Intel operation against Trump still going strong

Kind of like all the proof of Russian collusion, huh? Any day now, right? Are you holding your breath Gullible Gator?

how many times to I have to tell you sheep I do not buy into the Russian collusion, never have. I have been consistent about that my whole time on this forum.

As someone who doesn’t buy into the “collusion” between Russia and the Trump Campaign….can you give some alternate reason why a campaign would be meeting with Russia so often? They trade little with the US, they aren’t much of a player on the world stage outside of having a big military and a lot of oil, they aren’t an economic power on any scale to warrant importance, we have no strategic alliance with them; in fact they are often our antagonists.

Can you think of any reason why there would be that many meetings with the Russians by a campaign for President?

Can you also think of why they would lie/mischaracterize so often about these meetings?

Candy I work in DC, have for years. Foreign agents are EVERYWHERE and their job is to meet or at least attempt to meet US politicians and government workers. It doesn't take a long time to find pictures of the Russian ambassador or the Chinese ambassador or the French ambassador, or whomever meeting with everyone, and that's just the above the board meetings. There are sorts of clandestine meetings going on, a few nefarious for sure, but the vast majority of them are legitimate business being discussed quietly, the way diplomacy truly gets done and has for years.

You believe every meeting between a Russian and someone around Trump was nefarious simply because you want to believe it, not because there is any evidence of such.

As for lying, if I believed for one second you were actually concerned about lying politicians I would address that issue, but we both know that you are only concerned about Republicans who lie, and so that conversation isn't even worth my time.

Thats nice, but how about answering the actual question?

Here it is again: Can you also think of why they would lie/mischaracterize so often about these meetings?

Sure, people talk to Russians...but they somehow manage to not lie to FBI about it and get indicted the way Trump's campaign have (and still will).

And perhaps what that speaks to is the inherent danger in allowing the Justice Department to pick and choose who they charge with lying over simple mistakes, forgotten details, or other various ways in which Trump people have been caught up in.

Manafort's tax evasion was a "simple mistake"? LOL
how many times to I have to tell you sheep I do not buy into the Russian collusion, never have. I have been consistent about that my whole time on this forum.

As someone who doesn’t buy into the “collusion” between Russia and the Trump Campaign….can you give some alternate reason why a campaign would be meeting with Russia so often? They trade little with the US, they aren’t much of a player on the world stage outside of having a big military and a lot of oil, they aren’t an economic power on any scale to warrant importance, we have no strategic alliance with them; in fact they are often our antagonists.

Can you think of any reason why there would be that many meetings with the Russians by a campaign for President?

Can you also think of why they would lie/mischaracterize so often about these meetings?

Candy I work in DC, have for years. Foreign agents are EVERYWHERE and their job is to meet or at least attempt to meet US politicians and government workers. It doesn't take a long time to find pictures of the Russian ambassador or the Chinese ambassador or the French ambassador, or whomever meeting with everyone, and that's just the above the board meetings. There are sorts of clandestine meetings going on, a few nefarious for sure, but the vast majority of them are legitimate business being discussed quietly, the way diplomacy truly gets done and has for years.

You believe every meeting between a Russian and someone around Trump was nefarious simply because you want to believe it, not because there is any evidence of such.

As for lying, if I believed for one second you were actually concerned about lying politicians I would address that issue, but we both know that you are only concerned about Republicans who lie, and so that conversation isn't even worth my time.

Thats nice, but how about answering the actual question?

Here it is again: Can you also think of why they would lie/mischaracterize so often about these meetings?

Sure, people talk to Russians...but they somehow manage to not lie to FBI about it and get indicted the way Trump's campaign have (and still will).

And perhaps what that speaks to is the inherent danger in allowing the Justice Department to pick and choose who they charge with lying over simple mistakes, forgotten details, or other various ways in which Trump people have been caught up in.

You are an idiot.

They lied to FBI because they thought telling the truth was worse. They got caught and have PLED GUILTY to lying.

They seem to only trust the feds when they are deporting people....

I'm sure it's just a matter of who is getting pinched and has nothing to do with the behavior of the police officers. Unless you're black. Then when you die in custody, it's because you acted up.

Conservatives have got to be (in most cases) the most intellectually dishonest people on the earth.
Seriously? Lies, changing stories, secret meetings?

He and his whole cluster-fuck act guilty.

View attachment 244169
Nice....while snowflakes declare others to be guilty based on irrefutable logic such as 'they act guilty' there is enough actual evidence to send Hillary, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan to jail by Friday.

No, there isn't. That's a republican fantasy.
Duse, denial is not your cup of tea because you suck at it. There has been so much documented, recorded, reported...

The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment

Comey testified under oath before Congress that Hillary lied / perjured herself

Brennan was forced to admit before Congress he perjured himself and illegally spied on the US Senate...

LOL...undeniable evidence...
Your team had total control for two years, so where are the charges? The indictments? Anyone?

That's a good question.

Why hasn't , for example, Rosie O'donnel been arrested and charged with two counts of bribery. She absolutely did it. No denying it.

Why hasn't Mark Zuckerburger been charged with perjury? What about Hillary Clinton, she absolutely lied to Congress, and Comey said " I need a criminal referral from Congress, which presumably he got.

The list goes on because people lie to Congress EVERY DAY, and maybe 5% of them get charged.

It's one of the things I'm upset with Trump about it in fact, he ran as the law and order candidate, and hardly anyone has been charged for these type of crimes since he took office.
So? What's the deal? Doj lead by tRump appointees, republicans and n charge of all 3 branches, FBI and nsa headed by tRumpkins, where are the indictments?

No-where, because these things are simply accusations, not facts. If investigators had found evidence they would have been charged.
Your team had total control for two years....
Seriously? For more than 2 years Democrats, despite evidence if their crimes being exposed - to include those of Mueller and Rosenstein, threatened to Impeach the President if he did anything to affect the witch hunt or against the Conspirators.

Knowing there us no evidence because there was never any crime, Trump is going to allow the Democrats / the conspirators to continue ... And once they are officially done the REAL investigations of the REAL crimes and the REAL criminals will begin.

Just in cast snowflakes aren't smart enough to figure out what is going on, the Conspirators are going to drag this all the way out until 2020, hopefully releasing the report to damage Trump's re-election since their conspiratorial attempt to affect a coup has failed to remove him from office.

Everything from the Democrats and Conspirators for the last 2+ years gas been about undermining this President and the current elected government....from Rosenstein to Mueller to Clapper to Brennan to Comey to McCabe to Strzok to Baker to Pelosi to Schumer....
Lol, the republicans held all.three branches, lead all the committees, made all.the appointments, and they couldn't file one single indictment?

Do you really think they are that helpless, and if so why are you backing these incompetent fools?

Get real.
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
Well maybe if acted just a little bit less guilty.....
like theres a chance of that with the tds crowd. :)
How does that make him act like a guilty person?
Nice....while snowflakes declare others to be guilty based on irrefutable logic such as 'they act guilty' there is enough actual evidence to send Hillary, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan to jail by Friday.

No, there isn't. That's a republican fantasy.
Duse, denial is not your cup of tea because you suck at it. There has been so much documented, recorded, reported...

The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment

Comey testified under oath before Congress that Hillary lied / perjured herself

Brennan was forced to admit before Congress he perjured himself and illegally spied on the US Senate...

LOL...undeniable evidence...
Your team had total control for two years, so where are the charges? The indictments? Anyone?

That's a good question.

Why hasn't , for example, Rosie O'donnel been arrested and charged with two counts of bribery. She absolutely did it. No denying it.

Why hasn't Mark Zuckerburger been charged with perjury? What about Hillary Clinton, she absolutely lied to Congress, and Comey said " I need a criminal referral from Congress, which presumably he got.

The list goes on because people lie to Congress EVERY DAY, and maybe 5% of them get charged.

It's one of the things I'm upset with Trump about it in fact, he ran as the law and order candidate, and hardly anyone has been charged for these type of crimes since he took office.
So? What's the deal? Doj lead by tRump appointees, republicans and n charge of all 3 branches, FBI and nsa headed by tRumpkins, where are the indictments?

No-where, because these things are simply accusations, not facts. If investigators had found evidence they would have been charged.
The US IG recommended McCabe for indictment - Rosenstein refused to indict.

Nice try, 'Fake News'! :p
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that most of the top people in the Intelligence Community was hand picked by no other than Donald Trump. These include
Director of National Intelligence

Deputy Director of National Intelligence

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Director of the National Counter-terrorism Center

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Director of the National Security Agency

If Donald Trump feels Intelligence Community is so unintelligent and disloyal, then why the hell did he appoint them, more to the point why are they still there.
Candy I work in DC, have for years. Foreign agents are EVERYWHERE and their job is to meet or at least attempt to meet US politicians and government workers. It doesn't take a long time to find pictures of the Russian ambassador or the Chinese ambassador or the French ambassador, or whomever meeting with everyone, and that's just the above the board meetings. There are sorts of clandestine meetings going on, a few nefarious for sure, but the vast majority of them are legitimate business being discussed quietly, the way diplomacy truly gets done and has for years.

You believe every meeting between a Russian and someone around Trump was nefarious simply because you want to believe it, not because there is any evidence of such.
Actually, I didn't use the word nefarious. I was curious why the Trump folks were meeting with this wholly unimportant country so often.

Are they a large trading partner? No.
Are they an ally? No.
Are they a strategic partner? No.
Are they an economic rival? No.

Yet there are numerous meetings happening at senior levels with the Russians.

Except for Roger Stone. Who was meeting with the folks who were hacking the DNC computers and the computers of Jon Podesta.

As for lying, if I believed for one second you were actually concerned about lying politicians I would address that issue, but we both know that you are only concerned about Republicans who lie, and so that conversation isn't even worth my time.

The investigation keeps uncovering those lies. That you're not concerned says all we need to know about you.
As someone who doesn’t buy into the “collusion” between Russia and the Trump Campaign….can you give some alternate reason why a campaign would be meeting with Russia so often? They trade little with the US, they aren’t much of a player on the world stage outside of having a big military and a lot of oil, they aren’t an economic power on any scale to warrant importance, we have no strategic alliance with them; in fact they are often our antagonists.

Can you think of any reason why there would be that many meetings with the Russians by a campaign for President?

Can you also think of why they would lie/mischaracterize so often about these meetings?

Candy I work in DC, have for years. Foreign agents are EVERYWHERE and their job is to meet or at least attempt to meet US politicians and government workers. It doesn't take a long time to find pictures of the Russian ambassador or the Chinese ambassador or the French ambassador, or whomever meeting with everyone, and that's just the above the board meetings. There are sorts of clandestine meetings going on, a few nefarious for sure, but the vast majority of them are legitimate business being discussed quietly, the way diplomacy truly gets done and has for years.

You believe every meeting between a Russian and someone around Trump was nefarious simply because you want to believe it, not because there is any evidence of such.

As for lying, if I believed for one second you were actually concerned about lying politicians I would address that issue, but we both know that you are only concerned about Republicans who lie, and so that conversation isn't even worth my time.

Thats nice, but how about answering the actual question?

Here it is again: Can you also think of why they would lie/mischaracterize so often about these meetings?

Sure, people talk to Russians...but they somehow manage to not lie to FBI about it and get indicted the way Trump's campaign have (and still will).

And perhaps what that speaks to is the inherent danger in allowing the Justice Department to pick and choose who they charge with lying over simple mistakes, forgotten details, or other various ways in which Trump people have been caught up in.

You are an idiot.

They lied to FBI because they thought telling the truth was worse. They got caught and have PLED GUILTY to lying.

I could spend the rest of this night listing Democrats who absolutely, positively lied to either Congress or the FBI, both illegal, and who were never charged with anything and I haven't seen you at any time in this thread or any other scream that they too should be arrested because they lied, so I don't give a flying fuck what your dishonest ass thinks on the subject of lying to the FBI.

Bullshit partisan what-aboutisms to avoid admitting the obvious:

Trump and his people keep criminaly lying and obstructing Russian interference investigation because this fish rots from the head down. There is a story and a relationship with Kremlin here that Trump&Co want to contain and obscure.
Last edited:
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that most of the top people in the Intelligence Community was hand picked by no other than Donald Trump. These include
Director of National Intelligence

Deputy Director of National Intelligence

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Director of the National Counter-terrorism Center

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Director of the National Security Agency

If Donald Trump feels Intelligence Community is so unintelligent and disloyal, then why the hell did he appoint them, more to the point why are they still there.
well since we have no names, hard to really say isn't it? i agree after 2 years you'd think he'd have gotten rid of a lot of people, but this is government. nothing moves fast except going slow.
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

Sent from my iPhone using
sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.
I don’t know, she is a bit controversial and has made unfounded claims before.

Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
she speaks out against obama. of course she's controversial.

only she speaks out against actions much moreso than people. in an age of identity politics, how well do you think that's going to go over?

you accuse me time and time again of being biased and to a point, i'm sure i am. we all are. but you sit there and tell me i never get into it with people on the right (want me to name drop? i've made several mad at me this year alone) and yet you don't address that, instead you come back and pull the usual leftist shit - attack her, not what she said.

unfortunately i'm a HUGE 'gray area' person and we live in a binary black/white time. if you don't believe what i do, you believe in EVERYTHING i don't and i will hate you.

that's our society by and large anymore. if i don't agree with you, i attack you. look around in here and you'll see it done in 90% of the threads. hey, i raise my hand guilty also but i try to pull out of it quick or just slide someone to ignore. btw, i may owe y'all for server space cause my ignore list does grow.

you seem like a good dude, coyote. you do. but i wish you and others would go after the issues like you go after the people instead.
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

Sent from my iPhone using
sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.
I don’t know, she is a bit controversial and has made unfounded claims before.

Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
now - let's get back to the issue, shall we? unless you're of the opinion obama in his admin did nothing wrong ever, so people need to shut up. if that is the case, let me know and i'll move along cause ANYONE of that mindset simply isn't worth talking politics with.

from your wiki:
Computer hacking claimsEdit
In May 2013, while still employed at CBS, Attkisson alleged that her personal and work computers had been "compromised" for more than two years.[38] CBS News stated that it had investigated her work computer and found evidence of multiple unauthorized accesses by a third party in late 2012.[39] The U.S. Department of Justice denied any involvement.[40] In her 2014 book, she wrote that a forensic examination revealed that her personal computer was hacked with keystroke logging spyware, enabling an intruder to read all her e-mail messages and gain access to the passwords for her financial accounts.[41]

In late January 2015, Attkisson appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee[42] during a confirmation hearing for Loretta Lynch, President Obama's nominee to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. As part of her appearance in front of that committee, a report by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was released[43] stating that "their investigation was not able to substantiate... allegations that Attkisson's computers were subject to remote intrusions by the FBI, other government personnel, or otherwise" and the deletion seen in Attkisson's video "appeared to be caused by the backspace key being stuck, rather than a remote intrusion".[44][45][46] "CBS News told the OIG that they did not conduct any analysis on her personal computer."[47]

In February 2015, The Washington Examiner clarified that the OIG did not examine the CBS News computer that Attkison claimed was compromised, but only inspected Attkisson's personal devices.[48]

1. it was verified.
2. government says "we didn't do it"
3. gov then says "silly woman, your computer was't hacked".
4. later gov reveals they only looked at personal items, not her computer

our gov has a serious track record of not wanting to look at "hacked" computers. hillary, DNC, sharyls...

before you tell me what i dumbass i am and how much sharyls sucks, can you simply answer why our gov is not interested in inspecting hacked computers?
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that most of the top people in the Intelligence Community was hand picked by no other than Donald Trump. These include
Director of National Intelligence

Deputy Director of National Intelligence

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Director of the National Counter-terrorism Center

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Director of the National Security Agency

If Donald Trump feels Intelligence Community is so unintelligent and disloyal, then why the hell did he appoint them, more to the point why are they still there.
well since we have no names, hard to really say isn't it? i agree after 2 years you'd think he'd have gotten rid of a lot of people, but this is government. nothing moves fast except going slow.
What about White House turnover? That happens fast.

And who’s the leaker? So many new people every week it’s hard to say
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

Sent from my iPhone using
sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.
I don’t know, she is a bit controversial and has made unfounded claims before.

Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
now - let's get back to the issue, shall we? unless you're of the opinion obama in his admin did nothing wrong ever, so people need to shut up. if that is the case, let me know and i'll move along cause ANYONE of that mindset simply isn't worth talking politics with.

from your wiki:
Computer hacking claimsEdit
In May 2013, while still employed at CBS, Attkisson alleged that her personal and work computers had been "compromised" for more than two years.[38] CBS News stated that it had investigated her work computer and found evidence of multiple unauthorized accesses by a third party in late 2012.[39] The U.S. Department of Justice denied any involvement.[40] In her 2014 book, she wrote that a forensic examination revealed that her personal computer was hacked with keystroke logging spyware, enabling an intruder to read all her e-mail messages and gain access to the passwords for her financial accounts.[41]

In late January 2015, Attkisson appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee[42] during a confirmation hearing for Loretta Lynch, President Obama's nominee to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. As part of her appearance in front of that committee, a report by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was released[43] stating that "their investigation was not able to substantiate... allegations that Attkisson's computers were subject to remote intrusions by the FBI, other government personnel, or otherwise" and the deletion seen in Attkisson's video "appeared to be caused by the backspace key being stuck, rather than a remote intrusion".[44][45][46] "CBS News told the OIG that they did not conduct any analysis on her personal computer."[47]

In February 2015, The Washington Examiner clarified that the OIG did not examine the CBS News computer that Attkison claimed was compromised, but only inspected Attkisson's personal devices.[48]

1. it was verified.
2. government says "we didn't do it"
3. gov then says "silly woman, your computer was't hacked".
4. later gov reveals they only looked at personal items, not her computer

our gov has a serious track record of not wanting to look at "hacked" computers. hillary, DNC, sharyls...

before you tell me what i dumbass i am and how much sharyls sucks, can you simply answer why our gov is not interested in inspecting hacked computers?
No. You don’t get to do this. Every time trump breaks a law say obama did too.

And for the record, no he didn’t. Obama was never prosecuted for anything. So he did nothing wrong. Bush and carter too. Clinton lied about a bj.

If trump is breaking the law he needs to be impeached.
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
What a lot of people seem to forget is that most of the top people in the Intelligence Community was hand picked by no other than Donald Trump. These include
Director of National Intelligence

Deputy Director of National Intelligence

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community

Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center

Director of the National Counter-terrorism Center

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Director of the National Security Agency

If Donald Trump feels Intelligence Community is so unintelligent and disloyal, then why the hell did he appoint them, more to the point why are they still there.
well since we have no names, hard to really say isn't it? i agree after 2 years you'd think he'd have gotten rid of a lot of people, but this is government. nothing moves fast except going slow.
What about White House turnover? That happens fast.

And who’s the leaker? So many new people every week it’s hard to say
dunno. there's a lot less leaks than there used to be. and if you're upset about it, then ask yourself, if you have any interest at all in being honest, why obama had a problem with leakers so much he went after the media the way he did. and if you think he didn't, we're done.
Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

Because stupid, if a federal agent wants to hit you with a perjury charge, he (or she) will get you with one.

I've see it happen.

Two people are interviewed about the same event, give two conflicting stories, the justice department can actually charge BOTH parties with lying to federal agents and then let them prove they didn't lie in court or not.

Why do you dummies all the sudden trust federal law enforcement? Oh that's right orange man bad!!!
No, they can't do that

The lie must be related to the official investigation, and the FBI Has to have documented evidence in hand that shows you know you are LYING, when you lied to them. It can not happen without documentation of physical form and is never done on a he said/ she said type basis.
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

Sent from my iPhone using
sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.
I don’t know, she is a bit controversial and has made unfounded claims before.

Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
now - let's get back to the issue, shall we? unless you're of the opinion obama in his admin did nothing wrong ever, so people need to shut up. if that is the case, let me know and i'll move along cause ANYONE of that mindset simply isn't worth talking politics with.

from your wiki:
Computer hacking claimsEdit
In May 2013, while still employed at CBS, Attkisson alleged that her personal and work computers had been "compromised" for more than two years.[38] CBS News stated that it had investigated her work computer and found evidence of multiple unauthorized accesses by a third party in late 2012.[39] The U.S. Department of Justice denied any involvement.[40] In her 2014 book, she wrote that a forensic examination revealed that her personal computer was hacked with keystroke logging spyware, enabling an intruder to read all her e-mail messages and gain access to the passwords for her financial accounts.[41]

In late January 2015, Attkisson appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee[42] during a confirmation hearing for Loretta Lynch, President Obama's nominee to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. As part of her appearance in front of that committee, a report by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was released[43] stating that "their investigation was not able to substantiate... allegations that Attkisson's computers were subject to remote intrusions by the FBI, other government personnel, or otherwise" and the deletion seen in Attkisson's video "appeared to be caused by the backspace key being stuck, rather than a remote intrusion".[44][45][46] "CBS News told the OIG that they did not conduct any analysis on her personal computer."[47]

In February 2015, The Washington Examiner clarified that the OIG did not examine the CBS News computer that Attkison claimed was compromised, but only inspected Attkisson's personal devices.[48]

1. it was verified.
2. government says "we didn't do it"
3. gov then says "silly woman, your computer was't hacked".
4. later gov reveals they only looked at personal items, not her computer

our gov has a serious track record of not wanting to look at "hacked" computers. hillary, DNC, sharyls...

before you tell me what i dumbass i am and how much sharyls sucks, can you simply answer why our gov is not interested in inspecting hacked computers?
No. You don’t get to do this. Every time trump breaks a law say obama did too.

And for the record, no he didn’t. Obama was never prosecuted for anything. So he did nothing wrong. Bush and carter too. Clinton lied about a bj.

If trump is breaking the law he needs to be impeached.
i get to do whatever i damn well please, son. the flow of this conversation has gone from trump still being "chased" by sections of the FBI to her compromised computer to how it got that way. you can blame a lot of people for where this went but that's how conversations go.

obama's DOJ is currently in court. we'll see what happens, spanky. and while no he didn't get prosecuted, that doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong. this blind allegiance is pretty telling.

*if* trump is then yes. but so far there's NOTHING to show he has now is there?
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
Well maybe if acted just a little bit less guilty.....
like theres a chance of that with the tds crowd. :)
How does that make him act like a guilty person?
cause the TDS crowd makes up shit for him to be guilty about.

you really this slow?
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

Sent from my iPhone using
sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.
I don’t know, she is a bit controversial and has made unfounded claims before.

Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
now - let's get back to the issue, shall we? unless you're of the opinion obama in his admin did nothing wrong ever, so people need to shut up. if that is the case, let me know and i'll move along cause ANYONE of that mindset simply isn't worth talking politics with.

from your wiki:
Computer hacking claimsEdit
In May 2013, while still employed at CBS, Attkisson alleged that her personal and work computers had been "compromised" for more than two years.[38] CBS News stated that it had investigated her work computer and found evidence of multiple unauthorized accesses by a third party in late 2012.[39] The U.S. Department of Justice denied any involvement.[40] In her 2014 book, she wrote that a forensic examination revealed that her personal computer was hacked with keystroke logging spyware, enabling an intruder to read all her e-mail messages and gain access to the passwords for her financial accounts.[41]

In late January 2015, Attkisson appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee[42] during a confirmation hearing for Loretta Lynch, President Obama's nominee to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. As part of her appearance in front of that committee, a report by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was released[43] stating that "their investigation was not able to substantiate... allegations that Attkisson's computers were subject to remote intrusions by the FBI, other government personnel, or otherwise" and the deletion seen in Attkisson's video "appeared to be caused by the backspace key being stuck, rather than a remote intrusion".[44][45][46] "CBS News told the OIG that they did not conduct any analysis on her personal computer."[47]

In February 2015, The Washington Examiner clarified that the OIG did not examine the CBS News computer that Attkison claimed was compromised, but only inspected Attkisson's personal devices.[48]

1. it was verified.
2. government says "we didn't do it"
3. gov then says "silly woman, your computer was't hacked".
4. later gov reveals they only looked at personal items, not her computer

our gov has a serious track record of not wanting to look at "hacked" computers. hillary, DNC, sharyls...

before you tell me what i dumbass i am and how much sharyls sucks, can you simply answer why our gov is not interested in inspecting hacked computers?
No. You don’t get to do this. Every time trump breaks a law say obama did too.

And for the record, no he didn’t. Obama was never prosecuted for anything. So he did nothing wrong. Bush and carter too. Clinton lied about a bj.

If trump is breaking the law he needs to be impeached.
i get to do whatever i damn well please, son. the flow of this conversation has gone from trump still being "chased" by sections of the FBI to her compromised computer to how it got that way. you can blame a lot of people for where this went but that's how conversations go.

obama's DOJ is currently in court. we'll see what happens, spanky. and while no he didn't get prosecuted, that doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong. this blind allegiance is pretty telling.

*if* trump is then yes. but so far there's NOTHING to show he has now is there?

So if Trump doesn't get prosecuted, that means that he may have broken the law anyway? Wow....

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