, but clearly not the only ones) and imposing of a burden that will strangle and bankrupt half of the country - like this crap obamacare - and then finally jobs might start to be created, the economy might start to grow and THAT will bring increased wages and prosperity, not failed leftard policies which can only KILL them as it has happened for the last 5 years.

plus a tax overhaul is long due. In order to stimulater growth and prosperity a flat tax will be a great start.

But all the measures which REALLY stimulate growth and prosperity are off the table for the leftards, as growth and prosperity for the middle class are NOT their real goals and have never been. The left is always aiming to make everybody equal in it's poverty and dependence on the government, and prosperous middle class is a natural enemy of the left - therefore all the policies and the rhetoric to PREVENT prosperity of the middle class from the left.

They know perfectly well as everybody in the center and the right know - what really leads to economic prosperity across the board. But they are not interested in it and never were as prosperous and confident middle class will wipe the left off the political scene.
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Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

an example of the ignorant bullshit in it's perfec display.

And you are a fine example of one of those millionaires without funds that seems to populate this site.

But you should have refuted those points that were made. Instead you gave more of the same; bullshit without reason or common sense. Typical for what passes as "logic" and "reason" by todays right wing whackos. Like you.

there were no points to be refuted, just an ignorant leftard bullshit talking points agenda for the day
Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

That's why no one buys lottery tickets, right?

LOL......yea, that's all they have left isn't it?

A dollar and a dream
Deflection is not a river in Egypt either.
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

Wow, a post that has four assertions and every single one is wrong. A record!

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