Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

I was born in america to two Swedish parents. That makes me a swede FIRST, american second. So that means I am from a different culture. Explain how I am a can't because you cannot think worth anything. Calling you lose.
Unfortunately you are correct. . But I recognize myself as Swedish heritage, more important to me than this country I have always lived in. The only flag occupying my pole is the Swedish one.

Are the Swedish protesting in the streets, stopping traffic and causing damage to public and private property? Are they chanting things like "WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!

Are the Swedish harming property values across the country?

Do the Swedish have the highest rate of violent crime and murder per capita in the US? Do they have the highest incarceration rates per capita?

Are the Swedish making it difficult for police to do their jobs because they fear riots if they have to get violent with a Swedish suspect?

Are the Swedish causing businesses to move out or close down because of theft and armed robberies?

Apples and Oranges.
Swedish are not a problem but need to be watched same as Muslims so as not to offend anyone. PC is dying but it ain't dead
I was born in america to two Swedish parents. That makes me a swede FIRST, american second. So that means I am from a different culture. Explain how I am a can't because you cannot think worth anything. Calling you lose.
Unfortunately you are correct. . But I recognize myself as Swedish heritage, more important to me than this country I have always lived in. The only flag occupying my pole is the Swedish one.

Are the Swedish protesting in the streets, stopping traffic and causing damage to public and private property? Are they chanting things like "WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!

Are the Swedish harming property values across the country?

Do the Swedish have the highest rate of violent crime and murder per capita in the US? Do they have the highest incarceration rates per capita?

Are the Swedish making it difficult for police to do their jobs because they fear riots if they have to get violent with a Swedish suspect?

Are the Swedish causing businesses to move out or close down because of theft and armed robberies?

Apples and Oranges.
Swedish are not a problem but need to be watched same as Muslims so as not to offend anyone. PC is dying but it ain't dead's getting there.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.
I'll alter the - Amish.
Gee, all 1/4 million of them?
I feel only the dumb asses buy into it and mouth the words and try to walk the walk. They are the mentally weak and pickup the talk and walk from their leaders. Seems that some of the so called educated ones are the worst. Its call super stupid thinking. In the near future I'll tell several stories about these people who are in Police Dept who are promoted just to get them the hell off the streets, and in one case to keep his pants on "after a crowd took them off".
Liberals really believe they can fix the way browns and blacks behave
We can fix most whites so, what's the problem?

Doesn't matter, you lefties like the status quo. Any attempt to fix anything is met with massive resistance.
You got it right bro I tend to take personally anyone who tries to "change"{ me and also tend to react in a why that is not expected. I think teachers call it a bad attitude.
Liberals really believe they can fix the way browns and blacks behave
We can fix most whites so, what's the problem?

Doesn't matter, you lefties like the status quo. Any attempt to fix anything is met with massive resistance.
You got it right bro I tend to take personally anyone who tries to "change"{ me and also tend to react in a why that is not expected. I think teachers call it a bad attitude.
Or, just plain stupid (as you very likely are).
You race baiting marks you as an asshole.
Race baiting? What are you...a white anecdote or sumptin'.

I'm some one that knows, that when a lefty says "bigot" his definition is : someone that disagrees with me.
What if a conservative fellow such as myself calls you a bigot?

I doubt your claims to being a conservative.
Who are you to judge? Your flawed conception of conservatism isn't conservation at all. Its racism and bigotry hiding under the auspices of conservatism.
You are about as conservative as Trump. And thats not a compliment. You Putin loving konservatives make us real Conservatives puke!

I'm somebody that has a clue about what Conservatism is.

Your play of the Race Card certainly supports that idea that you are a lefty.

Trump is not a conservative. He is a nationalist and a patriot, which is pretty good. Which an American conservative should respect.

Your "red baiting" in the post communist russia world is not very conservative.

Yeah, I'm not buying you claim.
Liberals really believe they can fix the way browns and blacks behave
We can fix most whites so, what's the problem?

Doesn't matter, you lefties like the status quo. Any attempt to fix anything is met with massive resistance.
You got it right bro I tend to take personally anyone who tries to "change"{ me and also tend to react in a why that is not expected. I think teachers call it a bad attitude.

As the change righties want in the black community would be less crime, and more fathers with jobs, I have trouble respecting this resistance.
I was born in america to two Swedish parents. That makes me a swede FIRST, american second. So that means I am from a different culture. Explain how I am a can't because you cannot think worth anything. Calling you lose.

That you consider yourself a Swede first and an American second, even though your Citizenship papers say OTHERWISE, means that you are an American with full rights to participation in our political process while your primary loyalty is not to America or your fellow Americans.

Thus, in conflicts of interest between the US and Europe, you are on the OTHER SIDE, while being INSIDE.
If one is dumb snuff to build a business in a bad place I say tough crap I feel no sympathy whatsoever for them. Stay out build where you are wanted. But I do like your love for the country of Sweden.

You are participating in American politics with no feeling of loyalty to your supposedly fellow citizens, or their well being.
...But illegal immigration was down under Obama.
That has nothing to do with the Dems standing by Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen.
It has to do with you claiming Democrats believe in open borders. It has to do with you lying about Democrats supporting illegal aliens.

There are some people, like me, that believe those brought here by their parents & have lived here a long time, should not be deported.

The problem, with you assholes is that you act like you actually did something to be a US citizen when you likely did nothing except be born to a US citizen parent or born here in the US. Those crossing illegally to help their families have done more to be here than you did.

So park the attitude.
...But illegal immigration was down under Obama.
That has nothing to do with the Dems standing by Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen.
It has to do with you claiming Democrats believe in open borders. It has to do with you lying about Democrats supporting illegal aliens.

There are some people, like me, that believe those brought here by their parents & have lived here a long time, should not be deported.

The problem, with you assholes is that you act like you actually did something to be a US citizen when you likely did nothing except be born to a US citizen parent or born here in the US. Those crossing illegally to help their families have done more to be here than you did.

So park the attitude.

You deny supporting illegal aliens, and then you explain your reasons why you think that large numbers of illegals should be allowed to stay and you attack the idea that an American Citizen has any special right to live in America.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.

Only whites?

How far back in history do you want to go?




Or are you only talking about the US?

It only bothers him when whites do it.
Being white that makes sense (that I am not about to point the finger at - other races).


You know that a majority of whites do not support your policies, thus you want to marginalize them and their culture(s), so that you don't have explain your attacks on their culture and heritage and interests.

I'm sure you are very supportive of OTHER races who "point fingers" at whites, are you not?
The majority voted for - Clinton. Try again.
Factually incorrect.
Only in right wing, national socialist fantasy. "Your rich guy", wants to get richer and make the poor, poorer, via public policy.

1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
Dear, Capital Always drives Capital outcomes under Any form of Capitalism.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.

No, it doesn't. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are more complex than any one factor.

Daniel is a fine example of a lefty that can't handle ANY nuance.

Simple concepts white/black, hot/cold, wet/dry give him quite a bit of trouble.

Any attempt at an actual complex issue dealt with like a grown up, is lightyears beyond him.
even statistical correlations to income, support my view and not yours.
1. Money does not drive educational outcomes. Parental involvement does.

2. "Your rich guy"? Is that a reference to Trump?
Dear, Capital Always drives Capital outcomes under Any form of Capitalism.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.

No, it doesn't. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are more complex than any one factor.

Daniel is a fine example of a lefty that can't handle ANY nuance.

Simple concepts white/black, hot/cold, wet/dry give him quite a bit of trouble.

Any attempt at an actual complex issue dealt with like a grown up, is lightyears beyond him.
even statistical correlations to income, support my view and not yours.

I've posted links to support my position. YOu have crap.

Parental involvement is the primary driver of educational outcome.
How does that challenge the historical fact of their killing us?

YOu are quibbling over details.

My point stands. Some of them are certainly coming here to kill us, and only a fool or a liar would say otherwise.
All you have to do is be able to - prove that? Trump can't (and he has government lawyers on his side).

Except you can't prove it.

Time and time again we find that the killers have been looked at in the past and "cleared".

Yet, some of them, go on to kill us in large numbers.
Look at the background of the ones who killed here? They weren't fresh off the boat (although Saudi Arabia - not on the list) did fly some folks in not long before attacking.

Fresh off the boat or not, what difference does it make to the dead and their families?
The dead don't give a flying fuck, and we (unlike you) don't base American law and policy on childish fears.
But you want to...
A high population blue area versus low population red areas.

I prefer to blame the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed Necessary to the security of a free State.

That cop blames the guns for the crimes being effective.

That is his opinion and in no way supports the idea that Chicago has "more" guns.

BUT, I do appreciate that you at least tried to support your argument.

Here, some actual facts.

Section 3: Gun Ownership Trends and Demographics


As you can see, suburban and rural areas have vastly higher gun ownership that cities, yet have less crime.
Specialization due to Jurisdictional issues; the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed necessary in our Second Article of Amendment, is no (mere individual rights) coincidence. It really is, the Fault of the Commander in Chief.

Your gibberish in noted and dismissed.

The fact remains that you have done NOTHING to support your assumption that Chicago has more guns.

The data I posted/linked to, suggests that the exact opposite is likely true, as urban areas have much lower gun ownership.

You have done NOTHING, near as I can tell from your posted gibberish, to even address that fact that strongly undermines your completely unsupported assumption.

Are you paid by how much you get your ass handed to you?
dude; Only untermenchen make excuses instead of the results, of a valid, refutation.

No excuses here, liar.

You can't or won't do anything to support your assumption that Chicago has more guns.

I've posted a link to a report on a study showing that urban centers normally have MUCH lower levels of gun ownership.

You spout lots of gibberish to try to distract from the simply fact that you can't back up your shit.
dear; I am a federalist; drugs and guns, are no form of Excuse for the militia of the United States.

There should be No security problems in our free States, because, they all have a Commander in Chief, "of security".
Dear, Capital Always drives Capital outcomes under Any form of Capitalism.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.

No, it doesn't. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are more complex than any one factor.

Daniel is a fine example of a lefty that can't handle ANY nuance.

Simple concepts white/black, hot/cold, wet/dry give him quite a bit of trouble.

Any attempt at an actual complex issue dealt with like a grown up, is lightyears beyond him.
even statistical correlations to income, support my view and not yours.

I've posted links to support my position. YOu have crap.

Parental involvement is the primary driver of educational outcome.
Not when you can afford, the finest help money can buy.
No retard, water was not dry then, just because you want to blame others for your atrocities. You went to war to keep black slaves working for you. Now you got to war to keep Mexican illegals working for you at slave wages.

You hated people for having black skin, attributing the value of a person on the color of their skin. Now you hate people for having white skin, attributing the value of a person on the color of their skin.

You hated individual liberty concentrating all power in the state that was controlled by plantation owners that lorded over a vast underclass. Now you hated individual liberty concentrating all power in the state that i controlled by the Hollywood left and corrupt media that lords over a vast underclass.

Nothing has changed, you democrats are precisely what you have always been.
Northern (and Western) Liberals defeated your kind and freed the slaves. You can't change American history.

YOu are the one denying the Americanism of your fellow Americans based on policies.

You are the one that is espousing hatred of, for one example, Christians.
America is a secular state. You might live here but you are not an American.

If God said to you, it's me or America, pick one? You'd pick God while I can pick - America. And ISIS-types? Same answer.

NO, the American government is a secular government. The American nation is still very religious.

You hate your fellow Americans who are Christian. Unless they are minorities.

This is revealed by your attempt to claim that being Christian means you can't be an American.

You are the bad guy here.
Most Americans aren't Americans, they are little religious useless ignorant shits like you (afraid of their own shadow).
Does it HURT to be that stupid?
That cop blames the guns for the crimes being effective.

That is his opinion and in no way supports the idea that Chicago has "more" guns.

BUT, I do appreciate that you at least tried to support your argument.

Here, some actual facts.

Section 3: Gun Ownership Trends and Demographics


As you can see, suburban and rural areas have vastly higher gun ownership that cities, yet have less crime.
Specialization due to Jurisdictional issues; the Commander in Chief of that which is Proclaimed necessary in our Second Article of Amendment, is no (mere individual rights) coincidence. It really is, the Fault of the Commander in Chief.

Your gibberish in noted and dismissed.

The fact remains that you have done NOTHING to support your assumption that Chicago has more guns.

The data I posted/linked to, suggests that the exact opposite is likely true, as urban areas have much lower gun ownership.

You have done NOTHING, near as I can tell from your posted gibberish, to even address that fact that strongly undermines your completely unsupported assumption.

Are you paid by how much you get your ass handed to you?
dude; Only untermenchen make excuses instead of the results, of a valid, refutation.

No excuses here, liar.

You can't or won't do anything to support your assumption that Chicago has more guns.

I've posted a link to a report on a study showing that urban centers normally have MUCH lower levels of gun ownership.

You spout lots of gibberish to try to distract from the simply fact that you can't back up your shit.
dear; I am a federalist; drugs and guns, are no form of Excuse for the militia of the United States.

There should be No security problems in our free States, because, they all have a Commander in Chief, "of security".

Your moronic word salad is noted and dismissed.

My point stands.

You can't or won't do anything to support your assumption that Chicago has more guns.

I've posted a link to a report on a study showing that urban centers normally have MUCH lower levels of gun ownership.

You spout lots of gibberish to try to distract from the simply fact that you can't back up your shit.
No, it doesn't. Parental involvement does.

Educational outcomes are more complex than any one factor.

Daniel is a fine example of a lefty that can't handle ANY nuance.

Simple concepts white/black, hot/cold, wet/dry give him quite a bit of trouble.

Any attempt at an actual complex issue dealt with like a grown up, is lightyears beyond him.
even statistical correlations to income, support my view and not yours.

I've posted links to support my position. YOu have crap.

Parental involvement is the primary driver of educational outcome.
Not when you can afford, the finest help money can buy.

According to the numbers, parental involvement is the primary driver of educational outcome.

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