Incredible How Democrats Talk About Illegal Immigration


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
And how do they talk ? Well, for instance, this morning on CBS TV Face the Nation, as a discredit to President Trump's border national emergency, host Margaret Brennan said that apprehensions on the Mexican border are at an all time low. Wow, What a massive deflection. Somebody in Democrat hierarchy must have come up with this lolapolluza, because Margaret Brennan certainly isn't the only one using it.

I've been hearing this absurd line from dozens of open borders Democrats for months now. Trouble with it is glaringly obvious. Have all these people uttering this ridiculous line about border apprehensions being low, ever heard the word "CARAVAN" ? Well sure, of course they know all about the caravanS, but to acknowledge that situation, is about tantamount to accepting Trump's declaration of a national emergency, which is something they are politically unwilling to do.

Of course, tens of thousands of people heading for the border, determined to get into the US and cash in on various welfare enticement$ posed to them by Pueblas Sin Fronteras, are indeed a national emergency. What is causing Democrats to continue to falsely talk about alleged border apprehension reductions, is their critical need for migrants to boost up their VOTE counts (quite likely the only reason they won back the House in 2018).

So not only is the line about border apprehensions being down silly, in light of the caravans emergency, but it isn't even correct, in and of itself. In December, the Border patrol reports that there were 5,812 apprehensions. Total apprehensions that month is nearly 1,300 more than November, when the caravan arrived. The increase was largely driven by migrant families, according to the statistics..

In January, apprehensions continued to be up, despite large numbers of migrants waiting to claim asylum, and many of those are giving up on the slow asylum process, and moving to other (unwalled) parts of the border to just come across illegally.

Making matters worse (and even more an emergency), s that the caravan phenomenon is growing, with more and much bigger caravans following after the previous one. On Jan. 29, Under Secretary for Policy, John Rood told a House Congressional hearing that the government was tracking 3 caravans, one with more than 12,000 people

What happened to the migrant caravan that arrived in Tijuana?
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