Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Pathetic spin.

THe fact that that the vast majority of black children don't live in Traditional Families with a MOM AND A DAD, is fucking them and their communities up.
With around 75% of blacks living above the poverty level I'd have to disagree with your dire assessment. There are more blacks enrolled in college thsn in prison. Blacks spend over 1 trillion per year in white businesses. Dat ain't no chump change.

Page 114, and you're the FIRST poster to argue that the Black Community is not fucked up....
That's because I didn't drink the Kool-aid.

That's because most people have higher expectations of a First World population.
After you drink the Kool-Aid, your expectations become extremely malleable.

Your nonsensical words are noted and dismissed.
When did I say that? I just know bullshit when I smell it.

You've always been very dismissive of anecdotal evidence.

Yet, you offer no evidence of any kind to support your attack on his.

Just some name calling.

As I pointed out, that you cut, what you need to make your point, is some evidence that black and white productivity is the same.

Otherwise, you are just making unsupported attacks and assumptions.
I respond to the anecdotes of bigots with disdain. I've learned a long time ago, that posting facts to offset anecdotal nonsense does nothing to sway the bigots point of view. He's convinced that the sense of reality he projects with his anecdote ,which may or may not be true, is universally axiomatic.

Anecdotes can't be proven so without some means to verify them I just dismiss them as fairy tales. Give me a valid point that I can research and I will reciprocate accordingly.

Your excuses for you asshole behavior are noted and dismissed. FUck you asshole.
"Gasp" I am aghast. Your barbaric language marks you as an uncivil cretin, sir.

You race baiting marks you as an asshole.
Race baiting? What are you...a white anecdote or sumptin'.
You've always been very dismissive of anecdotal evidence.

Yet, you offer no evidence of any kind to support your attack on his.

Just some name calling.

As I pointed out, that you cut, what you need to make your point, is some evidence that black and white productivity is the same.

Otherwise, you are just making unsupported attacks and assumptions.
I respond to the anecdotes of bigots with disdain. I've learned a long time ago, that posting facts to offset anecdotal nonsense does nothing to sway the bigots point of view. He's convinced that the sense of reality he projects with his anecdote ,which may or may not be true, is universally axiomatic.

Anecdotes can't be proven so without some means to verify them I just dismiss them as fairy tales. Give me a valid point that I can research and I will reciprocate accordingly.

Your excuses for you asshole behavior are noted and dismissed. FUck you asshole.
"Gasp" I am aghast. Your barbaric language marks you as an uncivil cretin, sir.

You race baiting marks you as an asshole.
Race baiting? What are you...a white anecdote or sumptin'.

I'm some one that knows, that when a lefty says "bigot" his definition is : someone that disagrees with me.
Why should we stop saying that? I live in a back community and can sleep with my door open. The fact is that whites commit more crime. That's how it is and whether not you like hearing it, it's not going to change until you whites stop believing you are fucking perfect and do something to reduce the high crime in your communities.

Stop lecturing us and work on yours.

And you know something, we hit the lotto five times more than blacks as well. Does that mean we are luckier?

Fudging numbers don't change fact. Facts are that blacks are involved in way more crimes per capita than whites. We don't have a crime problem in most white communities until the blacks move in.
Stop attacking blacks moving into your neighborhoods and your crime rates will
I respond to the anecdotes of bigots with disdain. I've learned a long time ago, that posting facts to offset anecdotal nonsense does nothing to sway the bigots point of view. He's convinced that the sense of reality he projects with his anecdote ,which may or may not be true, is universally axiomatic.

Anecdotes can't be proven so without some means to verify them I just dismiss them as fairy tales. Give me a valid point that I can research and I will reciprocate accordingly.

Your excuses for you asshole behavior are noted and dismissed. FUck you asshole.
"Gasp" I am aghast. Your barbaric language marks you as an uncivil cretin, sir.

You race baiting marks you as an asshole.
Race baiting? What are you...a white anecdote or sumptin'.

I'm some one that knows, that when a lefty says "bigot" his definition is : someone that disagrees with me.
What if a conservative fellow such as myself calls you a bigot?
With around 75% of blacks living above the poverty level I'd have to disagree with your dire assessment. There are more blacks enrolled in college thsn in prison. Blacks spend over 1 trillion per year in white businesses. Dat ain't no chump change.

Page 114, and you're the FIRST poster to argue that the Black Community is not fucked up....
That's because I didn't drink the Kool-aid.

That's because most people have higher expectations of a First World population.
After you drink the Kool-Aid, your expectations become extremely malleable.

Your nonsensical words are noted and dismissed.
One down thousands to go.
Why can we afford a War on Drugs and not better schools?

It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
There are glaring exceptions, ya know.
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

View attachment 132798
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

the definition of exception

"something excepted; an instance or case not conforming to the general rule."

So, as you say, an "exception" does not mean that the general rule is not valid.

Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are far more complex than any one factor.
Your excuses for you asshole behavior are noted and dismissed. FUck you asshole.
"Gasp" I am aghast. Your barbaric language marks you as an uncivil cretin, sir.

You race baiting marks you as an asshole.
Race baiting? What are you...a white anecdote or sumptin'.

I'm some one that knows, that when a lefty says "bigot" his definition is : someone that disagrees with me.
What if a conservative fellow such as myself calls you a bigot?

I doubt your claims to being a conservative.
It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
There are glaring exceptions, ya know.
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

View attachment 132798
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

the definition of exception

"something excepted; an instance or case not conforming to the general rule."

So, as you say, an "exception" does not mean that the general rule is not valid.

Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are far more complex than any one factor.

Im talking to idiots that think that the problem is money. They obviously can't handle ANY complex thought.
"Gasp" I am aghast. Your barbaric language marks you as an uncivil cretin, sir.

You race baiting marks you as an asshole.
Race baiting? What are you...a white anecdote or sumptin'.

I'm some one that knows, that when a lefty says "bigot" his definition is : someone that disagrees with me.
What if a conservative fellow such as myself calls you a bigot?

I doubt your claims to being a conservative.
Who are you to judge? Your flawed conception of conservatism isn't conservation at all. Its racism and bigotry hiding under the auspices of conservatism.
You are about as conservative as Trump. And thats not a compliment. You Putin loving konservatives make us real Conservatives puke!
1. The contempt the left has for working class whites is on constant display here. Stop being a dishonest asshole.

2. BLM is a racist organization based on lies and hatred of whites.

3. I don't believe that the claims of those studies. It is absurd.

4. Disagreeing with an academic on a matter touching on browns, is not racism. Fuck you.

5. Your link does not contain information on whites broken down by economic class. So you are just assuming that working class whites did not vote for Obama, so that you have an excuse to dismiss their interests and voices.

Why can we afford a War on Drugs and not better schools?

It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.

Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?

There are glaring exceptions, ya know.
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

View attachment 132798
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

Just proof that genes play a significant role, not to deny the environmental impacts though.
It was established long ago, that money is not what drives educational outcomes.

By pretending that it is money, and focusing debate on that, you are actively working to keep attention away from our actual problems and thus ensure that those problems are never addressed.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
There are glaring exceptions, ya know.
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

View attachment 132798
Orphaned at 11, A Millionaire at 20 yrs Old, Turned Down Harvard To Live Tech Dream in Kenya

the definition of exception

"something excepted; an instance or case not conforming to the general rule."

So, as you say, an "exception" does not mean that the general rule is not valid.

Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are far more complex than any one factor.

Indeed, and which includes genes for educational attainment.

Scientists find genes associated with educational attainment
I was born in america to two Swedish parents. That makes me a swede FIRST, american second. So that means I am from a different culture. Explain how I am a can't because you cannot think worth anything. Calling you lose.
Wow! You met a guy who owned a business in a black community for 70 years? That's one in a row for you. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well actually I've met more than 1 who owned businesses in the black community for decades.

The fact is that you don't know shit about black people.

i used to deliver pizza to black communities. It was disturbing when I realized that many of the residents were afraid to come to their own door at night.
Why did that disturb you? Accrding to the FBI UCR you have your share of crimes commited by white thugs, too... but it is nice know you survived without being accosted.
Thats refreshing coming from a conservative.

Stop it. Stop saying that. I slept last night with my door wall open. Of course there are white criminals somewhere out there but the fact is if you drive 30 minutes away and go into Detroit, those people have bars on their windows.

Why should we stop saying that? I live in a back community and can sleep with my door open. The fact is that whites commit more crime. That's how it is and whether not you like hearing it, it's not going to change until you whites stop believing you are fucking perfect and do something to reduce the high crime in your communities.

Stop lecturing us and work on yours.
I lived in a black community in Baltimore right near where the riots occurred and I was robbed 7 times in one year.
I was born in america to two Swedish parents. That makes me a swede FIRST, american second. So that means I am from a different culture. Explain how I am a can't because you cannot think worth anything. Calling you lose.
You don't come from a different culture.
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Pathetic spin.

THe fact that that the vast majority of black children don't live in Traditional Families with a MOM AND A DAD, is fucking them and their communities up.
With around 75% of blacks living above the poverty level I'd have to disagree with your dire assessment. There are more blacks enrolled in college thsn in prison. Blacks spend over 1 trillion per year in white businesses. Dat ain't no chump change.

Correll is an idiot. What's fucking up black communities is the refusal of white governments and white banks with black dollars in them building interest for them not investing in ideas from citizens in these communities.

So blacks are helpless and can't put their money in black owned banks?

What you're saying is that blacks are superior to whites but they can't accomplish anything without whites helping them.
Unfortunately you are correct. . But I recognize myself as Swedish heritage, more important to me than this country I have always lived in. The only flag occupying my pole is the Swedish one.
Unfortunately you are correct. . But I recognize myself as Swedish heritage, more important to me than this country I have always lived in. The only flag occupying my pole is the Swedish one.

Are the Swedish protesting in the streets, stopping traffic and causing damage to public and private property? Are they chanting things like "WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!

Are the Swedish harming property values across the country?

Do the Swedish have the highest rate of violent crime and murder per capita in the US? Do they have the highest incarceration rates per capita?

Are the Swedish making it difficult for police to do their jobs because they fear riots if they have to get violent with a Swedish suspect?

Are the Swedish causing businesses to move out or close down because of theft and armed robberies?

Apples and Oranges.
If one is dumb snuff to build a business in a bad place I say tough crap I feel no sympathy whatsoever for them. Stay out build where you are wanted. But I do like your love for the country of Sweden.

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