Interesting: Ivanka sat in for her father at G20 world leaders’ table

Can you imagine if it was Chelsea Clinton?

The media would be saying how great it was that she is stepping up for a future political carrier, but since it is Ivanka Trump it is a horrible.

You are lying to imply that you'd be supporting Chelsea in a similar situation.

Stop lying. Show an ounce of integrity, for god's sake.

I never said I would. After all the international embarrassing things Hillary did as Secretary of State having her daughter saving her seat at a show is by far the least worst thing she would have done.
FFS, she sat in for five minutes. Made no motions and never said anything.

I'd like for you to know that I have no problem with Ivanka sitting there.....I do, however, have a problem with the arrogant "daddy" who thinks that running our country is a nepotistic/family affair........It DOES diminish the office that this guy has stumbled into.
FFS, she sat in for five minutes. Made no motions and never said anything.

I'd like for you to know that I have no problem with Ivanka sitting there.....I do, however, have a problem with the arrogant "daddy" who thinks that running our country is a nepotistic/family affair........It DOES diminish the office that this guy has stumbled into.
You seemed to be fine with the Kennedy's and Clinton's so spare me the outrage.
Oh please, after JFK's brother as attorney general and hilly clitty as presidential advisor, dems complaining about nepotism is hilarious.

So she sat in for a few minutes, if it causes one democrat suicide it will be worth it.
Ivanka is a presidential advisor. The left just hates to see women in positions of power.

Yes, I'm aware of mean how happy the Republicans were when Bill had Hillary sitting in on Cabinet meeting and assigned her the job of coming up with a health care bill. How many people said no one voted for her, and Republicans lead the charge in criticizing her.

Liberals aren't opposed to strong women: they nominated one. Republicans showed their respect by calling her names, mostly having to do with her age, even though Trump is older.
You seemed to be fine with the Kennedy's and Clinton's so spare me the outrage.

What the fuck does the above have to do with Ivanka sitting in for daddy???
It proves your hysteria over nepotism and families is strictly tied to which party they are in. If Shrillary were prez today and her worthless daughter sat in you would be praising her. So piss off with your outrage.
Ivanka is a presidential advisor. The left just hates to see women in positions of power.

Yes, I'm aware of mean how happy the Republicans were when Bill had Hillary sitting in on Cabinet meeting and assigned her the job of coming up with a health care bill. How many people said no one voted for her, and Republicans lead the charge in criticizing her.

Liberals aren't opposed to strong women: they nominated one. Republicans showed their respect by calling her names, mostly having to do with her age, even though Trump is older.
You let me know when Ivanka proposes a healthcare take over. Or school lunches. And fuck off with your we hate women crap. Hildabeast deserves respect. She's pathetic.
So fucking what? What bloody position in the US government does Merkel hold for her OPINION of those circumstances to have any meaningful LEGAL STANDING in the US you fucking imbecile? Perhaps The Orange One got permission from Putin to go potty and appointed Ivanka to sit in too, EH? Does the US now take direction for our actions now with this new regime from other powers, dummy? Think you bloody fool!

Damn but you're a waste of air and far too high a position in the food chain on this planet!!!!
What do you not get, that others do the same. Oh, I know, because it is connected to Trump, that makes it different.

How foolish you look and don't even see it. Your hatred that he won over your darling has really blinded you. One day you will drop dead from all that anxiety and animosity you carry around from needing your way all the time.
So fucking what? What bloody position in the US government does Merkel hold for her OPINION of those circumstances to have any meaningful LEGAL STANDING in the US you fucking imbecile? Perhaps The Orange One got permission from Putin to go potty and appointed Ivanka to sit in too, EH? Does the US now take direction for our actions now with this new regime from other powers, dummy? Think you bloody fool!

Damn but you're a waste of air and far too high a position in the food chain on this planet!!!!

It's called the executive branch, the President can appoint whoever the hell he wants to be in his cabinet and staff.

Except family. A law was passed because of JFK hiring his brother as his Attorney General. It is illegal for the President to hire family. The Nepotism Act, I think.
Four Ways Donald Trump Might Try to Hire Family in the White House
The loophole would appear to rely on a federal court's ruling in 1993 regarding then First Lady Hillary Clinton's appointment to a White House task force on health care reform. “We doubt that Congress intended to include the White House or the Executive Office of the President,” D.C. Circuit Judge Laurence Silberman wrote of the anti-nepotism law. The opinion went on to suggest that while a President could not appoint his brother to be Attorney General, he could perhaps make an appointment to the White House staff, and potentially as an unpaid aide.

The Justice Department concluded Friday that Jared Kushner serving in his father-in-law’s administration would not be a violation of federal anti-nepotism laws.

“In choosing his personal staff, the President enjoys an unusual degree of freedom, which Congress found suitable to the demands of his office,” wrote Daniel Koffsky, deputy assistant attorney general in the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel, which serves as interpreter of federal law for the White House. “Any appointment to that staff, however, carries with it a set of legal restrictions, by which Congress has regulated and fenced in the conduct of federal officials.”

If it's good enough for the goose, it is good enough for the gander

It's called the executive branch, the President can appoint whoever the hell he wants to be in his cabinet and staff.

Except family. A law was passed because of JFK hiring his brother as his Attorney General. It is illegal for the President to hire family. The Nepotism Act, I think.
What do you not get, that others do the same. Oh, I know, because it is connected to Trump, that makes it different.

How foolish you look and don't even see it. Your hatred that he won over your darling has really blinded you. One day you will drop dead from all that anxiety and animosity you carry around from needing your way all the time.
So fucking what? What bloody position in the US government does Merkel hold for her OPINION of those circumstances to have any meaningful LEGAL STANDING in the US you fucking imbecile? Perhaps The Orange One got permission from Putin to go potty and appointed Ivanka to sit in too, EH? Does the US now take direction for our actions now with this new regime from other powers, dummy? Think you bloody fool!

Damn but you're a waste of air and far too high a position in the food chain on this planet!!!!
What do you not get, that others do the same. Oh, I know, because it is connected to Trump, that makes it different.

How foolish you look and don't even see it. Your hatred that he won over your darling has really blinded you. One day you will drop dead from all that anxiety and animosity you carry around from needing your way all the time.
You can't find any flaw in the logic of my argument so you resort to ad hominem of the fumbling sophomoric variety as a substitute because you're to fucking insipidly stupid to resort to any logical counter, such as an apology for coexisting with a superior species than your own with the ignorant pretense of a near par intellect! Fuck you and the horse you slept with last night and are trying to ride today, dummy!

The Orange One will bring himself down in disgrace in due course. My true concern is whether or not he takes my beloved Country down with him or imparts irreconcilable damage in that fall of his making!

You seem to think you show intellect. Attempting to insult someone to take the heat off your own foibles takes no intellect, my dear. If only you could see yourself through the eyes of those that do.
What do you not get, that others do the same. Oh, I know, because it is connected to Trump, that makes it different.

How foolish you look and don't even see it. Your hatred that he won over your darling has really blinded you. One day you will drop dead from all that anxiety and animosity you carry around from needing your way all the time.
So fucking what? What bloody position in the US government does Merkel hold for her OPINION of those circumstances to have any meaningful LEGAL STANDING in the US you fucking imbecile? Perhaps The Orange One got permission from Putin to go potty and appointed Ivanka to sit in too, EH? Does the US now take direction for our actions now with this new regime from other powers, dummy? Think you bloody fool!

Damn but you're a waste of air and far too high a position in the food chain on this planet!!!!
What do you not get, that others do the same. Oh, I know, because it is connected to Trump, that makes it different.

How foolish you look and don't even see it. Your hatred that he won over your darling has really blinded you. One day you will drop dead from all that anxiety and animosity you carry around from needing your way all the time.
You can't find any flaw in the logic of my argument so you resort to ad hominem of the fumbling sophomoric variety as a substitute because you're to fucking insipidly stupid to resort to any logical counter, such as an apology for coexisting with a superior species than your own with the ignorant pretense of a near par intellect! Fuck you and the horse you slept with last night and are trying to ride today, dummy!

The Orange One will bring himself down in disgrace in due course. My true concern is whether or not he takes my beloved Country down with him or imparts irreconcilable damage in that fall of his making!


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