Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

These articles are based on a study done by demos asking why people voted for Trump.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

I know no one wants to admit this but we can no longer afford to,

Posting links that claim shit that has already been refuted is not an argument, it is a logical fallacy.

YOu lose.
No posters on this board, refuted it.

Your empty and dishonest refusal to admit reality is noted.

My point stands.
No, it doesn't.
Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.

You see the absolute contempt liberals have for working class whites. THose whites not believing that those liberals would be on their side, is not stupidity.

And what kind of contempt do liberals have for working class whites?

What are you against black lives matter for?

And illegal immigrants commit less crime than whites by a long shot.

Now if this belief is what working class whites have, then they are racists.

The delusion whites like you live in is the problem here in this nation.

In.2008, 48 percent of all whites voted for Obama. In 2012 39 percent of all whites voted for Obama. So called working class whites were not voting for Obama.


How Groups Voted in 2008 - Roper Center

How Groups Voted in 2012 - Roper Center
Stop lying to yourself about life.

1. The contempt the left has for working class whites is on constant display here. Stop being a dishonest asshole.

2. BLM is a racist organization based on lies and hatred of whites.

3. I don't believe that the claims of those studies. It is absurd.

4. Disagreeing with an academic on a matter touching on browns, is not racism. Fuck you.

5. Your link does not contain information on whites broken down by economic class. So you are just assuming that working class whites did not vote for Obama, so that you have an excuse to dismiss their interests and voices.

Why can we afford a War on Drugs and not better schools?

It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.

Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.
What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Poor people black and white need to adapt to the new job market. A generation ago we did not encourage our young to go into manufacturing. Today you can go get a good job in manufacturing or be an electrical engineer, learn a skill that can never be taken away, make good money right away and not have to go to college and graduate with $100K in debt and can't find a job with your pathetic college degree in History or Business.

Getting More Millennials into Manufacturing
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Poor people black and white need to adapt to the new job market. A generation ago we did not encourage our young to go into manufacturing. Today you can go get a good job in manufacturing or be an electrical engineer, learn a skill that can never be taken away, make good money right away and not have to go to college and graduate with $100K in debt and can't find a job with your pathetic college degree in History or Business.

Getting More Millennials into Manufacturing
Why is there no public policy to have these jobs filled?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings
Not much (actually).

So we can end al those social programs designed to help blacks?
No, we can end whitey.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
Let's be honest. Laura Ingram is a racist bitch. Her show caters to rwnjs.

But I'm sick of black people saying black neighborhoods aren't worse than white neighborhoods. If they aren't then black people would be living in Detroit happily ever after.

Then if blacks admit it's worse in black neighborhoods they'll blame racism. We'll pick one argument. Which is it? Let's assume they admit it's worse in black communities and they blame whites. Ok, so then besides what whites can do to right the wrongs, what are blacks doing to make sure their kids get out of poverty.

Today I was talking to an Indian couple at the dog park and their one kid. Their one kid is going to northwestern pre med out of state tuition. They were smart not to have too many kids. How many of shananays kids will go to college. How many of her kids know their fathers?
Lousy public polices. Our unemployment statistics system is, "not very accurate or informative, but for political purposes, concerning U3".

A growing body of research shows that being raised in such high-poverty communities undermines children’s long-term life chances. This is particularly troubling for African Americans, who are disproportionately more likely to live in distressed urban areas. The effects of living in high-poverty communities—such as poor health and educational outcomes, as well as limited employment opportunities—are far reaching and generational. According to research by Patrick Sharkey of New York University, more than 70 percent of the African American residents in the nation’s poorest urban neighborhoods are the children and grandchildren of those who lived in similar neighborhoods and conditions 40 years ago.

Expanding Opportunities in America’s Urban Areas - Center for American Progress
In order to address the many challenges distressed urban areas face, it is necessary for leaders across sectors and agencies to come together to identify key challenges affecting their community, establish shared outcomes to address those challenges, and create a joint plan of action that builds on the strengths of each stakeholder group.

Are blacks doing this?
Regional partnerships, for instance, have been particularly helpful when it comes to employment opportunities. For example, Partners for a Competitive Workforce—a cross-sector partnership in the Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana tri-state region—aligns public and nonprofit employment resources with employer needs. Since 2008, Partners for a Competitive Workforce has served more than 6,100 workers, 75 percent of whom retained employment after one year. The Promise Zones initiative should place a greater emphasis on the strength of regional partnerships during the application and implementation phases.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that government/whites are making attempts to help people who want help. What I don't see is black people doing what is necessary. Of course I'm not talking about all black people but the community as a whole.
You speak of blacks being at a disadvantage then proceed to bark that there IS no disadvantage...which is it? I am inclined to believe that millions of Blacks are enjoying middle class status though hard work and perseverance. But they put that money right back into a hostile white community instead of circulating every dollar in their own communities for as long as possible. Those Blacks with means need to pool their resources and create business entities that support their people. Blacks can no longer depend on white society to give them jobs or anything else. They must create their own jobs by any means necessary.

That's very difficult in a black community. When my neighborhood turned black, business closed up or relocated to the other side of town because of shoplifting and armed robberies. They couldn't afford to stay in a black community. Even the new Super Walmart had to close it's doors for that reason.

If existing businesses can't stay alive, how is a new business supposed to survive?

I met a 93 year old man who had a business in the black community for 70 years. Ray is full of shit.

Wow! You met a guy who owned a business in a black community for 70 years? That's one in a row for you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well actually I've met more than 1 who owned businesses in the black community for decades.

The fact is that you don't know shit about black people.

i used to deliver pizza to black communities. It was disturbing when I realized that many of the residents were afraid to come to their own door at night.
Why did that disturb you? Accrding to the FBI UCR you have your share of crimes commited by white thugs, too... but it is nice know you survived without being accosted.
Thats refreshing coming from a conservative.
1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Poor people black and white need to adapt to the new job market. A generation ago we did not encourage our young to go into manufacturing. Today you can go get a good job in manufacturing or be an electrical engineer, learn a skill that can never be taken away, make good money right away and not have to go to college and graduate with $100K in debt and can't find a job with your pathetic college degree in History or Business.

Getting More Millennials into Manufacturing
Why is there no public policy to have these jobs filled?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I know. That bothers me too. Of course just because someone wants a job doesn't mean they are qualified for it.

I do think corporations/government are starting to do more things like apprentice programs for young people who want to have a good job but don't want to go to college. Go learn to be a welder, electrician or CNC operator and get paid to learn!
So we can end al those social programs designed to help blacks?
No, we can end whitey.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
Let's be honest. Laura Ingram is a racist bitch. Her show caters to rwnjs.

But I'm sick of black people saying black neighborhoods aren't worse than white neighborhoods. If they aren't then black people would be living in Detroit happily ever after.

Then if blacks admit it's worse in black neighborhoods they'll blame racism. We'll pick one argument. Which is it? Let's assume they admit it's worse in black communities and they blame whites. Ok, so then besides what whites can do to right the wrongs, what are blacks doing to make sure their kids get out of poverty.

Today I was talking to an Indian couple at the dog park and their one kid. Their one kid is going to northwestern pre med out of state tuition. They were smart not to have too many kids. How many of shananays kids will go to college. How many of her kids know their fathers?
Lousy public polices. Our unemployment statistics system is, "not very accurate or informative, but for political purposes, concerning U3".

A growing body of research shows that being raised in such high-poverty communities undermines children’s long-term life chances. This is particularly troubling for African Americans, who are disproportionately more likely to live in distressed urban areas. The effects of living in high-poverty communities—such as poor health and educational outcomes, as well as limited employment opportunities—are far reaching and generational. According to research by Patrick Sharkey of New York University, more than 70 percent of the African American residents in the nation’s poorest urban neighborhoods are the children and grandchildren of those who lived in similar neighborhoods and conditions 40 years ago.

Expanding Opportunities in America’s Urban Areas - Center for American Progress
This would be much less of an issue, with equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation purposes in our at-will employment States. By correcting for a "poverty of money", anyone can become more self-sufficient, on an at-will basis.
That's very difficult in a black community. When my neighborhood turned black, business closed up or relocated to the other side of town because of shoplifting and armed robberies. They couldn't afford to stay in a black community. Even the new Super Walmart had to close it's doors for that reason.

If existing businesses can't stay alive, how is a new business supposed to survive?

I met a 93 year old man who had a business in the black community for 70 years. Ray is full of shit.

Wow! You met a guy who owned a business in a black community for 70 years? That's one in a row for you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well actually I've met more than 1 who owned businesses in the black community for decades.

The fact is that you don't know shit about black people.

i used to deliver pizza to black communities. It was disturbing when I realized that many of the residents were afraid to come to their own door at night.
Why did that disturb you? Accrding to the FBI UCR you have your share of crimes commited by white thugs, too... but it is nice know you survived without being accosted.
Thats refreshing coming from a conservative.

Stop it. Stop saying that. I slept last night with my door wall open. Of course there are white criminals somewhere out there but the fact is if you drive 30 minutes away and go into Detroit, those people have bars on their windows.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that government/whites are making attempts to help people who want help. What I don't see is black people doing what is necessary. Of course I'm not talking about all black people but the community as a whole.
All any Person should have to do, is apply for unemployment compensation if they can't find a job or don't want what is available.
No, we can end whitey.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
Let's be honest. Laura Ingram is a racist bitch. Her show caters to rwnjs.

But I'm sick of black people saying black neighborhoods aren't worse than white neighborhoods. If they aren't then black people would be living in Detroit happily ever after.

Then if blacks admit it's worse in black neighborhoods they'll blame racism. We'll pick one argument. Which is it? Let's assume they admit it's worse in black communities and they blame whites. Ok, so then besides what whites can do to right the wrongs, what are blacks doing to make sure their kids get out of poverty.

Today I was talking to an Indian couple at the dog park and their one kid. Their one kid is going to northwestern pre med out of state tuition. They were smart not to have too many kids. How many of shananays kids will go to college. How many of her kids know their fathers?
Lousy public polices. Our unemployment statistics system is, "not very accurate or informative, but for political purposes, concerning U3".

A growing body of research shows that being raised in such high-poverty communities undermines children’s long-term life chances. This is particularly troubling for African Americans, who are disproportionately more likely to live in distressed urban areas. The effects of living in high-poverty communities—such as poor health and educational outcomes, as well as limited employment opportunities—are far reaching and generational. According to research by Patrick Sharkey of New York University, more than 70 percent of the African American residents in the nation’s poorest urban neighborhoods are the children and grandchildren of those who lived in similar neighborhoods and conditions 40 years ago.

Expanding Opportunities in America’s Urban Areas - Center for American Progress
This would be much less of an issue, with equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation purposes in our at-will employment States. By correcting for a "poverty of money", anyone can become more self-sufficient, on an at-will basis.

I'm not following you. Huh?
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Pathetic spin.

THe fact that that the vast majority of black children don't live in Traditional Families with a MOM AND A DAD, is fucking them and their communities up.
With around 75% of blacks living above the poverty level I'd have to disagree with your dire assessment. There are more blacks enrolled in college thsn in prison. Blacks spend over 1 trillion per year in white businesses. Dat ain't no chump change.
I met a 93 year old man who had a business in the black community for 70 years. Ray is full of shit.

Wow! You met a guy who owned a business in a black community for 70 years? That's one in a row for you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well actually I've met more than 1 who owned businesses in the black community for decades.

The fact is that you don't know shit about black people.

i used to deliver pizza to black communities. It was disturbing when I realized that many of the residents were afraid to come to their own door at night.
Why did that disturb you? Accrding to the FBI UCR you have your share of crimes commited by white thugs, too... but it is nice know you survived without being accosted.
Thats refreshing coming from a conservative.

Stop it. Stop saying that. I slept last night with my door wall open. Of course there are white criminals somewhere out there but the fact is if you drive 30 minutes away and go into Detroit, those people have bars on their windows.

Why should we stop saying that? I live in a back community and can sleep with my door open. The fact is that whites commit more crime. That's how it is and whether not you like hearing it, it's not going to change until you whites stop believing you are fucking perfect and do something to reduce the high crime in your communities.

Stop lecturing us and work on yours.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
Let's be honest. Laura Ingram is a racist bitch. Her show caters to rwnjs.

But I'm sick of black people saying black neighborhoods aren't worse than white neighborhoods. If they aren't then black people would be living in Detroit happily ever after.

Then if blacks admit it's worse in black neighborhoods they'll blame racism. We'll pick one argument. Which is it? Let's assume they admit it's worse in black communities and they blame whites. Ok, so then besides what whites can do to right the wrongs, what are blacks doing to make sure their kids get out of poverty.

Today I was talking to an Indian couple at the dog park and their one kid. Their one kid is going to northwestern pre med out of state tuition. They were smart not to have too many kids. How many of shananays kids will go to college. How many of her kids know their fathers?
Lousy public polices. Our unemployment statistics system is, "not very accurate or informative, but for political purposes, concerning U3".

A growing body of research shows that being raised in such high-poverty communities undermines children’s long-term life chances. This is particularly troubling for African Americans, who are disproportionately more likely to live in distressed urban areas. The effects of living in high-poverty communities—such as poor health and educational outcomes, as well as limited employment opportunities—are far reaching and generational. According to research by Patrick Sharkey of New York University, more than 70 percent of the African American residents in the nation’s poorest urban neighborhoods are the children and grandchildren of those who lived in similar neighborhoods and conditions 40 years ago.

Expanding Opportunities in America’s Urban Areas - Center for American Progress
This would be much less of an issue, with equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation purposes in our at-will employment States. By correcting for a "poverty of money", anyone can become more self-sufficient, on an at-will basis.

I'm not following you. Huh?
Employment is at-will in any at-will employment State. For-Cause criteria should have to be proved by EDD to deny and disparage unemployment benefits.
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Pathetic spin.

THe fact that that the vast majority of black children don't live in Traditional Families with a MOM AND A DAD, is fucking them and their communities up.
With around 75% of blacks living above the poverty level I'd have to disagree with your dire assessment. There are more blacks enrolled in college thsn in prison. Blacks spend over 1 trillion per year in white businesses. Dat ain't no chump change.

Correll is an idiot. What's fucking up black communities is the refusal of white governments and white banks with black dollars in them building interest for them not investing in ideas from citizens in these communities.
I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

Since you dismiss anecdotal evidence, ...


When did I say that? I just know bullshit when I smell it.

You've always been very dismissive of anecdotal evidence.

Yet, you offer no evidence of any kind to support your attack on his.

Just some name calling.

As I pointed out, that you cut, what you need to make your point, is some evidence that black and white productivity is the same.

Otherwise, you are just making unsupported attacks and assumptions.
Oooooh, threats of violence! How civilized.
There was a human world before whitey. There's no reason at all that such a thing won't be true again. Time will tell.

A call for genocide.

Like I said, multiculturalism has failed.
Whitey is very good at - killing himself.

So, you've dropped any pretense that this is about anything but your racist hatred of those different than yourself?
I'm whitey. Try again.

Oh, you saying your consider yourself and me to be the same?

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