Instructions for a conscious German

Do you understand my question? How are YOU going to prohibit people from making and consuming home-made wine?

I don't see any problems. Any production of alcohol should be prohibited. Violators to be punished.
So you want the feds to be able to search someone's home if they have a vineyard or fruit trees?
Yeah, it seems to be the plan. The ATF agents breaking into your home anytime they want should become a new dimension of the American freedom.
Many Germanic peoples found themselves under the occupation of Prussian imperialism and were not Germanic peoples. They are occupied by the Prussians.

Conscious german should:

Oppose Pan-Germanism

Oppose Eurocentrism

Deny illegal Anschluss of the GDR

Support progressive Americans

Fight for the liberation of their lands from Prussian occupation and demand autonomy.

Stop importing children from Ukraine and Eastern Europe for perverts.

Stop corrupt politics and demand the closure of brothels.

Demand the abolition of the "welfare state" course.

Demand the prohibition of the socialist party.

Demand a ban on the Germanic symbolism of the wolf hook "Z"

Demand the immediate extradition and arrest of the international terrorist Prigogin. The testimonies of his mercenaries reveal crimes against children and the killing of young children.

Modern Germany is a communist dictatorship where citizens are completely brainwashed by the international mafia
Yeah, it seems to be the plan. The ATF agents breaking into your home anytime they want should become a new dimension of the American freedom.
If you follow the logic of left-wing criminals, this is how it should be. If you planted a poppy at home, prison awaits you.
If you follow the logic of left-wing criminals, this is how it should be. If you planted a poppy at home, prison awaits you.
Well, actually I did. Or more correctly, not me personally but my grandparents. You maybe know that poppy seeds have their place in Ukrainian cuisine. And some time ago many people planted poppy in their fields.

It was forbidden then too, but local authorities turned a blind eye on that. Informal requirement was that these poppy lots didn't caught eyes. Usually, they were placed inside corn fields.
Many Germanic peoples found themselves under the occupation of Prussian imperialism and were not Germanic peoples. They are occupied by the Prussians.

Conscious german should:

Oppose Pan-Germanism

Oppose Eurocentrism

Deny illegal Anschluss of the GDR

Support progressive Americans

Fight for the liberation of their lands from Prussian occupation and demand autonomy.

Stop importing children from Ukraine and Eastern Europe for perverts.

Stop corrupt politics and demand the closure of brothels.

Demand the abolition of the "welfare state" course.

Demand the prohibition of the socialist party.

Demand a ban on the Germanic symbolism of the wolf hook "Z"

Demand the immediate extradition and arrest of the international terrorist Prigogin. The testimonies of his mercenaries reveal crimes against children and the killing of young children.
That is a long list!
It turns out that the East Germans with their "backward" mentality are to blame for the growing popularity of the Alternative for Germany, and the media expression of this ugly phenomenon is the Rammstein group, which is deliberately masculine, promotes sexism, is completely intolerant in its lyrics, and its videos contain very dubious innuendos.
So the main bastard in Germany is still the same "ossi," who does not want to absorb the liberal-globalist cocktail of democracy, multiculturalism, and other LGBT values with dick-cutters and hormone consumption. The "ossi" remains German, traditional, conservative, and does not want to become a sexless, amorphous scarecrow, with only language that is German, and it is full of Anglicanism. And that is why the "ossi" are the main scum of Germany.
You do realize now that this whole pursuit of Til Lindemann is the same story with Strauss-Kahn and the maid, don't you?

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