Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I am not the one that can't make a point. I have 4 points, clearly and concisely made above.

YOu are the one that likes to be vague and incomprehensible.

Anytime you get around to actually saying something, I will be happy to address it, seriously, honestly, and without playing stupid games.

Until then, my points stand as the final word.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

You are 100% correct sir...........progressives are clueless about how deep the resentment is too!! Too.....they think calling us "white nationalists" is going to have some kind of effect!!

Van Jones called it "Whitlelash!" on election night. He could not have been any more spot on correct. I said for 8 years, "Where the fuck is the whitelash?". LOL......well its here to stay and it is emerging to the in-your-fucking-face strategies of the left. example was last weekends anti-Sharia marches. Gonna be seeing a lot more of that great stuff............and I pray the counter-demonstration assholes show up!! Please show............ :coffee:

You're just lucky all the poor, black, non christians, hispanics, young, women, gays weren't as motivated as you were. They will be in 2018 and 2020. This was white people's last stand. The rich white people really got you on board with defending their way of life. You guys have lotto mentality. Rather than a country that provides social programs and safety nets that you might actually one day need, you have elected to give up those services in hopes that one day you'll be a millionaire and save $50K in taxes. Because it's not fair to tax that rich person an extra $50K to help pay for the poor. No. It should instead be every man for himself. That will work out much better for the masses. And I assume you are one of us?

I'm a white middle class man too but I don't feel like the GOP has my best interest in mind. It's for them to convince me in the next year. I feel to them we are all n*#rs. They don't care if you are black as long as you have money. Gone are the days a rich black man can't be a member at the country club. He can now. But he's just golfing with a bunch of greedy racists.
1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I am not the one that can't make a point. I have 4 points, clearly and concisely made above.

YOu are the one that likes to be vague and incomprehensible.

Anytime you get around to actually saying something, I will be happy to address it, seriously, honestly, and without playing stupid games.

Until then, my points stand as the final word.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
Just clueless and Causeless, right wingers?

How is illegal immigration from the Third World a Problem for First World labor?

America has near record 5.8 million (First World) job openings

The blue collar who voted for Trump because he said he'd make America great again aren't first world workers. They stand or sit on a line and put a nut on a bolt all day. They press a button and press the steel into a part over and over all day. They work construction. They don't need immigrants flooding the job market.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I am not the one that can't make a point. I have 4 points, clearly and concisely made above.

YOu are the one that likes to be vague and incomprehensible.

Anytime you get around to actually saying something, I will be happy to address it, seriously, honestly, and without playing stupid games.

Until then, my points stand as the final word.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
Just clueless and Causeless, right wingers?

How is illegal immigration from the Third World a Problem for First World labor?

America has near record 5.8 million (First World) job openings

The blue collar who voted for Trump because he said he'd make America great again aren't first world workers. They stand or sit on a line and put a nut on a bolt all day. They press a button and press the steel into a part over and over all day. They work construction. They don't need immigrants flooding the job market.

Your point is valid, BUT, those functions are just as much a part of any First World economy as a scientist doing R&d.
I was especially impressed that only 36% of Blacks are impoverished. That means there is a thriving Black middle class no matter what the statisticians do to demonize them.

I think what Dr. Williams was trying to point out is that the problem blacks have today is not inherent. The problems blacks have today is liberalism. As he said, substituting the father with a welfare check.

I grew up in the 70's, and the white kids that were the most problems came from a single parent family. The movement was just getting started, but those were the kids that were always in some sort of trouble either at home or with the police; petty stuff for the most part, but they were different than those of us that came from a two-parent household.

You guys love to listen to sellouts.

What you don't want to hear is the truth.

The Trillion Dollar African American Consumer Market: Economic Empowerment or Economic Dependency? | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
one thing that would help is a program to assist black owned businesses to market and advertise equally as white businesses do.

Communist thinking.

Nah, its not communist thinking..

Now you wanted to bring up Nigerians. You are truly a dumbfuck. Most Africans who come here are usually already wealthy.

You will be forever trying to make excuses to justify your racism. You are a sorry ass.

You think like a bandit, "Hand over the loot you owe me"

Nigerians who come here are definitely largely the crème of the crop of Nigeria.

But, they;'re rich by Nigerian standards, which is what average for African Americans, or similar?
Last edited:
I was especially impressed that only 36% of Blacks are impoverished. That means there is a thriving Black middle class no matter what the statisticians do to demonize them.

I think what Dr. Williams was trying to point out is that the problem blacks have today is not inherent. The problems blacks have today is liberalism. As he said, substituting the father with a welfare check.

I grew up in the 70's, and the white kids that were the most problems came from a single parent family. The movement was just getting started, but those were the kids that were always in some sort of trouble either at home or with the police; petty stuff for the most part, but they were different than those of us that came from a two-parent household.

You guys love to listen to sellouts.

What you don't want to hear is the truth.

The Trillion Dollar African American Consumer Market: Economic Empowerment or Economic Dependency? | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
one thing that would help is a program to assist black owned businesses to market and advertise equally as white businesses do.

Communist thinking.
If so, considering that most white Americans, especially so called conservatives, are unapologetic racists like you, what have they got to lose by being socialists...BTW..communism has never existed except maybe in primitive tribes

I'm anti-Communist, and anti-Capitalist.

Communism doesn't work for the economy.

Capitalism doesn't work for homogeneous societies.

Fascism works for both the economy, and homogeneous societies.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Poles, and Italians definitely still experience discrimination in the U.S.A.

My Italian friend visited PA, and they yelled "Wop, Wop, Wop" at him.

I wore a Poland beltbuckle, and a guy yelled" Dumb Polak" at me.

An Italian kid at my gym complained about an Irish girl saying she "Hates Italians"

At my local Polish bar, restaurant, they told a Polish guy he was "Too Polish to know better" and said that the "Polish owner was an illegal immigrant"
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Poles, and Italians definitely still experience discrimination in the U.S.A.

My Italian friend visited PA, and they yelled "Wop, Wop, Wop" at him.

I wore a Poland beltbuckle, and a guy yelled" Dumb Polak" at me.

An Italian kid at my gym complained about an Irish girl saying she "Hates Italians"

At my local Polish bar, restaurant, they told a Polish guy he was "Too Polish to know better" and said that the "Polish owner was an illegal immigrant"

This week, two events demonstrated, albeit to different degrees, the pernicious misunderstanding of race that plagues the country. On Monday, former American Idol contestant Bo Bice was allegedly called a “white boy” by the staff at an airport Popeye’s in Atlanta. Bice took to Facebook, and then to television news, to air his grievance with what he felt was racialized mistreatment. If the tables were turned, he claimed, “I would be boycotted, there would be people not buying my albums, there would be people coming and picketing at my shows and everything else.”

This kind of thinking is the most disastrous and commonplace false equivalency in American society. The idea that racism is the simple act of acknowledging race relinquishes the responsibility of white people to reconcile with the evil acts that their not-so-distant relatives perpetuated (and some still perpetuate) as a matter of law.

Let's take this further to show just how much you lie to yourself.

On Tuesday, a harrowing Facebook Live video featuring four black teens kidnapping and assaulting a mentally ill white man, while hurling anti-Trump remarks at him, surfaced online. The teens would later be arrested and charged with a hate crime on account of the man’s disability, but not before the incident could be used to rile up the conservative internet. Right-wing sites parroted the broken, false equivalency that plagues America’s consciousness claiming that because the teens yelled “fuck white people,” the hate crime should be focused on the man’s race. Officials eventually had to actually clarify that the protest movement Black Lives Matter had nothing to do with the attack. It’s worth remembering that in Chicago, police didn’t acknowledge torturing black people into giving false confessions for 25 years.

Let's continue.

There is no one-to-one comparison to be made with incidents of random violence and systemic racism. The burden of proof for racism cannot fall on a disenfranchised group. White people historically have been — and continue to be — an oppressive force in America (you can quite easily argue that this is true around the world), and the victims of that oppression have no responsibility to be quiet about it. Before we declare the phrase “fuck white people” a hate crime, we should focus on addressing the millions of people still disenfranchised by policies created by white people with the literal intent of targeting blacks.

Your continuing arguments make no sense. Poles are white people. Don't try making yourself out to be victims because you want to deny racism by whites , to include Poles.

“Reverse racism” and other lies white people tell themselves
I think what Dr. Williams was trying to point out is that the problem blacks have today is not inherent. The problems blacks have today is liberalism. As he said, substituting the father with a welfare check.

I grew up in the 70's, and the white kids that were the most problems came from a single parent family. The movement was just getting started, but those were the kids that were always in some sort of trouble either at home or with the police; petty stuff for the most part, but they were different than those of us that came from a two-parent household.

You guys love to listen to sellouts.

What you don't want to hear is the truth.

The Trillion Dollar African American Consumer Market: Economic Empowerment or Economic Dependency? | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
one thing that would help is a program to assist black owned businesses to market and advertise equally as white businesses do.

Communist thinking.

Nah, its not communist thinking..

Now you wanted to bring up Nigerians. You are truly a dumbfuck. Most Africans who come here are usually already wealthy.

You will be forever trying to make excuses to justify your racism. You are a sorry ass.

You think like a bandit, "Hand over the loot you owe me"

Nigerians who come here are definitely largely the crème of the crop of Nigeria.

But, they;'re rich by Nigerian standards, which is what average for African Americans, or similar?

No idiot, they are rich by any standard. They are not necessarily the creme of the crop.
one thing that would help is a program to assist black owned businesses to market and advertise equally as white businesses do.

Communist thinking.

Nah, its not communist thinking..

Now you wanted to bring up Nigerians. You are truly a dumbfuck. Most Africans who come here are usually already wealthy.

You will be forever trying to make excuses to justify your racism. You are a sorry ass.

You think like a bandit, "Hand over the loot you owe me"

Nigerians who come here are definitely largely the crème of the crop of Nigeria.

But, they;'re rich by Nigerian standards, which is what average for African Americans, or similar?

No idiot, they are rich by any standard. They are not necessarily the creme of the crop.

Sure they are, there's almost as many Nigerian doctors in the U.S as in Nigeria.
What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Poles, and Italians definitely still experience discrimination in the U.S.A.

My Italian friend visited PA, and they yelled "Wop, Wop, Wop" at him.

I wore a Poland beltbuckle, and a guy yelled" Dumb Polak" at me.

An Italian kid at my gym complained about an Irish girl saying she "Hates Italians"

At my local Polish bar, restaurant, they told a Polish guy he was "Too Polish to know better" and said that the "Polish owner was an illegal immigrant"

This week, two events demonstrated, albeit to different degrees, the pernicious misunderstanding of race that plagues the country. On Monday, former American Idol contestant Bo Bice was allegedly called a “white boy” by the staff at an airport Popeye’s in Atlanta. Bice took to Facebook, and then to television news, to air his grievance with what he felt was racialized mistreatment. If the tables were turned, he claimed, “I would be boycotted, there would be people not buying my albums, there would be people coming and picketing at my shows and everything else.”

This kind of thinking is the most disastrous and commonplace false equivalency in American society. The idea that racism is the simple act of acknowledging race relinquishes the responsibility of white people to reconcile with the evil acts that their not-so-distant relatives perpetuated (and some still perpetuate) as a matter of law.

Let's take this further to show just how much you lie to yourself.

On Tuesday, a harrowing Facebook Live video featuring four black teens kidnapping and assaulting a mentally ill white man, while hurling anti-Trump remarks at him, surfaced online. The teens would later be arrested and charged with a hate crime on account of the man’s disability, but not before the incident could be used to rile up the conservative internet. Right-wing sites parroted the broken, false equivalency that plagues America’s consciousness claiming that because the teens yelled “fuck white people,” the hate crime should be focused on the man’s race. Officials eventually had to actually clarify that the protest movement Black Lives Matter had nothing to do with the attack. It’s worth remembering that in Chicago, police didn’t acknowledge torturing black people into giving false confessions for 25 years.

Let's continue.

There is no one-to-one comparison to be made with incidents of random violence and systemic racism. The burden of proof for racism cannot fall on a disenfranchised group. White people historically have been — and continue to be — an oppressive force in America (you can quite easily argue that this is true around the world), and the victims of that oppression have no responsibility to be quiet about it. Before we declare the phrase “fuck white people” a hate crime, we should focus on addressing the millions of people still disenfranchised by policies created by white people with the literal intent of targeting blacks.

Your continuing arguments make no sense. Poles are white people. Don't try making yourself out to be victims because you want to deny racism by whites , to include Poles.

“Reverse racism” and other lies white people tell themselves

Well, Poles in the U.S.A experience some verbal discrimination from other Whites, and some brutalization from Blacks.
So, how good is our position in this country?

Yes, some notable cases of Poles in the U.S.A brutalized by Blacks have been noted.

Murder of Jan Pawel and Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak - Wikipedia

Paula Sladewski Murder: Sketch Released of Suspect

Hate crime victim describes racially motivated mob attack in Grand Rapids
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

Since you dismiss anecdotal evidence, ...


When did I say that? I just know bullshit when I smell it.

You've always been very dismissive of anecdotal evidence.


That is false. I'm dismissive of obvious bullshit.
Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

Since you dismiss anecdotal evidence, ...


When did I say that? I just know bullshit when I smell it.

You've always been very dismissive of anecdotal evidence.


That is false. I'm dismissive of obvious bullshit.

Your denial is strong.
1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I am not the one that can't make a point. I have 4 points, clearly and concisely made above.

YOu are the one that likes to be vague and incomprehensible.

Anytime you get around to actually saying something, I will be happy to address it, seriously, honestly, and without playing stupid games.

Until then, my points stand as the final word.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

You are 100% correct sir...........progressives are clueless about how deep the resentment is too!! Too.....they think calling us "white nationalists" is going to have some kind of effect!!

Van Jones called it "Whitlelash!" on election night. He could not have been any more spot on correct. I said for 8 years, "Where the fuck is the whitelash?". LOL......well its here to stay and it is emerging to the in-your-fucking-face strategies of the left. example was last weekends anti-Sharia marches. Gonna be seeing a lot more of that great stuff............and I pray the counter-demonstration assholes show up!! Please show............ :coffee:
Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings
What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

Things are not unfair for white people. .The New Haven case was in 2005. Since 2005 there have been 368,000 cases pf racial discrimination filed by backs against whites. Things are not unfair for whites and you can't prove it. You are repeating race baited bullshit started by race pimps.

Poles, and Italians definitely still experience discrimination in the U.S.A.

My Italian friend visited PA, and they yelled "Wop, Wop, Wop" at him.

I wore a Poland beltbuckle, and a guy yelled" Dumb Polak" at me.

An Italian kid at my gym complained about an Irish girl saying she "Hates Italians"

At my local Polish bar, restaurant, they told a Polish guy he was "Too Polish to know better" and said that the "Polish owner was an illegal immigrant"

This week, two events demonstrated, albeit to different degrees, the pernicious misunderstanding of race that plagues the country. On Monday, former American Idol contestant Bo Bice was allegedly called a “white boy” by the staff at an airport Popeye’s in Atlanta. Bice took to Facebook, and then to television news, to air his grievance with what he felt was racialized mistreatment. If the tables were turned, he claimed, “I would be boycotted, there would be people not buying my albums, there would be people coming and picketing at my shows and everything else.”

This kind of thinking is the most disastrous and commonplace false equivalency in American society. The idea that racism is the simple act of acknowledging race relinquishes the responsibility of white people to reconcile with the evil acts that their not-so-distant relatives perpetuated (and some still perpetuate) as a matter of law.

Let's take this further to show just how much you lie to yourself.

On Tuesday, a harrowing Facebook Live video featuring four black teens kidnapping and assaulting a mentally ill white man, while hurling anti-Trump remarks at him, surfaced online. The teens would later be arrested and charged with a hate crime on account of the man’s disability, but not before the incident could be used to rile up the conservative internet. Right-wing sites parroted the broken, false equivalency that plagues America’s consciousness claiming that because the teens yelled “fuck white people,” the hate crime should be focused on the man’s race. Officials eventually had to actually clarify that the protest movement Black Lives Matter had nothing to do with the attack. It’s worth remembering that in Chicago, police didn’t acknowledge torturing black people into giving false confessions for 25 years.

Let's continue.

There is no one-to-one comparison to be made with incidents of random violence and systemic racism. The burden of proof for racism cannot fall on a disenfranchised group. White people historically have been — and continue to be — an oppressive force in America (you can quite easily argue that this is true around the world), and the victims of that oppression have no responsibility to be quiet about it. Before we declare the phrase “fuck white people” a hate crime, we should focus on addressing the millions of people still disenfranchised by policies created by white people with the literal intent of targeting blacks.

Your continuing arguments make no sense. Poles are white people. Don't try making yourself out to be victims because you want to deny racism by whites , to include Poles.

“Reverse racism” and other lies white people tell themselves
You do know that the New Haven Fire Department and its supporters constitutes systemic racism against white applicants, right?

Black people have NEVER been oppressed under the guise of love, tolerance and justice.

The only way you can claim racism against whites doesn't exist, is if you deny the very humanity of white people.
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I am not the one that can't make a point. I have 4 points, clearly and concisely made above.

YOu are the one that likes to be vague and incomprehensible.

Anytime you get around to actually saying something, I will be happy to address it, seriously, honestly, and without playing stupid games.

Until then, my points stand as the final word.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

You are 100% correct sir...........progressives are clueless about how deep the resentment is too!! Too.....they think calling us "white nationalists" is going to have some kind of effect!!

Van Jones called it "Whitlelash!" on election night. He could not have been any more spot on correct. I said for 8 years, "Where the fuck is the whitelash?". LOL......well its here to stay and it is emerging to the in-your-fucking-face strategies of the left. example was last weekends anti-Sharia marches. Gonna be seeing a lot more of that great stuff............and I pray the counter-demonstration assholes show up!! Please show............ :coffee:
Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Than, lesser crime statistics locations?

Can you support that claim? Or are you just assuming?
More guns equal less crime, is still, right wing propaganda; or, did Chicago, "miss the memo"?

SUpport your claim that Chicago has more guns.
A high population blue area versus low population red areas.

In 2014, Chicago saw 390 murders and more than 2,500 shootings, adding to its reputation as one of the U.S. cities with the highest absolute numbers of shootings and killings (though not when adjusted for population). Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy blamed the city's epidemic of violence on the widespread availability of guns. "If these guys [were] throwing rocks at each other we wouldn't have this problem," McCarthy told the Chicago Tribune (paywall).--

I prefer to blame the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed Necessary to the security of a free State.

That cop blames the guns for the crimes being effective.

That is his opinion and in no way supports the idea that Chicago has "more" guns.

BUT, I do appreciate that you at least tried to support your argument.

Here, some actual facts.

Section 3: Gun Ownership Trends and Demographics


As you can see, suburban and rural areas have vastly higher gun ownership that cities, yet have less crime.
Specialization due to Jurisdictional issues; the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed necessary in our Second Article of Amendment, is no (mere individual rights) coincidence. It really is, the Fault of the Commander in Chief.
Can you support that claim? Or are you just assuming?
More guns equal less crime, is still, right wing propaganda; or, did Chicago, "miss the memo"?

SUpport your claim that Chicago has more guns.
A high population blue area versus low population red areas.

In 2014, Chicago saw 390 murders and more than 2,500 shootings, adding to its reputation as one of the U.S. cities with the highest absolute numbers of shootings and killings (though not when adjusted for population). Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy blamed the city's epidemic of violence on the widespread availability of guns. "If these guys [were] throwing rocks at each other we wouldn't have this problem," McCarthy told the Chicago Tribune (paywall).--

I prefer to blame the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed Necessary to the security of a free State.

That cop blames the guns for the crimes being effective.

That is his opinion and in no way supports the idea that Chicago has "more" guns.

BUT, I do appreciate that you at least tried to support your argument.

Here, some actual facts.

Section 3: Gun Ownership Trends and Demographics


As you can see, suburban and rural areas have vastly higher gun ownership that cities, yet have less crime.
Specialization due to Jurisdictional issues; the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed necessary in our Second Article of Amendment, is no (mere individual rights) coincidence. It really is, the Fault of the Commander in Chief.

Your gibberish in noted and dismissed.

The fact remains that you have done NOTHING to support your assumption that Chicago has more guns.

The data I posted/linked to, suggests that the exact opposite is likely true, as urban areas have much lower gun ownership.

You have done NOTHING, near as I can tell from your posted gibberish, to even address that fact that strongly undermines your completely unsupported assumption.

Are you paid by how much you get your ass handed to you?
US Labor has No, Third World excuse. We need, First World excuses.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Your gibberish and your unexplained link does not challenge my points.

Thus, they stand.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.

IF you have something to say, say it, and stop playing stupid games.
Just incompetent in political discourse?

Y'all Have No Third World excuse.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

I am not the one that can't make a point. I have 4 points, clearly and concisely made above.

YOu are the one that likes to be vague and incomprehensible.

Anytime you get around to actually saying something, I will be happy to address it, seriously, honestly, and without playing stupid games.

Until then, my points stand as the final word.

1. Things are unfair for white people now. Complaining about unfair treatment is completely justified.

2. YOu look at examples of unfair treatment like the New Haven Firefighter scandal, and it was the Republican appointed judges that ruled against racial discrimination. The GOP is certainly the lesser evil.

3. Immigrants are competition for jobs. I'm glad your family rose though the ranks and did well. Those working class whites are STILL competing against new immigrants for those jobs that DON'T require the smarts to be VP. And for what?

4. Agreed. Blacks are competing with immigrants too, and I would prefer to see them as Americans get those jobs rather than immigrants.
Just clueless and Causeless, right wingers?

How is illegal immigration from the Third World a Problem for First World labor?

America has near record 5.8 million (First World) job openings

Because those immigrants compete for those jobs, thus increasing supply of labor and reducing price, ie wages.

Not illegals, usually. Those are H1b's.

How is illegal immigration from the Third World a Problem for First World labor?

America has near record 5.8 million (First World) job openings.

We need public policy that ensures full employment for Labor as Individuals, not Statistical forms of full employment, for abstractions.
Why can we afford a War on Drugs and not better schools?

It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
Dear, Capital Always drives Capital outcomes under Any form of Capitalism.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.

No, it doesn't. Parental involvement does.
Not under truer forms of capitalism or truer forms of socialism such as Spartanism, that is a liberal concept, misunderstood by the right wing (as usual) and misapplied as propaganda and rhetoric (as usual).
Why can we afford a War on Drugs and not better schools?

It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
Dear, Capital Always drives Capital outcomes under Any form of Capitalism.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.

No, it doesn't. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are more complex than any one factor.

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