Internment of Japanese-Americans During World War II

You need to try harder

It would show more character for you to be a man and admit you were wrong.

You need to put more effort in your posts

Grown ups are talking in this thread

Ok, be a grown up and answer the question.

Already answered...

And what was your answer? some effort Junior
The Japanese were evil

It was in all the papers

Which Japanese?

Well? Which Japanese?

Imperial Japan killed as much as 10 million in China, and enslaved up to millions of Koreans, in the 1930's - 1940's.

But, I suppose Japan was just a nice peaceful state at the time.

Leave your straw man in the corner and answer the question. It seems the self-proclaimed 'adult' there lacks the stones for it.
It would show more character for you to be a man and admit you were wrong.

You need to put more effort in your posts

Grown ups are talking in this thread

Ok, be a grown up and answer the question.

Already answered...

And what was your answer? some effort Junior

I thought you said adults were talking. An adult would just answer the question.
You need to put more effort in your posts

Grown ups are talking in this thread

Ok, be a grown up and answer the question.

Already answered...

And what was your answer? some effort Junior

I thought you said adults were talking. An adult would just answer the question.

Fail....try harder
Ok, be a grown up and answer the question.

Already answered...

And what was your answer? some effort Junior

I thought you said adults were talking. An adult would just answer the question.

Fail....try harder

Hmmm... not very adult. Childish, in fact. This is where a real adult would suck it up and admit that your position was illogical and untenable from the beginning. Now, show some character, try to act like a man, and move on.
Already answered...

And what was your answer? some effort Junior

I thought you said adults were talking. An adult would just answer the question.

Fail....try harder

Hmmm... not very adult. Childish, in fact. This is where a real adult would suck it up and admit that your position was illogical and untenable from the beginning. Now, show some character, try to act like a man, and move on.

Try keeping up with the is not hard
Whatever you may say about the internment of Japanese-Americans, you cannot say that it had no legitimate national security function. We will never know what would have occurred, if the internment had not happened.

The only way that a valid, objective assessment could be made, is if there was an internment, and no internment, and then compare the two side by side – which, of course, is impossible. We will simply never know.

What we CAN assess, is that if we had never allowed Muslims to immigrate here, or come here on visas, we would not have had many terrorist attacks, which, in total, have killed thousands of our people.

We can also assess that a Muslim ban is not only legal, it is required by the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2, Part 1)
We have a Second Amendment for "internal security".
Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.
I've pondered this question briefly in the past myself. Why were Japanese interred but not Germans? The only thing I can come up with is national pride. The Japanese were very prideful of their mother country, where as the German's in general were ashamed? ~shrug~

You have to understand....times change and so do people

The Japanese of 1942 were sneaky, cunning and wanted to kill us in our sleep
Today, they make cool cars, nice Sushi and teach us wax on/wax off

Only as long as we occupy them, we leave and it's back to kamikaze time on Pear Harbor..

They are just waiting us out

they may have lost all of their "honest kamikaze" contingents.

now all they have is mundane.winds.
This is 1942 America

1. Blacks were still segregated in the south, lynchings were abundant
2. Women had recently gotten the right to vote
3. Immigrants were separated into neighborhoods

They were supposed to care if some sneaky Japs who had just attacked us at Pearl Harbor were rounded up for our safety?

This is 2017 America

1. Blacks are still segregated in the North, Racism is still abundant in the north

2. Mexicans were separated into neighborhoods on their own and have no desire to Americanize

Their I fixed it for you, you're welcome

2. Those ones merely want a market friendly visa, instead of immigration.
This is 2017 America

1. Blacks are still segregated in the North, Racism is still abundant in the north

2. Mexicans were separated into neighborhoods on their own and have no desire to Americanize

Their I fixed it for you, you're welcome

1. Blacks are segregated into black neighborhoods now, just as they always have been, And all by their own choice.
Looking back 75 years....yea, it was a horrible thing to do

Looking at it in terms of 1942 America a few months after Pearl made a lot of sense
75 years does not make a horrible but sensible thing become only horrible. It was sensible then. It is sensible now. Just as the Muslim ban is sensible.
It was unConstitutional then, and is still unConstitutional now.
Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.

They deserved it

Locking them up kept us safe.......History does not lie
NO attacks after they were locked up
Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.

They deserved it

Locking them up kept us safe.......History does not lie
NO attacks after they were locked up

Ok, this is really disappointing...

Someone who sort of, in any superficial way looks something like you, committed a crime recently. I hereby declare that you therefore are going to become a serial killer in the near future. It doesn't matter that you have never killed anyone and that I have no evidence you are going to. You are guilty before the fact anyway. The only way to protect society from a serial killer like you is to throw you into the deepest, darkest hole we can find. If you try to climb out of the hole, you will be shot and killed. After you have been locked in this deep, dark hole for a few years it will PROVE not only that you would have become a serial killer as predicted, but the effectiveness and justification for your imprisonment. According to your repeated comments on this thread, you cannot possibly object to this plan of action. RIGHT?

You deserve it.
Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.

They deserved it

Locking them up kept us safe.......History does not lie
NO attacks after they were locked up

Ok, this is really disappointing...

Someone who sort of, in any superficial way looks something like you, committed a crime recently. I hereby declare that you therefore are going to become a serial killer in the near future. It doesn't matter that you have never killed anyone and that I have no evidence you are going to. You are guilty before the fact anyway. The only way to protect society from a serial killer like you is to throw you into the deepest, darkest hole we can find. If you try to climb out of the hole, you will be shot and killed. After you have been locked in this deep, dark hole for a few years it will PROVE not only that you would have become a serial killer as predicted, but the effectiveness and justification for your imprisonment. According to your repeated comments on this thread, you cannot possibly object to this plan of action. RIGHT?

You deserve it.

Before Japanese internment.........Pearl Harbor
After internment.........No attacks

FDR kept us safe
Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.

They deserved it

Locking them up kept us safe.......History does not lie
NO attacks after they were locked up

Ok, this is really disappointing...

Someone who sort of, in any superficial way looks something like you, committed a crime recently. I hereby declare that you therefore are going to become a serial killer in the near future. It doesn't matter that you have never killed anyone and that I have no evidence you are going to. You are guilty before the fact anyway. The only way to protect society from a serial killer like you is to throw you into the deepest, darkest hole we can find. If you try to climb out of the hole, you will be shot and killed. After you have been locked in this deep, dark hole for a few years it will PROVE not only that you would have become a serial killer as predicted, but the effectiveness and justification for your imprisonment. According to your repeated comments on this thread, you cannot possibly object to this plan of action. RIGHT?

You deserve it.

Before Japanese internment.........Pearl Harbor
After internment.........No attacks

FDR kept us safe

There have been crimes committed by those superficially similar to you. After you are thrown down into the hole, YOU will not commit any crimes. It will keep us safe.
Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.

They deserved it

Locking them up kept us safe.......History does not lie
NO attacks after they were locked up

Ok, this is really disappointing...

Someone who sort of, in any superficial way looks something like you, committed a crime recently. I hereby declare that you therefore are going to become a serial killer in the near future. It doesn't matter that you have never killed anyone and that I have no evidence you are going to. You are guilty before the fact anyway. The only way to protect society from a serial killer like you is to throw you into the deepest, darkest hole we can find. If you try to climb out of the hole, you will be shot and killed. After you have been locked in this deep, dark hole for a few years it will PROVE not only that you would have become a serial killer as predicted, but the effectiveness and justification for your imprisonment. According to your repeated comments on this thread, you cannot possibly object to this plan of action. RIGHT?

You deserve it.

Before Japanese internment.........Pearl Harbor
After internment.........No attacks

FDR kept us safe

There have been crimes committed by those superficially similar to you. After you are thrown down into the hole, YOU will not commit any crimes. It will keep us safe.

Well, since the 'adult' is afraid to answer questions, I'll reiterate. The victims of the scumbag fdr's concentration camps were innocent of any crime or cause for the theft of their homes and property, the abrogation of their constitutional and human rights, and the scumbag fdr damn well knew that they presented no threat to the nation. No Japanese American citizen or permanent resident was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage throughout the war. Many brave, loyal Americans even volunteered to fight for America while imprisoned in fdr's concentration camps. They made up much of the 442nd, the most highly decorated unit in American military history. The best and bravest of our fellow Americans, along with their families - including the elderly, women, and young children - lived in concentration camps under threat of death for no reason other than economic opportunism and the scumbag fdr's vile and un-American racism.

It is tragic that some people are so deeply ignorant of logic that it is necessary to say this, but:

Japanese American citizens and permanent residents on the West Coast did not participate in nor were responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war. Anyone trying to draw a link of culpability based solely on shared ethnicity are as vile and morally bankrupt as fdr himself was.

They deserved it

Locking them up kept us safe.......History does not lie
NO attacks after they were locked up

Ok, this is really disappointing...

Someone who sort of, in any superficial way looks something like you, committed a crime recently. I hereby declare that you therefore are going to become a serial killer in the near future. It doesn't matter that you have never killed anyone and that I have no evidence you are going to. You are guilty before the fact anyway. The only way to protect society from a serial killer like you is to throw you into the deepest, darkest hole we can find. If you try to climb out of the hole, you will be shot and killed. After you have been locked in this deep, dark hole for a few years it will PROVE not only that you would have become a serial killer as predicted, but the effectiveness and justification for your imprisonment. According to your repeated comments on this thread, you cannot possibly object to this plan of action. RIGHT?

You deserve it.

Before Japanese internment.........Pearl Harbor
After internment.........No attacks

FDR kept us safe

There have been crimes committed by those superficially similar to you. After you are thrown down into the hole, YOU will not commit any crimes. It will keep us safe.


You contradict yourself.

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