Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare

It is not a question of taking from the rich and giving to the poor but one of....Why do we continue programs from 1980s supply side economics that favor the wealthy?

Trickle down never happened.....The wealthy just kept the money

yes, it did. in the economic boom of the eighties to mid-2000
You must be about eighteen years old.

I have noticed an absolute absence of historical examples to prove his prattle since history DISPROVES his prattle.
And he's too young and ADD to actually read any.
From yours and all other leftards words. You all are full of this class envy bullshit which is the latest talking point of your masters in their brainwashing agenda.

Class warfare doesn't work. Oh, yes, it might provoke the hateul spikes of violence, but in the very end, the stupid ones, who are incited to "take what is theirs from the opressors" end up opressed like they have never been before.

Too bad the history doesn't teach the parroting mouthpieces anything.

Yes, there is class envy

Workers envy what used to be the middle class. Good jobs at a salary you can support your family on. Healthcare, affordable education....even being able to retire at a reasonable age

That is what workers envy

You bring up "warfare"?
That warfare is being waged against working Americans. Stagnant wages, decreasing benefits, constant demands to do more for less

That is the warfare Republicans favor

Workers ARE middle class. Stop this marxist bullshit in singling out "workers" as a separate class - it doesn't exist.

and if you want the middle class to prosper - forget the stupid class warfare rhetoric, get off the neck of the middle class - with excessive taxation, government overregulation ( dodd-frank and epa are the most nasty examples, but clearly not the only ones) and imposing of a burden that will strangle and bankrupt half of the country - like this crap obamacare - and then finally jobs might start to be created, the economy might start to grow and THAT will bring increased wages and prosperity, not failed leftard policies which can only KILL them as it has happened for the last 5 years.

plus a tax overhaul is long due. In order to stimulater growth and prosperity a flat tax will be a great start.

But all the measures which REALLY stimulate growth and prosperity are off the table for the leftards, as growth and prosperity for the middle class are NOT their real goals and have never been. The left is always aiming to make everybody equal in it's poverty and dependence on the government, and prosperous middle class is a natural enemy of the left - therefore all the policies and the rhetoric to PREVENT prosperity of the middle class from the left.

They know perfectly well as everybody in the center and the right know - what really leads to economic prosperity across the board. But they are not interested in it and never were as prosperous and confident middle class will wipe the left off the political scene. guys really are one trick ponys aren't you?

Your solution to every problem is cut taxes and deregulate........and those jobs will come trickling down
Yes, there is class envy

Workers envy what used to be the middle class. Good jobs at a salary you can support your family on. Healthcare, affordable education....even being able to retire at a reasonable age

That is what workers envy

You bring up "warfare"?
That warfare is being waged against working Americans. Stagnant wages, decreasing benefits, constant demands to do more for less

That is the warfare Republicans favor

Workers ARE middle class. Stop this marxist bullshit in singling out "workers" as a separate class - it doesn't exist.

and if you want the middle class to prosper - forget the stupid class warfare rhetoric, get off the neck of the middle class - with excessive taxation, government overregulation ( dodd-frank and epa are the most nasty examples, but clearly not the only ones) and imposing of a burden that will strangle and bankrupt half of the country - like this crap obamacare - and then finally jobs might start to be created, the economy might start to grow and THAT will bring increased wages and prosperity, not failed leftard policies which can only KILL them as it has happened for the last 5 years.

plus a tax overhaul is long due. In order to stimulater growth and prosperity a flat tax will be a great start.

But all the measures which REALLY stimulate growth and prosperity are off the table for the leftards, as growth and prosperity for the middle class are NOT their real goals and have never been. The left is always aiming to make everybody equal in it's poverty and dependence on the government, and prosperous middle class is a natural enemy of the left - therefore all the policies and the rhetoric to PREVENT prosperity of the middle class from the left.

They know perfectly well as everybody in the center and the right know - what really leads to economic prosperity across the board. But they are not interested in it and never were as prosperous and confident middle class will wipe the left off the political scene. guys really are one trick ponys aren't you?

Your solution to every problem is cut taxes and deregulate........and those jobs will come trickling down

How has the Dem solution worked out for us?
You must be about eighteen years old.

I have noticed an absolute absence of historical examples to prove his prattle since history DISPROVES his prattle.
And he's too young and ADD to actually read any.

Irony alert.

If your wife Selma allowed you to hang out with the guys you might actually develop a sense of wit.

I notice you have strayed away from bad foreign trade policy and porous borders because we both know raising taxes is a band-aid.
I have noticed an absolute absence of historical examples to prove his prattle since history DISPROVES his prattle.
And he's too young and ADD to actually read any.

Irony alert.

If your wife Selma allowed you to hang out with the guys you might actually develop a sense of wit.

I notice you have strayed away from bad foreign trade policy and porous borders because we both know raising taxes is a band-aid.
Nurse! Meds! Stat!
Workers ARE middle class. Stop this marxist bullshit in singling out "workers" as a separate class - it doesn't exist.

and if you want the middle class to prosper - forget the stupid class warfare rhetoric, get off the neck of the middle class - with excessive taxation, government overregulation ( dodd-frank and epa are the most nasty examples, but clearly not the only ones) and imposing of a burden that will strangle and bankrupt half of the country - like this crap obamacare - and then finally jobs might start to be created, the economy might start to grow and THAT will bring increased wages and prosperity, not failed leftard policies which can only KILL them as it has happened for the last 5 years.

plus a tax overhaul is long due. In order to stimulater growth and prosperity a flat tax will be a great start.

But all the measures which REALLY stimulate growth and prosperity are off the table for the leftards, as growth and prosperity for the middle class are NOT their real goals and have never been. The left is always aiming to make everybody equal in it's poverty and dependence on the government, and prosperous middle class is a natural enemy of the left - therefore all the policies and the rhetoric to PREVENT prosperity of the middle class from the left.

They know perfectly well as everybody in the center and the right know - what really leads to economic prosperity across the board. But they are not interested in it and never were as prosperous and confident middle class will wipe the left off the political scene. guys really are one trick ponys aren't you?

Your solution to every problem is cut taxes and deregulate........and those jobs will come trickling down

How has the Dem solution worked out for us?

It has worked out very well

Social Security, Medicare, Worker protections, environmental protections,

Other than a more powerful wealthy class....what have Republican policies gotten us?
Irony alert.

If your wife Selma allowed you to hang out with the guys you might actually develop a sense of wit.

I notice you have strayed away from bad foreign trade policy and porous borders because we both know raising taxes is a band-aid.
Nurse! Meds! Stat!

And I am fully aware your retirement portfolio under Obama is the highest it's ever been.
He's one of the best Republican presidents ever.
If your wife Selma allowed you to hang out with the guys you might actually develop a sense of wit.

I notice you have strayed away from bad foreign trade policy and porous borders because we both know raising taxes is a band-aid.
Nurse! Meds! Stat!

And I am fully aware your retirement portfolio under Obama is the highest it's ever been.
He's one of the best Republican presidents ever.

The first five words of your post alone are a lie.
Nurse! Meds! Stat!

And I am fully aware your retirement portfolio under Obama is the highest it's ever been.
He's one of the best Republican presidents ever.

The first five words of your post alone are a lie.

Your bad luck that I live in a very nice suburb and I am fully aware of portfolio values.
You have at least 1.8 million to get you through at least your older parents age.
I figure a good investor could garner you anywhere between 8-10% annually, as that's what my son is getting (he studied several sites for 5 years before diving in).
So you're grossing somewhere around 150K.
If you're not, change your broker.

Of course, any variance in our trade and visas laws might cut perhaps 10% off you balance so that would understandably cause concern.
And I am fully aware your retirement portfolio under Obama is the highest it's ever been.
He's one of the best Republican presidents ever.

The first five words of your post alone are a lie.

Your bad luck that I live in a very nice suburb and I am fully aware of portfolio values.
You have at least 1.8 million to get you through at least your older parents age.
I figure a good investor could garner you anywhere between 8-10% annually, as that's what my son is getting (he studied several sites for 5 years before diving in).
So you're grossing somewhere around 150K.
If you're not, change your broker.

Of course, any variance in our trade and visas laws might cut perhaps 10% off you balance so that would understandably cause concern.

You're a loon. A worthless fucking bag of shit without even enough creativity to be interesting.
I'm done wasting time with you. On to iggy with yr pals.
The first five words of your post alone are a lie.

Your bad luck that I live in a very nice suburb and I am fully aware of portfolio values.
You have at least 1.8 million to get you through at least your older parents age.
I figure a good investor could garner you anywhere between 8-10% annually, as that's what my son is getting (he studied several sites for 5 years before diving in).
So you're grossing somewhere around 150K.
If you're not, change your broker.

Of course, any variance in our trade and visas laws might cut perhaps 10% off you balance so that would understandably cause concern.

You're a loon. A worthless fucking bag of shit without even enough creativity to be interesting.
I'm done wasting time with you. On to iggy with yr pals.

I touched a raw nerve and received an add hamownim.
I win!!!!!!!
The problem is not "income inequality", the problem is EXCESSIVE "income inequality".

The solution is not "wealth redistribution", the solution is "fair wealth distribution".

Everyone in our society grabs all the money they can - there is no relationship between productivity and wealth. Those that can grab it all do - leaving crumbs for the rest (and bitch about giving up those crumbs) Some people work very hard at grabbing all the money they can - without doing anything productive.

Creating wealth means, to many people, the hording of capital assets. But wealth is actually created by the production of physical items of value. These are produced mostly by labor. Capital controls the resources - often disallowing the creation of wealth. (Right now the U.S. is operating at only 75% of it's economic capacity because investors refuse to capitalize production).

Here's an example of unfair wealth distribution:

I have a friend who dropped out of college, he is making in excess of $160k/yr. as a commercial real estate agent in NYC. He is not a highly educated person, as a matter of fact most people consider him an idiot.

On the other hand, I know many research chemists, quite a few of who have doctorates. Few of these have ever made close to $160k/yr. They are subject to arbitrary layoffs. Many go for long periods of unemployment. Many have to relocate every few years when they do find a job.

Yet, it's the research chemists that make a considerable contribution to the creation of real wealth in our society - they've created products that each and everyone of you use and benefit from every day.

This is essentially the problem -we've created so many ways for non-productive people to horde capital assets while devaluing the productive people.

And OF COURSE all the non-productive wealth horders are goin' fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

But I guess that's why we're having this debate!

Your post presupposes there is truth to the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game. Those
research people, when working do great things. However there is no reason they cannot
market themselves as consultants during the down times.
Unfair? Define "unfair".
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Bullshit. Or you should be fired for gross incompetence.
The charts say nothing of the sort. They are statistical abstracts. You are assuming the charts represent the same people over and over. That is simply not true.
Look at the first chart, which is "household income". Now, how many people in a household? Two? One? 5? The answer is that it varies over time. The rise in the divorce rate, the rise in single person households will all affect "average" income.
The second chart purports to show "labor's share of income". Note it says nothign about actual income, only a measure in terms of something else. Yes, increasing mechanization/technology mean that instead of paying someone to man switchboard you buy a machine to do it instead. It certainly does not show middle class people getting screwed.
The third chart shows nothing like what you suggest. It does show that as governemnt has tried to "do something" about a recession it has actually made it worse and taken longer to recover.

Please show your post and this one to your bosses. If you are right then it will earn you a raise. If I am right you should be fired.

Wow! What a comeback! :lol:
Your comment about Chart 1 is absolutely absurd. An apartment with one person living in it is a household, a home with six people living it is a household. The Census Bureau simply counted all households, took the total incomes, broke the incomes into quintiles and used Real Dollars., What's so hard to figure out! It's pretty easy to see that the bottom three quintiles have been seeing flat wage growth for many decades. The second quintile has seen moderate growth compared to the top quintile and the top 5%.
The second chart is from the Federal Bank. Income is wages, salaries pension and insurance benefits and incentive-based compensation. Yes, technology is a contributor but that doesn't change the fact there is income inequality.
The third chart clearly shows that the last three recessions have taken longer to recover from than all previous recessions. Our most recent, was the deepest recession this country has suffered since the Great Depression. If you will look at the depth of the recessions in 1948 and 1957 and then compare these recovery times with the 1990 and 2001 recovery times. In 1948 and 1957 incomes were growing. Workers today are making less than workers were making in the late 1970's in real dollars. A weakening middle class stalls economic growth. In other word income inequality is hurting our economy.
Earlier this week I posted articles from Forbes, Time and NBC Money all echoing the fact that flat wages are hurting this country's economic growth.
Oh and by the way, I manage my department. I'd have to fire myself! :lol: Your argument did nothing to disprove my analysis of the charts I provided, nothing.
I need you need to get a job to refresh your brain instead of spending all day on this board.

You clearly didnt understand my point.
Instead of wasting your time and your employer's money why don't you sit here and read my posts all day and get an education?

You'll note that I post less than four times a day. Why? I work when I'm at work. I have a family. I have friends. In other words, I have a life.
I surmise that you either aren't employed or posting on your employer's dime.
Back to the point, your mind is so closed you can't read graphs that a fifth grader could read. It makes no sense at all for me to waste my time with you because your mind is so closed. Your ideology owns you! :lol:
Taking that further, there are many more conservative posters that are far superior to you. I have given out reps to the more intelligent conservative posters quite often because I have an open mind and appreciate intelligent posts. You? Not so much. It's always the same old closed-minded shit.
The problem is not "income inequality", the problem is EXCESSIVE "income inequality".

The solution is not "wealth redistribution", the solution is "fair wealth distribution".

Everyone in our society grabs all the money they can - there is no relationship between productivity and wealth. Those that can grab it all do - leaving crumbs for the rest (and bitch about giving up those crumbs) Some people work very hard at grabbing all the money they can - without doing anything productive.

Creating wealth means, to many people, the hording of capital assets. But wealth is actually created by the production of physical items of value. These are produced mostly by labor. Capital controls the resources - often disallowing the creation of wealth. (Right now the U.S. is operating at only 75% of it's economic capacity because investors refuse to capitalize production).

Here's an example of unfair wealth distribution:

I have a friend who dropped out of college, he is making in excess of $160k/yr. as a commercial real estate agent in NYC. He is not a highly educated person, as a matter of fact most people consider him an idiot.

On the other hand, I know many research chemists, quite a few of who have doctorates. Few of these have ever made close to $160k/yr. They are subject to arbitrary layoffs. Many go for long periods of unemployment. Many have to relocate every few years when they do find a job.

Yet, it's the research chemists that make a considerable contribution to the creation of real wealth in our society - they've created products that each and everyone of you use and benefit from every day.

This is essentially the problem -we've created so many ways for non-productive people to horde capital assets while devaluing the productive people.

And OF COURSE all the non-productive wealth horders are goin' fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

But I guess that's why we're having this debate!

Your post presupposes there is truth to the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game. your
research people whwn working do great things. however there is no reason thwy cannot
market themselves as consultants during the down times.
Unfair? Define "unfair".
Unfair is a very simple concept. If you do not understand the concept, then do not ask someone to educate you. You have proven, by asking the question, that you are incapable of being educated.
How about they earn it instead of text on there phone and ask do you want Fries with that?

Such a high opinion of the American worker

I work with them every day. They are always on there phones. Texting and stuff. And I seriously getting tired of it. A phone call is fine. But the new technology is making people not concentrate on there jobs. They try but get distracted way to easy.

First you had management. fucking off on computers with the net now you have operators fucking off with the texting and on the net. This is getting bad.
Just wait to see what happens if the airlines permit in flight cell phone use.
Trust me there will be fisticuffs.
There is nothing more annoying than an idiot yakking away on their cell phone
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You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare


But I see you never attended college or took a class in economics.

Hey genius how was income distributed JUST BEFORE the French Revolution.

Another Teatard owned.

My work here is done.

what was Frances economic system at that time? or did they not teach you that in college?
Your work isn't done you need to call who ever gave you your education and ask for a refund because you are clueless
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