Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.

You see the absolute contempt liberals have for working class whites. THose whites not believing that those liberals would be on their side, is not stupidity.

Black or white, the GOP have proven to be the party that helps the rich only. Trump is proving to be no different. Sure he may help a few coal miners but that aint shit.

But illegal immigration is way down. Lets hope this helps bring wages up. But it won't bring them that far up, will it? I can't wait to see what happens next.

And they just cut food stamps. Good! I'm sorry for people who due to no fault of their own need some help but we all know the system's being abused. And people aren't trying hard enough to get off them. Get the fuck out there and work for it.

I have a buddy who will sell $40 in foodstamps for $20 in cash so he can play poker. He works under the table so qualifies for foodstamps. He doesn't have kids. I say take everyone who doesn't have kids off foodstamps. They'll figure it out.

Most adults without kids only get food stamps for a short period of time - like 90 days.

Instead of bitching about some abusing the system for poor, how about we look at corporate abuse of our tax system?
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Yea but how many of those cases where the black sues for discrimination are not discrimination? You people, lol, you people sue when you are a lousy employee. The company was right to fire you. I've seen several times personally where blacks have done this. Or the company has to be super careful because you know the black will sue for discrimination. I know you don't like personal stories, but I have several. This is one reason why whites don't want to hire blacks. If it's not working out we can't just cut you loose.
LibProgs routinely encourage Minorities to band together under one party banner, to increase their leverage against the White majority.

LibProgs routinely celebrate when Whites substantively divide their vote between two parties --- Divide and Conquer, eh?

Somehow, it's OK for Minorities to band together, but it's not OK for Whites to do so, because if Whites do it, it's Racist.

Phukk that, and those trying to sell that bill of goods, while we're at it.

I did not vote for Herr Drumpf, but it IS funny as hell, to watch LibProgs squirm, when the White Vote leans sufficiently to overcome the two-party dividing factor.

Dems screwed-up in a dozen ways in 2016.

They are still deluding themselves that it was Russia or Comey or gerrymandering or whatever.

Truth is, they stood alongside an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than the American People.

Truth is, they pushed the LGBT agenda sooo far that it is now possible for AquaLung to 'self-identify' the bathroom of his choice, so that he can 'eye little girls with bad intent'.

Truth is, they fielded a corrupt, ruling-elites candidate, who imperiously and contemptuously insulted ('Deplorables') vast numbers of Americans who disagreed with her.

Truth is, the Dems need to look in the mirror for the causes of their defeat, and they need to kiss and make up with White Straight Christian Middle America.

They can start by changing-out the leadership of the DNC and bringing that back to the mainstream again, as an opening gambit.

That, or they're gonna be on the sidelines, throwing peanut shells from the bleacher seats, for a very long time.
But illegal immigration was down under Obama.
A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.

You see the absolute contempt liberals have for working class whites. THose whites not believing that those liberals would be on their side, is not stupidity.

Black or white, the GOP have proven to be the party that helps the rich only. Trump is proving to be no different. Sure he may help a few coal miners but that aint shit.

But illegal immigration is way down. Lets hope this helps bring wages up. But it won't bring them that far up, will it? I can't wait to see what happens next.

And they just cut food stamps. Good! I'm sorry for people who due to no fault of their own need some help but we all know the system's being abused. And people aren't trying hard enough to get off them. Get the fuck out there and work for it.

I have a buddy who will sell $40 in foodstamps for $20 in cash so he can play poker. He works under the table so qualifies for foodstamps. He doesn't have kids. I say take everyone who doesn't have kids off foodstamps. They'll figure it out.

Most adults without kids only get food stamps for a short period of time - like 90 days.

Instead of bitching about some abusing the system for poor, how about we look at corporate abuse of our tax system?
You're preaching to the choir. But since poor people didn't show up and vote for Hillary, I guess they're going to have to feel a little hurt. Ever hear the saying if you don't vote you don't matter? Well now the poor are going to see voting matters. Even if a black man isn't the one running, you still have to show up. Every two years too! Do black people know what midterms are?
LibProgs routinely encourage Minorities to band together under one party banner, to increase their leverage against the White majority.

LibProgs routinely celebrate when Whites substantively divide their vote between two parties --- Divide and Conquer, eh?

Somehow, it's OK for Minorities to band together, but it's not OK for Whites to do so, because if Whites do it, it's Racist.

Phukk that, and those trying to sell that bill of goods, while we're at it.

I did not vote for Herr Drumpf, but it IS funny as hell, to watch LibProgs squirm, when the White Vote leans sufficiently to overcome the two-party dividing factor.

Dems screwed-up in a dozen ways in 2016.

They are still deluding themselves that it was Russia or Comey or gerrymandering or whatever.

Truth is, they stood alongside an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than the American People.

Truth is, they pushed the LGBT agenda sooo far that it is now possible for AquaLung to 'self-identify' the bathroom of his choice, so that he can 'eye little girls with bad intent'.

Truth is, they fielded a corrupt, ruling-elites candidate, who imperiously and contemptuously insulted ('Deplorables') vast numbers of Americans who disagreed with her.

Truth is, the Dems need to look in the mirror for the causes of their defeat, and they need to kiss and make up with White Straight Christian Middle America.

They can start by changing-out the leadership of the DNC and bringing that back to the mainstream again, as an opening gambit.

That, or they're gonna be on the sidelines, throwing peanut shells from the bleacher seats, for a very long time.
But illegal immigration was down under Obama.
It's really down now. Even legal immigration is down. People don't want to come to Trumplandia.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

The New Haven Case was in 2005, and nothing has changed since then.

Lefties still support blatant anti-white discrimination, for various reasons, and with various justifications.

The law of the land, and the culture of the land, still support them.

The only slim hope whites have is the slim majority the conservative judges have in the supreme court, and even there they are weak.
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Yea but how many of those cases where the black sues for discrimination are not discrimination? You people, lol, you people sue when you are a lousy employee. The company was right to fire you. I've seen several times personally where blacks have done this. Or the company has to be super careful because you know the black will sue for discrimination. I know you don't like personal stories, but I have several. This is one reason why whites don't want to hire blacks. If it's not working out we can't just cut you loose.

The problem with what you say is that you apparently don't know who the rules work regarding filing discrimination suits. You must be able to prove through documentation showing acts of discrimination. Therefore if your company can show evidence of an employee not meeting expectations that are required of all workers, then the suit is dead. So much for your lie.

But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

The New Haven Case was in 2005, and nothing has changed since then.

Lefties still support blatant anti-white discrimination, for various reasons, and with various justifications.

The law of the land, and the culture of the land, still support them.

The only slim hope whites have is the slim majority the conservative judges have in the supreme court, and even there they are weak.

There is no anti white discrimination..
Black people are at a disadvantage because of their parent(s). White people learn about investing from young on because their parents are knowledgable of investments. That's why public schools (particularly in lower income areas) need to start teaching young kids about investing.

Black kids have this belief that the only way to success is if you can make a good rap song or be very good at sports. They believe there is no chance for them to have wealth because of their skin color, the neighborhood they were born into, the family they were born into, and yes, whitey is out to get them. When they discover they don't have the athletic talent and can't write music, many of them turn to crime.

If you know or are associated with any young black people, ask them what the stock market is all about? Ask them what the commodity market is all about? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening up a business? Ask them about compound interest, the bond market or CD's, and no, not the kind of CD's that you hear music on.

You will be met with a blank stare. That's what needs to change in this country.
You speak of blacks being at a disadvantage then proceed to bark that there IS no disadvantage...which is it? I am inclined to believe that millions of Blacks are enjoying middle class status though hard work and perseverance. But they put that money right back into a hostile white community instead of circulating every dollar in their own communities for as long as possible. Those Blacks with means need to pool their resources and create business entities that support their people. Blacks can no longer depend on white society to give them jobs or anything else. They must create their own jobs by any means necessary.

That's very difficult in a black community. When my neighborhood turned black, business closed up or relocated to the other side of town because of shoplifting and armed robberies. They couldn't afford to stay in a black community. Even the new Super Walmart had to close it's doors for that reason.

If existing businesses can't stay alive, how is a new business supposed to survive?

I met a 93 year old man who had a business in the black community for 70 years. Ray is full of shit.

Wow! You met a guy who owned a business in a black community for 70 years? That's one in a row for you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well actually I've met more than 1 who owned businesses in the black community for decades.

The fact is that you don't know shit about black people.

i used to deliver pizza to black communities. It was disturbing when I realized that many of the residents were afraid to come to their own door at night.
What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

The New Haven Case was in 2005, and nothing has changed since then.

Lefties still support blatant anti-white discrimination, for various reasons, and with various justifications.

The law of the land, and the culture of the land, still support them.

The only slim hope whites have is the slim majority the conservative judges have in the supreme court, and even there they are weak.

There is no anti white discrimination..

Black skin equals 230 sat points in ivy league admissions.

YOur words are the words of a liar and a fool.
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

The New Haven Case was in 2005, and nothing has changed since then.

Lefties still support blatant anti-white discrimination, for various reasons, and with various justifications.

The law of the land, and the culture of the land, still support them.

The only slim hope whites have is the slim majority the conservative judges have in the supreme court, and even there they are weak.

Ahhh, the poor widdle whit guy is feeling sad because he can no longer support discrimination without being called out on it.
What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Yea but how many of those cases where the black sues for discrimination are not discrimination? You people, lol, you people sue when you are a lousy employee. The company was right to fire you. I've seen several times personally where blacks have done this. Or the company has to be super careful because you know the black will sue for discrimination. I know you don't like personal stories, but I have several. This is one reason why whites don't want to hire blacks. If it's not working out we can't just cut you loose.

The problem with what you say is that you apparently don't know who the rules work regarding filing discrimination suits. You must be able to prove through documentation showing acts of discrimination. Therefore if your company can show evidence of an employee not meeting expectations that are required of all workers, then the suit is dead. So much for your lie.


Wrong. My uncle got sued for discrimination for evicting a black tenant who destroyed the place and owed three months rent. Of course she didn't get anything but revenge because he had to fly from Washington state to Cleveland three times.

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LibProgs routinely encourage Minorities to band together under one party banner, to increase their leverage against the White majority.

LibProgs routinely celebrate when Whites substantively divide their vote between two parties --- Divide and Conquer, eh?

Somehow, it's OK for Minorities to band together, but it's not OK for Whites to do so, because if Whites do it, it's Racist.

Phukk that, and those trying to sell that bill of goods, while we're at it.

I did not vote for Herr Drumpf, but it IS funny as hell, to watch LibProgs squirm, when the White Vote leans sufficiently to overcome the two-party dividing factor.

Dems screwed-up in a dozen ways in 2016.

They are still deluding themselves that it was Russia or Comey or gerrymandering or whatever.

Truth is, they stood alongside an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than the American People.

Truth is, they pushed the LGBT agenda sooo far that it is now possible for AquaLung to 'self-identify' the bathroom of his choice, so that he can 'eye little girls with bad intent'.

Truth is, they fielded a corrupt, ruling-elites candidate, who imperiously and contemptuously insulted ('Deplorables') vast numbers of Americans who disagreed with her.

Truth is, the Dems need to look in the mirror for the causes of their defeat, and they need to kiss and make up with White Straight Christian Middle America.

They can start by changing-out the leadership of the DNC and bringing that back to the mainstream again, as an opening gambit.

That, or they're gonna be on the sidelines, throwing peanut shells from the bleacher seats, for a very long time.
But illegal immigration was down under Obama.

Bull. Immigration was down because he changed the definition of deportation. Now if they stop you at the border and make you go back, that's considered a deportation.

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What do you need whites for?
Not much (actually).

So we can end al those social programs designed to help blacks?
No, we can end whitey.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
There was a human world before whitey. There's no reason at all that such a thing won't be true again. Time will tell.

A call for genocide.

Like I said, multiculturalism has failed.
"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.

You see the absolute contempt liberals have for working class whites. THose whites not believing that those liberals would be on their side, is not stupidity.

Black or white, the GOP have proven to be the party that helps the rich only. Trump is proving to be no different. Sure he may help a few coal miners but that aint shit.

But illegal immigration is way down. Lets hope this helps bring wages up. But it won't bring them that far up, will it? I can't wait to see what happens next.

And they just cut food stamps. Good! I'm sorry for people who due to no fault of their own need some help but we all know the system's being abused. And people aren't trying hard enough to get off them. Get the fuck out there and work for it.

I have a buddy who will sell $40 in foodstamps for $20 in cash so he can play poker. He works under the table so qualifies for foodstamps. He doesn't have kids. I say take everyone who doesn't have kids off foodstamps. They'll figure it out.

Illegal immigration dropping is a. good for working class Americans, and b. a result of Trump. By that alone he is different.

And we are still in early days.
He crafted a platform to speak out for those who had been long ignored by the political class.

That he was not part of that class, is well known.

My point stands.

Trump had a platform that appealed to Middle America's interests.

It was his enemies that decided that supporting a policy that might benefit Middle America vs the interests of say, Mexicans, was racist, instead of simply good governance.
dude, "your guy" had nothing but pander. simply, telling you what you want to hear, is good salesmanship, not necessarily good politics.

All day, everyday, liberals on this site LAUGH at the idea that Middle America has the need or the right to have it's interests served by national policy.

Yes, we wanted to hear that someone would represent us.

The alternative was to vote for someone who clearly was going to be governing based on the assumption that we were the problem and thus be actively working against our interests.
You meant White Middle America. We know it.

Fuck you and your race baiting.

When I mean white I say WHITE.

Middle America, in this case, includes a significant percentage of non-whites, that it would be wrong to to ignore.

My point stands, you race baiting pos.

All day, everyday, liberals on this site LAUGH at the idea that Middle America has the need or the right to have it's interests served by national policy.

Yes, we wanted to hear that someone would represent us.

The alternative was to vote for someone who clearly was going to be governing based on the assumption that we were the problem and thus be actively working against our interests.

us - white people.

I've read your posts & you are a racist. But hey, like a good little racist you play the race baiter card.

Us, depends on the context.

Sometimes, when I am talking about white people, it means white people.

If I am talking about Middle America, it means Middle America.

If I am talking about middle aged men, it means middle aged men.

You are such a fucking race baiting, that a white person, discussing white people without walling in white guilt hits your radar as racism.

That is a problem inside of your head, asshole.

My point stands, you race baiting pos.

All day, everyday, liberals on this site LAUGH at the idea that Middle America has the need or the right to have it's interests served by national policy.

Yes, we wanted to hear that someone would represent us.

The alternative was to vote for someone who clearly was going to be governing based on the assumption that we were the problem and thus be actively working against our interests.
A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.

You see the absolute contempt liberals have for working class whites. THose whites not believing that those liberals would be on their side, is not stupidity.

And what kind of contempt do liberals have for working class whites?

What are you against black lives matter for?

And illegal immigrants commit less crime than whites by a long shot.

Now if this belief is what working class whites have, then they are racists.

The delusion whites like you live in is the problem here in this nation.

In.2008, 48 percent of all whites voted for Obama. In 2012 39 percent of all whites voted for Obama. So called working class whites were not voting for Obama.


How Groups Voted in 2008 - Roper Center

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center
Stop lying to yourself about life.

What do you call me? I'm part of that 48% or 39%. I'm working class.

I have a problem with the idiot 9% that didn't vote for Obama again in 2012. They were the same idiots who didn't show up in 2010 and gave Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell back control of congress. They fucked us, America and themselves. We should have voted out the bums like Darrell Issa. What the fuck is he still doing in the government? He's clearly a prick. How do his California constituents not see it? They must be from the richest part of California to nominate that kunt.

He's judging you by your skin color. YOur actions don't matter.

That's what real, actual RACISTS do.
Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.

You see the absolute contempt liberals have for working class whites. THose whites not believing that those liberals would be on their side, is not stupidity.

And what kind of contempt do liberals have for working class whites?

What are you against black lives matter for?

And illegal immigrants commit less crime than whites by a long shot.

Now if this belief is what working class whites have, then they are racists.

The delusion whites like you live in is the problem here in this nation.

In.2008, 48 percent of all whites voted for Obama. In 2012 39 percent of all whites voted for Obama. So called working class whites were not voting for Obama.


How Groups Voted in 2008 - Roper Center

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center
Stop lying to yourself about life.

1. The contempt the left has for working class whites is on constant display here. Stop being a dishonest asshole.

2. BLM is a racist organization based on lies and hatred of whites.

3. I don't believe that the claims of those studies. It is absurd.

4. Disagreeing with an academic on a matter touching on browns, is not racism. Fuck you.

5. Your link does not contain information on whites broken down by economic class. So you are just assuming that working class whites did not vote for Obama, so that you have an excuse to dismiss their interests and voices.

You are the dishonest asshole chump.

The BLM s not based on lies or hatred of whites. That more race baited bullshit.

BLM is a multi racial movement that includes whites.

What studies?

No one gives a damn what your punk white ass doesn't agree with.

Look correll when 61 percent of all whites are not voting for a person, you don't have to break it down into economic groups just because some punk ass white person doesn't want to accept he's lying to himself.

1. THe linked video showed what racist assholes blm is.

2. The studies that claim illegals commit less crime. I call bullshit.

3. If you want to make a claim about working class whites voting, then you DO have to break it down to make the claim. 61 percent is not that huge a margin.
What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

The New Haven Case was in 2005, and nothing has changed since then.

Lefties still support blatant anti-white discrimination, for various reasons, and with various justifications.

The law of the land, and the culture of the land, still support them.

The only slim hope whites have is the slim majority the conservative judges have in the supreme court, and even there they are weak.

Ahhh, the poor widdle whit guy is feeling sad because he can no longer support discrimination without being called out on it.

Nothing in your post addressed the very valid points I made in mine.

You are just a troll asshole. FUck you.

My points stand.

My point stands, you race baiting pos.

All day, everyday, liberals on this site LAUGH at the idea that Middle America has the need or the right to have it's interests served by national policy.

Yes, we wanted to hear that someone would represent us.

The alternative was to vote for someone who clearly was going to be governing based on the assumption that we were the problem and thus be actively working against our interests.
Not much (actually).

So we can end al those social programs designed to help blacks?
No, we can end whitey.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
There was a human world before whitey. There's no reason at all that such a thing won't be true again. Time will tell.

A call for genocide.

Like I said, multiculturalism has failed.
Whitey is very good at - killing himself.

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