Interesting: Ivanka sat in for her father at G20 world leaders’ table

Trump: Hey Ivanka why don't you take my seat at the G20 for a bit.

Ivanka: You realize that will trigger liberal snowflakes right?

Trump: Yes that's why I want you to do it.
Normally those positions are attended by ministers of the govt. Evidently now the US is casual...
Lord your dishonesty is significant. You should get a job with FNN. From your own link.

A White House spokesperson said “[Ivanka] briefly joined the main table when the President had to step out”.

She didn’t take the floor at any point during her substitute appearance which is a duty usually undertaken by senior government officials when their country’s leader has to pop out for a few moments.

NO, NO....don't get me wrong, I and the rest of the world would rather look at Ivanka than the fat piece of orange lard.......
I said nothing about anyone's looks. Trump stepped out of the meeting to speak with someone and Ivanka sat down momentarily. You make it sound like Trump left and abandoned the talks to his daughter. Since that is not true, well, everyone else can see what this thread is all about.
You make it sound like Trump left and abandoned the talks to his daughter. Since that is not true, well, everyone else can see what this thread is all about.'re "correct"......there was not a SINGLE other US representative around all of Germany to have taken the fat assed trump's place........
So, Ivanka stepped in....
Dude, not only have you questioned the Führer's decision; you have insulted his family by not realizing the same greatness and affinity to lead is in their blood. How dare you? I hope you get black bagged.
Instead of bashing one would think you'd be happy since Ivanka and her husband Jared are well known liberals. We conservatives are the only ones who should be bitching about that. And many of us are.
You make it sound like Trump left and abandoned the talks to his daughter. Since that is not true, well, everyone else can see what this thread is all about.'re "correct"......there was not a SINGLE other US representative around all of Germany to have taken the fat assed trump's place........
So, Ivanka stepped in....
Doesn't matter if there was someone else. The person sitting there as a place holder had no authority to make any decisions, so claims that Trump abdicated his position are just lies.

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Instead of bashing one would think you'd be happy since Ivanka and her husband Jared are well known liberals. We conservatives are the only ones who should be bitching about that. And many of us are.

Please don't let us stop you, then.....LOL
Ivanka is a presidential advisor. The left just hates to see women in positions of power.
Lord your dishonesty is significant. You should get a job with FNN. From your own link.

A White House spokesperson said “[Ivanka] briefly joined the main table when the President had to step out”.

She didn’t take the floor at any point during her substitute appearance which is a duty usually undertaken by senior government officials when their country’s leader has to pop out for a few moments.

gnat doesn't need to read links, he has crystal balls to get his news from

LOL 'gnat' that's brilliant I'm stealing that! :laugh:
Ivanka is a presidential advisor. The left just hates to see women in positions of power.
No, it's more a matter of claiming that she is unofficial in an official position to get around laws on hiring your family in politics(nepotism) which is an ethical issue...
I guess this is today's faux outrage from the left

Actually.....NOT really.....just a quick glimpse on what YOU and your ilk got us into.

A. I didn't vote for Trump, tard. I voted for Gary Johnson because you're candidate was just as defective as the Trump tards'.

B. You don't give a monkey's cock about this. You're just parroting the loons at Think Progress (LOL) because you hate the president and need something bitch about to make you feel better. She sat in on one meeting for a brief amount of time while he was attending another one. Big fucking whoop-dee-doo. I assure you she was well versed on what ever subject matter was being discussed, but if having your little circle jerk makes you feel better, go for it.

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