Infrastructure Questions

Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
Answer to # 1. Yes, its been needed for years. #2. pay for it will have to be spread out over the long term from different sources.
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?

It will pay for itself. Unlike what tax cuts for rich people do.

How many times do you think the interstate highway system has paid for itself?

We've already heard this song and dance before. In the 50's, the same naysayers, that were wrong then, and are wrong now, whine and cry about how Eisenhower would pay for such a venture.

How did that turn out again?

History is very clear. Government was created by the founders for the general welfare of the people.

This is what that looks like.

It will pay for itself.

You actually believer your own bullshit.

Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
2% Federal Tax on all purchased NEW goods. Is how I would do it.
So you would pay for it...but put that cost on those who can least afford it...
Your jerks are going to print up money to pay for it....Inflation is a tax harms those least able to afford it.

Of course, you never think of that.
Better than printing it up to hand to your wealthy cronies.
thats what theyre doing,,
Nope. You assume so because that's what you'd do, but you're projecting.
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Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
When dems say infrastructure it includes many things having nothing to do with roads and bridges

such as teaching african men how to clean their penis
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
2% Federal Tax on all purchased NEW goods. Is how I would do it.
So you would pay for it...but put that cost on those who can least afford it...
I disagree. Rich folks buy new stuff like cars. So a rich guy may buy an $80k Audi but a low middle class guy may buy a used Camry. You would not pay a Federal Tax on a used Camry. So the more expensive goods you buy the more you pay and this way the rich pay their "fair share" as you leftists call it.
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
2% Federal Tax on all purchased NEW goods. Is how I would do it.
we already pay for it with sales tax and property tax,,
On a state level not federal.

Federal project = Federal Taxes
state roads and bridges are not federal projects,, and interstate highways are paid for through gas taxs and turned over to each state for maintenance,,
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?
its not a federal issue,,
each state is responsible for their own infrastructure,,
According to conservitards the federal government exists to give them guns a stop abortions. Nothing else.

He's right.

That is the problem with 90% of the population, and why this issue is so effective, ignorance of Federalism.

Take a look at any road map, or Google maps.

Do you even know the difference between Interstates, State Roads, and county roads, why they are so named, and who has authority over them?

This whole conversations is dumb, and a distraction.

The Federal government has no authority over anything other than the interstate. All it can do it issue block grants to states with strings attached to try to move the states to it's will.

You really don't have any idea how the system works, do you?
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?

We need to account for the 500 billion in federal fuel taxes that were supposed to be spent on infrastructure collected over the past decade before we allow the fucking government one more red cent to spend on roads.
We should pay for it with increased tax and long term bonds.
With interest rates at historic lows, it is a perfect time to finance through bonds

Which is how it is funded for the initial project, which is paid back by the tax revenue created by the infrastructure itself, through business and job growth.

Precisely as the interstate highway system did.
Do you agree we need to upgrade our infrastructure?

Should we pay for it or simply put the bill on the debt?

If we pay for it, how should we do that?

We need to account for the 500 billion in federal fuel taxes that were supposed to be spent on infrastructure collected over the past decade before we allow the fucking government one more red cent to spend on roads.
At least 20% of that loot went to money-sucking urban mass transit boondoggles, like choo-choo trains that only serve as rolling shelter for bums.
Another third rail in politics. Both President Biden and his predecessor campaigned on it.

Let’s see who in Congress actually wants to move forward with this beyond rhetoric...
I would think the people who keep wanting these big federal road projects would have learned from the fiasco that was the big dig in Boston.

I would think the people who keep wanting these big federal road projects would have learned from the fiasco that was the big dig in Boston.

How about the Interstate Highway System?
I would think the people who keep wanting these big federal road projects would have learned from the fiasco that was the big dig in Boston.

How about the Interstate Highway System?
what about it??
we already pay gas taxs to maintain the highways,,

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