Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

if prejudice is linked to lower intelligence then blacks would be the most prejudiced
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state your position on this subject, and show that you have put in some modicum of effort, and I think I can find much more info. otherwise it is not worth my time.

My position on this subject? Pretty much that you're full of shit.

Why do I say this? Because I was Head Classifier, as well as being the one in charge of the Navy office at the Amarillo MEPS. My boss was in San Antonio.

Never once did we ever check the IQ of any applicant that came to enlist. We based it on AFQT scores. If they made 32 or better? We figured out a place to put them. And, when it came to placing people in jobs, it wasn't based on their IQ, it was based on the various scores of the different sections of the test. Some with a lower than average AFQT (the average of all the other scores) could qualify for the "smart" jobs, while people with a higher AFQT (but lower scores in the sections that mattered) didn't.

Like I anything other than a blog and a right wing site to prove your point? I'd prefer something official from the U.S. Navy if you don't mind.

Otherwise.................take your cherry picking ass elsewhere.

state your position on this subject, and show that you have put in some modicum of effort, and I think I can find much more info. otherwise it is not worth my time.

My position on this subject? Pretty much that you're full of shit.

Why do I say this? Because I was Head Classifier, as well as being the one in charge of the Navy office at the Amarillo MEPS. My boss was in San Antonio.

Never once did we ever check the IQ of any applicant that came to enlist. We based it on AFQT scores. If they made 32 or better? We figured out a place to put them. And, when it came to placing people in jobs, it wasn't based on their IQ, it was based on the various scores of the different sections of the test. Some with a lower than average AFQT (the average of all the other scores) could qualify for the "smart" jobs, while people with a higher AFQT (but lower scores in the sections that mattered) didn't.

Like I anything other than a blog and a right wing site to prove your point? I'd prefer something official from the U.S. Navy if you don't mind.

Otherwise.................take your cherry picking ass elsewhere.

so a Department of Defense memo based on both Air Force and Army research is not good enough for you because it is archived at a Rand Corp website? that's a pretty high bar you are setting. so far all you are producing is your personal statement from working in a recruiting area. which I am not disputing in the least because it dovetails exactly into what I am saying.

it seems that you are confused about whether the AFQT is an IQ test or not. it most certainly is, and as a matter of fact it is the go to method for much if not most intelligence testing in research settings. eg the NLSY.

I said IQ90 was the cutoff because I dont consider the numbers to be exact. you say the cutoff is 32 on the AFQT which corresponds to over IQ92(AFQT 31). I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry because the military is getting more complex as time goes on.

you are not really arguing the accuracy of my statements, you are just angry that I am putting it in a form where people can easily understand the standards of the military, and what that means to the majority of blacks who wouldnt be able to pass muster.

state your position on this subject, and show that you have put in some modicum of effort, and I think I can find much more info. otherwise it is not worth my time.

My position on this subject? Pretty much that you're full of shit.

Why do I say this? Because I was Head Classifier, as well as being the one in charge of the Navy office at the Amarillo MEPS. My boss was in San Antonio.

Never once did we ever check the IQ of any applicant that came to enlist. We based it on AFQT scores. If they made 32 or better? We figured out a place to put them. And, when it came to placing people in jobs, it wasn't based on their IQ, it was based on the various scores of the different sections of the test. Some with a lower than average AFQT (the average of all the other scores) could qualify for the "smart" jobs, while people with a higher AFQT (but lower scores in the sections that mattered) didn't.

Like I anything other than a blog and a right wing site to prove your point? I'd prefer something official from the U.S. Navy if you don't mind.

Otherwise.................take your cherry picking ass elsewhere.

so a Department of Defense memo based on both Air Force and Army research is not good enough for you because it is archived at a Rand Corp website? that's a pretty high bar you are setting. so far all you are producing is your personal statement from working in a recruiting area. which I am not disputing in the least because it dovetails exactly into what I am saying.

it seems that you are confused about whether the AFQT is an IQ test or not. it most certainly is, and as a matter of fact it is the go to method for much if not most intelligence testing in research settings. eg the NLSY.

I said IQ90 was the cutoff because I dont consider the numbers to be exact. you say the cutoff is 32 on the AFQT which corresponds to over IQ92(AFQT 31). I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry because the military is getting more complex as time goes on.

you are not really arguing the accuracy of my statements, you are just angry that I am putting it in a form where people can easily understand the standards of the military, and what that means to the majority of blacks who wouldnt be able to pass muster.

There's no such thing as a valid, writen IQ test. An IQ test must be administered by a qualified medical professional to be remotely valid.

As for the military portion, ABikerSailor is correct. I'm an active Army Career Counselor with 14 years experience in the job.
My position on this subject? Pretty much that you're full of shit.

Why do I say this? Because I was Head Classifier, as well as being the one in charge of the Navy office at the Amarillo MEPS. My boss was in San Antonio.

Never once did we ever check the IQ of any applicant that came to enlist. We based it on AFQT scores. If they made 32 or better? We figured out a place to put them. And, when it came to placing people in jobs, it wasn't based on their IQ, it was based on the various scores of the different sections of the test. Some with a lower than average AFQT (the average of all the other scores) could qualify for the "smart" jobs, while people with a higher AFQT (but lower scores in the sections that mattered) didn't.

Like I anything other than a blog and a right wing site to prove your point? I'd prefer something official from the U.S. Navy if you don't mind.

Otherwise.................take your cherry picking ass elsewhere.

so a Department of Defense memo based on both Air Force and Army research is not good enough for you because it is archived at a Rand Corp website? that's a pretty high bar you are setting. so far all you are producing is your personal statement from working in a recruiting area. which I am not disputing in the least because it dovetails exactly into what I am saying.

it seems that you are confused about whether the AFQT is an IQ test or not. it most certainly is, and as a matter of fact it is the go to method for much if not most intelligence testing in research settings. eg the NLSY.

I said IQ90 was the cutoff because I dont consider the numbers to be exact. you say the cutoff is 32 on the AFQT which corresponds to over IQ92(AFQT 31). I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry because the military is getting more complex as time goes on.

you are not really arguing the accuracy of my statements, you are just angry that I am putting it in a form where people can easily understand the standards of the military, and what that means to the majority of blacks who wouldnt be able to pass muster.

There's no such thing as a valid, writen IQ test. An IQ test must be administered by a qualified medical professional to be remotely valid.

As for the military portion, ABikerSailor is correct. I'm an active Army Career Counselor with 14 years experience in the job.

let's see if I have your position straight. unless someone has taken an 'authorized' IQ test administered by 'authorized' personnel then we have no information about their IQ or their underlying intelligence that manifests in the IQ score. is that right? is one examination sufficient or should there be at least two or three administered over the period of at least one year?

hahahaha. the ASVAB is simply an intelligence test (four sections which make up the AFQT) mixed with other sections that probe knowledge in specific areas. instead of calling it an intelligence test they call it an aptitude test. the AFQT requirement gives a cutoff of roughly IQ90-95, and the other sections point to the areas in which the recruit would be most useful.

the AFQT is the go-to method of procuring IQs for any number of sociology and physiology research projects. anything that it lacks in precision for an individual is more than made up for by ease of administration and accuracy for groups.

another pseudo-IQ test is the SAT. while the public have often heard that the first year grades for an individual are only slightly correlated to SAT scores they never hear that the correlation for a group of 25 students jumps to ~0.7, and that the correlation for a group of 100 students the correlation jumps to over 0.9! in other words for groups of people the SAT, IQ, AFQT, etc scores account for almost all the differences.

dude, Life is an IQ test. all those decisions that people make every day are influenced by the individual's intelligence, and it shows.
so a Department of Defense memo based on both Air Force and Army research is not good enough for you because it is archived at a Rand Corp website? that's a pretty high bar you are setting. so far all you are producing is your personal statement from working in a recruiting area. which I am not disputing in the least because it dovetails exactly into what I am saying.

it seems that you are confused about whether the AFQT is an IQ test or not. it most certainly is, and as a matter of fact it is the go to method for much if not most intelligence testing in research settings. eg the NLSY.

I said IQ90 was the cutoff because I dont consider the numbers to be exact. you say the cutoff is 32 on the AFQT which corresponds to over IQ92(AFQT 31). I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry because the military is getting more complex as time goes on.

you are not really arguing the accuracy of my statements, you are just angry that I am putting it in a form where people can easily understand the standards of the military, and what that means to the majority of blacks who wouldnt be able to pass muster.

There's no such thing as a valid, writen IQ test. An IQ test must be administered by a qualified medical professional to be remotely valid.

As for the military portion, ABikerSailor is correct. I'm an active Army Career Counselor with 14 years experience in the job.

let's see if I have your position straight. unless someone has taken an 'authorized' IQ test administered by 'authorized' personnel then we have no information about their IQ or their underlying intelligence that manifests in the IQ score. is that right? is one examination sufficient or should there be at least two or three administered over the period of at least one year?

hahahaha. the ASVAB is simply an intelligence test (four sections which make up the AFQT) mixed with other sections that probe knowledge in specific areas. instead of calling it an intelligence test they call it an aptitude test. the AFQT requirement gives a cutoff of roughly IQ90-95, and the other sections point to the areas in which the recruit would be most useful.

the AFQT is the go-to method of procuring IQs for any number of sociology and physiology research projects. anything that it lacks in precision for an individual is more than made up for by ease of administration and accuracy for groups.

another pseudo-IQ test is the SAT. while the public have often heard that the first year grades for an individual are only slightly correlated to SAT scores they never hear that the correlation for a group of 25 students jumps to ~0.7, and that the correlation for a group of 100 students the correlation jumps to over 0.9! in other words for groups of people the SAT, IQ, AFQT, etc scores account for almost all the differences.

dude, Life is an IQ test. all those decisions that people make every day are influenced by the individual's intelligence, and it shows.

The SAT and ASVAB tests measure a person's knowledge in specific areas.

Meanwhile an IQ test measures someone's intelligence, which is their ability to learn and do things.

They are completely seperate tests which measure different things. Remember, knowledge and intelligence are different things. Just because you aren't knowledgable of a subject doesn't mean you're not intelligent. It just may mean you've never been exposed to the subject.
so a Department of Defense memo based on both Air Force and Army research is not good enough for you because it is archived at a Rand Corp website? that's a pretty high bar you are setting. so far all you are producing is your personal statement from working in a recruiting area. which I am not disputing in the least because it dovetails exactly into what I am saying.

it seems that you are confused about whether the AFQT is an IQ test or not. it most certainly is, and as a matter of fact it is the go to method for much if not most intelligence testing in research settings. eg the NLSY.

I said IQ90 was the cutoff because I dont consider the numbers to be exact. you say the cutoff is 32 on the AFQT which corresponds to over IQ92(AFQT 31). I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry because the military is getting more complex as time goes on.

you are not really arguing the accuracy of my statements, you are just angry that I am putting it in a form where people can easily understand the standards of the military, and what that means to the majority of blacks who wouldnt be able to pass muster.

There's no such thing as a valid, writen IQ test. An IQ test must be administered by a qualified medical professional to be remotely valid.

As for the military portion, ABikerSailor is correct. I'm an active Army Career Counselor with 14 years experience in the job.

let's see if I have your position straight. unless someone has taken an 'authorized' IQ test administered by 'authorized' personnel then we have no information about their IQ or their underlying intelligence that manifests in the IQ score. is that right? is one examination sufficient or should there be at least two or three administered over the period of at least one year?

hahahaha. the ASVAB is simply an intelligence test (four sections which make up the AFQT) mixed with other sections that probe knowledge in specific areas. instead of calling it an intelligence test they call it an aptitude test. the AFQT requirement gives a cutoff of roughly IQ90-95, and the other sections point to the areas in which the recruit would be most useful.

the AFQT is the go-to method of procuring IQs for any number of sociology and physiology research projects. anything that it lacks in precision for an individual is more than made up for by ease of administration and accuracy for groups.

another pseudo-IQ test is the SAT. while the public have often heard that the first year grades for an individual are only slightly correlated to SAT scores they never hear that the correlation for a group of 25 students jumps to ~0.7, and that the correlation for a group of 100 students the correlation jumps to over 0.9! in other words for groups of people the SAT, IQ, AFQT, etc scores account for almost all the differences.

dude, Life is an IQ test. all those decisions that people make every day are influenced by the individual's intelligence, and it shows.

Actually, the AFQT isn't there to measure IQ, it's there to measure a person's aptitude for certain jobs. I've seen people with really high AFQT's (like around mid 70's), but were unable to qualify for the job that they really wanted because one block of their AFQT (and there are 8 to 10 sections, not 4) didn't meet the qualifications required because either (a) the sum total of two scores didn't qualify, or (b) because just ONE of their scores didn't qualify. The ASVAB doesn't measure just IQ, it also measures one's ability to pay attention to detail, mechanical aptitude, as well as several other things.

And DOES have to be an "authorized test" administered by "authorized personnel". If you don't take the AFQT (no matter what other tests you've taken, SAT, ACT, IQ test, etc), you don't get to enlist.

Like I said, I've got actual practical experience working with this. What have you done other than pull a couple of articles and blogs outta your ass to try to prove your point?

Shit.................even another person whom I've never met (but has done the same job) says that you're full of crap.
I think Ian's point is that, while the military uses the ASVAB for jobs placement, many people who study intelligence have used ASVAB data for research into intelligence.

They've found that the ASVAB is a good predictor for job placement (which is why the military still uses it) and that it ALSO can be a predictor for future success and intelligence. From a paper by Linda Gottfredson at the University of Deleware, here;

"Although not designed or labeled as intelligence tests, these batteries often function as good surrogates for them. In fact, all widely-used cognitive ability tests measure general intelligence (the general mental ability factor, g) to an important degree"

The point Ian is making about the ASVAB is that it is used by people OTHER than the military to measure g. Something that you cannot deny. You keep arguing that the it's not an IQ test, but for numerous years scientist and reseachers have used it to measure IQ (g) for psychometric, psychological, and social scientific studies.

A good paper to read, if you are so inclined, that covers what Ian is talking about can be found here. Titled, Fairness in Employment Testing: Validity Generalization, Minority Issues, and the General Aptitude Test Battery (1989) Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (CBASSE). Chapter 4 is where they talk about military testing and IQ (g).

Here is a study done by Yale researchers showing AFQT (ASVAB) scores comparing across both the 1997 and the 1977 National Longitidunal Study of Youth which Ian also mentioned. It might be a good idea to become familiar with these large scale studies as they are very telling about IQ, g, and general success across populations.

While both of you have experience, and valuable at that, in the processing of recruits through their taking of the ASVAB, you're knowledge of psychometrics, employment based testing, and social/psychological research could use some help. Knowledge of the former does not equate at all to knowledge about the latter.

Happy learning.
Actually, the AFQT isn't there to measure IQ, it's there to measure a person's aptitude for certain jobs. I've seen people with really high AFQT's (like around mid 70's), but were unable to qualify for the job that they really wanted because one block of their AFQT (and there are 8 to 10 sections, not 4) didn't meet the qualifications required because either (a) the sum total of two scores didn't qualify, or (b) because just ONE of their scores didn't qualify. The ASVAB doesn't measure just IQ, it also measures one's ability to pay attention to detail, mechanical aptitude, as well as several other things.

And DOES have to be an "authorized test" administered by "authorized personnel". If you don't take the AFQT (no matter what other tests you've taken, SAT, ACT, IQ test, etc), you don't get to enlist.

Like I said, I've got actual practical experience working with this. What have you done other than pull a couple of articles and blogs outta your ass to try to prove your point?

Shit.................even another person whom I've never met (but has done the same job) says that you're full of crap.

hey, Im not trying to prove you wrong or even piss you off.....

but the ASVAB is the full scale aptitude test, and the AFQT is the built-in IQ test made up of 4 sections.
The formula for computing an AFQT score is: AR + MK + (2 x VE) where VE = PC + WK.

The VE (verbal) score is determined by adding the raw scores from the PC and WK tests (i.e., how many questions the aspiring recruit got right on each) and using a table to get the VE score from that combined PC and WK raw score.

I can understand that you have probably been repeatedly told that the AFQT is not an 'IQ Test'. but if it walks, talks and looks like a duck, it is a duck. the mental qualities tested by the AFQT are the same qualities tested by a 'real IQ Test'. therefore if the armed forces have decided that there is a threshhold score on the AFQT for recruit acceptance then that is the same as saying there is a threshhold IQ score for acceptance.

only the name of the test is different. probably to stay away from the negative connotations associated with 'IQ' and race.

an interesting aside, which corroborates AFQT being an IQ test, is that black recruits score ,on average, one standard deviation lower than white recruits.
Funny that, seeing that the studies conducted showed that the average Tea Partier, you know, those right wing, Christian, racist, gun toting, bible thumping and spit on negro senators protestors, was better educated and more financially secure than the rest of the population on average. Go figure, some head up his ass, liberal scrote college professor thinks Conservatives are stupid. Hmmm, can't be any prejudice in his paper I'm sure.
Funny that, seeing that the studies conducted showed that the average Tea Partier, you know, those right wing, Christian, racist, gun toting, bible thumping and spit on negro senators protestors, was better educated and more financially secure than the rest of the population on average. Go figure, some head up his ass, liberal scrote college professor thinks Conservatives are stupid. Hmmm, can't be any prejudice in his paper I'm sure.

yup, we have a prof at one of the local universities that has 'proven' that private schools do a worse job of educating their students than public schools.

of course, that is only after the 'necessary adjustments' have been applied to the figures.
Actually, the AFQT isn't there to measure IQ, it's there to measure a person's aptitude for certain jobs. I've seen people with really high AFQT's (like around mid 70's), but were unable to qualify for the job that they really wanted because one block of their AFQT (and there are 8 to 10 sections, not 4) didn't meet the qualifications required because either (a) the sum total of two scores didn't qualify, or (b) because just ONE of their scores didn't qualify. The ASVAB doesn't measure just IQ, it also measures one's ability to pay attention to detail, mechanical aptitude, as well as several other things.

And DOES have to be an "authorized test" administered by "authorized personnel". If you don't take the AFQT (no matter what other tests you've taken, SAT, ACT, IQ test, etc), you don't get to enlist.

Like I said, I've got actual practical experience working with this. What have you done other than pull a couple of articles and blogs outta your ass to try to prove your point?

Shit.................even another person whom I've never met (but has done the same job) says that you're full of crap.

hey, Im not trying to prove you wrong or even piss you off.....

but the ASVAB is the full scale aptitude test, and the AFQT is the built-in IQ test made up of 4 sections.
The formula for computing an AFQT score is: AR + MK + (2 x VE) where VE = PC + WK.

The VE (verbal) score is determined by adding the raw scores from the PC and WK tests (i.e., how many questions the aspiring recruit got right on each) and using a table to get the VE score from that combined PC and WK raw score.

I can understand that you have probably been repeatedly told that the AFQT is not an 'IQ Test'. but if it walks, talks and looks like a duck, it is a duck. the mental qualities tested by the AFQT are the same qualities tested by a 'real IQ Test'. therefore if the armed forces have decided that there is a threshhold score on the AFQT for recruit acceptance then that is the same as saying there is a threshhold IQ score for acceptance.

only the name of the test is different. probably to stay away from the negative connotations associated with 'IQ' and race.

an interesting aside, which corroborates AFQT being an IQ test, is that black recruits score ,on average, one standard deviation lower than white recruits.

that holds true for standard IQ tests as well.

but then there is the "achievement gap" and " SAT gap"

both of those are lower by one standard deviation or more :dunno:
Actually, the AFQT isn't there to measure IQ, it's there to measure a person's aptitude for certain jobs. I've seen people with really high AFQT's (like around mid 70's), but were unable to qualify for the job that they really wanted because one block of their AFQT (and there are 8 to 10 sections, not 4) didn't meet the qualifications required because either (a) the sum total of two scores didn't qualify, or (b) because just ONE of their scores didn't qualify. The ASVAB doesn't measure just IQ, it also measures one's ability to pay attention to detail, mechanical aptitude, as well as several other things.

And DOES have to be an "authorized test" administered by "authorized personnel". If you don't take the AFQT (no matter what other tests you've taken, SAT, ACT, IQ test, etc), you don't get to enlist.

Like I said, I've got actual practical experience working with this. What have you done other than pull a couple of articles and blogs outta your ass to try to prove your point?

Shit.................even another person whom I've never met (but has done the same job) says that you're full of crap.

hey, Im not trying to prove you wrong or even piss you off.....

but the ASVAB is the full scale aptitude test, and the AFQT is the built-in IQ test made up of 4 sections.
The formula for computing an AFQT score is: AR + MK + (2 x VE) where VE = PC + WK.

The VE (verbal) score is determined by adding the raw scores from the PC and WK tests (i.e., how many questions the aspiring recruit got right on each) and using a table to get the VE score from that combined PC and WK raw score.

I can understand that you have probably been repeatedly told that the AFQT is not an 'IQ Test'. but if it walks, talks and looks like a duck, it is a duck. the mental qualities tested by the AFQT are the same qualities tested by a 'real IQ Test'. therefore if the armed forces have decided that there is a threshhold score on the AFQT for recruit acceptance then that is the same as saying there is a threshhold IQ score for acceptance.

only the name of the test is different. probably to stay away from the negative connotations associated with 'IQ' and race.

an interesting aside, which corroborates AFQT being an IQ test, is that black recruits score ,on average, one standard deviation lower than white recruits.

that holds true for standard IQ tests as well.

but then there is the "achievement gap" and " SAT gap"

both of those are lower by one standard deviation or more :dunno:

anything with a moderate correlation to intelligence is likely to show a roughly one standard deviation difference.

the difference in the tails of distribution is even more likely to be striking. functional illiteracy at one end, Nobel Prizes in science at the other.
Quick many of those who are non military could pass the ASVAB?

I'm pretty sure that those who could pass the test would never take it, because supposedly "smart" people never join the military.

How many current politicians (who are supposed to represent the country) have served in the military?

I'm guessing a very small percent.
Folks, please let us do grow up, okay?

We all know smart people who believe stupid things, do we not?

I have know people who I know were smarter than I am who were also racists.

Nowq how could a smart person believe something that is not smart?

Simple...they simply believe things that I believe are not true, and from those false suppositions, the rest of their logic follows intelligently.

IF you buy into their presuppoositions uncritically?

Then their logical arguments actually DO make sense.

GIGO, know what I mean?
Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

most racists are dumb, there are a few who are very intelligent but they are sociopaths

Based on my life experiences, I have observed that there are varying "types" of racists. There are those who are covert, that harbor racist sentiments while outwardly attempting to convince others of their "tolerance".

There are "scientific" racists who interpret data from various studies in their own way to come to the conclusion that certain races are inferior to others. All the while stating " I'm not racist, read the study, I'm only a messenger",

Then are are "religious" racists who use passages from the bible and site religious theories to illustrate the "evils" of other races. To differ with them is "arguing with God".

There are cowardly racists who flock to Internet message forums to voice their "opinions" in a safe environment, all the while claiming they are seeking "honest" dialogue. For these types my belief is that they often want "dialogue" strictly on their terms, and become offended by any rebuttal to their position.

Lastly, there are the "honest" racists. The ones who actually believe that they are superior based on the accident of their birth into whatever racial group they fall into and are adamant in their belief in public as well as privately. Of all of the various types of racists I have encountered in my almost 60 years they are my personal favorite type of racist, because you know precisely where they stand and there is no guessing or silly semantics and there are no games.

True, racists are racists but there differences in them as well.

Just my opinion.
Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

most racists are dumb, there are a few who are very intelligent but they are sociopaths

Based on my life experiences, I have observed that there are varying "types" of racists. There are those who are covert, that harbor racist sentiments while outwardly attempting to convince others of their "tolerance".

There are "scientific" racists who interpret data from various studies in their own way to come to the conclusion that certain races are inferior to others. All the while stating " I'm not racist, read the study, I'm only a messenger",

Then are are "religious" racists who use passages from the bible and site religious theories to illustrate the "evils" of other races. To differ with them is "arguing with God".

There are cowardly racists who flock to Internet message forums to voice their "opinions" in a safe environment, all the while claiming they are seeking "honest" dialogue. For these types my belief is that they often want "dialogue" strictly on their terms, and become offended by any rebuttal to their position.

Lastly, there are the "honest" racists. The ones who actually believe that they are superior based on the accident of their birth into whatever racial group they fall into and are adamant in their belief in public as well as privately. Of all of the various types of racists I have encountered in my almost 60 years they are my personal favorite type of racist, because you know precisely where they stand and there is no guessing or silly semantics and there are no games.

True, racists are racists but there differences in them as well.

Just my opinion.

Interesting opinion, yet the one true fact is, ignorance is the father of racism.
Racism is rarely based entirely on intellect IMO. It usually has a large emotional component to it. That being the case, the intelligence of a person is not necessarily a strong indicator of whether or not they may have racist views.
Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

LOL, "Low I.Q." ethnic groups are much more likely to be Democrats. :clap2:

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