Instead of partying and worshipping Trump why aren't the

All Americans should be extremely happy today. We have front row seats to the most substantial increase in prosperity this country has seen, even surpassing the growth that took place under President Reagan.

here.....learn something....LOL

Reagan raised taxes eleven times over the course of his presidency, all in the name of fiscal responsibility,

Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times? The real | The Daily Caller

Even Reagan Raised Taxes - Forbes

Obviously you neglected to read your own article. Not all taxes are equal. The article reads:

"Make no mistake, these were real tax increases — in some cases, “regressive” taxation — but they pale in comparison to the scale of the income tax cuts that defined the Reagan era.."

Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times? The real story

Go back and read it again and you might see the complete picture of how Americans taxes were reduced under Reagan.

Now "the country " is not true, and "everybody" is not true, just the real estate business.

So Trump is bitching about the Tax cut of 1986. Listen and learn who this man is out for , himself, his family and his rich buddies.
Here's a fix for some States stop spending money on the fucking illegals and worry about your citizens. Another fix don't have kids if you can't fucking afford them.

So you at advocating abortion to be done freely and for anyone no matter of how many weeks.
Obviously you neglected to read your own article. Not all taxes are equal. The article reads:

"Make no mistake, these were real tax increases — in some cases, “regressive” taxation — but they pale in comparison to the scale of the income tax cuts that defined the Reagan era.."

Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times? The real story

Go back and read it again and you might see the complete picture of how Americans taxes were reduced under Reagan.

So, what's the bottom line....
Did Reagan cut taxes but had to later raise them 11 times???....
A simple YES or NO will suffice.........LOL

It isn't the number or type of taxes that were increased because until now, we have never seen the great economic prosperity that we did under Reagan.

The bottom line is that these are the greatest times this country has seen since then. You can be on board with it or go wave your little sign and post disparaging remarks about Trump on here. I really don't care.

That is not true, which is why Bush Sr and Clinton both had to raise taxes. He about bankrupted the US.
You mean like the Democrats proposed during the end of Bush's last few years?

Why doesn;t an idiot you, Ray.......offer exactly what was happening during the GWB last year in office.......Here; let me get you started:

1. 800,000 NEW unemployment claims per MONTH

go on, list the rest.....unpaid wars, unpaid Medicare Advantage......please continue....

Funny how the country was fine until the democrats got elected in 2006 then in just two years it all went to shit....

oh and the fact that affirmative action loans to people who couldn't pay were being mandated by the federal govt.....just ask Andrew Cuomo

Trump is and was able to ride Obama's coattails , Obama was not able to ride on Bush Jrs.
Yup the left can save the world from climate change with your money...just don't ask them to pay their fare share to the feds .. they will riot in the streets..

Are you aware most of the politicians actually do believe in climate change. Even Trump when he had to build a break wall in Ireland and charged it to the people.
Here's a fix for some States stop spending money on the fucking illegals and worry about your citizens. Another fix don't have kids if you can't fucking afford them.

As a "proud Vet", did you serve to protect ONLY white Americans???
Your redneck is shining through, there buddy.
I served to protect the US and its citizens against enemies both foreign and domestic. Illegal aliens are not citizens I don't give a fuck what country their from.

Who is going to protect you?
Congressmen (pubs) at the capital and doing something about Chip? They are so sickening to see grown men
worship another man, it about makes me puke.

Trump then glorifies himself to the point of repugnance.

Why are they not funding Chip, screw the kids and their families. They had best do it before Xmas break.

What a sickening group of weak men.
You're so blind to reality. VERY FEW actually like Trump but they love that your bitch lost. I think it's funny watching you all meltdown

Exactly...we can't stand Trump ( even though he is keeping all his promises)

But it so fun to watch the liberals true colors

You are the one that wants the ACA mandate to end, so you do not need to carry ins. Wont that be a drain on society, unless you plan on paying via CC or check when you go. Are you aware, when you are not in a network, it costs more.
Yeah it is sickening and we saw this before. Obama comes quickly to mind.
If passing Obamacare without any Republican votes was so disgusting, why is passing a tax plan that rewards the rich so much without any Democratic votes so good? Sauce for the goose comes to mind.

For one it's payback....but you guys started it...we just used your tactics against you, it sucks don't it?
Second, and MORE important, the democrats were just against people getting more money.....we cant make this shit guys wanted people to pay more.......

No they were against the rich getting a huge tax cut and taking it from the working poor. They were mainly fine with cutting the Corp tax.

The Corps on sitting on money, TTC has not even started and Fifth Third and At & T is giving raises and bonuses, so they did not need a tax cut. (They got their perks in this tax cut, banks got perks and repeal of net neutrality means lots of money for internet providers.)

Wake up, you have all been taken to the bank. Bend over , because you took it with a smile.
President Trump's legacy will be mighty, not only his regulatory and legislative accomplishments he's paving the way for future presidents. Demonstrating by example that future presidents don't have to take shit from the Fake News liberal media its okay to openly tell them to eat shit. That future presidents need not fear PC or liberals or any of the crap that has scared the GOP shitless for decades. President Trump tore it all down :eusa_clap:

Trump will go down like all Pubs step out of office, a loser.
Yup the left can save the world from climate change with your money...just don't ask them to pay their fare share to the feds .. they will riot in the streets..

Are you aware most of the politicians actually do believe in climate change. Even Trump when he had to build a break wall in Ireland and charged it to the people.

Are you aware ,100% of the people of the world believe in climate change ..?

Yea it's been happening for 4.5 billion years
President Trump's legacy will be mighty, not only his regulatory and legislative accomplishments he's paving the way for future presidents. Demonstrating by example that future presidents don't have to take shit from the Fake News liberal media its okay to openly tell them to eat shit. That future presidents need not fear PC or liberals or any of the crap that has scared the GOP shitless for decades. President Trump tore it all down :eusa_clap:

Trump will go down like all Pubs step out of office, a loser.

Ok tell us where are the Democrats in this picture?

Yup the left can save the world from climate change with your money...just don't ask them to pay their fare share to the feds .. they will riot in the streets..

Are you aware most of the politicians actually do believe in climate change. Even Trump when he had to build a break wall in Ireland and charged it to the people.

Are you aware ,100% of the people of the world believe in climate change ..?

Yea it's been happening for 4.5 billion years

Yes weather has always changed. Lets change it back to global warming then.
Congressmen (pubs) at the capital and doing something about Chip? They are so sickening to see grown men
worship another man, it about makes me puke.

Trump then glorifies himself to the point of repugnance.

Why are they not funding Chip, screw the kids and their families. They had best do it before Xmas break.

What a sickening group of weak men.
The idea of worship has actually made you physically and mentally sick. No one is worshiping Trump, no one. Obama, that was a different situation, he was actually worshiped by the liberal left. Trump is pretty much denounce by both sides. Yet he still gets more done, bipartisan, then did Obama.
President Trump's legacy will be mighty, not only his regulatory and legislative accomplishments he's paving the way for future presidents. Demonstrating by example that future presidents don't have to take shit from the Fake News liberal media its okay to openly tell them to eat shit. That future presidents need not fear PC or liberals or any of the crap that has scared the GOP shitless for decades. President Trump tore it all down :eusa_clap:

Trump will go down like all Pubs step out of office, a loser.

Ok tell us where are the Democrats in this picture?

View attachment 167163

Why not tell me what those men believed in. That would be better as we know Rep and Dem are different in todays world.
Congressmen (pubs) at the capital and doing something about Chip? They are so sickening to see grown men
worship another man, it about makes me puke.

Trump then glorifies himself to the point of repugnance.

Why are they not funding Chip, screw the kids and their families. They had best do it before Xmas break.

What a sickening group of weak men.
The idea of worship has actually made you physically and mentally sick. No one is worshiping Trump, no one. Obama, that was a different situation, he was actually worshiped by the liberal left. Trump is pretty much denounce by both sides. Yet he still gets more done, bipartisan, then did Obama.

Yes they were worshipping him , Obama did not allow men to worship him like that. He just deregulated everything, you call that something done.
Trump just sits there and takes it and then he boasts and brags unending. He thinks his sh""T doesn't stink and everyone wants a second scoop.
Yeah it is sickening and we saw this before. Obama comes quickly to mind.
If passing Obamacare without any Republican votes was so disgusting, why is passing a tax plan that rewards the rich so much without any Democratic votes so good? Sauce for the goose comes to mind.

For one it's payback....but you guys started it...we just used your tactics against you, it sucks don't it?
Second, and MORE important, the democrats were just against people getting more money.....we cant make this shit guys wanted people to pay more.......

No they were against the rich getting a huge tax cut and taking it from the working poor. They were mainly fine with cutting the Corp tax.

The Corps on sitting on money, TTC has not even started and Fifth Third and At & T is giving raises and bonuses, so they did not need a tax cut. (They got their perks in this tax cut, banks got perks and repeal of net neutrality means lots of money for internet providers.)

Wake up, you have all been taken to the bank. Bend over , because you took it with a smile.

Wrong, they did it because of the tax cut, they anticipated it, because they knew trump would get it done. These companies did not support trump.....even though he proposed repealing net neutrality and the tax cut in the election.

Net neutrality takes us to 2015, when these so called issues never existed then. You guys Repeal of Net Neutrality is your guys Y2K problem, you're gonna look stupid. All Net Neutrality was, was a power grab by the democrats to give govt control the internet.

and as for the tax cut
the WW aveage is 22%, we went below that, from the 3rd highest in the world.....gee I wonder why companies were bailing on us.....
Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015 - Tax Foundation
Oh At & T and Comcast love Net Neutrality, more money for them, why do you think they are celebrating.
President Trump's legacy will be mighty, not only his regulatory and legislative accomplishments he's paving the way for future presidents. Demonstrating by example that future presidents don't have to take shit from the Fake News liberal media its okay to openly tell them to eat shit. That future presidents need not fear PC or liberals or any of the crap that has scared the GOP shitless for decades. President Trump tore it all down :eusa_clap:

Trump will go down like all Pubs step out of office, a loser.

Ok tell us where are the Democrats in this picture?

View attachment 167163

HAHA a federalist, 2 republicans, and one who called himself a republican way before the party was founded and the ideas are still revered in the republican party. and the democrats are older.

but all republicans are bad?

even Obama disagrees with that

I mean these lefties are just clueless, it's stunning, maybe they need to get out of the safe spaces and interact with normal people for once

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